Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET JOB RECOMMENDATION OF THE WEEK–Replace all female flight attendants with good lookin’ strippers. The attendants have gotten old and haggard looking. They don’t even serve food anymore, so what’s the loss?
The strippers would double, triple, perhaps quadruple the alcohol consumption and get a “party atmosphere” going in the cabin.
Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. And, of course, every heterosexual businessman in this country would start flying again hoping to see naked women.
Hijackings would come to a screeching halt and the airline industry would see record revenue.
Why didn’t Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?
— Bill Clinton
–from Joe Lankau

SAMSON’S NEW 2006 SOFTAIL TRUE DUAL LONGTAIL PIPES–Samson Exhaust? is famous for Fishtails. Sixty three feet fishtails on the side of the Samson Show Semi let everyone know Samson is the King of Fishtails. It was 1992 when Kenny Samson pioneered the first True Dual System for Softails. New for 2006 is a redesigned Fishtail True Dual System that has a cutting edge look, and all the qualities needed for today’s motorcycles.
The entire head pipe is covered by a 220? Heat Shield that is designed to eliminate any visible discoloration. Full coverage Heat Shields are better than double wall pipes because they weigh less and sound better. This system has non-removable Intergraded Baffles that are friendly to fuel injection, which shows Samson’s commitment to EPS issues. Now consumers can get a complete system with an all in one package price, which makes it easier to choose the look you want.
The True Dual Longtail pipes come with a full one Year Warranty.
For more information visit our website by clicking on the banner below.

