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MEMORIAL RUN September 30TH–Don’t miss it. Check with, or for more information.

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE ANNOUNCES $30 MILLION CAPITAL INCREASE– Kings Mountain, NC (September 13, 2006) – Indian? Motorcycle is pleased to announce that it has successfully executed a capital increase of $30 million in order to fund its re-launch of the company and implement its business plan developed over the last 2 years.
This follows the recent announcement that Indian? will close on the purchase of a factory near Charlotte, North Carolina, where its world headquarters is now located. The site, located in Cleveland County, 35 miles west of downtown Charlotte, includes 11 acres of property and a 40,000 square foot manufacturing facility which is expandable to 125,000 square feet. This same announcement also described the hiring of industry veteran, Geoff Burgess, to the position of Vice President of Product Development and Engineering.
“This capital increase is a clear demonstration of our significant commitment to the successful future of Indian Motorcycle. It ensures that the Company has the proper financial foundation” said Indian Chairman, Stephen Julius. “However, the success of Indian Motorcycle will not be based on capital alone. Recruiting a world-class management team and following the appropriate business strategy are paramount”, added Mr. Julius.
In this context, the company also announced that it is formally seeking to hire a seasoned motorcycle executive as General Manager for the company. This executive will assume the role of David Wright, formerly President of the Company, who resigned on August 25, 2006. Steve Heese has taken over as President while Stephen Julius remains executive Chairman of the company. Mr. Heese is a long time investor and partner with Stellican Limited, and currently serves as President of another Stellican Investment, Chris-Craft Corporation.
“We wish David every success in his new venture and thank him for his contribution to the company” commented Mr. Julius who stressed that there would be absolutely no change to the direction and plans for the company following Mr. Wright’s departure.
Mr. Julius has a successful track record of re-launching iconic brands through his London firm, Stellican Limited, including Chris-Craft boats of which Mr. Julius is also Chairman.

SEPTEMBER 16-17th – CMDRA SEASON FINALE – WHO TO WATCH!–We all anticipate the 6th and final race of the 2006 Power Twins/PartsCanada Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association drag bike series atMission Raceway on September 16-17th. The rain has threatened a few times,but never stopped us from completing all five scheduled races to date. Theheat was more of an issue with 30 degree temperatures at a number of theevents this year. Eight of the twelve classes have racers in the top threespots separated by less than two rounds of racing. The trophy supplier willhave to wait until Sunday night before they can start the engraving for theMonday night year-end awards banquet.
Screamin’ Eagle Top Fuel Series
Ron Houniet has a good lead in top fuel with 112 points on Mike Scott.Likely Houniet?s 11th straight TF Championship. Scott, in only his 2nd yearon a TF Harley is 62 points (3+ rounds) ahead of Ken Kent who is alwayspresent in the top three at year end.
Ainsworth Lumber / Core Pipelines Pro Modified Series
Gord Smith will want to regain his #1 plate back from Len Darnell. Smith is41 points ahead after 5 events. But I don?t expect Darnell will give up tooeasily in what could be his last year running Pro Mod. Clint Rabb?s Turboand Nitrous fed Kawasaki has been very quick this year. 40 points behindDarnell gives him a good shot at 2nd overall.
Screamin’ Eagle Pro Fuel Series
Despite a heart stopping crash in Ft. St. John (our hearts, not his), ToniFroehling holds a 21 point lead over Andy Beauchemin. Beauchemin has beenfocusing on his Top Fuel program, which may give Froehling the chance heneeds to hold on to #1. John Breckenridge is in 3rd, 113 points behindBeauchemin.
Screamin’ Eagle Pro Dragster Series
Woody Smith, who didn?t receive his fuel license until the 2nd race of theseason, is in 1st with a 33 point lead over Neighbor Dave Stickle. Smith hasqualified #1 twice since earning his license and will be hard to catch if hecontinues in Mission. Doug Casson will be chasing Stickle from the 3rd placestanding trying to make up a 43 point deficit.
Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod Destroyer Series (East & West)
The battle to win the #1 plate in the first season of Harley Davidson’s verypopular “out of the box” V-Rod Destroyer class continues to heat up. In theWestern series, Dave Toth is just one round, 20 points ahead of Nick Allen.Both have swapped ET and MPH records back and forth this year looking forevery possible advantage. With 20 points for a new record, expect both to bepulling out all the stops for the last race. Terry Brown is in the hunt too,back just 46 points in 3rd. Terry has run over 143MPH this year and iscapable of setting a few records also.
The Eastern Destroyer series has been just as close, and will be decided inMission after their last event in Quebec was rained out. The separationbetween 1-2-3 is almost identical to the western series. Mike Duncan in 1stjust 19 points ahead Rene Giroux. Martin Dube is 43 points back in 3rdplace.
After both series champions are crowned, they will square off in an East vsWest final to determine the overall Canadian Champion.
Pro Street Series
Ethan Barkley is holding on to a 1st place standing despite developing awhole new program this year, switching from a proven nitrous setup to aleading edge Turbo’ed GSXR 1000. Barkley sold his nitrous set up to KenFroese who has used it to chase him all year. But with a 43 point lead, andgetting faster at every event, it’s not likely Froese will catch him. GlenFraser, 87 points back in 3rd, and Tom Tourand who have both recently beenrunning in the 8’s could have an effect on the final outcome.
There’s more series, so check it out through:
Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association
Phone: (604) 580-9008 or 1-877-580-9008

