Continued From Page 3

WEATHER REPORT FROM LOWER ALABAMA, CAMY AND THE SUPER FLY– I have been saying for a while if I could find a motorcycle that handled and fit me as well as my ?06 XL 883 L Sportster I would trade in ?Lil Red?. After almost three years of riding, it had around 45,000 miles showing on the speedometer.
At this point I would like to state that I did not go to Dothan Harley Davidson, September 18, 2009 to purchase a motorcycle. I just wanted to ride.
It had been a dismal month around here. One day a week we had good enough weather to ride for a short while, otherwise, it had been raining or threatening to rain or thunderstorms, or ?.you get the idea. Richard was going stir crazy too.
So Sept. 18th, before the showers started, we rode to the Harley dealership to pick up parts for the Sportster. I had sat on a 2007 Dyna Low Rider a few weeks ago but it just did not feel right. It was a beautiful bike, black pearl, blacked out engine, chrome, fancy foot pegs, windshield, but it just did not ?speak? to me even though I have always wanted a Low Rider. Today, they had a 2005 Dyna Super Glide Custom with 8600 miles on it. I sat on it and was amazed how light it felt when I picked it up off the stand. The balance was almost perfect.
Richard and I talked to the salesman and he told us about the bike and that he had ridden it the day before and liked the way it handled. Well, I looked at him and thought, ok, this man is 6? + tall and has been riding bikes most of his life, he would think it handled well. I am barely 5?3? tall (with my boots on) and I have only been riding for five years. I was too scared to ask for a test ride so Richard asked for me.

Before I really knew what was happening, I was out on this bigger bike (1450 cc) and compared to my little 883 it was huge. I told Richard he had to ride along with me on his bike just in case I had a problem. The test ride is about three miles one way and at 45 MPH and 4 way stops along the way you really don?t get a good idea of what the bike will do but I guess it is enough to do the job.
The motorcycle did handle very well. It was just like riding ?Lil Red? except it was almost twice as powerful. It took the curves as if it were a much smaller motorcycle but with the power to pull out of them with ease. I went back to the dealership with a mile wide grin on my face.
I never expected to get rid of ?Lil Red?, it had been such a good ride for almost three years, all the way from Lower Alabama to Sturgis, SD and back with no major problems. But the rumble of those Screaming Eagle II mufflers and the sheer power of the stage one engine was more than I could resist. What can I say, I am a weak woman. They made the sale. I think I am still in shock.
Oh yes, the first thing I did with my shiny new motorcycle was, yep, you got it?ride in the rain.
Till next time
Ride safe.

CALLING ALL BIKERS!!Join in a Rock ?N Roll fundraising rideSag Harbor to ROCK THE HARVEST-Pindar Vineyards, Peconic NY–Funds donated to ?The Retreat? on stage at ROCK THE HARVEST!
Registration 10 a.m ? 11 a.m. ($20 p/p)South end of Long Beach parking lot in Sag Harbor.
Kickstands up at 11:00 a.m.
Ride to ROCK THE HARVEST- Pindar Vineyards, Peconic
For more info call ? 516 509 6297 or email
Rock ?N Roll, Wine and Harvest FestivalFeaturing 6 hot bandsBIG SUGA ? Kerry Kearney Band ? Nancy AtlasBig River Ransom ? Miles To DaytonHigh & Mighty Brass Band
Rain Date October 3rd.
See more details and RSVP on Ignition Nation:

CHOPPER WARS AIRS PILOT ON HISTORY CHANNEL TONIGHT–Chopper Wars airs tomorrow night, Thursday, September 24th on History Channel at 11 p.m. EST. This seems like a shitty time slot, but apparently, it’s a good time slot, according to the experts.
–Hugh King
Finally a build off is back on the History Channel. This is just the pilot featuring Arlen Ness and Dave Nichols as judges. Let me know what you think. I’ll be wrapping up the news–Bandit

