Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR–Margarita? Margaritas! Hey, wait for me, I want one (or more) too. Glad you’re kickin’ back some. Any idea when that book’s coming out? I’ve read all the Bonneville updates. What a great time! No new bike for next year?
You should at least give the Salt Shaker and Assalt Weapan a chance for a threesome. Got some friends riding down from N.Y. for Biketoberfest. It’s like a last ride for them before the north becomes a frozen tundra. It’s gonna be sad, one of the guys just lost his wife to cancer. Great girl, we’ll miss her smiling face. We’re hoping the ride will help clear his head.
Anyways, looking forward to hearing about your “projects” for next year.
–pete(from florida)
Here’s a rough list of bike projects: I’m still collecting parts for my Mudflap girl bike. I’m thinking about a flathead 80 engine. I’m looking around, and I need to decide on a frame. A substantial list looms for the Assalt Weapan. I’m waiting on the Departure Bike Works’ hop-up of our 45 cu. in. flathead and Sportster transmission for the Bonne Belle. I’m building a touring FXR for Nyla’s brother, Brad. And Kent, at Lucky Devil’s Metal Works in Houston is building a shrunken bobber with a H-D Evo Driveline, a Kraft Tech rigid and a VL front end for Nyla. She deserves it. It’s my job to document each and every build.
You’ll see us finish the 45 this year, fix the Assalt Weapan and build Nyla and Brad’s bike. That’s enough. I’ll put the Mudflap girl bike together in 2009. I need to finish my first Chance Book. Hang on.–Bandit

BIKERNET INTERVIEWS LEE IACOCCA ON CLEAN AIR– “We’ve got to pause and ask ourselves: How muchclean air do we need ?”
–Lee Iacocca
–from Joe Lankau
CANADIAN COLORS CASE GOES TO COURT– In what is believed to be a provincial first, a trial date has been set for a Hells Angels member who was charged for wearing his club colors in a bar, in violation of Saskatchewan’s new colors ban.
Richard Bandet, 34, is charged with the ticket offence under a provision of the Safer Communities And Neighbourhoods Act (SCAN) that makes it against the law to wear “gang colours” in licensed establishments like bars. Under the act, “colours” refers to “any sign, symbol, logo or other representation identifying, associated with or promoting a gang or a criminal organization.”
On June 9, during the same weekend as a poker run involving the club, Moose Jaw Police were checking local bars for SCAN infractions when they noticed a biker wearing his colors.
Under SCAN, those found guilty of a first offence under the gang colors section of the legislation face a maximum $10,000 fine and/or one year in jail. Subsequent offences carry a maximum fine of $25,000 and/or one year in jail.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
Elmer Davis (1890-1958), American radio announcer and news commentator

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW MOVED–And now for something completely different! The Texas National Bike Show is very happy to announce that we have MOVED! We will no longer be in the convention center this year but at an all- together much cooler venue. We have paired up with Nic and Audra of Noblique Studios to bring you,
This year is shaping up to be something really special with a fabulous custom bike show, incredible metal sculpture by Nic Noblique and other guest artists, in house Tattoos by Terri Turrentine and other local tattoo talent, and please let’s not forget our famous Texas National Bikini Show with a bevy of beautiful ladies competing for the new Miss Texas National Bike Show 2008.
We have a great schedule of events this year, with our show opening up on Thursday Nov. 1st , a “Meet and Greet the Builders and Artist’s” on Friday evening Nov 2nd from 7:00pm to 10:00pm, and finally wrapping up our show on Saturday Nov. 3rd with our bikini show and the awards ceremony. For full details on times and events please visit our web site
Since we have moved to a smaller venue this year spaces in the bike show are limited and will be on a first come first serve basis, please visit our web site for registration information.
We are so very excited to be closer to the action on the Strand this year and hope to see you all at the show!
–Holly aka Mrs. Devil
Texas National Bike Show

MOTORING TO THE KEYS–Here’s how we motored to the Keys and Peterson’s 35th annual Poker Run. (Report to come)
Notice how sleek and un-encumbered the Softail is.Commander Randy enjoys his Harley without a care in the world.
His faithful, dutiful sunburned wife follows along with the cargo in tow….