WWC CHOPPER SEATS– Tired of run-of-the-mill custom seats? Check out West Coast Choppers’ slick web site and you’re up for anything but ordinary. Shown here is just a sample of the unique designs and exceptional quality you can expect in any of the companies beautifully hand crafted seats. No mass production here, WWC seats are made to order from the finest hides in black, tan and natural.
You can even order the raw seat pans ready for your finishing touch or fully show chrome plated. Three seat logo impressions are currently offered including the PAY UP SUCKER, WEST COAST CHOPPERS (WWC) and CHOPPERS FOR LIFE (CFL). A sanitary PLAIN pattern and other styles are in the works and will be available soon.
All WWC seats carry the company ID tag and are individually hand made in Long Beach California. For a close look at these unmistakably WWC seats and their massive lineup of true CHOPPER STUFF be sure to visit them on the Web at

2007 SOFTAIL SWEEPERS–Dare to be different! No doubt about it, these new SOFTAIL SWEEPERS designed specifically for 2007 Softail models are anything but ordinary. Not only are they unique in style but when dyno tested on a variety of engine configurations, they have consistently produced gains in both horsepower and torque. Fit with provisions for oxygen sensors, the new SOFTAIL SWEEPERS feature Bassani’s tri-step, 1 3/4″-1 7/8″-2 1?4″ construction, removable baffles and flawless chrome plating. Designed specifically for all H-D Softail models, these radical pipes come with all necessary mounting hardware, new gaskets and install using your stock exhaust flanges. If you’re looking for a set of pipes that were developed to provide a distinctive appearance, unmistakable exhaust note and increased performance, look no further. Bassani SOFTAIL SWEEPERS retail for $629.00 and are available exclusively from North County Customs. Call 866-439-4287 or check out the complete line Bassani Exhaust at

SMOKE-OUT WEST UPDATE–I wanted to give you all a quick peek at some of action waiting for us in October!
Here’s a picture of the lovelies from one of the two teams of roller derby girls that will perform for our pleasure while at THBSC Smoke Out West. I spoke with media director Andrea Beasley-Brown and she said there will be two teams, Lady Lux and Live Fast Roller Girls, who will chalk out a rink on the concrete and roll for an hour demonstration on Saturday. Lady Lux will be hot off a show from the Vegas Strip.
These ladies are members of alternative travel teams that are part of the women’s Roller Derby circuits. Andrea, a native of New Zealand, was excited to be coming to Arizona and meeting up with the chopper nation. She says the girls will have pillow fights, and audience participation with a game called “Spank Alley.” The ladies will have a booth set up both Friday and Saturday where they will pose for pictures, sign autographs at NO charge, and sell Roller Derby merchandise for their teams.So get ready! Here’s just one of the previews for Cottonwood. That’s right; we know it as the location for the premiere of The Horse Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out West!
THE HORSE Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out is the world’s largest and the best of Chopper ol’ skool festivals and it will be held for the first time on October 6 and 7, 2006 on the Verde Valley Fairground in Cottonwood, Arizona (20 minutes South of Sedona, about an hour north of Phoenix).
For more information or a vendor packet, check THE HORSE Backstreet Choppers website or call us at (800) 531-9733.