3 Broward politicians arrested in FBI corruption stings– Broward County Commissioner Josephus Eggelletion Jr., School Board member Beverly Gallagher and former Miramar Commissioner Fitzroy Salesman were arrested Wednesday on a variety of charges including bribery, fraud and money laundering.
The payoffs were slipped into a restaurant doggie bag, an envelope and a leather day planner — more than $40,000 in cash that undercover FBI agents, posing as corrupt businessmen, say they paid three Broward politicians arrested Wednesday in unrelated fraud cases.
With hidden tape recorders rolling, the classic FBI “sting” operations entangled County Commissioner Josephus Eggelletion Jr., School Board member Beverly Gallagher and former Miramar Commissioner Fitzroy Salesman. The arrests shocked Broward’s political community, still recovering from the 2007 corruption conviction of ex-Sheriff Ken Jenne.
More arrests are expected, after agents went public and started questioning dozens of people involved in the county’s lucrative school building program, including lobbyists, school district employees and construction contractors.
“We are not done,” acting U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sloman pledged.
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, who served eight years in the Florida House with Eggelletion, expressed dismay over the arrests.
“It shakes the confidence of the public in their elected leaders,” she said.Among the three defendants, Gallagher is the only one charged with committing recent, continuing crimes. She is accused of taking kickbacks from a Broward contractor seeking to break into Broward’s school construction business. Eggelletion was charged, along with two Broward businessmen and a Bahamian attorney, with conspiring to launder money from a fraudulent investment scheme. Salesman, who unwittingly introduced FBI agents to Eggelletion, was charged with taking bribes for municipal projects.
Law enforcement sources familiar with the ongoing investigation said it is zeroing in on Gallagher’s relationship with lobbyist Neil Sterling and others who sought the School Board member’s vote for school construction projects.On Wednesday afternoon, Eggelletion, Salesman and Gallagher appeared before federal Magistrate Judge Lurana Snow. They were granted personal surety bonds and released. Lawyers for the defendants did not comment on the allegations.Gov. Charlie Crist issued an executive order suspending Eggelletion and Gallagher. He will interview candidates and make interim appointments sometime in the next several weeks.According to criminal complaints filed in court on the three investigations:
? Gallagher accepted $12,500 from FBI agents posing as consultants for contractors who were trying to land School Board projects. Specifically, the money was in exchange for her lobbying on behalf of a glass company seeking subcontracting work on a $71 million renovation project at Hollywood Hills High School.At a November 2007 social event, Gallagher spoke with the undercover FBI agent posing as the glass company’s representative. Three months later, Gallagher met with the agent, who said the firm was having trouble getting prequalified for a contract. He asked if he could hire her as a “consultant.”
She agreed, helping the company set up a meeting with Michael Garretson, the school district’s deputy construction superintendent, so the glass company could get prequalified. Garretson is not named in the complaint.The undercover agent told Gallagher he was paid $4,000 by the glass company, which he split with Gallagher at a restaurant; he gave Gallagher a day planner stuffed with the cash, which she put “in a plastic bag in which she had placed leftovers from her meal,” the complaint said.
— The Miami Herald
While this just happened, the court case against former Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom is going on. He is accused of hiding $6 Million in the 2007 Florida Budget for a state college which included a airplane hanger where he is accused of parking his plane. Shit, no wonder Florida taxes are so high and they need to steal money from the motorcycle safety fund.

