Continued From Page 2

Last week I did the news a bit early, lucky me. While I was at the shop, late as always, the phone rang and there was a storm heading our way and the flights were going to be cancelled. Meaning that my Wednesday flight would be out of the question. I hauled ass home, packed what I could and got on the last flight out. Destination was JFK in New York. I was scheduled to arrive in Vegas Wed. night. Because of the chaotic packing and all, I had left most of the stuff home, and left a lot of shit undone (yeap that I planned on doing that night).
So I made it to Vegas with time to spare, and luckily since the flights were cancelled for the next two days. I was ready for the Artistry in Iron gig. I tell you, Vegas is way over rated. I really don’t know if it’s that I was in a super rush all the time, or simply I wanted to be in New York with my friends, but it seemed like Vegas was flat. Not the event, which was pretty cool and I believe the Artistry in Iron was a success, (Goldammer won ! ), but the town in general. Maybe since we were in Downtown, which got old pretty quick, or like I said, after the night before rush and time difference I was still out of place.
Then again it was fun, as fun as it can be when you are hanging out with good friends. Brian Klock from Klockwerks in Mitchell South Dakota took my purple bobber all the way to Vegas (thanks guys), and we got to hang out a bit. Then Chica, Johnny Chop and Go, took the bike back to Cali, and we got to create some havoc while there. Chica was teaching me Japanese, and Go teaching all of us how to kill a Vegas buffet and get his money’s worth. Roland and Jesse Rooke were partners in crime as well, even some guys, Paul Tracy and Jimmy Vasser (indy car drivers) were there to control Rooke, or maybe just add to the mayhem.
Michele Smith was there with the American Thunder cameras, she is way cool, so are Mitch Bergeron and his wife. To tell you the truth one of the coolest things about the Artistry in Iron gig was getting to spend time with fellow builders and shooting the shit. Yeah the bikes were cool too, but these days of TV and stuff, it’s still the coolest to be able to hang out with old and new friends alike. Never mind the great Mondo who was showing the best Vegas can bring, and no I’m, not dropping names, just letting you know who was there.Steve from Hawaiian Choppers (the new mag in Hawaii) became another partner in crime as soon as we got there; there was a lot of Hawaiian guys there enjoying the event.

Michelle Dell and the hottest chicks imported from NYC were promoting the upcoming opening of a Hogs and Heifers in Sin City, and according to the newspaper, the coming of a new era for Downtown Vegas.
The set up for the Artistry in Iron was cool as well; there was a book with all the builders bios and photos with space on the bottom for autographs. The attendees were diggin it and we got to sign a shit load of books, but still the breast count was zero.
As cool as Vegas was, we needed to be in Brooklyn for Indian Larry’s memorial, and that’s were we headed. It was a massive exodus towards the airport as soon as it was eight o’ clock. The Vegas airport was a concentration of builders on the way out, Russ Mitchel, Chica, Mondo, Johnny Chop, Paul Yaffe and your truly, comes to mind, the red eye flights awaited, so off towards NY we went.
6:45 am, JFK airport.The shittiest flight in my life, and I travel a lot. I was at the Vegas airport two hours before the plane departed and almost did not make my flight, America West kind of sucks….The plane was packed to the gills, but I HAD to be in NY so nothing mattered. I went straight to the hotel for a 3 hour nap.When we got to Larry’s memorial it seemed like the whole world was there. Where the last block party was kind of mellow, this was insane. The whole block (and some others) was solid with people and bikes. I guess I can sum up who was there by saying everyone…. Then again we were there to celebrate our friends life, and being able to be there with other friends. Bill, Renay and Jay were there since the night before, it’s always good to see them. Again, it was good to see everyone there. It was a hell of a memorial with bands, booze, food and babes all over the place, but more important, sharing it with good friends.

The whole trip was beginning to catch up with me, but I held on, even though we stayed ’till really late, we still were not able to say hi to everyone, but I managed to say goodbye to Larry’s remains, by the way in a really cool urn. If I would start talking about the whole party I would need the whole news space for just that, so I will cut it short. Chaos, mayhem, zoo, and RESPECT are some of the words that fit. After seeing Chica and Mondo I really know why they call the flights red eye…Then again, me too.
Although I wanted to rock on, my body had other plans, time to head back to the hotel as we wanted to meet with friends again. But I ended up just having some dinner and just crashing. Alexis and I had flights back to Puerto Rico and I had to be back at the shop (which had no power from the storm ’till Sunday) I had many things to catch up with since I had left in such a hurry a day earlier.I want to thank Bobby, Paul, Anne, Elisa, Bambi and everyone else at Indian Larry’s for a memorial that we will never forget, I’m sure Larry was enjoying the chaos from up there, wondering how the fuck so many people loved him.

