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TED TINE PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS TO WORK WITH 5-BALL RACING IN THE FUTURE–Thanks brother, and congratulations to you and your team, a FIRST CLASSoperation and a beautiful job on the bike, very clean. I or Barbara will bein touch and thanks again.
Thank you for your interest in Ted Tine Motorsports Performance Products.
–Ted Tine
Ted Tine Motorsports, Inc.
244 Middlesex Turnpike
Chester, CT 06412
Phone: 860-526-2060
Fax: 860-526-1527
“SUPERSPORT” MOTORCYCLES UNDER FIRE FROM INSURANCE INSTITUTE– A recent media blitz by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, an insurance industry trade group, purports that so-called “Supersport” motorcycles are nearly four times deadlier than all other types of bikes and have the worst overall insurance losses.
The IIHS study, which basically reviews existing federal FARS (Fatal Accident Reporting System) data and calculates motorcycle fatalities by type of motorcycle, blames the growing popularity of racing platform cycles amongst younger riders in part for a dramatic increase in U.S. motorcycle deaths, according to a September 11 article in USA Today.
Motorcycle fatalities jumped 59% from 2000-2005, while overall U.S. motorcycle registrations climbed 51%, but Supersport registrations were up 83% and accounted for 28% of motorcycle fatalities while representing about 9% of registered motorcycles. So, while overall fatalities per 10,000 registered motorcycles went up from 7.1 in 2000 to 7.5 in 2005, Supersports were credited with 22.5 deaths per 10,000 registrations.
The “Sport and Unclad Sport Bikes” category of motorcycles, also noted for their speed and agility, posted a fatality rate of 10.7 per 10,000, while “Touring” motorcycles were 6.5 and “Cruisers and Standard motorcycles”, which comprise the bulk of motorcycle registrations, were statistically under-represented at 5.7 fatalities/10M.
The study criticizes manufacturers for promoting the speed of Supersport bikes, noting that “speed” was cited in 57% of the Supersport fatal crashes and 46% of the fatal Sport and Unclad Sport Motorcycle accidents.
Supersport bikes also have the highest overall collision coverage losses among 2002 to 2006 model bikes, a figure almost four times higher than Touring motorcycles and six times higher than Cruisers. The bikes are also popular targets among thieves, stolen at a rate seven times higher than the average for all 2002 to 2006 motorcycles.
“Short of banning supersport and sport motorcycles from public roadways, capping the speed of these street-legal racing machines at the factory might be one way to reduce their risk,” suggests the IIHS report on the study.
In the late-80s the IIHS convinced Missouri Senator John Danforth to introduce a bill in Congress calling for horsepower limits on all motorcycles sold in the U.S., but he withdrew his controversial “Super Bike Ban” following intense lobbying by motorcyclists’ rights activists and the motorcycle industry.
–Bill Bish

AMD TO CELEBRATE CENTENNIAL EDITION–It hardly seems possible, but AMD is about to publish its 100th edition!Tracing its origins back to September 1993 (AMD did 63 editions as a Europe only dealer magazine in the 1990’s), AMD first appeared on US dealers’ desks eight years ago.
Through thick and thin AMD has been serving the Harley-Davidson and custom v-twin sectors on both sides of the Atlantic (indeed worldwide) ever since.
Widely respected for its impartial, comprehensive and timely reporting, AMD is accepted as the “dealer magazine of choice” for the sector, and as such is the primary advertising option for vendors who want to maximize coverage and value.
–Brian Marion
USA Midwest & East Coast
Tel: 336 760 8307
Sonja Wallace
Tel: 0044 (0) 1892 511516

