A storm hammers one coast while the sun shines on the other. That’s the way of the world. One day you’re flying high, the next you can’t get out of bed. It’s all about attitude.
Let’s get to the news. I need to jump into the garage and complete the revised Beach Ride Bike seat pan. I need some blacksmith, sheet metal training.

BRAND NEW ART PRINT FROM CHRIS KALLAS–OLD SCHOOL–Old School is the newest release from motorcycle artist Chris Kallas.This painting of a classic chopper is now available as a lithograph print.Printed on premium 80 lb. acid-free cover stock, they measure 18″x24″(image size: 13 1/2″x 17 5/8″). They are available as a signed limited editionof 250 for $39.95 or unsigned for $19.95 (plus $5 for shipping).
Chris Kallas art prints are available in the Bikernet Gulch.http://www.bikernet.com/catalog/onlinecatalog.asp?Category=Art+Prints
Later toward the weekend we’ll launch a heartfilled story about a young man’s first Panhead. Chris allowed us to used his masterful painting to illustrate it.

The Jay Hodge prison cell.
THE PRISON REPORT–I have long said that Prisons are Big Business and many people are in Prison to help them run and make Money.
I realized that in the 70s when the Sheriff in my home town explained to me he had a monthly round up of local drunks and vagrants. He used them to staff his jail crew.
In many cases it was a good deal for both sides. He got good dependable help from non violent inmates and the inmates got off the street and out of the elements that would have surely killed or seriously injured them. When they sobered up, they had to work and then were released to spend their monthly check from the Government (Social Security and Military Mostly) then back in. The old Revolving Door Policy.
Through the years I have watch this type of things go on and prisons and other institutions being staffed by non violent inmates. They are the work horses. And with out them the prisons would have a hard time running. Of course you could have the guards do some of the work But what the hey You Crazy Dude.
Now there is a Big Move in Florida and other places around the country to Privatize the Prisons.
Wackenhut a company that already runs two Florida Prisons (For Profit) is pushing to take over more.
Now Stop And Think. If Prisons Were Not Big Money Makers Why Would A Company Like Wackenhut Want To Take Them Over.
Florida State Prisons Make Money Also. They just present the facts differently and omit a lot when they tell the citizens what is going on and Use The Crime Fear Tactic to Promote more Money and Prisons. Of course the Jail and Prison Guards are fighting this attempted take over by Wackenhut because they do not want to loose their gravy train.
While I was employed at American Quantum Motorcycle Company they were in negotiations with Wackenhut for inmate labor, and I got to find out how a lot of it worked. The State Pays to house the inmates. Wackenhut looks for those with long sentences. They charge outside businesses X amount of money per hour per inmate. Usually minimum wage or less. Lets say $7.00 per hour. The inmate gets $3.00 – Wackenhut gete$3.00 ? and the other dollar disappears. When I asked where it went I was told it was none of my business.
Now there is no overtime, medical, vacations, etc. You Get The Picture right. Now that the inmate has an income he is charged for toilet articles, medical etc. from the jail at higher prices that you or I could buy the stuff on the street. So they got money coming in from all sides. And as long as that doesn?t get out there little racket goes on.
Prisons Can Run With No Tax Payer Money. They Have Slave Labor and Can Make Money and Be Self Supporting.
That is why they want to Put People in Prison For A Long Period of Time. They prefer those with drug and other non violent offenses. They want people to work in their institutions. They can call it what they want but if you take a close look at it you will realize that Prisons Are Big Money To Those That Run Them.
Just In Case You Haven?t Been Paying Attention. You May Want To See How Many Inmates Are BIKERS. Yes This Does Belong On A Biker Site.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company surpassed its 100th Anniversary celebration fundraising goal by presenting a check to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for $7,286,191.57, making Harley-Davidson MDA’s top corporate partner for 2003. Harley-Davidson Motor Company President and Chief Operating Officer Jim McCaslin made the announcement during the 100th Anniversary Party on Sunday, August 31 in Milwaukee, WI. The company set an original goal of raising $5 million for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
The Harley-Davidson family of customers, dealers employees and suppliers conducted various fundraising activities including rider pledges, dealer fundraisers, motorcycle raffles and pin sales. Fundraising activities for the Muscular Dystrophy Association took place worldwide over the 14-month period leading up to the Harley-Davidson Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee.
“We considered our 100th Anniversary fundraising goal for the Muscular Dystrophy Association to be ambitious, but we knew it could happen with hard work from everyone involved,” said McCaslin. “I’m personally grateful to our customers, dealers, employees and suppliers who rose to the occasion and helped us not only meet but surpass our expectations.”
The 100th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson marked the 23rd year the Motor Company has been associated with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. During that time, the Harley-Davidson family of customers, dealers, employees and suppliers have raised more than $47 million to aid research and program services for children and adults with neuromuscular disease. The Funds raised at the various 100th Anniversary events will help support life-saving research, comprehensive medical care and the very special MDA Summer Camp.

