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THE BIKERNET VINTAGE CAR RACE EFFORT CONTINUES–’53 Lincoln Capri and Cosmopolitan.These great cars especially excelled in the Pan American Road races. A 4 speed “Hydramatic” transmission was made standard and it would not be until the 2000 Lincoln LS that a Lincoln would again be available with a manual transmission.
Two trim levels were available. The Cosmopolitan was now the less expensive and the Capri was the top of the line. Weight was about 4200 lbs and an average price was $3300.
A BIKERNET TEAM is racing this car from the bottom of Mexico to the Laredo, Texas next month and we need a couple more sponsors.
We’re running in the “La Carrera Panamericana”, the fabled Mexican Road Race, the very last of the great long-distance competitions to be contested on public highways.

The following sponsorship opportunities are available
Full Sponsor will receive placement on the car’s trunk and sidepanels: $10,000
Partial sponsor doors and hood: $5,000
Supporter: the rest $1000We are looking forward to have the artist put your company’s logo and artwork prominently onto this adventure!! We currently have three sponsors, but there’s more space on the car.
–Dr. Hamster

COLDIRON RUNS ROADMAX BELT DRIVE AND LEFT SIDE DRIVE TRANNY–Hank Young taught himself how to weld at his father’s shop (while no one was looking) at the age of 8. By age 10, he had surpassed his dad’s torch-welding skills and was consumed with the workings of metal.
His artistry skill level clearly speaks for himself after seeing his latest creation, Coldiron, which was completed in August 2005. It is a one-off custom built motorcycle that harkens back to the style of early Harleys but is built with current technology and aerospace grade metallurgy.
The Coldiron drive train features, High-Tech 3, Roadmax’s first belt drive system off the assembly line.

“I like the High-Tech 3 system because the kit is so easy to install. The pulleys are assembled and pre-drilled for an easy bolt-on application of the covers which are provided. Other systems require drilling and tapping,” said Young. “In addition, the diagram clutch action operates smoothly and works well.”
Coldiron sports a left side drive six speed transmission. The shift action is rhythmic and allows the rider to easily shift through the gears.

HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD FROM PROFESSOR BAAS–Here is the 2006 Kennedy High school Chopper ClassUpdate. This year the Kennedy Chopper class is off to a greatstart with three builds going on in class already. Thefirst is a ’66 ironhead that one of my students broughtin. His dad built this bike almost 20 years ago androde the old rigid Ironhead to Sturgis and back. Hisdad gave him this to rebuild and when he’s done, hegets to keep it! Pretty cool for a high school kid’sbike!
The second build is the ’57 Ironhead we puttogether the first year in the chopper class over 4years ago. This bike will be torn apartand the motor and a few other pieces will be used tobuild the new chopper utilizing a cool single downtubegooseneck frame from Red and Kate at cycleone inCanada.