See you guys next week….I’m sure there will be some juicy news and stories.
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter
SPEAKING OF BIKER ETIQUETTE–A biker goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the timethe food is ready and he is about to eat, the waiter comes back andsays, “Sir, I’m afraid there has been a mistake. You see, thatpolice officer who is sitting at the next table is a regularcustomer of ours and he usually orders the same dish. The problemis, this is the last chicken in the house. I’m afraid I’ll have totake this dish to him and arrange for another dish for you!”
The biker gets really upset and refuses to give up his food. Thewaiter walks over to the other table and explains the situation tothe officer. A few minutes later the officer walks over to the biker?stable and says, “Listen and listen good. That is MY chicken you areabout to eat and I’ll warn you, whatever you do to that chicken I’lldo the same to you. You pull out one of its legs, I’ll pull out oneof yours. You break one of its wings, I’ll break one of your arms!”
The biker calmly looks at the chicken, then sticks his middle fingerin the bird’s rectum, pulls it out and licks it. He then gets up,drops his pants, bends over and says, “Your turn!!”
MORE RESTAURANT RULES–This guy went into a restaurant and ordered his meal. When thewaitress came out with his soup, he noticed that she had her thumbstuck into the soup.
This upset him, but he was a gentleman and let it go. She thenbrought out his chili, and again her thumb was in the food. He letit go again. When she brought out his hot dessert, her thumb was inthe food and this was too much for him.
He said,”‘Goddammit, woman, get your damn thumb out of my food!”
She replied,”Well, I injured it a while ago and the Doctor said Ishould keep it warm.”
The guy said angrily,”Why don’t you just shove it up your ass!”
She said, “That’s what I do when I’m in the kitchen.”

STEEDS MUSCLE BIKE UNION ADDRESS–We’ve sold every bike made so far…this shop looks like a ghost town today.The last seven units just went to Galveston, Texas for a show thisweekend with one of our dealers. The truck arrived today, and they sold twobikes as the rear door was lowered. This is just nuts…feast orfamine…FEAST is better…after 15 years. Thanks for all your help.
John Covington
Steeds Muscle Bikes
Phoenix, AZ
John manufacturers the only line of bikes based on the Muscle Car theme. They are strickly performance oriented, sharp and host the new 300 Avon Tyres.–Bandit
BIKERNET FARMING ADVICE–Two little potatoes are standingon the street corner. One is aprostitute.
How can you tell which one is the prostitute?
Hold on……
It’s the one with the little stickerthat says…I – DA – HO
–from Ken Miller

HIGH-HEELS DEFENSE BEATS DUI CHARGE–TAKE NOTES– Attorney Bill Thomas may get a lot more business from female motorist thanks to a novel defense strategy: High Heals Can Beat a DUI Rap.
Thomas last week asked a judge how anyone could pass a field sobriety test ? which requires a lot of walking ? in a pair of 3-inch stiletto high heels. The argument created a minor sensation among court officials and observers. Thomas contended it would be ?fundamentally unfair? to use the results of a field sobriety tests against one of his female clients because she was wearing stiletto heels at the time, making her unsteady on her feet.
–from Rogue
PENTAGHON MAY BAR USE OF PROSTITUTES–Pentagon WASHINGTON — U.S. troops stationed overseas could face courts-martial for patronizing prostitutes under a regulation drafted by the Pentagon.
The move is part of a Defense Department effort to lessen the possibility that troops will contribute to human trafficking in areas near their overseas bases by seeking the services of women forced into prostitution.
In recent years, “women and girls are being forced into prostitution for a clientele consisting largely of military services members, government contractors and international peacekeepers” in places such as South Korea and the Balkans, Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., said Tuesday at a Capitol Hill forum on Pentagon anti-trafficking efforts.Defense officials have drafted an amendment to the manual on courts-martial that would make it an offense for U.S. military personnel to use the services of prostitutes, said Charles Abell, a Pentagon undersecretary for personnel and readiness.
By the Associated Press.
–from Rogue
DWI BULLSHIT–Law enforcement is fighting the danger posed by drunken drivers with DWI checkpoints on nights when drinkers are likely to be on the road. A favorite location for such checkpoints is near blue-collar bars where the pickings are easy.
I’d like to see them set up outside the fancy country clubs where many judges and lawyers do their drinking in private. Maybe the resulting bad press would shame the legal establishment into doing its job.

WILL BIKETOBERFEST BE EXTENDED–The tourism industry got a one-two punch with hurricanes Charley and Frances. Those hotels, gift shops and restaurants that didn’t sustain major structural damage were hurt by days-long power losses. Mold, mildew and spoiled food cost many businesses dearly — and some may have to close for good. Waiters, waitresses and store personnel, many of whom lived from paycheck to paycheck, lost wages that can never be made up — and yet bills still mount.
Frances hit during the lucrative Labor Day weekend, and it has been followed by days of rain. Business remains slow in many areas, and sympathy is widespread for everyone whose livelihood depends upon serving tourists.
Folks have been looking for a way to boost morale and attempt to revive the tourism business. Extending Biketoberfest from a four-day event to 10 days is one option being discussed — but that concept brings with it unplanned taxpayer costs and widespread inconvenience. Another is to hold a Columbus Day “Back to Paradise” celebration, which proposes a few shows generating goodwill and fun.
Truth is, neither plan will do much to put money in the pockets of those who were hurt most by the storms. But backers of the Columbus Day weekend event recognize that reality while supporters of extending Biketoberfest do not. Both events are likely to draw people from surrounding communities seeking respite from hurricane deluge, not throngs of tourists from elsewhere with money to burn. And even if those sought-after high-tipping tourists were able to come, they would likely be disappointed. There are not enough available, mold-free hotel rooms to accommodate them.
Although the Biketoberfest request is not on the agenda, the Daytona Beach City Commission is expected to hear pleas at its meeting tonight to change the event from Oct. 21-24 to Oct. 15-24. As a “special event,” the expansion would require use of city police, fire and cleanup crews as well as revising the length of vending permits. So backers need the commission’s blessing. Commissioners would be wise to say thanks to those concerned about the well-being of tourism workers but should firmly say “no.”
–from Rogue