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY SPONSORS DONATE $6,500 TO STURGIS RALLY CHARITIES FOUNDATION–STURGIS, S.D. – Sturgis Motorcycle Rally corporate sponsors ASE, Official Championship of Custom Bike Building and Da Bus Rally Shuttle not only lent their financial support in the form of sponsorship to this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, but also recently made additional contributions to the community of Sturgis through donations to the Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation.
“ASE has had an annual association with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally since 2000 and during that time, we have been committed to being not only a good corporate partner through our sponsorship of the Rally, but good corporate citizens as well through our annual contribution to Sturgis charities”, said Gary Malmstrom, Managing Partner, GM Consulting, LLC, ASE’s sponsorship agent. “We are pleased to be able to again make this contribution in 2007 and hope that it continues to extend the benefits that ASE provides to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to the citizens of Sturgis”, continued Malmstrom.
The contributions made to the Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation by ASE, Official World Championship and Da Bus total $6,500.00. Robin Bradley, Publisher of AMD Magazine and Promoter of the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building, which made its d?but in downtown Sturgis during this years’ Rally, comments, “We are very aware of the welcome that the Sturgis community has always given to riders and to the motorcycle industry. So, we are very happy to have an opportunity to give something back. This has been our first year with the Official World Championship in the city of Sturgis and we hope to be able to build on this contribution moving forward.”
Local business owner, Steve Barry, operator of Da Bus Rally Shuttles, echoes the sentiments of Malmstrom and Bradley, “I’ve spent most of my life in Sturgis and really enjoyed being a part of the community. It’s a nice place to live and raise your family. Da Bus has worked with the city as a Sturgis Motorcycle Rally sponsor for a couple of years now and it’s helped us grow our business during the Rally, so I’m glad that we can now turn around and help Sturgis through the donation to the charity” said Barry.
Mayor Maury LaRue feels that the community of Sturgis is fortunate to have corporate partners like ASE, Official World Championship and Da Bus. “We need to recognize that these contributions to the Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation are above and beyond the corporate sponsorship investments made by these companies, and other Sturgis Motorcycle Rally corporate sponsors, that already total $350,500.00 for 2007. These are very generous gestures.”
According to long-time Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation board member, Mimi Shewey, the foundation, through donations like those mentioned above, provides annual funding assistance to Sturgis area 501-C3 non-profit groups located within the Meade County School District 46-1. Shewey indicated that each fall the foundation makes funding applications available to area non-profit organizations through the local business community. Once the applications have been received by the foundation, its board, comprised of a diverse group of community representatives including individuals from areas such as education, senior citizens, ministerial, city council, etc., review the applications and collectively decide how the funding is to be awarded.
In addition to the donations made by ASE, Official World Championship and Da Bus, to the Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation, Coca-Cola, another Sturgis Motorcycle Rally corporate sponsor, through its sponsorship, also contributes an annual monetary donation, and has since 2004, to support the installation of scoreboards and signage at athletic venues throughout Sturgis such as the Sturgis Community Center, Sturgis City Auditorium, Sturgis American Legion, Pony and Little League fields, girls and adult softball complexes and the soccer fields and tennis courts.
“In corporate America,” stated Ronda Gusinsky, President of OutSource Solutions, Inc., sponsorship agent of record for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, “budget cuts have become an ever-present state of existence, and I’m pleased that these Sturgis Motorcycle Rally sponsors choose to enhance the already significant investment they make in the community of Sturgis through their Sturgis Motorcycle Rally sponsorship with donations to the Sturgis Rally Charities Foundation as well as to other community venues.”
For information on the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, contact Pepper Massey, Rally Director, at 605/720-0800.

APC’S NEW ’08 DOUPLE DOWN STARTS AT ONLY $19,995–Las Vegas, NV – American Performance Cycle, a market leading world class custom production bike manufacturer located in Las Vegas, NV introduces their new ’08 Double Down, a pro-street style bike packed full of features found on bikes costing thousands of dollars more.
The Double Down features a blind side swing arm; 3″ frame stretch and a 37 degree rake and start at just $19,995 including a semi-custom paint job. Perfect for the beginning rider or the 30 year veteran. It has a 93″ wheelbase?superb rake and trail make this pro-street style bike easy to maneuver and a blast to ride. This bike offers an S&S engine (88″) and other sizes as an option.
APC’s Double Down comes with right side drive, 5-speed transmission, chrome closed primaries, 60 spoke wheels, 240 rear tires and way too much chrome and billet to list.
Mike Sample Jr., Vice President of APC stated, “We have 4 distinct models with various versions of each one (chopper, drop seat, FLH style and pro-street) that are all reasonably priced, but can be custom built with a variety of options to suit the most discriminating buyer.” Sample added, “All APC bikes are easily registered insured and are financeable through all major banks and lending institutions. We now offer free flooring for our dealers for one full year! All they have to do is qualify with GE Capital,” concluded Mike Sample Sr, CEO of APC.
APC’s business philosophy is to make the very best custom production bikes that are affordable, rideable and reliable. You can email them at or call them at (702) 314-5272. Check out APC’s ’08 entire product line at or write to them at American Performance Cycles, 6895 Speedway Blvd., Suite Z101, Las Vegas, NV 89115.

