Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As I sit here, well past midnight, trying to figure out what the hell I am going to write about? I’ll let you know a couple things, there’s a turmoil of “things” going on, I know, nothing new, but without going into full news reporting, here’s the scoop.
Hank Young and Cole Foster are heading down to San Diego from Monterey with the Discovery cameras following closely, if anyone is close to that area, go check the bikes out. Speaking of Discovery, we found out that Arlen Ness is going against Roland Sands; I’ll let the cat out of the bag on this one, riding and finishing, in none other than Puerto Rico. Yes, voting will take place at our event, Puerto Rico Bike weekend, in Rincon. Rock on guys!
Again, it’s not that I am blurting the whole thing out, since you all know that gossip runs and spreads faster than lit gunpowder.I just want to take a moment to remember a good friend who passed away a month (to the date) ago. Larry, you are still with us. I would also take the liberty to ask our readers to log in their site get the shirts, get whatever you want, those guys have to keep on rolling, and want to keep Larry’s work strong.
I really don’t think I will be reaching the normal rant level today, maybe since we have been busy as hell. Our master mechanic is in the hospital getting a hip transplant and the bikes to be done for Rincon don’t even fit at the shop anymore…. So what do I do when the shit is hitting the fan? Grab my 60 Pan and try to finish it, little details, but the only way you find the “need” to work is by doing stuff you enjoy. Not because it’s my bike, just because it’s what I like doing.
So what do I like? I like working on older bikes, doing cool stuff out of old beat up bikes, just to beat them up again. I hate fixing other people’s mistakes, which end up, at my shop. I really don’t like working with frames or whatever else that I don’t like….I guess it all sums up that I don’t do stuff that I don’t feel like, and I am way over fixing bikes…..But we have to pay bills, and customers waiting…So we do it.

Before I go over to full on rant mode, Happy Birthday to Wicho, send the gifts to me, more so if they are monetary.The Chopper Freak short sleeve shirts are still on sale for $20.00 with shipping, send us an e-mail or call the shop 787-277-0633, make sure to say you saw it at Bikernet.We are cleaning up the old shop and have box after box of take off parts. I will (whenever I can) get a list of all these parts, also we are going to clean up the new shop, there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be replaced with newer stock, so I might have what you need at a good deal.
You know, last Saturday we got a bunch of the old bikes out from the shop, I am in an industrial area, so a Saturday is kinda quiet all around, and that translates to one thing, Mayhem time! Even though we did not take off on a road trip, the burnouts, or maybe chirping of tires, some friends trying to get the hang of a suicide clutch, and the same shenanigans as always happen to be a way to loose tension and just get the mind out of the normal shit. I can’t say it enough times, all these old bikes, bobs, chops, etc are the coolest bikes to have, not only because they are cool, but more important because they are so much fun. From kicking them, to laughing like asses when a buddy stalled the pan, that is what this whole deal is about, not money, not fame, not magazines, it’s the time you spend with friends, the short rides, or even helping out a friend that busted up his clutch. I guess people has the wrong idea about this, what we call……what the fuck do we call it?

It’s not about the flashiest, fastest, more billet, widest tire, hottest chick (well the hottest chick scores plenty points) it’s just about being silly, it’s just going back to what you did before, money or no money, TV or no TV, this is not about money, it?s about creating and being comfortable enough so you don’t have to worry about bills. Why? So you can go, fuck around and have fun. That’s why.
See you next week.
Jose Bikernet Caribbean report.

CARLISLE EVENT ROCKS–Great weather, food and fun make this year’s York Open House a successMore than 19,000 motorcycle fans attend 20th annual event, Sept. 23-25
YORK, PA – The 20th annual York Open House brought 19,033 visitors to theYork (Pa.) Fairgrounds & Expo Center on Sept. 23-25. Fun and festivities,including live music, stunt riders and great food, highlighted the event forHarley-Davidson fans and all motorcycle enthusiasts. More than 150 vendorsoffered all sorts of motorcycle accessories. Three brand-new motorcycles,worth more than $25,000, were given away during the show. The free Kunzlerbrand hot dogs were another big hit more than 20,000 hot dogs given away atthe event.
The York Open House LLC gave a new motorcycle to a lucky attendee each dayof the York Open House. On Thursday, Kathy Grossman of Dixon, Ill., won the2005 Buell Blast. Joe Suprik of Lancaster, Pa., won the 2005 Harley-DavidsonXLH-883 on Friday. The 2005 Harley-Davidson FXST Softail Standard was won byDave Runk of Pequea, Pa., on Saturday.
Famous customizer Kendall Johnson, who has been showcased on the DiscoveryChannel’s Biker Build-Off, was one of the special guests at the York OpenHouse. Another guest was Chef Biker Billy, who literally cooks with fire,giving cooking demonstrations with audience participation. Biker Billy cooksdelicious dishes with many kinds of peppers, garlic and other spicyingredients.
Activities included the Ball of Steel Stunts, with motorcycle stunt ridersperforming open-throttle action inside a steel globe. Riding upside down,sideways and dicing between each other, three riders rode in the globe atonce. Also, Florida Extreme Riding Exhibitions (FERE) rider Adam Holbrookperformed extreme motorcycling shows, demonstrating the agility needed tobalance and jump a motorcycle over obstacles, including his father.
Friday night, the annual York Bike Night drew more than 2,000 motorcycles todowntown York, which organizers say could be a record number of bikes.Entertainment, live music and vendors highlighted York Bike Night. Threebands played while motorcyclists and local townspeople alike enjoyed thefood and festivities.
Back at the York Fairgrounds, a Bike & Rider Judged Show included 25 classesfor Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Larry Crabtree of Ridgewater, Va., won Bestin Show with his customized 2003 Harley-Davidson ElectroGlide Classic.
That’s just a taste. Don’t miss the next show.