The third bike is another fund raiser buildthat will be sold next year to keep the shop classesalive due to the budget cuts here. This bike willhave the foundation of the Sucker Punch Sally’sworking man special rake, no stretch 2-inchunder front end. It’s going to be a cool old skool bobber!Thanks to Jeff and Donny at SPS for the guys rock!! Now I need to find atranny, motor, open belt primary and electrical itemsto get this bike finished.
Anyone out there interested inhelping please let me know! Our class website can beseen at www.kennedychopperclass.comor you can contact me through my website
–Kevin “TEACH” Baas
Custom made steel signs, art, furniture and fabricated parts.
“When in doubt, burn out!”
WALK TO CURE NEEDS YOUR HELP–Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. is the lead Walk Team for this year’s SouthOrange County Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) “Walk to CureDiabetes.” The walk (and carnival like festivities) will take place onSunday, October 23 at Hidden Valley Park, adjacent to the Verizon WirelessAmphitheater in Irvine, California.
While diabetes affects 18 million people in the U.S. and Kawasaki isworking to assemble a record breaking walk team! We hope to raise morethan $50,000 towards finding a cure for Type I Juvenile Diabetes.
You Can Join the Team Kawasaki Starting Grid Today!You can support our efforts in one of five ways!
Option One – Support a Kawasaki walker. Log onto to support oneof the many Kawasaki Team Walkers or you can make a donation to my personal”Walk Central” fund-raising page at: All donations go directly It only takes about 4 minutes!
Option Two – Join our Walk Team. Sign up under a Kawasaki Team Captain as a walker and invite your friends, family members, neighbors andcolleagues to support you. All Kawasaki Walk Team members receive a supercool walk t-shirt the morning of the walk.
Option Three – Support our silent auction. We will accept anything of valuein advance of our silent auction on October 13, 2005. The auction willtake place from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. here in our “Good Times Plaza.”Non-Kawasaki employees are invited to attend and participate. Please sendauction items to us by October 10th:
Attn: Ms. Agata Formato
JDRF Planning Committee
Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.
9950 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA, 92618
(949) 770-0400, ext. 2745
Option Four – Build your own company, family or personal walk team. Logonto to register.
Option Five – Of course, cash donations are always welcome. Checks may bemailed to Agata Formato at the address above.
Thank you for your support. I really is a great cause!
–Jan Plessner
Kawasaki Motors Corp, U.S.A.
9950 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92618
949-770-0400, ext. 2743

BIKERS OPEN WALLETS FOR KIDS–KOTA, SD – A little metal and a lot of biker generosity goes a long way in helping children in need.This morning the Children’s Care Foundation got a check for $266,000, half of what was raised in the first Kids and Chrome event sponsored in part by
During the Sturgis Rally, the who’s who of the biker industry as well as thousands of rally goers donated the money.The Children’s Care Foundation cut goes toward the cost of building a rehabilitation and development center. “This has been fabulous the way the motorcycle industry has stepped up to help kids,” Brian Bonde of Children’s Care Foundation said. “We plan for it to be an annual event and we think over time, it will really help us build a building. There’s still a lot to pay for.”

The other $226,000 goes to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Two members of the Bikernet staff were inducted into the Hall of Fame this year, Rogue and Ball. It was quite a year.

Crime Scene Choppers Introduces the ?Bad Attitude? Finned Primary Cover —Make a statement, save your toes? Crime Scene Choppers has just released their newest product, a bitchin? finned primary cover to fit open belt primaries.
The ?Bad Attitude? primary is the latest collaboration between builder Joe McGlynn and CAD expert Mark van der Kwaak. The primary is designed to fit the 3? BDL softail-style open primaries, mounts for Primo and other popular open belt drives are in the works.
Radical Retro
?I?m totally stoked about this primary? said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers, ?When we were designing the deep-finned oil tank I wanted to do a primary cover to coordinate with it. I wanted to mimic the proportions of the fins on the tank, and leave the space between the fins open so you can see the sprockets turning. The options for customizing the primary are endless; polished highlights, chrome or powdercoat, builders will be able to coordinate the style of their bikes.?
Bad Attitude, Great Availability
The Bad Attitude primary cover is available for $335 through immediately. The primary cover is supplied with a fine satin finish. The primary includes stainless mounting hardware. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for the latest news.

OLD SCHOOL LEATHER WORK–Frisco, Tx- Old school, hand tooled leather work is almost too much to ask for in this day of mass produced, technology generated crap- but Jwalker doesn?t believe the old ways should be forgotten. Jwalker is a craftsman of custom-made leather products that have caught the eye of many customers looking for that special, unique touch. From checkbook covers and PDA cases to custom designed motorcycle seats and accessories, his work has the detail and artistry of a truly hand crafted piece. He has been hand tooling and carving custom leather items for over 10 years and is able to design one-of-a-kind items for his customers that cannot be found on any shelf. His website displays several of his creations and he will take almost any project with enthusiasm. The prices are reasonable, the turn around is fast, and he works closely with his customers to ensure they get an item that they are as proud to own as he is to craft.

