Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists
PENNSYLVANIA MOVES TO BAN POCKET BIKES, Philadelphia Councilman Rick Mariano recently staged a protest of a local Pep Boys to announce his intentions to introduce a measure outlawing the sale of all pocket bikes, he told KYW Newsradio following the death of a teen who was riding the wrong way down a one-way street.
Even though the “pockets bikes” are illegal on city streets, they are still being sold in Philadelphia stores.
“They’re not street legal — so where are they gonna ride them? On the sidewalk?,? he asked during the Sept 11 protest, organized to pressure the automotive chain into taking the mini-motorcycles off their shelves.
So Mariano says at Council’s first session next month, he’ll introduce a bill to ban the scooters outright. It’s not clear yet though if the city has that power, because the state regulates motor vehicles. According to KYW, similar efforts are in the works at the state level.

STUDY CLAIMS MOTORCYCLES DAMAGE HEARING, Is it any wonder why motorcyclists hate “scientific studies”? Here?s a new one that’s sure to fuel the fires for noise ordinances, as researchers from the University of Florida told the Washington Times that “the noise from a motorcycle is as intense as that from a loud rock concert and can permanently damage hearing.”
In a test of 33 motorcycles, audiologists at Florida’s College of Public Health and Health Professions determined that nearly half produced sounds above 100 decibels when throttled up. That’s equal to a chainsaw or loud music, they said.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health warns that exposure to noise at 100 decibels is safe for only 15 minutes. The federal agency cautions that permanent hearing loss can result from eight hours of exposure to any noise measuring 85 decibels or above.
“Almost all of the motorcycles we tested reached action-level noise, which in the workplace would require ear protection,” said Joy Colle, an investigator in the Florida study, which the university released before it was published in a medical or scientific journal. “Potentially, the vast majority of motorcyclists could be exposed to dangerous levels of noise.”
But here’s the kicker; in the UF study the noise levels were tested at riders’ ear levels from stationary motorcycles when idle and throttled up. How many riders sit astride a parked motorcycle and “throttle up” for lengthy periods of time?
At least the audiologists admitted that motorcycle helmets do not provide much protection against hearing loss. No evidence was found that motorcycle noise harmed the hearing of those standing on a sidewalk near the test site either, but you can bet that won’t stop lawmakers from citing this “study” as justification for noise ordinances that target motorcycles.

FEDS SEEK STIFFER SENTENCES FOR “GANG” MEMBERS, “In an attempt to make punishments stiffer for street gangs, a bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to define what a criminal street gang is, ” reports ABATE of Pennsylvania’s Legislative Coordinator John Mullendore, who is also a member of the board of directors of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).
S.2358 defines a criminal street gang as “an ongoing formal or informal group, club, organization, or association of 3 or more persons through or for which they individually, jointly, or in combination, have committed or attempted to commit, for the direct or indirect benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with the group, club, organization, or association, three or more unrelated predicate gang crimes.” Also, having “membership, age or other qualifications, initiation rites, geographical or territorial sites, boundary, or location, or other unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing or indicating membership.”
“Needless to say,” concludes Mullendore, “any one of us could be defined as a gang under this broad definition if this bill passes. So let your Senator know we are against this bill.”
If you would like to read the entire bill, go to the Senate website: www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislative/g_three_sections_with_teasers/legislative_home.htm, and type in s2358.

CALIFORNIA AMENDS HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LAW, Following a spate of handlebar height citations, ABATE of California set out to amend their “no more than shoulder high” handlebar height limit to allow for greater flexibility. Assemblyman Jay La Suer introduced Assembly Bill 2844 to “prohibit a person from driving a 2-wheel motorcycle that is equipped with handlebars so positioned that the hands of the driver, when upon the grips, are more than 6 inches above his or her shoulder height.”
ABATE lobbied AB2844 through the Assembly and Senate, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the bill into law on August 23. AB 2844 has become Chapter 280 of the law books and will become effective January 1, 2005.
“CONGRATULATIONS to every freedom loving rider in this state who took a minute to stand up for something!” said Jean Hughes, ABATEPAC Chairman. “We can make a difference! We can change the law! Now go for a nice long ride and come back refreshed and ready to work some campaigns so we can lock in those remaining votes we need to get the helmets off our heads!”