ABATE of LOUISIANA URGENT PRESS RELEASE–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is issuing the following release at the request of ABATE of Louisiana, Inc. The MRF urges all riders and motorcycling organizations to support the ABATE of Louisiana Relief Fund in their time of need.
“After speaking with James “Poet” Sisco it is apparent that many ABATE members have lost everything,” said MRF President Karen Bolin. “I applaud James and ABATE of Louisiana for their efforts.”
From ABATE of Louisiana Inc. State Executive President James “Poet” Sisco
ABATE of Louisiana Inc. is taking the lead in assisting the motorcycling community here in Louisiana now that we are back up and running. We are asking for cash donations to assist motorcyclists who have been displaced or require other help. We will disburse these donations on a case-by-case basis according to the greatest need and what assistance is available to the individual at the time.
We will only take credit where credit is due, of course, and all donations from other State Motorcyclists’ Rights Organizations and individuals will be credited to them on our website on the supporters’ page. None of the donations will be kept by our organization. We will disburse every penny received to those that are deemed truly needy.
All donations should be mailed to our corporate mailing address so the State Treasurer can track the donations and facilitate the disbursements as directed by ABATE of Louisiana’s Executive State Board. The corporate address is: P.O. Box 541 St. Amant, LA 70774.
Any Louisiana motorcyclists affected by this disaster should contact Abate of Louisiana Inc. We are here for you in your time of need and we will assist in any way possible. You are our brothers and sisters and it is YOU we are here to serve as your state’s MRO!
Points of contacts for this relief effort are:
State Executive President – James “Poet” Sisco
State Executive Treasurer – Barb Sikes
Bikernet just attempted to mail three care packages to Southern ABATE chapters. UPS told us that shipping had been suspended. –Bandit
MRF-REPS GHSA MEETING–As I told you a last month, I was invited to speak at the nationalgovernor’s highway safety association annual meeting. I was one of fourpanelists in a workshop entitled “whats it going to take to reducemotorcycle fatalities”. I was joined on the panel by Ken Kiphardt of SMSA,Ken Shock, the motorcycle program administrator for Delaware and MarilenaAmoni of NHTSA.
The 2 hour panel discussion went very well; in fact the only person toeven mention helmets was of course the woman from NHTSA. All otherpresenters named education as the number one way to reduce fatalities. Allof the others mentioned the grant program and advisory council as greatsteps in the right direction. It was great to be able to take credit forsomething that some in the motorcycle safety community see as a “silverbullet” that will begin to solve the problem. The audience was verypleased to hear of the legislation and wanted to know all about it.
Not many of the folks in the room had heard of the MRF, but I can assureyou they did when they left. Nothing substantive came out of the meeting,but it was refreshing to hear a program admin. sing the praises ofeducation; in fact Mr. Shock cited a number from Delaware that 58% of allfatalities in DE were riders wearing helmets. HE also quoted the hurtreport several times.
MSF was there, Sherry Williams to name a name. She was not on the panelbut was the second one to jump up with a “question” during the questionperiod, I use that term lightly because her question was more of a 5minute commercial for MSF. She referenced the MSF and told the audience,(with her back to the panel) that the MSF “is comprised of everymotorcycle manufacture you have ever heard of, except Triumph, but we areworking on them…” You could see the disgust on the moderators face asshe went on and on giving the audience something they did not come tohear. Frankly it was terribly rude.
Not everyone in the audience was new to the MRF in fact Virginia Coalitionof motorcyclists director Jim Cannon was there along with VFR-RACE founderBernie Adams and one of his members. It was great to have a few friendliesin the audience. But it was even better to be able to tell the audiencethat the grant program and advisory council were the fruits of the MRF’sefforts and no one else!
Have a great weekend everyone……I think I’ll go buy a Triumph before theyjoin the dark side too.
–Jeff Hennie
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts ave NE Ste. 510
Washington DC 20002
mobile 202-725-5471
F 202-546-0986
It’s critical, right now, that everyone join a motorcycle rights group. With the EPA, noise, citizens and helmet legislation breathing all groups need support and numbers. –Bandit
S&S TO SPONSOR AUSTRALIA ‘S BIKER BUILD OFF COMPETITION–BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA (Sept. 6th, 2005) S&S Cycle is pleased to sponsor the Australian S&S 124 Challenge Biker Build Off. Five custom builders from Australia will be chosen to take part in this event – a first for the Australian market. All five bikes will be built around the S&S 124″ engine and will comply with the rules for the S&S 124 Challenge racing class. Negotiations are currently in place to cover this event with a major television network for Australia , with possible distribution world-wide.
The bikes will be debuted at Bikefest, a major Australian all motorcycle drag race meeting, at Western Sydney International Drag Strip on Saturday April 15, 2006. Part of the judging criteria, along with the physical appearance of these custom bikes, will include racing results. While these bikes will be stunning, creative, custom bikes, they will also be high performance machines capable of competing at very high levels. Following the competition phase, all five motorcycles will be seen at various locations, to be announced, along a specific tour covering the major metropolitan areas across Australia .
East Coast Custom, a major Australian distributor for Proven Performance S&S products, will be responsible for supplying the S&S engines and components for each of the builders. “ECC has been very pleased to host Brett Smith and Scott Sjovall as our guests for the 2005 Gold Coast Bike Week,” said Neal Bolam, National Marketing & Racing Manager for East Coast Custom. “We’re confident that their wealth of event knowledge will result in a very successful event with the S&S 124 Challenge Biker Build Off in 2006.”
“Australia is a very important and growing market for S&S and the V-Twin industry,” said S&S president, Brett Smith. “It is appropriate for us to sponsor this event and to do it with East Coast Custom. I am very much looking forward to the competition over the next several months. I wish all the builders the very best.”

BIKERNET SPONSORS FEMALE DRAG RACER–Attached is Valerie’s Bio and some pictures of her to put in your next news letter. Please add her Bio in your profile section also. If you look at the Salt Flats picture you can see your web site on her rear fender.
We will follow up with update as she does events.
We will be in Vegas at the Bike Fest later this week and Kansas City at the V-rod Forums meeting the next week.

