Continued From Page 2the book

POETRY FROM THE HEART–Catts my lovely southern Florida connection slipped this small 100 page book in an unmarked envelope and dropped it in a ghetto mailbox. It arrived from the eastern projects to the western ghetto of San Pedro where I discovered it sticking out of the Bikernet P.O. Box as if reaching for recognition.
I flipped through it reading a poem from time to time, cringing on the yuppie attacks and typos. Ed “Ivy” Hill lives in Hobe Sound, Florida where he can ride all year. The Treasure Coast area of Florida’s southeast coast is the venue for many of the poems in his book.
One of my brothers Renegade wrote a lot of poetry in the early days of Easyriders. Maybe I’ve lost my taste, maybe life runs to fast to ponder the meaning of each line. If you’re into poetry about riding check this book out and let me know what you think. “Works of Ivy” will be available through any book store.

Ed “Ivy” Hill
LAST OF THE BIKE SHOW WINNERS–Yep, that’s the deal. We quit the show with free prizes and trophies. Couldn’t afford it, but the area will now house Bikernet Readers’ Putts. Post your ride and the story behind it. If the bike or the tall tale blows our minds, we’ll pump it up to a feature.Ah, but here’s a quote from one of the last winners:Hi, Got my pkg. yesterday. Thanks!!! The trophy is cool, you read my mind, I was going to get around to getting the book. I will be returning the membership card ASAP. Thanks guys(and gals)!!!!!—–
BIKERNET’S MOMENT OF SILENCE–A man was leaving a cafe with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first. Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a pitbull on a leash. Behind him was a queue of 200 men walking in single file. The man couldn’t stand the curiosity. He respectfully approached the man walking the dog. ‘I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a badtime to disturb you, but I’ve never seen a funeral like this with so many ofyou walking in single file. Whose funeral is it?’
The man replied, ‘Well, that first hearse is for my wife.’
‘What happened to her?’
The man replied, ‘My dog attacked and killed her.’
He inquired further, ‘Well, who is in the second hearse?’
The man answered, ‘My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife whenthe dog turned on her.’
A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two men.
‘Can I borrow the dog?’
‘Get in line.’
–from Dean

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I really don’t know what to say after that big ass Sturgis report (andeverything else). I have received a couple e-mails about it already andthey are all positive. By the way, there’s no bullshit there, I even leftsome details out……As you all know, I’ve been working on the web-site while Bandit is playinghide the salami locked up in a room, with not one, but three girls !!!!!!

I did not manage to get my photos on time, so I’m figuring out that somewill be posted here…. Or later added to the story….
I don’t know if it’s us but things seem to be kinda slow lately. I hear ofshops closing down, people running out of money and selling, you know,weird shit….We have lots of work but seems like the money it’s not comingin…. maybe it’s the weather or that I just got older….. Anyway, the website is working, the TV show is coming up and there’s bikes to bebuilt….Plus we got the cover of The Horse Magazine for this issue (# 27) which I beleive it’s our first cover….out of 12 magazine articles since1998 (this is data I am gathering for the web site, not a pompous attemptto praise ourselves). And our articles here have been all positive, noteven one person has bitched about it (which is also weird) So….once morethe pro’s beat the con’s.

And now to the news……Check this out, I just got in from the 2003 Harley models presentation atour local dealer, it was packed! We saw all these bikes already but it’sa good time to hear all the bullshit stories and the “posers” drooling onthe latest 100 anniversary underwear.Like every event like that there will always be bullshit, envy, purists,and antichrists…..besides just regular people that just go there to seethe new bikes….
The new Deuce was there (pardon the company for using a trademarked name)and the 100th Road King, sure friends teased me that I was there to buy oneof those bikes….Sure, when I get to be seventy and wear Depends, so I canstash them in the saddlebags….. Before we (readers) start bitching aboutme bashing a Road Kill…… It’s a joke, I guess by the time I can’t rideChoppers no more, I’ll buy a Town Car and be really comfy…. Again it’ssomething that only he who rides a chopper can understand…..
Thanks a lot, pal. –Bandit
All in all it was a good time, we saw friends and got to say hi…Suresomeone remarked that I was paying (bribes) several magazines and web sitesto feature my stuff, but there will always be retards, no matter where yougo, and for the record I earn my stuff. I don’t believe in vanity exposure.Congratulations to Motor Sport on a well done party….Too bad they didnot install anti-weasels sensors on the doors….
September 28th at 10:00 p.m. ET, is the date for the Biker Build Off, atthe Discovery Channel, featuring Billy Lane and Roger Bourget. Also Sept.29th (Sunday) there will be two shows, American Chopper and WomenBikers…starting at 9:00 pm.It’s great to see more and more bike related stuff on TV…..I see a lotmore stuff coming up….It’s good for TV.
We heard that Frank Kaisler is working with as well as TheHorse. We can’t wait to read his features. I know he edited Hot Rod Bikes,one of the best , and most informative, magazines. If you are reading thisFrank, let me say that since you left the magazine it sucks ! Maybe JeffDeasey will be able to save it.
Anyway, gotta go and do some stuff for The Horse……and work on thebikes, and check the web-site and blah, blah,blah…..I guess you get the idea…..
Caribbean (bribes galore) Bikernet, exposure loving, agent.
PS: Sin I miss you, we had a great time when Bandit was gone….one bigkiss for you…and Thanks once more…..
KID’S EARS…. For his birthday Little Patrick asked for a 10 speed bicycle.
His father said, “Son, we’d give you one, but the mortgage on this house is $80,000 and your mother just lost her job. There’s no way we can afford it.
The next day the father saw Little Patrick heading out the front door with a suitcase. So he asked, “Son, where are you going?”
Little Patrick told him, “I was walking past your room last night and I heard you tell mom you were pulling out. I heard her tell you to wait because she was coming too. And I’ll be damned if I’m sticking around here by myself with an $80,000 mortgage, and no transportation.”
–from Deb at Pro Paint in Baltimore
TWO NEW SITES TO SCOPE OUT– page for starters but includes portfolio PDF. home of Johnson Engineering. Rudimentary, but it’s a vertical learningcurve.