A COOL IDEA, Air conditioning for motorcycles? An Israeli inventor has designed what he claims is the world’s first air-conditioning unit for motorcycles. Physicist Glen Guttman from the company Entrosys said the device was technologically simple, but added: “Like any simple idea, you have to think it up, and then you have to implement it.”
The bike is fitted with an electronic unit powered by a standard motorcycle battery which funnels cold air into a thermal vest worn under the rider’s jacket. Speaking to Israel Army Radio, Guttman said the air conditioning unit was a small, lightweight box that fitted into the vehicle’s storage compartment and was connected to the driver’s body by a rubber tube. “The torso is the obvious target for air conditioning if you take into account the human physiology,” said Guttman.
The system cost $450,000 to develop, which Guttman raised through investors, and he now hopes the cooling motorcycle air conditioning unit will be on the market by the middle of next year. He said each unit would cost “several hundred pounds” and would first hit European and American shores. The inventor said, however, that he will not be testing the unit himself: “My investors don’t want me to ride a motorcycle myself. They want to make sure I stay safe.”
Meanwhile, “Air-conditioned” jackets have become a big hit in Japan. Jackets with built-in electric fans are providing relief in Japan during the country’s record-breaking summer heat. The prototype grey nylon coats have two fans in the back above the waist which are connected to a battery pack. The air runs along the wearer’s body and comes out at the cuffs and the neckline, drying off sweat which cools the skin as it evaporates.

HONDA HYBRID, Honda Motor Co., the world’s biggest motorcycle maker, said it is developing motorcycles that can run on gasoline-electric engines and fuel cells, extending the so-called hybrid technology for the first time to two-wheeled vehicles.
The company has built a scooter with a 50 cubic centimeter hybrid engine and a 125cc fuel cell-powered scooter, said Honda President Takeo Fukui, speaking to journalists at its research center in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo.
Honda, one of the world’s two makers of vehicles with hybrid engines, is trying to use its technology to extend its edge over smaller motorcycle makers Suzuki Motor Corp. and Yamaha Motor Co. Toyota Motor Corp., the world’s biggest producer of hybrid cars, doesn’t make motorcycles.
Automakers are trying to take the lead in developing cleaner technology as governments around the world tighten emission regulations. Vehicles that are more fuel-efficient and which run on alternative fuels are also becoming increasingly popular as the price of oil surges to record levels.
WEIRD NEWS: LICENSE TO BILL, Jim Cara just wanted a vanity license tag for his Suzuki Hayabusa sport bike that would make people laugh, but when he chose to put “NOTAG” on his plate, the joke backfired.
The new tag arrived under an avalanche of Wilmington, Delaware parking violations. “All the traffic tickets say, ‘Notice of violation. License number: no tag’,” Cara told the News Journal newspaper.
City computers, talking to state Division of Motor Vehicles computers, had finally found an address for ticketed vehicles that lacked license tags: Cara’s home in Elsmere. He has received more than 200 violation notices, ranging from $55 to $125 for violations such as meter expirations.
Cara, 43, admits he’s been a lifelong prankster, but this time he says, “the cleanup is going to be worse than the joke.”
Officials say they are clearing up the glitch, but advised Cara to get a new plate.

QUOTABLE QUOTE “It is now proved beyond doubt that riding a motorcycle is one of the leading causes of statistics.”

NCOM CONVENTION UPDATE, The 20th annual NCOM Convention will be held next Mother?s Day weekend, May 5-7, 2005, at the Sheraton Music City Hotel, located at 777 McGavock Pike in Nashville, Tennessee. Reserve your room by April 3rd for the special NCOM rate of $79 single/double by calling (615) 885-2200. Registration fees for the Convention are $75 including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday night, or $40 for the Convention only. To pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355.

