Continued from Page 1

DAVIE ALLAN HITS ROCKIN’ THE FAIR–Our time slot for this Sunday has been changed. We had been moved to 6:00 but I just found out that “Tierra” demands that great slot so look for us at 3:00. Sheesh!
Sunday, September 23rd at?3:00 pm (Art Fair starts at 1:00 P.M.)
Art Fair
Art District-Third and Traction Ave. (Near Al’s Bar)
Downtown LA
Friday, October 5th 11:00 pm
The Garage
4519 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

First, I want to pass on my condolences to the people of New York and all Americans that are hurting in this tragic time. You can rest assured that anything and everything that can be done to assure the safety of our country will be done. This is the greatest country in the world and we will get through this trying time. Now is the time for all people to set aside our petty differences and show the world that no one or nothing can destroy the fortitude of the American people.
To the people responsible for today’s tragedy, I say this:Are you fucking kidding me? Are the turbans on your heads wrapped too tight? Have you gone too long without a bath?
Do you not know who you are fucking with? Americans are so hungry to kill, that we shoot at each other every day. We will relish that opportunity for new targets for our aggression.
Ask your buddy Saddam about fucking with the good ‘ole USA. The only reason he got away the first time is because it’s too hard to shoot someone when you’re doubled over laughing at them. Our soldiers aren’t trained to laugh and shoot at the same time. Now he couldn’t stop a pack of cub scouts from taking over his shitty little country.
Trust us, Afghanistan will end up a giant kitty litter box. Go ahead and try to hide, Bin Laden. There’s not a hole deep enough or a mountain high enough that’s going to keep your camel riding asses safe. We will bomb every inch of the country that harbors him, his camps and any place that looks and even smells like he was there. Hell, we might even drop a few bombs on people that have pissed us off in the past. This is America. We kick ass. This is what we do. Go ahead and laugh now, but the Tomahawks are coming and we will smoke your sorry asses.
God bless America!
–From Stan Sheppard
Her father shot it dead
Now it goes to school with her
Between two hunks of bread