INSURANCE RIDER–Holden, MA. Sept. 12, 2006 – Susan Rezuke of Holden, MA can dead lift 300 pounds,has won her company’s prestigious “Top Gun” sales award, and visits her health insuranceclients on a 2002 Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster motorcycle.
Born in Hawaii just in time to see that territory become the nation’s 50th state, she’s also awife, mother and a grandmother to four grand children.
“People’s eyes sometimes pop when I ride up on my Harley,” says Sue who is the LOH(Ladies of Harley) officer in Harley-Davidson’s Leominster, MA HOG Chapter #1870. “Several ofmy clients are in the auto and motorcycle repair business, so they understand.”Riding with her husband Peter since 2002, Sue is a licensed independent agent for Mid-West National Life Insurance Company of Tennessee and the Alliance For Affordable Services.
Her background as an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified trainer, and innutrition product sales, skiing and competitive body building (she’s won international, nationaland local titles) all pointed Sue to a career in health insurance sales.
“Sue has a great, positive work ethic and would be successful at anything she pursues,”says Doug Carlson, Sue’s boss. “She’s a woman on a mission to help consumers understandtheir health insurance options then make informed choices on those options.”
“I seek out people all over Massachusetts who think they can’t afford quality healthinsurance coverage, then I introduce them to Mid-West National Life,” says Sue. “They’re usuallypleasantly surprised at the protection, value and cost.”
A 1973 graduate of Minnechaug (MA) Regional High School, Sue’s love of motorcyclingbegan when she was 48 years old. She’s ridden to Caribou, Maine and back (11 hours eachway). Her longest business trip was from Central Mass. to Sheffield in the Berkshires. Her dreamis to ride to the West Coast.
“I’ think I’d ride almost anywhere, if the weather’s right.” says Sue.” I guess the best wayto describe me is a bodybuilding, motorcycling, grandma insurance agent.”
Sue Rezuke.
Office (508) 284-2405.
Cell (508) 210-0048

BREAST CANCER CHARITY POKER RUN, SEPTEMBER 30TH–The Inaugural Twisted Pistons Breast Cancer charity poker run to benefit the 1 in 8 Motorcycle Series Against Breast Cancer, kicks off September 30, 2006 at 11:00 am. Riders will sign-up from 11:00 to 12:00, with the first bikes out at 12:00 noon.
Co-sponsoring this event are the Twisted Spoke Restaurants and Zanik Design – Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting. The 1 in 8 foundation supports early detection and care for both women and men suffering from Breast Cancer according to their website; The charity takes its name from the fact that 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in this country.
Ken Vrana is the creator of the 1 in 8 Motorcycle Series Against Breast Cancer. For the last 3 years he worked for a foundation created upon the death of Linda Eastman McCartney, Sir Paul’s wife, who passed away from breast cancer and as part of that experience, he created the 1 in 8 Motorcycle Series. “It started off as something pretty small and a lot of fun. Each day is more exciting than the last and I’m not gonna quit till the words breast cancer are like the words Stone Age. You knowSit once existed, but it doesn’t any more!”
This Chicago event will be held at the original Twisted Spoke restaurant at 501 N. Ogden in Chicago. Co-sponsor, Zanik Design, Inc. – Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting, a client-oriented design firm helping riders create plans to customize their motorcycles, is taking the lead on promotions and “designing” the poker run and party. And boy, do these guys know how to PARTY! Twisted Spoke was named one of the top 10 Biker Bars in America in the past year, according to AOL editors.
Twisted Spoke – Mitch 312.666.1500
Zanik Design, Inc. Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting – Tim Turbettzanikdesign.com847.685.0951
The 1 in 8 Motorcycle Series:

CONNECTING ROD KNIVES FROM ALACHUA COUNTY CHOPPERS– Vince is a unique guy with lots of creative juice and lots of time on his hands to do fun stuff. One of his talents is hand forged knives… Sooooo, I asked him if he could try his hand at a couple of “Rod Knives”.

The short knife is made from a shovelhead rod. The long one is a Knuck rod that he put my name on.
Toby was here this weekend and brought his pan/shovel in to work on it. I will send some progress pics if you are interested. He says HEY! He brought in some old Easyriders articles and pictures of you guys, It was fun to remember those times. I was here on the east coast and you guys were west coast. Toby would show up every now and again to check on his Mother here in FLA.
Also this months “American Iron Tuner” has my knuckle on the cover and a 6 page spread on it, check it out if you get a chance…
–C-YA! Nelson
We are always interested in project bike updates. How the hell will we learn how to build our own? Give Toby our best.–Bandit
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