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE/VANCE&HINES NHRA PRO STOCK TEAM CLOSING GAP–Team Posts its Best E.T. of Season at Indy.Indianapolis, Ind. (Sept. 2, 2002) – The Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Bike drag racing team posted its best results of the season at the National Hot Rod Association Mac Tools U.S. Nationals held at Indianapolis Raceway Park over Labor Day weekend. During Saturday?s qualifying session, Screamin? Eagle rider Gary Tonglet, Jr. made a 7.457-second pass at 176 mph, the quickest quarter-mile elapsed time (E.T.) recorded by the team during its inaugural season on the very competitive NHRA Pro Stock circuit.
?The results from Indy reflect the dramatic progress the Screamn? Eagle/Vance & Hines team has made in powertrain development since the beginning of the season,? said Mike Kennedy, Director of Marketing, Harley-Davidson Parts and Accessories. ?We will continue that development and anticipate that the Screamn? Eagle/Vance & Hines team will realize further gains in horsepower in the coming months.?
In the Friday session at Indy, the Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines team ran an E.T. of 7.490 seconds. Saturday morning?s run produced the 7.457-second E.T., the quickest time ever clocked by a Motor Company Pro Stock team. The team ended the Saturday afternoon session with an 8.011-second E.T., as mechanical problems forced Tonglet to shut off midway through his run. After a long evening of switching motors and tuning the bike for the Sunday qualifying runs, the team posted an encouraging 7.544-second E.T. in the morning session under hot, humid conditions, and a 7.496-second E.T. in the afternoon session. The Screamin? Eagle team missed the 7.363-second bump time for Monday?s final round of eliminations less than a tenth of a second, the closest it has been to making the finals this season.??

XTREME PRODUCT LINE-UPBelow is a list of all the products we are selling. Attached is a pictureof our new single down tube frame.
Swing Arm, Pivot Shaft Kit, Axle Kit, Oil Bag w/mounts, Internal Wiring,Primary Spacer, Hour Glass Neck
XST-240K Xtreme Softail Frame Kit with 1″ axle & flush covers
STANDARD SOFTAIL FRAME 180 KITS INCLUDE:Swing Arm, Pivot Shaft Kit, Axle Kit, Aluminum Struts, Oil Bag w/mounts,Internal Wiring, S/S Splash Guard, Hour Glass Neck
XST-180K Xtreme Softail Frame Kit
Axle Kit, Aluminum Struts, Internal Wiring, Hour Glass Neck
XHT-240 Xtreme Hardtail Frame Kit with 1″ axle & flush covers
XHT-180 Xtreme Hardtail Frame Kit
FRAME OPTIONS: (add to the above price)
X-RSD-240 Xtreme Hardtail / Softail 240 Frame Right Side Drive
XST-SDT-180/240 Xtreme Softail Frame Single Down Tube 180 or 240
XHT-SDT-180/240 Xtreme Hardtail Frame Single Down Tube 180 or 240
X-STF Xtreme strutless 11″ softail rear fender
X-HTF Xtreme blank 11″ hardtail rear fender
X-CT Xtreme Chopper Tank with flush cap
X-ST Xtreme Sportster Tank with flush cap
X-FE Xtreme Wide Glide Front End (6 degree rake) Polished
XHT-OB Xtreme Hardtail Oil Bags
XST-OB Xtreme Softail Oil Bags
X-FBW Xtreme 8-Spoke Billet Wheel 21 X 2.150 (Polished)
X-RBW Xtreme 8-Spoke Billet Wheel 18 X 8.5 (Polished)
X-SFR Xtreme 111/2″ 8 spoke front rotor (Polished)
X-SRR Xtreme 111/2″ 8 spoke rear rotor (Polished)
X-SP Xtreme 65 tooth 8 spoke Pulley (Polished)
X-FW6 Xtreme Wire Wheel 21 X 2.150 – 60 spokes
X-RW6 Xtreme Wire Wheel 18 X 8.5 – 60 spokes
X-WFR Xtreme 111/2″ front rotor to match wire wheel (Chrome)
X-WRR Xtreme 111/2″ rear rotor to match wire wheel (Chrome)
X-WP Xtreme 65 tooth Pulley to match wire wheel (chrome)
X-MT21 Metzler Tire 21 X 80 X 90
X-MT18 Metzler Tire 18 X 240 X 40
X-LHX-LV Xtreme vertical & horizontal sidemounts with LED running, tail, licplate & brake lights. (Chromed)
X-HMG Hot-Match Flush mount pop-up gas cap
X-HMK Hot-Match Kickstand kit
X-HMP Hot-Match custom pipes
X-AR The Air-RideT system (Chromed)
X-PS EMS Performance Shocks (Chromed)
X-FV EMS Fuel Valve (Chromed)
X-HL Lazer Star Headlight
–for more info contact:
Continued On Page 4