He called me a Pack Mule!
–Catherine “Katmandu” Palmer
Biker Chick since ’76

EXECUTIVE TEAM EXPANDS AT LEGENDARY BUFFALO CHIP– Sturgis, South Dakota – September 2007. The Legendary Buffalo Chip, the entertainment capital and home away from home for tens of thousands of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally attendees announced that Lon Nordbye Jr. has joined its executive marketing staff.
“The Chip continues to grow so much and so rapidly that it is a true blessing to have someone with Mr. Nordbye’s education and experience join the team,” said owner Rod Woodruff. “We sought someone with Mr. Nordbye’s experience and vision to help meet the needs of the Chip’s national and international business associates.”
Mr. Nordbye holds degrees in economics and marketing and several years experience marketing various businesses related to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. His responsibilities at the Chip will include all aspects of marketing-related activities including sponsorship, event production, PR and media relations as well as the publishing of the Buffalo Chip Gazette.

BIKERNET READER NEEDS HELP WITH JOCKEY SHIFT EVO–Please find attached pic of my bike. I’ve changed her considerably since these photos, but this is how I had her a few months ago.
— jimmy.

AMA SanctionedVALPO SPEEDWAY ACTION–“Sponsor Night”
Valparaiso, Indiana.
Flattrack * Quads * SPEEDWAY
Racers ONLY Pit Gate Opens 4PMSpectator Grandstands Open 6PMRACING STARTS 7PM
Bring the Whole Family andThrill to the Noise, Smell, Excitement ofWIDE OPEN, & SIDEWAYS RACING ACTIONUnder the Lights atVALPO SPEEDWAY ACTION!!!