Introducing Hack-Man, the new Victory Correspondent, TO BIKERNET METRIC– With a growing family and bills, I have less time that I would like to ride and to hang out with fellow bikers. So, I have asked a good friend of mine to help me out at Bikernet and Bikernet Metric. What does that mean? It means more content, reviews, rides, tech articles and much much more.
So, please welcome Hack-Man to the pages of the WORLD?S BEST BIKER RAG?Bikernet and Bikernet Metric. Hack-Man is going to start out helping by riding to Reno for Street Vibrations this weekend and drinking a beer. That is a BIG help. I have asked him to really look for some metrics and to focus on the elusive Victory Motorcycle.
Reno has a good number of Victorys on the road due to Reno Cycles and Gear, a local Polaris dealership. There are also other dealerships locally which all adds up to more of these metric/American scoots.
In the weeks to come, Hack-Man will park his personal Victory and go to LA to pick up one of the new Raiders from Yamaha. Yamaha has traditionally been nippin? at the Factory?s heels for years. When they built the Raider a couple of years ago, it looked like an aggressive attempt to take some market share from the beloved Bar and Shield Company. We will have to see.
Hack-Man has been riding motorcycles for nearly a decade. Unlike many of us, he started riding on his own. His dad did not get him on two wheels, nor did his friend influence him.
?I needed inexpensive transportation to and from work and school and motorcycles had always interested me, so I went out and bought a bike.?
With little knowledge but a die-hard dedication, one that Hack-Man applies to all of his life and business ventures, he began riding solo all over our cage-saturated roads in California. He chose a Honda with a 750 which fit his budget and came at a good price.
After several years in the saddle and countless smiles on his face, Hack-Man was taken out by a cage driver doing her makeup or talking on the phone or something other than driving.
Luckily, Hack-Man was reasonably ok after the crash but the bike was pretty beat up. So, while needing another ride, Hack picked up a new Victory.
?I was working with Corey Ness at the Ness shop and I had a very long commute each day. It just made sense since I had been working with the bikes for quite some time.?
With a new Victory to ride, Hack put the Honda in the garage where he started to fix it with some custom accessories along the way. The Honda is now fixed and will be seen here soon. But with more experience in the saddle and way more power from the Victory, Hack has not spent much time on the 750 scooter.
Hack-Man is going to be a great asset to the Metric side of Bikernet and really help me do my job of publishing the articles. I am really looking forward having him aboard.
He is a rider?through and through?racking up 10s of thousands of miles on his bike yearly. In fact, I am not sure he even owns a car! He has worked for the Ness family which lends him some credibility in my book and still organizes the Ness rides from the dealership.
He is a charter member of Gold Rush Riders, a loosely organized group of Victory riders always riding somewhere each and every weekend. During the day, Hack-Man works for his entertainment company, Top Notch Industries, a company that works closely with MMA and cage fighting groups and spending time on his co-founded adrenalin- based clothing line, Chonky Brothers.
There will be tons of stuff to come and I can?t wait. I want to extend a big-hearted welcome to Hack-Man?.Welcome aboard.

S&S BOOK SIGNING AT OKTOBERFEST IN VIOLA, WISCONSIN THIS SATURDAY–The book features the 50 custom bike builders who took part in 2008 S&S Cycle 50th celebration in LaCrosse, WI. To commemorate S&S?s 50 years in the high performance business. These guys are the real deal, the best of the best.
Retail price for the books is $40.00. That?s less than $1.00 per bike. A small price to pay for such a historic volume.To kick the book off, Howard and S&S president George Smith Jr. will be signing books as part of the Oktoberfest celebration in LaCrosse, WI.
They will be joined by LaCrosse builder and fabricator, Doug Wozney, of Doug?s Custom Fabrication in LaCrosse, winner of the X-Wedge class at the 50th celebration.
The signing will take place at the Oktoberfest grounds in down town LaCrosse from 2:00 to 5:00 PM on Saturday September 26. That?s next Saturday!

NEW ORLEANS BIKEFEST T-SHIRT DEADLINE–There?s only one week left to pre-register for the New Orleans Bikefest and receive a free event t-shirt.
Here?s a look at the artwork that will be on back of the black pre-shrunk heavy cotton t-shirts. Purchase a weekend pass no later than September 30th online at

BIKERNET?S ANALOG PERSONAL INFORMATION MANAGER– For less than $2 a month Bandit will deliver to you a fine looking piece of god?s creation to keep all of your appointments.
That?s right, you will receive for only $14.95 a “Girls of Bikernet” calendar with a new beauty each month keeping track of the time and location of where you need to go.
So check it out and click
–Jeff Najar