BIKERNET POSITIVE THINKING QUOTE OF THE DAY–Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.–Mary Tyler Moore
–from CarlR

5-BALL RACING LAUNCHES WORLD’S BADDEST AND FASTEST PAN–Unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand for the last 10 years you’ve certainly noticed that Keith “Bandit” Ball has been making waves of ever growing intensity. Not only has become what may be the most popular lifestyle and current news oriented web site for bikers around the globe, but 5-BALL RACING, another of Ball’s ventures, has produced unique Bonneville machines that have and continue to set blistering, almost unbelievable World Land Speed Records.
The latest such mind boggler took place during the 2007 Bub’s Motorcycle Speed Trials. It all came down on September 6th when resident GODADDY.COM Salt fox, and three-time record holder, Valerie Thompson, skillfully guided the 5-Ball Assalt Weapan to a new 2000 APS PF record. Valerie was on her game, focused, determined and poised for attack. She dropped the hammer for two passes averaging 156.7 MPH with a fastest of 161.7! And that was on a slippery surface many felt too dangerous to risk.
In fact many of the fastest veteran machines that attempted runs were down by as much as 30 mph. Even Keith stated that had the salt been prime and Val been able to “hit the bottle,” Assalt Weapan was certainly good for 190 and possibly 200! Now that’s one bad ass Panhead! The meticulously detailed and flawlessly engineered machine is powered by a 120-inch Accurate Engineering Panhead engine cradled in a custom designed Paughco chassis. That’s right folks. It’s a Panhead!
Berry Wardlaw and his team at Accurate Engineering knew what Keith was after and built an engine that was more than up to the job, while Paughco crafted the job specific chassis to Ball’s precise specifications.
Additionally the 5-Ball team, spearheaded and kept on the straight and narrow, by Nyla Olsen, Keith’s number one at, was presented with an austere award at the Bub’s Banquet, Best Engineered Motorcycle. Following close on the heels of Ball’s previous record setting Pan, the “Salt Shaker,” Assalt Weapon, is certain to be rewriting the record books until 5-Ball Racing unleashes its next threat.
Not one to take credit for others’ efforts, Keith and Nyla are quick to point out that the awesome Panhead never would have seen the light of day without the readers of,, Accurate Engineering, Dave Florence, Paughco, Custom Chrome, Baker Transmissions, American Wheel and D&D Exhaust. For complete details on the bike, its inception, fabrication and future plans along with the coolest and most informative insight into the biker community make sure you headed over to

SOUNDING OFF ON THE NOISE ISSUE– As record numbers of motorcycles hit the road, states and localities from Denver to New York are cracking down on motorcycle noise. Motorcycles have set new sales records for 14 consecutive years, with 1.2 million new bikes sold last year, but not everybody is happy with the sound of that. As of July 1, riders in New York can get slapped with $440 in fines for having loud exhaust pipes.
Those revving their engines too loudly in Lancaster, Pennsylvania can get $150 tickets. In Daytona Beach a city ordinance prohibits operating “any noise-creating device for the purpose of drawing attention to the source of the noise.” Denver now allows police to fine the owners of motorcycles with mufflers that are not certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which sets federal noise-pollution standards.
Colorado AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorney Wade Eldridge successfully challenged the first two tickets issued under Denver’s new noise ordinance, largely because the police didn’t use sound meters, and ABATE of North Dakota is planning a court challenge and has enlisted the assistance of AIM Attorney Ralph Vinje to fight two citations issued under a new Bismarck municipal noise ordinance, where officers armed with portable decibel meters have been overzealously enforcing the new law since it went into effect August 1st.
ABATE’s attorney, Vinje, told the Bismarck Tribune that if the police order an engine be revved for testing purposes there isn’t much choice, but he wouldn’t submit to the test voluntarily. “The ability to make noise is not the same as making noise,” said Vinje, who owns a Harley-Davidson with non-stock exhaust. “If they stop me for little or no reason and have you rev up your engine, that’s like asking you to break the law.”
“My speedometer indicates my vehicle is capable of doing 120 mph, but that doesn’t mean I will,” added Michael Jay, executive director of ABATE. Vinje and Jay feel that loud pipes do provide extra protection for motorcyclists, announcing their proximity to drivers in enclosed vehicles.
The noise law “lends itself to arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement,” said AIM Attorney Eldridge, who is also legal counsel for the Confederation of Clubs of Colorado, “The police can stop you for whatever reason.”
If you’re fighting this dangerous attack on motorcycle noise, check our study. We hope to build a better understanding with communities and save rider lives. Bikernet Independent Noise Study