AKMED THE ARAB–Akmed the Arab came to the United States from the Middle East, and hewas only here a few months when he became very ill. He went to doctorafter doctor, but none of them could help him.
Finally, he went to an Arab doctor who said, “Take dees bocket, go intode odder room, poop in de bocket, pee on de poop, and den put your headdown over de bocket and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes.
Akmed took the bucket, went into the other room, pooped in the bucket,peed on the poop, bent over and breathed in the fumes for ten minutes.Coming back to the doctor he said, “It worked. I feel terrific! What waswrong with me?”
The doctor said, “You were homesick.”

LATEST ART BY SCOTT JACOBS– David Uhl and Tom Fritz that carry my highest recommendations. All new editions are extremely limited (50 to 185 pcs) and some (Rose) have sold out in a matter of weeks. If you like any of these works please contact me to check availability and price.
Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together

OFFICIAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF BIKE BUILDING COUNTDOWN– THE Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building looks set to justify its name with strong contenders entered from Europe and America.The event is scheduled to take place at Custom Chrome’s Dealer Show, to be held at Morgan Hill, California, October 8th to 10th.
At the time of writing, there are well-known names among the entries for the OEM class and other talented builders seeking the award for the top HR3 kit bike.Understandably, the Freestyle class has attracted the greatest number of entrants in search of the $25,000 top prize and accolade of being World Champion Custom Bike Builder.From across the Atlantic, bikes from some of the best of the builders from Europe are set to face off against some of the top names from the US.
Judging will include names from the music and custom building scenes as well as representatives from BIKERNET.COM, Iron Works, V-Twin, Cycle World and Hot Rod Bike magazines.Without doubt, the panel faces an extremely difficult task in trying to grade the efforts of so many acknowledged masters of their craft.
The entry forms disclose no more than hints as to what we might expect to see.Declared details indicate builders have relied heavily on aftermarket engines with 80cuin the smallest displacement.The oldest bike appears to be a 1937 Knucklehead but later models predominate.Intriguingly, there are transmissions with three-, four-, five- and six-speeds.
What is the winning formula? We’ll see next week.
Morgan Hill, California, USA
Tel: 408 778 0500
Fax: 408 778 7370
BIKERNET BARROOM ETHICS–A completely inebriated man walked into a bar and, after staring forsome time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her,placed his hand up her skirt and began fondling her.
She jumped up and slapped him silly.
He immediately apologized andexplained, “I’m sorry. I thought you were my wife. You look exactlylike her.”
“Why you drunken, worthless, insufferable asshole!” she screamed.
Funny,” he muttered, “you even sound exactly like her.”
–from Rogue

S&S NAMES GARY LARSON DIRECTOR OF LOGISTICS– At the official ?Revving Cutting? Ceremony for S&S?s La Crosse facility, S&S President, Brett Smith, announced Gary Larson?s promotion to Director of Logistics. As the newest member of the S&S senior management team and one of three directors, Gary will now report directly to the President.
?Gary has added an element of professionalism and knowledge to our team from the first day he started here as Purchasing Manager, working for VP-Manufacturing, Mike Alexander,? said Brett. ?I knew it was only a matter of time before Gary worked his way up the organization. The advent of an entirely new facility enabled him to shine and take on much greater responsibility. He did that by overseeing our expansion to La Crosse. I really didn?t have to worry about it at all with him in charge.?
?I had a great team of people to work with during this move, especially Pete Marasovich, who was also given more responsibility today as my new Distribution Manager. So far working at S&S has been very exciting for me and I know I made the right choice to come and join this team. I am looking forward to all the developments that will take place at this facility over the next several months.? said Gary.

BUBBA HITS A LIVE RADIO HOME RUN– T. Bubba Bechtol, part time City Councilman from Pensacola, Florida, was asked on a local live radio talk show the other day just what he thought of the allegations of torture of the Iraqi prisoners. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.
“If hooking up an Iraqi prisoner’s scrotum to a car’s battery cables will save one American GI’s life, then I have just two things to say:
“Red is positive”
“Black is negative.”