A News Break–The Cathouse ParrotA woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautifulparrot. There was a sign on the cage that said $50.00
“Why so little,” she asked the pet store owner.The owner looked at her and said, “Look, I should tell you first thatthis bird used to live in a house of Prostitution, and sometimes it sayssome pretty vulgar stuff.”
The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the birdanyway.She took it home and hung the bird’s cage up in her living room andwaited for it to say something.
The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, “New house, newmadam.”
The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought “that’sreally not so bad.”When her two teenage daughters returned from school the bird saw andsaid, “New house, new madam, new girls.”
The girls and the woman were abit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering howand where the parrot had been raised.
Moments later, the woman’s husband Keith came home from work. The birdlooked at him and said, “Hi, Keith

Sons of Liberty Riders TEA Party
Well, the annual TEA Party is here and gone.As usual, if you missed it you missed a lot.Some folks came in on Thursday but most rode in on Friday.It was a weekend packed full of brotherhood, great conversation, debate, eatingand drinking. Weather was perfect.But like years past this group isn’t your normal biker crowd. There was plentyof beer and liquor remaining because most are more involved in learning andteaching.
Sunday morning came early and for those who slept in, reveille came with thesounds of shooting at Rangers gun range.
I wish everyone a safe trip home and look forward to seeing all of you in thefuture.
To all my Brothers and Sisters
Thank you for a great weekend

MSF imposes restrictions on Arizona’s use of MSF-branded tape
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) recently contacted ABATE ofArizonaInc. in regards to ABATE’s Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP).Motorcyclists in Arizona have been presenting motorcycle awareness andthemessage of how to share the road with motorcycles for over three years, andtomore than 5,000 Driver Ed Students and Adults alike. The program hasbecome extremely popular and is now touching more than 3,000students/adults each year.
The MAP is coordinated by ABATE of AZ, approved by the State MotorcycleSafety Advisory Council (SMSAC) and Sponsored by Arizona’s MotorcycleSafety Fund and Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS). During the53-minute presentation of the MAP, an 8 minute MSF – ‘Common Road’ tapeisshown. Although the MSF does not consider the MAP to be an MSF-brandedprogram, the tape is.
Because of this, the MSF stated that they expect that anyone presentingthe Common Road tape or any other MSF video to the school system, even aspart of a larger program such as MAP, will follow MSF’s basic safetyrecommendations of gear to be worn to and from the school. The Gearincludes eye protection, long pants, DOT-compliant helmet, jacket, glovesand over-the ankle boots. The MSF also alluded to the fact that not towear this recommended gear, would “undercut the message of the program.”
ABATE of Arizona states that the message of the MAP is “How motorists cansafely share the road with motorcycles”, not “What to wear or not wearwhen riding a motorcycle.” They do not discuss the pros and cons of ahelmet or any other gear, nor do they discuss their own personal choices.
Teachers often say they appreciate how the matter is handled. At the endof each presentation, the Riders Ed Course is strongly recommended to anystudent who plans to obtain an MC endorsement. The benefits of such aprogram are discussed and the teacher is provided with a list ofavailableschools in the state of Arizona.
Although ABATE of Arizona owns approximately 14 copies of the Common RoadTape, they were not aware of any restrictions/requirements to wear theMotorcycle Safety Foundation recommended safety gear when using thesetapes.
Bobbi Hartmann, ABATE’s Designated Lobbyist, State Safety Officer andcoordinator of the MAP, stated, “This is just one more example of theMSF’s recent push, in such states as Idaho, Oregon, Hawaii and Illinois,to gain uniform authority over all motorcycle rider education,curriculum,and program delivery. They’ve gone too far. The MSF has crossed theline.”
ABATE of Arizona Inc. regrets the fact that due to the MSF demands, theywill be eliminating the use of the Common Road tape from the MAPpresentations. Their message will be the same, “How to Share the Roadwith Motorcycles” – Crash Prevention – not Safer Crashes.