RENO CYCLE WORX INTRODUCES A BRUTE 200 FOR BAGGERS–Fargo, ND- Reno Cycle Worx announced that it has recently manufactured a rear tire (200 mm) conversion kit for all 1980-2007 Harley-Davidson Baggers. This kit from Reno Cycle Worx, Ltd. drastically improves the looks, stability, performance, handling and overall “coolness” of your Harley Bagger. Now you can convert your stock HD bagger to an Extreme Bagger!

Gene Reno, President of Reno Cycle Worx stated, “We feel that we’ve engineered a better product than other kits available on the market due to a variety of factors.” Their kit requires 5 hours less installation (7 hours vs. 12 hours) because you don’t have to remove and replace the transmission main shaft and it requires no primary spacing which maintains stock weight balance. The fender fits the tire properly and bags remain in the stock fender location. Gene added, “Even if you’re not a professional mechanic, you can still install this kit by yourself, there’s no professional installation required. We feel that the Brute 200 kit is the best engineered, best value 200mm rear tire bagger kit available!” ($3,495.00 suggested retail)
The Brute 200 kit from Reno Cycle Worx comes complete with the following components:

RCW Custom Swing Arm
RCW Custom “Stock look” Rear Fender with “Frenched in” License Plate (accepts stock taillight/turn signals)
RCW/HD Custom Inner Primary
RCW Forged Billet Rear Pulley
RCW Pulley Spacers
RCW Wheel Spacers
RCW Custom Bag Brackets
RCW Custom Fender Spacers
HD Carbon Fiber Belt
RCW Custom Transmission Pulley and Spacer
Forge-Tec Solid Forged Billet Wheel and Avon 200mm x 18″ Tire-$795.00
Custom Diamond Logo Recessed Taillight with Built-In Turn Signals-$495.00
Custom Paintable Composite Fender Strut Covers-$129.00
Gas tank Extensions-$199.00
Other Forge-Tec Wheel Styles Available with Matching Front Wheel Rotor and Tire-Call for Price

For those interested in obtaining more information on Reno Cycle Worx, you can reach them at 701-232-6095 or check them out online at or email them at Dealer and distributor inquiries invited!

ROGER GOLDAMMER CHECKS IN AFTER BONNEVILLE–Just wanted to say that I rarely take/have the time to hang on the net, but even though I was there, I love readingabout your experiences at Bonneville…. what an awesome experience isn’t it?
For me the most memorable part was the many challenges, dealing with them and coming out on top….just wouldn’t be the same if it all went smoothly.
On the Wednesday evening, after the wind shut us down, I was “testing” on the access road and blew off the primary belt, quickly changed it, and went back outfive or six times in the waning light, trying to dial in the NOS. I run a progressive fuel system, so getting the jet stagger (between nitrous and fuel) is very different.Took our best guess given the fact that the NOS bottle was low on volume and left in the dark when they kicked us out.
We ran first thing in the a.m., had false neutrals, thought I would have to pull out and found my gears. It bogged, I geared back down armed the nitrous right before the5-mile marker (a return run) and sprayed throughout the whole mile. The bike was running fat, shooting ducks the whole way, but was making power. Ran 154.4mph onhalf a Harley motor. Can`t wait to get back, maybe no mushy salt next year!
NEVER LIFT… words to live by….
Great job Keith, must be a real challenge to try to document the chaos as it happens…
You’re right, Roger. This effort was a challenge from start to finish–and it’s still not finished. It was a blast, and I wish the Salt conditions were better. We never got a Nitrous run. I wanted to do so much more. Based on what you’re saying we should be able to make that Panhead run over 200 without a problem.
You’re right. Trying to design, build, weld, photograph and take notes is a bitch. I space from time to time, but try to keep up. I’m going to get the Assalt Weapan in a Wind Tunnel before we run again.–Bandit

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