STURGIS 2004 ON BIKERNET–Extensive reports on the Black Hills Rally are storming onto the Bikernet Home Page. Reports from all over the world contributed with stories from the Caribbean, North Carolina, Baltimore, Florida, Milwaukee and more. Check it out, and don’t blame me, if there’s something wrong.

BIKERNET REPORTER EMBEDDED IN FLORIDA WEATHER–We made it through the hurricane safely and no one hurt though the house did take a beating. We did everything we could to prepare and did very well considering she came right at us.
Had the garage door secured and reinforced but it came straight at it and tried to rip it down. Pat and I spent the last 2 hours of the storm reinforcing the door. Shit the bikes and tool were in there.Some roof damage, electrical and appliances. It is coming together and we are repairing a little every day.
Yeah, it hurt us but when I see what it did to others, I am thankful.
I will be in touch as more time allows. Today is the first time I could get on line. Using lap top and phone as Road Runner is out and desk top also took a hit.

BIKERNET CRAZYHORSE PAINT REPORT–I’m writing this on Wednesday. Today the builders for an upcoming BikerBuild off Show are riding their creations up to Memphis from Alabama. EricGorges of Voodoo Choppers is competeing against Cory Ness. My husband Jimis traveling along and calling me daily with updates. Wed was his first dayon the road with them. As for the bikes he said Cory’s bike is prettyradical, a departure from the usual Ness style. He says Cory’s choice ofmotor will blow people’s minds. I asked him about Voodoo’s creation.
“It’sfrickin’ wild, just wild.”
There’s something uniquely wonderful about traveling with a group of custombuilt bikes. When I rode with a pack of choppers in Sturgis, it was likegoing back in time. There’s about 15 bikes traveling in the group and a fewvery small gas tanks.
“It feels like we’re stopping every 35 miles,” Jim reported. But Jimis having a good time and that’s what it is all about. I know he’ll have agood time tonight. How can you not have fun in Memphis? Unless of course seventornados strike the city at once. I can see these guys on Beale St, justtearing it up. I can’t wait for my next update.
Thursday morning, I again heard from Jimmy as they traveled across Arkansas.The group was pretty beat from a day on the road. The most severe problemwas that the Memphis Marriot did not have ice machines. Instead there arefridges in the rooms. Maybe there were ice machines but the guys could notfind them. Jimmy told me of waking up to a spectacular view of theMississippi River. Unfortunately he did take a picture as he forgot tochange the disc in the camera.
“You change it?” he asked. He’s going to try to findthe bag of discs I gave him but will also buy a disposable camera at thenext stop. So one way or another, we will bring all the loyal readers ofBikernet, photos from the latest Biker Build-Off.

We have a bunch of sweet rides in this month’s Reader’s Showcase. One of myfavorites is this brutal ’57 Panhead. The owner is a renegade shop teacherwho is passing on the chopper torch to a new generation. I bet his class isfull up.

BIKERS AGAINST DANGEROUS DRIVERS (B.A.D.D. Inc.)– Chapters are already forming in Canada, the U.S. and Australia.I guess it was a brainstorm of an idea that was started in a group that I belong to when too many times it was posted that a motorcycle rider was seriously hurt or killed by an automobile. Then we hear later that the laws are so lax in their penalties for a death or injury of a biker. I know this first hand, because 2 years ago, two of my best friends were on their way home. A truck pulled into their lane, attempting a left hand turn, and hit them head on, killing them. The person who did this got the maximum penalty in N.Y., which was a $100 fine and 15 days in jail. He was even driving with a restricted license and should not have even been there. He killed two people.
I am sure that most everyone knows of a similar accident.
Well, since then I have been advocating for biker rights. When Angie Arcand(Founder of B.A.D.D. Inc.) started B.A.D.D. Inc. I thought, wow, this is a great idea and I am sure that you will too. We hope to go far in the movement for stiffer penalties in Yield the Right of Way Accidents. Our focus is broader to help protect motorcycle riders on the road from any dangerous driver of an automobile.
Leslie Mondrick
U.S.A. Head of Operations
National Delegate B.A.D.D. Inc.

FIRE-UP THE TORCHES–That’s it for Thursday’s news. If you’re a Cantina Member, I’m about to post a new Digital Discovery that will blow your mind. The editorial list for week’s end includes a complete build story on the Lucky Devil Texas Build-Off contender. Sturgis reports on the best bikes and babes and best Paint are rolling in from Frank Kaisler and CrazyHorse, JoAnn Bortels. RFR’s shots of the Texas Chop-Off are burning holes in my computer, and two Sportster related tech articles are hanging fire.
Next week Custom Chrome launches their annual dealer show. I need to complete a couple of American Rider articles, before heading to San Jose. Oh shit, and a rare Indian Altoona flat track racer article for American Iron. Watch for this one. There could be some hot additional news on the horizon, but I’m taking it slow. The new Bikernet stickers are in so send us those self-address-stameped envelopes. Our new address is at the bottom of the page.
Ride Forever,