CONNECTICUT ATTACKS BIKES FOR PIPES–Be careful this weekend as you ride, since many bikers have recently been ticketed for excessive noise. Here’s a site on noise standards in Connecticut: Ride Safe, –Rogue I HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL AT CLUB SLEAZE 2.0 IN PHOENIX–We have a spectacular show planned and are going to debut a couple of new songs from our forthcoming THIRD Big Cock Release “Motherload” (which is stated for release in the first part of 2008). Club Sleaze 1.0 was sold-out to capacity so we moved 2.0 to a larger venue. The booze and debauchery will be happening FRIDAY night September 28th at the plush Martini Ranch in Scottsdale, (South of Camelback and Scottsdale roads). Get there early if you want to get in. Good Times for all! HOT GIRLS MAG FROM THE HOT BIKE CREW–Hey, check his out the latest and greatest to come out the Hot Bike cave. It?s on the newsstands now! Can you believe it, they were dumb enough to let Ernie and I off our leashes to put together another issue of Hot Girls and we nailed this one (pardon the pun). Yeah there are bike?s inside but I don?t think many people will even notice them. You gotta check out Jaimie Nicole, buxom brunette from Vegas who likes to play. Oh yeah and I can?t forget Jordan, this little thing mmm…mmm… Just turn to pg.38 you?ll see what I?m talking about?damn fine little butt on that girl! Ooh yeah, Don?t let Sin Wu see you scoping the bubbly blonde duo, Jackie and Mary?she just might rip yer eyeball out. Hell, even if Sin Wu did pop out your peepers in a fit of jealousy, at least your last sight would be these two sexy kittens! Hey, if the mag doesn’t arrive in a polybag that means that rat bastard postman of yours swiped the behind the scenes DVD we packaged with it. Smart man, though, cause this flick?s got the girls movin? and shakin? all their naughty bits. I had to buy a new DVD player?wore out the lens. Let me know what ya think –Eric Ellis SMOKE OUT WEST SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM UPDATE–As those that have attended a Smoke Out in the last thee years know, the Chop Off and voting for the Chop Off winner is a big deal. I talked with all three Chop Off builders today. The bikes for this event are sick. They are all radical builds. Not to give too much way but I have to share a few details. Adam Chandler from Chandler Originals is weighing in with a single-sided-rigid- frame, fitted with a 1949 Ford rear wheel. Adam chose a shovelhead engine. I am dying to see this thing. Bikernet will have pics posted shortly after the Smoke Out. Wes White from Four Aces is weighing in with a 47 Flathead married up to a 4 speed British tranny in a Chopper Dave inspired fashion. He is peppering the build with some British bits to make what he calls, ?kind of a Zero Engineering type show bike.? Steve ?BrewDude? Garn of Brew Bikes, LLC built a 45 Magnum from days gone by. Randy Smith did a series of articles in 1971 and 1972 about taking a Flathead bottom end and using a 900 Sportster top-end. Brewdude has over 300 hours into the engine including fabricating a crank. I can?t think a of another place where crazy builds like this can be appreciated more. Come by the event and cast your vote. The Smoke Out is the world?s largest Chopper Rally and will be held October 5-7 on the Verde Valley Fairground in Cottonwood, AZ (20 minutes South of Sedona). The event will start Friday – October 5, 2007 from 5pm to 11pm. Saturday, 10am to 11pm and Sunday, 10am to 4 pm. For more information (or a vender packet) check the website website or venders call e-mail Edge at See ya there. –Edge LA CHOP RODS DISTRIBUTES ISR CONTROLS?THEY?RE IN STOCK–Gard Hollinger, of LA Chop Rods, In Los Angeles distributes the new breed of ISR race bred brakes and controls from Sweden. A new era in quality race-oriented, fully lever- adjustable billet aluminum handlebar controls. They?re light, designed for endurance racing, built for quick-change mounting and available in left or right bar applications. They are designed in three styles: Radial smooth for 1-inch bars, Chopper Style for 1-inch bars and Radial Racing for 7/8-inch bars. They?re available in 5/8 or 11/16-inch hydraulic piston sizes. The Radial style with its all-smooth pleasing look comes with a Hydraulic clutch perch. The Chopper style has hydraulic or cable clutch levers and two piston sizes for dual or single front discs. The Radial Racing style for 7/8-inch has an internal reservoir or external and hydraulic clutch perch only. All controls come brush aluminum with clear anodized finish. All fasteners are supplied and controls are ready with 10 by 125 banjo fitting threads. Also a variety of matching brake calipers, switch housings and rotors are available. For more information contact Gard Hollinger at: IT?S MARGARITA TIME, OR TIME FOR A JACK, MAYBE A CORONA–I give up. I?ll take anything. A brother asked if Bikernet was going to keep us entertained during the winter-no-riding season and that hit home. Just ?cause we?re adjusting our plans and I may not build a bike for myself next year, doesn?t mean Bikernet won?t be hopping. We?ll cover everything that moves, if we can. More Bikernet Television shows and interviews will hit the site. More features, more fiction and more girls will fly onto the site. We?re working with two other players, Johnny Humble and Jeff Najar to launch stories, so more material can hit the pages of Bikernet without my involvement. Plus you?ll see the improvements to the Assalt Weapan and the Bonne Belle come together. Plus I?m hoping to work with Redneck Engineering and create a custom touring machine capable of long miles. Looks like we’ll install a Bandit clutch. Hey, and if you have a suggestion, a tech you want covered, a girl shot (sorry) or a bike featured, speak up. We’ll try to move fast. Yep, we’ll be working all winter and delivering it to you. Ride Forever, –Bandit
Rock Hard, Rock OFTEN!
More details at
Executive Editor
Hot Bike Magazine
18001 S. Figueroa St., Unit F
Gardena, CA 90248
T.(310) 353-2467
F.(310) 768-4100