Candidate for State Representative to the MRF Board
I am asking each of you for your state’s vote at MOTM for StateRepresentative to the MRF Board. ~FastFred
Candidate for State Representative to the MRF Board: Fast Fred Ruddock
Several months ago, I officially announced my intention to run for StateRepresentative to the Board. I am still prepared to work as a liaisonbetween state representatives and the MRF Board of Directors. I feel as amember of the board I will be able to both help balance the current boardand improve communications especially those between the board and state reps.
Experience and Qualifications:I have been a member of ABATE of South Carolina since the early 1980s; Ihave held various positions from chapter coordinator to my current positionas state coordinator. I volunteered to be a MRF State Representative in late2002. I have worked hard to increase the membership levels of both the MRFand ABATE in South Carolina. I network and work with many other biker rightsactivists in my region and across our nation as an officer and member of theSons of Liberty Riders. I believe this board position would be a naturalextension of these efforts. I also maintain an ezine and biker rights websites geared towards increasing communication within our biker community.
Goals:I would like to work to increase the level of communication between theState Representatives and the Board of Directors. I would also like to workto increase the number of members in the MRF nationally. I am convinced thatincreasing the power and reach of the MRF is currently the best way to curbunwanted federal legislation. Many of the problems in my statehouse comefrom the federal government in the form of federal mandates and bribes topass legislation at the state level.
Personal Information:My current motorcycles are an ’89 FXRC and a ’03 FLHT; the FLHT has over45,000 miles on the odometer. Due to a serious crash I suffered in earlyJune the FLHT is still currently under repair; I have logged over 4,000additional miles on my FXR since the June crash though I was sidelined forsix weeks. I have owned many bikes over the years but only one cage; I soldthe cage last winter as it was deteriorating from lack of use. I averageabout 30,000 miles a year in the saddle riding all year in rain or shine. Ihave no children thus motorcycling and biker rights are my top priorities; Iwant my nieces to grow up in a free constitutional republic such as BenjaminFranklin and the 2nd Continental Congress forged and envisioned.
FastFred Ruddock
Join FF’s MC Rights Ezine email list athttp://www.fastfreds.com/join.htm

Rider “Radio” Bob Letourneau wins primary, needs help!
Motorcycle leader and current New Hampshire State Rep. “Radio” Bob LetourneauWON in Tuesday’s Senate primary, beating the incumbent. Kudo’s to Bob and histeam. See story below.
But now Bob needs riders help for the general election November 2, 2004. Hiscampaign treasury is low. He needs an influx of donations and fresh workers (ifyou’re in the Derry, NH) area.
Riders nationwide can help by sending in or passing the helmet to collect $10 or$20 or $30 dollars for Bob’s campaign. He’s given THIRTY YEARS to motorcyclistsrights issues. Let’s get behind him, one by one, and help him continue to be inthe New Hampshire legislature, as SENATOR Bob!
Contact me directly at claimscote@aol.com or Bob at DerryRep@juno.com on whereto send your checks.
Let’s ROAR for BOB!
Thanks – Paul W. Cote

Union Leader Staff
Two first-term state senators were ousted by conservative challengers inyesterday’s low-turnout state primary election. With the general electioncampaign about to unfold, Republicans hope to increase their current 18-6supermajority, while Democrats hope to put a significant dent in it.
Turned aside by Republican voters were Sens. Frank Sapareto of Derry andAndrew Peterson of Peterborough.
Four-term state Rep. Bob Letourneau defeated his fellow Derry residentbecause “of the hard work of people in Derry. This was not won by me alone. Itjust comes down to a style of leadership,” Letourneau said.
The Associated Press reported Letourneau with 1,652 votes and Saparetowith 1,540.
Letourneau beat Sapareto 865 to 552 in Derry. He won by 112 votes out of3,200 cast districtwide. In Hampstead, Letourneau won 239 to 196, while Saparetowon in Windham, 749 to 591. Letourneau now faces Grace Reisdorf of Derry in thegeneral election.

This weeks winnersare:
HERO Sputnik of TMRA IIFor being himself and taking home the Region 1 Warrior award
DORKThe thief that dipped into the donation bucket at the TEA Party.
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone
http://solriders.com/ or http://solriders.net/index.php