CHAIN REACTION CRASH HURTS FIVE RIDERS–Five members of a family of motorcyclists taking part in Sunday’s annual Toy Run were injured in a chain-reaction crash about 12:30 p.m. on Route 202 in Monmouth.
Monmouth Police Chief Chuck Shaw said Sunday evening that he’s still investigating the accident. As a result, he said he couldn’t yet provide details on the drivers and riders.
Three were taken to Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston by ambulance, Shaw said.
The most seriously injured was a woman suffering from fractures to a leg and arm.
Two others were treated at the crash scene by paramedics, Shaw said.
All are from the Sanford area. The family group included a grandfather, father, mother, daughter and at least one friend. They were traveling in a group of six bikes, Shaw said.
The chief said the crash happened near the crest of a hill beyond Highmoor Farm. By preplanning, Shaw along with an ambulance and its crew were stationed at that point, the chief said. As a result, response was immediate, although eventually ambulances from Winthrop and Lewiston also responded.
Shaw said the accident happened when the lead driver in the group slowed as he returned waves to spectators lining the road. A woman riding a bike behind him wasn’t able to brake quickly enough to avoid a collision, so instead she “laid her bike down,” Shaw said.
Three of the four bikes in the group that were following her ended up on their sides as well as drivers and riders attempted to avoid directly hitting the bikes and people in front of them.
“They weren’t going very fast,” Shaw said, and that helped to reduce the extent of injuries.
Ric Dodge, one of the organizers of the United Bikers of Maine Toy Run, said Sunday night that as a far as he knows, the Monmouth crash was the only one that happened Sunday.
Dodge estimated that 14,000 bikes carrying 20,000 people took part in the 24th annual Toy Run.
For the Toy Run, United Bikers’ members and supporters buy new toys and then take them to the Civic Center in Augusta for distribution by the Salvation Army. All of the toys go to Maine children.
From the Civic Center, bikers rode as a group to the Windsor Fairgrounds. There, the band Whiskey River provided entertainment.
This year, Dodge said Toy Run participants were also asked to make a donation to the Salvation Army’s Hurricane Katrina relief operations.
By Doug Fletcher, Staff Writer
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

KENDON EXPANDING WITH INDUSTRY GIANT-BUCK LOVELL– Kendon Industries Inc. of Anaheim California has recently hired Former Hot Bike Magazine Editor Buck Lovell as their Sales and Marketing Manager. He will be responsible for all aspects of sales and promotional activities, and customer relations. Mr. Lovell’s extensive motorcycle industry experience and connections should prove to be an asset for Kendon’ burgeoning product line. Kendon manufactures a comprehesive line of Stand-Up?motorcycle trailers, and consumer oriented Stand-Up motorcycle lifts.
Kendon will also be introducing a line of proprietary, unique “snorkel” deep breathing top-end kits for the Evolution style Harley-Davidson Big-Twin motorcycles.
For more information about these and other exciting Kendon Products please call (714) 630-7144.

ABATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA PREPARES FOR ANNUAL HELMET RALLY–“Last year we had approximately 1000 bikers at our Freedom of Choice Helmet Law Rally,” says Fred Ruddock, ABATE of SC State Coordinator. “I’d like to see that number increase this year.”
“ABATE of South Carolina, A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments, has been fighting for the rights of South Carolina motorcyclists for over thirty years now,” explains Ruddock. “This year’s rally is of particular importance because ABATE supports South Carolina’s current motorcycle helmet law. After what unfolded in last year’s legislative session, it is obvious that our liberties are not secure with our current state senators and representatives.”
“Our Lobby Days and Helmet Rallies are calls to action to all bikers, motorcyclists, and basically every other person who is concerned with government taking away their freedoms and liberties. If we have learned anything about government in the last thirty years, whether at the local, state, or federal level, it is that powerful outside forces with lots of money to create a perception of a crisis to justify a new law, often can eliminate the voice of thousands of everyday people who just want to be left alone; to live peacefully without government interference,” continues Ruddock.
“This is an unfortunate reality in South Carolina that will only be countered by a larger public outcry than we had last year, alone with a new, determined voice that will outlast the lobbyists and Washington DC advocacy group’s money. With motorcycle registrations on the rise in South Carolina, I think ABATE of South Carolina is up to the challenge,” concluded Ruddock.
There will be a post-rally gathering at the Flying Saucer Restaurant from 2 to 6 p.m.. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
–from Rogue
Continued On Page 3