NEW MODEL CHROMED FORK LEG CAP–” Cause acorn nuts are for squirrels,” The owner Chris Hill commented about his new product, in reference to the old’ nut washer stock combo. Now you can replace that unsightly unit with something billet precision engineered. Check ChrisHD.com
–Chris Hill
6th ANNUAL STEEL PONY EXPRESS” MOTORCYCLE RALLY AND MUSIC FESTIVAL–The Steel Pony Express VI Motorcycle Rally & Music Festival takes place October 23rd,24th, 25th & 26th in New Orleans along scenic Lake Pontchartrain at UNO Field. The four-day festival consists of events for the entire weekend. The fun begins on Thursday, October 23rd with an Open House at Harley-Davidson of New Orleans and the Official Kick Off Party Thursday Night at the Dock, located along scenic Lake Pontchartrain (minutes from the rally grounds).
Friday through Sunday, the Rally grounds will be open and will boast an awesome line up of over 15 bands with Aaron Tippin, STYX AND CCR HEADLINING and some of Louisiana’s best, including Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Gospel and more! Enjoy the New Orleans Food Pavilion, featuring the best food in the world. Shop the vendor village, with over 150 of the major manufactures, displaying their Big Rigs & the premier vendors selling everything from chrome to boots to parts._
COME MEET THIS YEARS MASTERS OF CEREMONIES–Paul Teutul Sr. & Paul Teutul Jr. of ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS AND DISCOVERY CHANNELS #1 rated show AMERICAN CHOPPER. Plus, come meet and see these Top Custom Bike Builders IN THE WORLD– showing off their most radical designs with: Jesse James of West Coast Choppers OF DISCOVERY CHANNELS MONSTER GARAGE, returning for a 3rd year, Jim Nasi, Eddie Trotta, Kendall Johnson, Billy Lane, Jeff Nicklus of Desperado Motorcycles, and. local boys Ivy Trosclair Sr. &Jr. of Metry Customs.
Scheduled attractions this year include Rhett Rotten Wall of Death, Team Extreme Sport Bike Stunt Team, and the Hardly Angels World Renound All Female Motorcycle Drill Team. Also, the Purrfect Angelz are back by popular demand, to heat up the stage! Take part in the Boardwalk Ride in bike show, Bike Games, Guided Destination Rides & much more! On Sunday, join us for the Worlds Largest Jazz N? Blues Biker Brunch, serving up a traditional New Orleans Brunch! Rally packages starting at just $50 (including T-Shirt, Pin and brunch until Sept. 23), Day Passes at $20. Great discounted hotel packages available now, with secure bike parking, located in the French Quarter (just 10 minutes from the Rally Grounds). Vendors are welcome-RV and Motorcoach camping available on site for Vendors. So, come pass a good time in N?awlins & Let the Good Times Roll at Steel Pony Express! VI!
Contact:Karol Brandt
Phone:1-877-991-7433 (Toll Free)
Web:http://www.steelponyexpress.com_ _

RON FINCH IN AMERICAN RIDER–Ron’s latest creation will shine on the pages of American Rider in a couple of months. I’m honored with the assignment to write the story. I may dig up an old interview with this historical, artistic builder and post it on the site. Hang on.

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man took his wife to the State Fair and one of theexhibits is that of breeding bulls.
They went up to the first pen and there was a sign that said, “This bullmated 50 times last year.” The wife poked her husband in the ribs andsaid, “He mated 50 times last year.”
They walked a little further and saw another pen with a sign that said,”This bull mated 120 times last year.” The wife hit her husband and said,”That’s more than twice a week! You could learn a lot from him.”
They walked further and a third pen had a bull with a sign saying, “Thisbull mated 365 times last year.” The wife got really excited and said,”That’s once a day. You could REALLY learn something from this one.”
The husband looked at her and said, “Go up and ask him if it was with thesame cow.”

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE DRAG TEAM RUNS STRONG AT INDY–Both Riders Advance to Second Round of Eliminations; Hines Sets Fastest Speed.The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines drag racing team advanced to the second round of Pro Stock Bike eliminations in the rain-delayed 49th Annual Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at Indianapolis Raceway Park, the most prestigious stop on the National Hot Rod Association POWERade Drag Racing Series.
Riders GT Tonglet and Andrew Hines both qualified for Sunday’s elimination rounds, returning to Indianapolis Raceway Park on Friday, Sept. 5 to complete qualifying rounds that were interrupted the previous weekend by consecutive days of rainy weather. Hines qualified his V-Rod second-quickest with a run 7.162 seconds at 190.65 mph (the fastest top speed recorded during the weekend), while Tonglet was sixth qualifier with a best run of 7.190/189.92 aboard his V-Rod. Defending U.S. Nationals champion Angele Savoie (7.154/189.12) was the top qualifier.
Sunday’s Pro Stock Bike elimination rounds turned out to be a red-light festival, as 10 of 15 match-ups were decided when one rider jumped the start, including an NHRA pro-class record six red lights in eight runs of the first round. Tonglet was on the winning end of one of those red lights, when Blaine Hale jumped the start. Tonglet saved his engine and coasted across the line with a 8.377/113.92 run. Hines just shaved the good side of the light on his first run, with a reaction time of 0.006 seconds and a run of 7.288/185.74 to beat Michael Phillips (7.326/179.66).
In the second round, both Hines and Tonglet delivered strong runs, with ETs good enough to win, but both jumped the start and redlighted. Hines (7.281/180.65) lost to Antron Brown (7.366/182.85), while Tonglet (7.251/189.34) lost to Shawn Gann (7.270/184.52).
“The competition in Pro Stock Bike is so close this season that every rider feels the need to cut a really good light to win,” said Hines after the event.
“We are running great times,” added Tonglet, “and the Screamin’ Eagle team will keep its focus and come back strong for the next event.”
In the final round, Reggie Showers (7.264/181.40) proved just how important a split-second at the start can be when he be beat Gann (7.232/188.04) off the line with a 0.021 reaction time to Gann’s 0.054, and won the final by an scant 0.001 sec. It was the first NHRA Pro Stock Bike victory for Showers.
The next stop for the Pro Stock Bike class on the 2003 National Hot Rod Association POWERade Drag Racing Series is the 19th Annual Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals, Sept. 11-14 at Maple Grove Raceway near Reading, Pa.
Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts are inspired by and built in the spirit of the raw adrenaline and power of motorcycle racing, offering both racing-grade and street-legal performance options for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. Visit www.harley-davidson.com for more information.
Continued On Page 2