PLEASE BOW, WE’RE ABOUT TO OPEN THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE–Oops! It was bound to happen. While my wife had been under strict orders to follow her instructor, me, she ventured off the designated trail. Her little excursion led her up one of the many hills in our small town, right to a stop sign at a high traffic intersection. Those that have been following her progress know that she is a new rider. Frustrated by years riding on the back of bare bones choppers and bikes she has decided to get her own bike. She is progressing quite well and had successfully moved from circles in parking lots, to longer jaunts down deserted streets. Now she was ready to tackle the mean streets and to start integrating with traffic.
In our previous outings she had continued to grow and become more comfortable with herself and her bike. That was until last night. Suddenly all alone, with traffic building up behind her as she waited for a break in traffic, she let the clutch out, the bike coughed and sputtered and over it went. She had struggled to keep the bike up but when she reached the point of no return let it go to fall to the ground. Suddenly her little solo venture didn’t seem like such a good idea.
Her greatest fear had come true, that she would drop her bike in the middle of a busy intersection. All alone surrounded by strangers she would have to pick the bike up by herself. As I rounded the corner a couple of guys had already jumped out of their trucks and had quickly run to her rescue. By the time I stopped they had the bike righted up and were giving her encouragement. My wife wasn’t mad that she had dropped her bike but that she was having trouble starting off on the steep incline.
The truth is that it happens to us all. It isn’t a matter of IF you will drop your bike but WHEN you will drop your bike. Without the courtesy of extra wheels we are at the mercy of gravity once our forward inertia has stopped. At some point in time we will rack up hundreds of miles and come to a stop sign, only to forget to remove our feet from the foot pegs. Or we’ll pull into a busy gas station with our bros and in our hurry to fill and keep the line moving forget to kick down the side stand.
The ones on their full deckers grumble and laugh as their bikes rest heavily on the scarred crash bars. Others on our pretty boy choppers and Softails watch as thousands of dollars for paint and chrome crash to the pavement.
For my wife, the little Honda 250 had earned its keep and was serving to its full potential. This was why I had bought the bike. My wife wasn’t compelled to injure herself in a futile attempt to stop the inevitable, to stop an expensive repair bill from happening. I twisted the mirror right and bent the front signal light back to its general vicinity. She hopped on and we continued on our way.
My wife will drop her bike again, so will I, so will you. So will your friend. In the end a bike, our pride and joy, is still just an object. Mirrors and signal lights can be replaced, new paint sprayed, new grips slid on. All we can do is stand up, brush ourselves off, throw our leg over and ride on, until the next time it happens.
–Bad Uncle Monkey

ON THE ROAD WITH FELICIA MORGAN–Cruised by the TPJ Customs shop to scope out the new sled Bryan’s been building. He just got his tin, what little there is of it, back from Kirk Taylor at Custom Design Studios in Novato, and I wanted to see how it came out.
Known for his clean, minimalist attitude towards building, there are no unnecessary baubles cluttering up this piece of art. Bryan’s scrambling to get her finished up, but he did find a little time to hoist a brew or two with his buds and come up with a name for the sexy chica. “Consuela” will make her debut at the Artistry in Iron competition at the Las Vegas Bikefest Oct.1-4 and I hope she smokes the competition.

With 9 inches of ground clearance and weighing in at under 300 pounds, the feisty little hand built wench will certainly be making a lasting impression on the attendees at Bikefest. As for Bryan’s take on the stock, 80 horse power Harley engine, he figures she’ll be like a BMX bike on crack; light, fast, and wild-assed.

“You know those BMX bikes everyone was riding around as kids with the playing cards stuck in the spokes to make the engine noise? Well, I just replaced the cards with a Harley engine.”
Sexy little Consuela will definitely be turning heads with her powder coated frame, nickel coated 1 1/4″ round forks, and fine pin stripping.
–Felicia Morgan

Here’s a lot of bike with a tiny price tag! DYNA LOVERS! Take a look at this clean FXD35 Dyna Superglide! This bike has it all … looks, power and comfort! Features a factory 88ci fuel injected motor, six speed transmission, staggered exhast, mid controls with forward pegs, sissy bar with padded backrest, luggage rack, engine guard and much much more! Come take a look at this one!
Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

2006 Harley Davidson Street Glide! > AMAZING DEAL! ONLY $14,995.00!
Here’s super clean Street Glide that’s ready to go when you are! This 2006 HD Street glide features a factory HD 88 cubic inch motor, 6-speed transmission, custom heat wrapped exhaust, factory air ride suspension, dark gray paint, powdercoated front end, lockable saddlebags and much much more! Come in and get this one before someone else does! It won’t last long at this price!

Looking for an amazing deal on a super clean and dependable later model Heritage? Look no further! This 2005 HD Heritage Softail is in amazing shape and only has 16,704 miles on it. The bike features a powerful 88 ci Harley motor, Vance & Hines Longshot exhaust system with chrome heat shields, upgraded Harley floorboard inserts and passenger floorboards, Leather bags, padded backrest, luggage rack and tons of other extras! To appreciate it, you need to come see it in person!
Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician. And don’t fret about financing, come in and let us help you get the bike of your dreams!