MOONING JUDGE DOESN’T WORK–A New Haven man returned to the Milford courtroom where he mooned the judge and this time he left with more prison time.
Three months after dropping his pants in front of Superior Court Judge Patrick Carroll, Richard Brown was back in the courtroom Monday for a plea agreement on a robbery.
Brown’s June 23 pants dropping cost him a year in prison. He got six months for contempt of court and an extra six months that the prosecutor tacked on to the sentence offered in a plea agreement for robbery.
Brown’s outburst in June began when Carroll told him to say “yes, sir” when addressing the court
According to terms of the plea agreement, Brown will be sentenced in December to 10 1/2 years in prison for holding up the Krauszer’s market in West Haven, on Dec. 11, 2003.
Browns will begin serving that sentence when he finishes his six months for contempt for the mooning the judge.
–from Rogue

POCKET BIKE CONTROVERSY RAGES ON–Read your article about the outlawing of Pocket Bikes in PA. A common theme these days as cities rush to get the word out that these pocket bikes are not legal for the street. We thought your readers might be intrested to know that there are street legal mini choppers available. Read on:
Bay Town Choppers introduces Street Legal alternative to Pocket Bike.
San Carlos, CA – Tuesday August 21, 2004 ? With the pocket bike craze cooling off quickly due to a heavy crackdown by police and local officials the unavailing of a street legal mini bike couldn?t have come at a better time for young riders. Today the first street legal Mini Chopper is hitting the streets.
Pockets bikes are smaller then normal bikes giving riders a rush as they race only a few inches off the ground. Add a price tag that fits most budgets and a craze is born. Welcome to the next craze. Custom Mini Choppers.
Bay Town Choppers has been producing Custom Mini Choppers for almost a year in their San Francisco Bay Area shop. They are just one among many across the country building custom mini choppers, however, they are the only one offering street legal custom mini bikes. With the crackdown on pocket bikes and the media blitz covering their demise being street legal has never been more important.
?We offer our buyers the ultimate custom bike at an affordable price and a manageable package. Some of our buyers don?t want a Custom Chopper with over a hundred horsepower and an equally high price tag.? Ken Montes is the lead fabricator at Bay Town Choppers and still gets a charge out of the reactions his creations continue to receive. ?Women love them because they are smaller then the full sized bikes, men like them because women like them. It never fails when a guy brings in his wife or girlfriend to show off his new purchase, they not only approve but want one for themselves.? Ken can only laugh ?Wife Approved!?
The mini choppers take about 6 weeks to build and the waiting list is only getting longer. A lot of the bikes are sold to people that see Ken and his business partner, and brother, Domenique, cruising their latest mini chopper around town. ?We sell a lot locally, but we have sold all over the country thanks to our website, ?
The pocket bike craze may have been forced off the road but there are still options out there for people interested in mini bikes. This time it?s legal.
Ryan Rossiter
TransPac Consulting Group

AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION REPORTS– I managed to get a ride in last week down to a little town in N.S.W about a 2,000klms round trip met up with a bunch of guys from Sydney all mostly riding old Indians and Harleys had a blast and the Sturgis went great.
I’ve been writing this for about a week now and I’m glad Bandit is back safe and hopefully had a great time. I have a fair bit off stuff to write about, so I will get off my arse and write, okay. Hope this finds you both well and Kerry sends her love.
— Glenn.
MOTOCROSS CHAMPION INSTRUCTOROFFERS FREE 4-DAY MX TRAINING COURSE!–As an incentive for riders to become acquainted with his step-by-stepapproach to motocross success, pro motocross instructor Gary Semicsallows visitors to his online web-based Motocross Training Center( to participate in a four-day introductorycourse at no charge.
Covered in the free online sessions are practice strategies, breakingand cornering tips, tips for attacking jumps, and the secret to negotiatingwhoops. A free tutorial on bike set-up is also available for download.
Those visitors who sign up for the Free 4-Day Mx Training Course (value$19.95) will, each day, for four days, be sent an information-packed articlevia email that includes pictures and video clips as follows…
– Day 1: Practice Strategies.
– Day 2: Braking and Cornering.
– Day 3: Attacking Jumps.
– Day 4: Secrets of Whoops.
All 4 training sessions are written and produced by Gary Semics.For more information you may visit or callWebmaster Paul at (812)240-9813 or Gary at (330)424-9295.
Continued On Page 4