THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at

?Smoke and ash still billows from the rubble that was once the crown jewels of the New York City skyline, and fire still seers through the heart of America?s military command post, which burns with a fury nearly as hot as most Americans? tempers at the time of this writing.
Like everything else unrelated to the terrorist attacks on American icons, the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, motorcycling news is diminished in importance and relevance as our collective attention is focused on the tragic circumstances surrounding such despicable and reprehensible acts of cowardice.
As Americans we are shocked to discover that our envelope of security has been breached. ?As Americans, we are horrified with the prospect that foreign hostilities can nestle upon our shores, though the perpetrators remain hidden and protected in faraway retreats. ?As a free and open society, Americans are rightfully angry and understandably frightened about the prospect of such attacks on our own soil. ?And our American Pride will not allow us to let terrorist bullies win. ??
But, as Americans, are we willing to alter our way of life and sacrifice our civil rights in exchange for governmental protections that hinder our freedom in order to regain some peace of mind?
By doing so, wouldn?t this allow terrorism to dictate our national policy?
As the ashes settle on a dismayed America, this will be the topic of ongoing debate in the press, within our legislatures and around the water fountains of society. ??????????
As American Bikers, we have always come down on the side of personal choice and responsibility in lieu of the blanket of security offered by our self appointed protectors. ?
In the famous words of one of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson; ”Those who would trade essential Liberty for temporary security, deserve neither Liberty or Security.”
As America lays the groundwork for recovery and restitution, we must strengthen our resolve and divert ourselves from the temptations of restructuring our system of democracy and redefining our liberties. ?If we do, we deserve neither.
God Bless America!–Bill Bish
?Following is a note sent to the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) from Neil Liversidge, National Chairman of the Motorcycle Action Group of the United Kingdom (MAG-UK), on September 11, 2001, regarding the terrorist attacks on the United States of America:
”It is right that our leaders condemn this act of war. ?It is not, however, enough that only they do so. ?The enemies of democracy must know that not only do the political leaders of the free world have the will to resist and defeat terrorism, but that the ordinary people possess that same resolve.
”The perpetrators of this infamous crime should know that they are not merely opposed by a political elite but by hundreds of millions of ordinary and right-thinking people throughout the world. ?At this time, ordinary people everywhere should communicate to the citizens of the United States their solidarity and support, as well as their condolences for the many deaths and tragedies suffered. ?I offer mine. ?
”At the Federation of European Motorcyclists (FEMA) Rally in Belgium, the official MAG-UK presence will fly the star spangled banner of the United States alongside the Union Flag of the United Kingdom. ?By this we will demonstrate our support and solidarity for our American allies who are, like us, citizens of the free world.”
When the chips are down it is good to know who your friends are.
?Due to an oversight, R.S. 47:463.18(A) and (C)1 of the Louisiana Vehicle Code did not list motorcycles as a vehicle that was eligible to carry Veteran plates as cars and trucks can. ?At least that was the way things were before a retired Navy veteran motorcyclist tried to get plates for his bike.
”I proudly and honorably served my country for 24 years as a member of the United States Navy,” said Steve Howardell, a Life Member of ABATE of Louisiana. ?”I retired in 1999 having worked my way from enlisted into the officer ranks. ?After my retirement, I was rated by the VA at 50% disabled. ?But yet, with all this service and dedication to my country, I was not allowed to display my service and pride on my motorcycle as I can my truck plates. ?I decided that it was time for a change.”
Howardell contacted his local legislators, Representative Mike Strain of House District 74 and Senator Jerry Thomas of Senate District 12, and requested assistance to get this regulation amended. ?Both were more then willing to help and out of just a couple of e-mails was born House Bill-186 and Senate Bill-110. ?
Now came the waiting game.
”I became a true watcher of the political process as the bills moved from committee, to full House and Senate, and on to the other side of the fence. ?These two bills breezed though all committee and floor votes with one lone dissenter,” explained Howardell.
Finally, on 25 June 2001, both bills were signed into law by Governor Foster and officially became Act 658 (HB-186) and Act 676 (SB-110). ?The only remaining hoop to jump through is for 100 people to sign up for these plates as that is a requirement to get them minted. ?So, get the word out to your riding buddies in the Bayou State and let them know about the new Veterans? license plates.
?Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe?s newly introduced anti-car campaign has claimed its first casualty ? his deputy was knocked off his bicycle by a motorcyclist illegally traveling down a new lane reserved for buses, bicycles and taxis.
”The funniest thing is that I had just left a meeting at police headquarters where I said we absolutely had to take measures against motorcycles that use these lanes,” said Yves Contassot, head of the small Greens party in the city?s coalition government after having routine hospital checks for some minor bruises.
The bus lanes, which the city has been marking off with new concrete dividers during the summer, are the latest anti-car step that Socialist Delanoe has taken since being elected last spring on a platform of creating more ”civilized space” in the capital, reported Reuters News Service.
”We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve.”Admiral Yamamoto, after he was overruled by the Emperor of Japan, on the bombing of Pearl Harbor
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