“There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.”
– Herman Melville, “The Martyr,” upon the death of Abraham Lincoln.
–from SR
RUN FOR NYC FIRE AND POLICE– I just got a call from Jeff at Rhinebeck Ford a few minutes ago. Jeff sponsors our anual Kids with Cancer and MDA bike runs every year and does a spectacular job. He’s getting together a new project to benefit the families of NYC police and firefighters lost in the line of duty during the disaster here in NY.
It’s CALLED the “PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN FUND”All the proceedes will go directly to the people in need.For a mere $10 tax deductable donation, you can show the world your true colors. He’s giving away with each $10 donation, a custom designed T-Shirt with the American Flag on the front with the wording: 9-11-01 GOD BLESS AMERICA, And on the back; PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.These shirts are first quality Jersey brand, not some cheap import.To get your shirt and help support a noble cause contact Jeff at PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN FUND –Teddy Bear The bike in the photo is a Softail custom I Caribbean Custom Cycles Built with a 180 rear andthe Heartland kit. That’s our everyday shop bike. BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Like most of conversations in most places, all IS based in the terroristattack in the USA. Even if we tried, there was (and is) no way of not beinginformed about what’s going on. We forgot the sharks, the Californiapoliticians, the hurricanes, and everything else. Our lives revolve aroundthe rescue mission and inminent war. Imagine for a second, those planes leaving their airports. An H.A. world meeting wasgoing to take place in California, so most chapters on the East Coast andEurope would be on those planes, suddenly a couple of arab looking dudestried to scare everyone with knives and box cutters, yeah right, they wouldhave gotten the living shit beaten out of them, one by one they would haveeaten those blades, while getting stomped by steel toe engineer boots. All the planes landing safely after the scare, andthe HA’s becoming heroes, being the toast of the town, and getting pardonsfor all their sins. What about finding asurvivor in this coming days? or a bunch of them inside an underground minimart, just waiting for the rescuers, passing time while eating anddrinking? How about September 11th, never ever happening? I’m sure we have all thought about stuff like that, wishfull thinking, assome may say. Please, I have no intention of being disrespectful whilewriting this above, just a sample of what would have happened if ? I guessthis is just a different way of expresing gratitude for life, for ourliberties, for being able to get up tomorrow, kickstart our chopper andfeel the wind, for not having to worry about living with the Afghans, fornot growing up in places that are in constant war, or have the nerve tokill innocent people in the name of their gods. No matter how shitty itmight get, we are way fuckin’better than most people. Our lives will go on.Their shit life will get worst, good or bad.We are able to go back and do all the stuff we always do, sure some thingswill live with us, some will be forgotten, but we are able to keep on, andwhy? Because we can, plain and simple. The Desertores will have a ride the 29th of September, it will be anovernight in the southern town of Poncewith the Holiday Inn mostly blocked for the bikers, seems like there willbe a party and a half. Will get details of the ride in the following weeks. HOG San Juan, had a pre rally registration meeting at a local bar, hundredsof bikes showed up. This is for the up coming Caribbean Rally in November,seems like there’s a lot of people expecting the ride, which is great. On asour note, seems like the HOG people should be more respectful. The bar islocated about six blocks from my house and we could hear the burnouts,engine revving, and “lookatmee” throttle antics, till early morning . Seemslike this is becoming the norm. It took us years to promote the “image” andrespect of police and citizens alike, and it’s being fucked up by somenewbies in loud billet barges……. Speaking of newbies, what the fuck’s going on, now anyone that has a bikefor less than a year, bought a bunch of chrome shit and bolted a fewthemselves, think they are custom builders, or opening shops ? They mustbe tripping in their own shit ! And they want to pirate and screw the longtime shop owners ! Beware of the weasels, leeches and rats around yourarea. They will last as long as an aftershock in LA. Talent nor experiencemoney can buy. The Motociclistas del Sur (motorcyclists of the south) will have theirannual ride-meet- party at the town of Coamo, Oct 5th. Our shop has beeninvited to bring a display of choppers and customs to the show. Will postsome photos of the event here in Bikernet. So that’s it for this week, tomorrow, have a happy thought, hug the oneswho love you, and do what you always do, we are the lucky ones. –Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report OUR RECOVERING NATION–As our nation recovers from Tuesday’s unprecedented assault on key symbolsof U.S. military and financial power, invites all Americans toregister your support for our leaders in Washington – and to tell them whatYOU think America should do in response to the attacks.Log on to to tell government leaders: -Whether Congress should declare war on terrorists and the countries thatharbor them -Whether America should attack Afghanistan for protecting Osama bin Laden -Whether the U.S. should end the ban on assassinating foreign leaders When you vote, your opinion will be sent to Congress, President Bush andSecretary of State Colin Powell. Please forward this message to friends and family so they can participate aswell. Thank you. DEAR OSAMA BIN LADEN– Congratulations. You’ve done what our best diplomacy efforts have not been able to do. You’ve united the world. You’ve allowed the worldto put aside its differences and instead made every terrorist group, and anyone helping these groups, enemy number one. You struck us, you have wounded our country, but all that did was strengthen our resolve for freedom. It united a country and a worldto stand up to anyone who would challenge that freedom. Instead ofbringing out our worst, it brought out our best. Thousands giving blood,helping with the recovery, and standing up to you. You launched an act of war. A war not against a country, but againstany group that uses terrorism as a mechanism for policy, who attacksthousands of civilians, and who threatens democracy, freedom, and theopportunity for people to govern themselves. Be assured we will respond. We willbe patient, prudent, and relentless in our pursuit. We will not strikeout at citizens as you have done. We will target the persons who committhese acts of terrors. You may think you won yesterday, but you are so sadly mistaken. Youcan strike a people, but the idea of democracy is bigger than New YorkCity and the Pentagon. It is bigger than a country or a President.Democracy is tougher than terrorism. If you want to see the best of democracythen watch the people of New York. Watch the people of Washington DC.Watch America. Watch the world come together as it never has before. Allfor one reason…to defeat you and every other terrorist who threatensthat freedom. The only one who should be afraid, Mr. bin Laden, is you. JON TOWLE IS MORE THAN ALL THE ART ON BIKERNET AND CUSTOM CARICATURES–For years we thought that Jon, the artistic type that he is, was just another devoted single father and a raging alcoholic since he spent entire nights at night clubs. Upon further investigation we discovered on special assignment, Jon playing lead guitar in a heavy metal band at a Long Beach, California lesbian bar. I spent several nights in the corner watching Jon twist the strings of his guitar to make a little extra money. Towle’s talents don’t stop with computer art, pen and ink or lead guitar. Recently he was invited to play with a blues band, but in a different roll. He was challenged to take on the bass guitar position. Here’s his words:”Last weekend I was invited to sit in with a band consisting of someoutstanding players.I’ve played guitar since 1975 but on this day, I was playing bassguitar. “Buzzy James, slide guitar god, is in the band “laidlaw” who’s cd isheavily played in the south. Mike Malone, a long time biker, is a heavy on the keys andvocals and has played with alot of big names. Two studio musiciansfilled out the rest. The great Joe Houston, legendary blues sax playerwas the the special guest. If you’ve never heard Mr. Houston on motownor jammin’ with the Stones or on his many albums, then brother, you’reliving on the fucking moon.””Anyway, it was a great thrill and after shooting the shit with Joe afterthe show, I think I got his okay. You see, Joe can be a little rough onwhite guys that play the blues, unless they can produce. the rest of theguys already passed. I think I might have. he said ‘you cool’ or ‘youfool’. I couldn’t tell, he speaks kinda low. –jontowle- DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE TALL BLONDE–Took her new scarf back to the store because it was too tight. Couldn’t learn to water ski because she couldn’t find a lake with a slope. Can’t work in a pharmacy because the bottles won’t fit into the typewriter. Got excited because she finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said “2 to 4 years”. Was trapped on an escalator for hours when the power went out. LIVING PROOF THAT HARDTAIL WAS A MAGAZINE–Yes, it’s true that “HardTail” was a printed magazine for over a year. Then an Angel touched Buck, the creator, on the shoulder and asked him to stop waisting trees. He was so moved by the size of her chest that brushed against his, he volunteered to do anything. Consequently this magazine is now available to be downloaded or delivered on a CD. Check it out. THAT’S IT–I listened to the President tonight and was impressed with the country’s ability to form a cohesive plan for terrorist destruction without turning people unnecessarily against the U.S. It will only benefit the entire world to be rid of terrorism. It’s going to be rock and roll. Ain’t life grand, and to be a freedom loving biker the best. Have a helluva weekend.–Bandit
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