WOW! Super low miles on this ultra clean 2005 Fat Boy, and it can be yours for dirt cheap! This Harley Fat Boy features a powerful factory 88 cubic inch motor with chrome and black Rinehart exhaust pipes, 5-speed transmission, Vivid Black factory paint and a chrome front end! Factory 2-up seating, passenger pegs upgraded floorboard inserts and tons of chrome!
Stop reading and call LifeStyle TODAY! Don’t wait on this one, as it’s priced to move!

Here’s your chance to own Junior’s personal Bagger! Just because Summer is over is no reason to stop taking those extended weekend getaways. That’s just what this clean 2007 Street Glide was built for.
Features a 110 cubic inch motor and six speed transmission, also come with a full faring, gauges and stereo sound system for those long cruises. This bike also features factory two up seating, floor boards, engine guards and plenty of get up and go! Seriously,
DO NOT MISS THIS DEAL! Get to LifeStyle cycles today and take this one home before its gone!

COLLECTORS! Take a look at this immaculate H-D Screamin’ Eagle Fat Boy! This bike is amazing! Not only will it turn heads, it’ll snap necks with it’s powerful factory 103 cubic inch Screamin Eagle motor with 2 into 1 thunderheader exhaust and 6-speed transmission!
Also features a super fat 200 rear tire, chrome plated machined rims, custom factory paint, Chrome front end, controls, pulley and upper and lower belt guards … this bike has some serious shine! Way too many extras to list, you HAVE to come see this one in person. And remember, LifeStyle Cycles can help finance YOU!

SAXON NEW OWNERS, The first 30 days in the saddle–It has been exactly one month (30 days anyway) since the new owners and management took over at Saxon Motorcyles on August 24. Reason enough for us to check in with the factory in Casa Grande, Arizona, and chat with Tim Gueltzow, Saxon’s Director of Sales and Marketing, about how the guys have settled in and what is in the future for the semi-custom manufacturer.
Along with Mark Bordokin and Rob Martino, Tim is one of the new owners of Saxon Motorcycles. All of the guys come from an extensive commercial background and have been around in the industry for some time as riders as well as being involved with selling, servicing and customizing motorcycles. Going into factory production is a new venture for all of them. Different plans to grow and evolve were in the making until they saw the opportunity arise to purchase the successful and well branded company Saxon Motorcycles with a very good product ? an instant no-brainer, according to Tim. Their strategy is to interject new ideas and move foreward.
First off are the plans for a new semi custom bagger made by Saxon as announced only recently. Still in the early planning stages at this time, Saxon is expecting to have this project burning fuel between the first and second quarter of next year, thereby making it a model year 2010-and-a-half. Before you ask all kinds of questions about the bike (like we did): It is yet too early to go into any details or even put a name and face to the designer. A new model for the 2011 lineup is also in the planning stage, but clearly still way in the future. The new crew is determined and anxious to hit the mark as soon as possible, yet taking it one step at a time. In case you are wondering: Yes, Saxon is currently building bikes and several were on the lift while we were chatting away on the phone.
Much closer are the bikes that will make up Saxon’s 2010 lineup, due to be released next month. These will still be based upon the current 2009 models, but will feature a lot of modifications and improvements which have been made after going back through service records and identifying areas that could and should be improved on. According to Tim, each and every of these improvements has been made right away. We will bring you more about Saxon’s new 2010 lineup once the real things have been revealed.
More emphasis will be put on the custom paint that is possible and available on Saxon’s creations. While the new owners feel that in the past this has never been emphasised as much as it should have been, they see the ability and competence to realize even extensive and complex custom paint jobs as a very important argument for a semi-custom manufacturer.