To see more of Jwalker?s work visit him online at www.JwalkerLeather.comOr, email him at

U.S. CHOPPER PROJECT DONE–and it will be featured on Bikernet shortly.”Well- it’s finally done,” Rick, the owner/fabricator said. “I finished her for Vegas and shot pics w/ Zimberoff while out there for the second ‘Art of the Chopper’. Rubbed the paint out at 5:30am the morning we left for Vegas…..typical!”
–Rick Krost
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705

BILLY LANE BUILDS CUSTOM CHOPPER IN MEMORY OF FALLEN SOLDIER–Billy Lane and the Blood Sweat & Gears Crew Build a Bike LIVE, in Memory of Brandon Sapp.
DAYTONA, FL (October 20,21,22 2005) – Billy Lane, founder of Choppers Inc and Blood Sweat & Gears Tour, will build a bike LIVE in memory of fallen soldier- Brandon Sapp during “Biketoberfest,” Daytona Beach’s fall motorcycle rally.
The Blood Sweat & Gears Tour sponsored by, is Billy’s way of giving back and thanking those protecting our freedom. At the first Tour stop and ever since Billy was joined by some well known bike builder friends, Kendall Johnson, Paul Cox, Aaron Greene and Mondo each participating in the live stage builds daily throughout the 6 total annual Blood Sweat & Gears Tour stops.
Additionally Billy has welcomed guest builders Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, Dave Perewitz, Jerry Covington and other industry legends on stage to assist in completing each events’ build. At the end of every Tour stop, Billy hands the bike over to a deserving service person. No smoke and mirrors, just passes the keys on and thanks each recipient for what he or she did during their service.
This BSG build will be even more special this time. The bike will be built in memory of a brave soldier. Brandon Sapp born 6-19-83 in Palm Beach, FL County, Brandon joined the Army in 2003. Based at Fort Hood, Texas Brandon served in the 2-7 Calvary. Serving as a gunner outside of Najaf, Iraq. While serving Brandon came upon an area that according to his Sergeant, Brandon said “just didn’t feel right”. Brandon stopped the Bradley and suggested a different route. After surveying the area with night vision equipment the Bradley moved forward cautiously. Brandon chose to immediately veer right just as a 500lb bomb exploded. Brandon was killed instantly but because of his “intuition” nine other soldiers’ lives were spared.
As a young man Brandon was always trying to get permission from his father John Sapp to ride his motorcycle. After his son joined the Army John felt Brandon was ready to also take his bike for a spin. Upon Brandon’s ride return he proudly told his dad “I am getting a bike and we are going to Daytona Bike Week.” Father and son decided to build a bike together for Brandon to ride. Soon after starting the bike project Brandon left for Iraq and never returned. The bike project still sits in John’s living room waiting to be finished. Graveside John promised Brandon that his bike would be finished someday. Someday just arrived.

Billy Lane was contacted by John and asked to provide some building advice. Lane took it one step further and offered to pick the bike up and complete it with his other builder friends during Biketoberfest to honor Brandon.

Join Billy and the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour crew Thursday, Friday and Saturday during Biketoberfest to watch Brandon’s memorial bike come to life. The bike will be completed Saturday and in typical Billy Lane style expect it to not only run, but for Lane to do one of his infamous burn out’s with it before he hands it over following completion, House of Kolor paint will be applied to the custom. Imagine Lane taking yet another step to honor Brandon Sapp. It will happen Saturday, be there to see it for yourself.
Lane’s Blood Sweat & Gears Tour will be set up 10/20, 21 and 22 from 3-6PM at Bruce Rossmeyer’s new world’s largest Harley-Davidson dealership located at the intersection of US-1 and I-95 in Ormond Beach, FL. Blood Sweat & Gears is powered by Dodge and sponsored by Activision and House of Kolor.

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