For existing owners and those seriously considering to buy a new or used Saxon Motorcycle, the question of warranty claims, parts supply, and simply the whole support they may expect from a company under new ownership, is very important. Tim assured us that there is nothing to worry about in that respect and everything is being addressed with nothing being swept under the carpet or forgotten.
Saxon is taking care of their existing customers as well as those new ones who have already bought new bikes. Also existing dealers will receive full support from the factory. Talking about dealers: The new management has already taken the step beyond doing inventory on their new purchase and maintaining the status quo by currently actively looking for new dealers in the US and internationally in countries like Canada, Europe, Australia and South Africa.
Saxon will be at the Las Vegas Bikefest in Las Vegas, Nevada the first weekend of October with a display of ? no, sorry, not yet the 2010 ? bikes. You might want to stop by at their booth when you are in the area and get to know the new guys on the block who are now running the show in Casa Grande.
Keep an eye on Saxon’s website at and stay tuned with BIKERNET.COM for more…
–C. S. Berg

SMOKE OUT 2010 SPONSORED BY BIKERNET COMING ALIVE–We do not have a poster yet, but we are going to start by running with this ad. Hope to talk to y’all soon. I am on the road putting Long Road stops together… and man, we have sooo many cool things coming together.
Comander Edge
Lt. Long Road

The head of Quebec’s most powerful construction union is denying allegations the Hells Angels were involved in his election–An investigative report by the CBC’s French-language service to be aired Thursday has revealed the role played by organized crime in the union vote.
Richard Goyette was elected director general of the construction wing of the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ-Construction) by a two-vote margin in November 2008, succeeding Jocelyn Dupuis.
Dupuis had been forced to step down as the union’s director following controversy over his expense accounts, but had given Goyette his blessing.
Goyette was running against Bernard Girard, who had received the support of the union’s retiring president, Jean Lavall?e.
Then, a third man, Dominic B?rub?, also threw his name in the ring,
According to Radio-Canada’s Enqu?te program, Dupuis turned to outside help to dissuade B?rub? from running in the director’s election.Candidate drops out suddenly
Enqu?te reported that Dupuis, who is said to be friends with high-ranking Hells Angels and a Montreal Mafia boss, called on one of his contacts from the organized crime world to convince B?rub? to pull out of the race.
Radio-Canada says Dupuis asked Jacques Israel Emond, a member of the Hells Angels Sherbrooke chapter, to convince B?rub? to pull out of the race and endorse Dupuis’s candidate, Goyette.
The men are said to have sealed their deal during a restaurant meeting six days before the November vote.
On the day of the election, B?rub? pulled his candidacy and Goyette was elected with a slim majority.
In its investigation, Enqu?te consulted several people linked with the union who reported that Dupuis boasted about his feat and alleged it would allow him to continue controlling and influencing FTQ Construction.
Quebec Superior Court judge Paul Chaput ruled the recording was legal and did not violate Audette’s right to privacy, because it is a matter of public interest.
Any issue that “concerns the administration and management of a union as important as the FTQ, as well as its relationship with the construction industry” is a matter of public interest, Chaput said.
“The internal conflict at the FTQ has already been covered in the media,” and Audette has a role because he is an adviser to the organization’s president, Chaput continued.

NEVER THE END–I’ll touch on a couple of Bikernet Projects and content headed your way, then shut off my new I-mac and find a whiskey bottle. I fired up my 5-Ball Factory Racer for the first time this last week. It purred like a kitten. I’ll deliver another report shortly. I received a call from Motorbooks, they are anxious to publish Badlands. I’m waiting on the contract. Looks like it may be available in 2011. Hang on.

I’m thinking about turning our 1940 5-Ball flathead with K-model top end into a streamliner. I know, I’m nuts, but check this one. We featured this historic jewel in Hot Bike.

Regarding content for next week. I have the cutest girl in the world, Sarah, lined up for a GOB feature from Jerry Southworth photography (a Bikernet reader pointed her out). I’m working on a sizzling story to match her luscious curves. We have a terrific, classic racing Vincent feature with an interview coming from Trent. He did a helluva job. Doc Robinson from Heavy Duty Magazine in Australia is allowing us to watch as he builds a Softail project bike with a ProCharger. Paul Garson is typing away on El Camino Antique Meet coverage. The historic event now rests in new hands and was bigger and better than ever.

Plus, we are proud to bring you the Jay Leno forward from the S&S 50th book by Howard Kelly with Michael Lichter Photography. This book will be the Christmas Present of the year. There’s more flying at the pages of Bikernet, including a new Cantina Soap Opera episode, so hang on.
Ride Forever,