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ATTACK REFLECTIONS FROM A BROTHER– Yesterday was one of the most?devastating days?of my life I can ever remember. We kept working while listening to the reports on the radio. Every now and then we would go up front and watch this tragedy on TV.
I kept working, trying to stay as busy as I could. Fuck, I kept dropping wrenches, forgetting what I was doing, couldn’t find my tools, not putting all the hardware back on right. It was a cluster fuck.
You’ve seen my work area. I know?under the normal “manic mechanic” times?where my shit is. I just couldn’t get my shit in one sock yesterday. I stayed up?last night, couldn’t sleep. I just continued?watching?the TV?in disbelief. This took me back to the JFK, RFK and King assassinations on TV. This is much worse to me now than then.
Many of us have lost brothers, family and friends. We have all grieved over these many things one encounters in a life time. This loss of innocent life and total ?devastation is almost too much?for one to?bare.
Today was a mixed bag of ups and downs. One minute you are talking to buddy and we’re all pissed. Gonna go out and kick butt. The next you are grieving for all those families who are living a terrible nightmare. Then you get patriotic while looking at the service people at the Pentagon?talking with the president. My way of thinking in dealing with these pieces of shit who did this to our country is: We need to look?to the Israeli’s way of dealing with terrorism. They do not mess around when they find out who is at fault when they are attacked by terrorists. In other words, when in doubt, knock them out! This says it all.
Whatever we can all do to help in this American crisis we need to do smartly. I know we will all get through this with each other’s help. It seems to me the changes are happening right now that are needed for the country’s security. It will never be the same as before. The days of our youth are gone. I?now wonder what else is going to happen in my lifetime. We will survive. We are strong. We are Americans. We?will march on. My thoughts continue to go out to the families for their loss.?Also let’s not forget?the rescue workers and all who are working?the long hours in this overwhelming battle.
Bandit, I hope all is well there. I wonder how LA is doing through all this. Keep me posted. I’ve said enough.
— Paul Davis, Charlotte H-D
REFLECTIONS FROM A DRAG RACING CHAMPION–Steve impressed me with the following. –Helen”After coming off of a personal best and record-breaking weekend of racing inWoodburn, Ore., I had intended on coming to the office Tuesday morning to leteveryone know of the good news. After waking up to the tragedies that weregoing on around us on Tuesday morning, it made me realize what was reallyimportant and race results wasn’t one of those things. Our deepest sympathygoes out to the friends and families affected by these tragedies.Our Web site,, has been updated with the results oflast weekend for you to review at your convenience.
–Steve Huff
FORGIVE YOUR ENEMIES– The new preacher, in his Sunday sermon, used “Forgive Your Enemies” as his subject.
After a long sermon, he asked how many were willing to forgive their enemies. About half held up their hands. Not satisfied, he harangued for another 20 minutes and repeated his question. This received a response of 80 percent. Still unsatisfied, he lectured for 15 minutes more and repeated his question.
With thoughts of Sunday dinner, all responded except one old gentleman in the rear.
“Mr. McNeese, are you not willing to forgive your enemies?’
“I don’t have any.”
“Mr. McNeese, that is very unusual. How old are you?”
“Mr. McNeese, please come down in front and tell the congregation how a man can live to 86 and not have an enemy in the world.”
The old man teetered down the aisle and slowly turned around.
“It’s easy. I just outlived the sons of bitches.”
–From Chris T.

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STRANGEST REPORT OF THE WEEK–We have an odd report on our next project bike from a brother who hasn’t seen it or touched it. In fact, the bike is located in Los Angeles while this report came from the East Coast. Evidently this brother knows his shit.
“Was checking out the FXR you are working on. The swingarm should be 9 1/2 inches wide (pivot tube). The Buell swingarm block with swingarm installed, ready to go into a Buell frame, is also 9 1/2 inches wide! If?you had the Softail tranny all you would have to do is modify a Titan or Daytec “Cradle”. Just the back half where the conventional FXR swingarm pivots. Then you could run a 17 inch/180 rear tire.
You were saying you wanted an FXR (rubbermount) hot rod. Short and compact.?A stock FXR frame looks a lot like a Sportster frame from the side. With the FXR frame you could make a “Big Twin” rubber mounted XLCR style bike. You could use the body work?for an XLCR repo from Airtec. My friend from Illinois that I was telling you about did this with a “08” Shovelhead in the early ’80s. The frame on his bike was?made from 4130 Chrome Moly. It looked?just like an FXR style frame but with the?Shovel?bolted?mounted conventionally. The XLCR body work looked really good. Just?a?thought. It would really?make for a unique Hot Rod Custom.
–Bikernet East Coast Correspondent, P.D.
JUST FRED–A local law enforcement officer stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. Since he’s in a good mood that day he decides to give the poor fellow a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. So, he asks the man his name.
“Fred,” he replies.
“Fred what?” the officer asks.
“Just Fred,” the man responds. When the officer presses him for a last name, the man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it.
The officer thinks he has a nutcase on his hands but plays along with it. “Tell me Fred, how did you lose your last name?”
The man replies, “It’s a long story so stay with me. I was born Fred Dingaling. I know, funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself. I studied hard and got good grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, finally got my degree so I was Fred Dingaling, MD.
After a while I got bored being a doctor so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream. Got all the way through school, got my degree so I was now Fred Dingaling MD DDS.
Got bored doing dentistry so I started fooling around with my assistant. She gave me VD. So, I was Fred Dingaling MD DDS with VD. Well, the ADA found out about the VD so they took away my DDS so I was Fred Dingaling MD with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my dingaling so now I’m just Fred.”
The officer let him go without even a warning.
–From Robert T.
BANDIT’S HAS HIS CARDS READ–Mr. Bandit, Yah Ta Hey! Ya might want’a listen ta your Ol’Indian/Harleyspiritual guide? I was talkin’ta him tha other nite at tha Roadhouse onthe farside of Big Sur. I couldn’t believe it, but I have ta tell yawhat he saw in his Mojo. It was on the cliff cave; mixed in thespider-webs. Your next ride! A V-Rod, whipped ta tha MAX, for ’round thaWorld Tour 2002 & back ta tha Harley 100. Sometimes we just have ta gowith what’s in our nature, or our spirit.
–Ride On! Wino Joe,USA
POLICE DISREGARD THE LAW–There is a simple, common-sense way for police to handle a situation in which they find somebody growing marijuana who claims to be a patient authorized – as patients with a doctor’s recommendation have been since November 1996 under California law – to possess, use and cultivate cannabis. They can take photographs, take copies of documentation and perhaps a few samples and tell the person something like: We’re going to check this out very carefully, and if you turn out to be a phony we’ll be back to arrest you.
That’s not the way the Santa Ana, Calif., police handled Marvin Chavez, founder of the Orange County Patient Doctor Nurse Support Group, Thursday night when they visited his house in Santa Ana. Mr. Chavez, who suffers from the degenerative spinal disorder ankylosing spondylitis, showed them the letter from his doctor and support group material. All the plants he was growing were identified with signs as being medical marijuana grown legally under Section 11362.5 of the California Health and Safety Code.
The police, according to Mr. Chavez, commented on the signs. They tore out all the plants, ransacked his house and his garage, took his computer, video camera and numerous tapes, disks and records.
Mr. Chavez was not arrested or charged with a crime. The police told him they needed the plants as evidence so the district attorney can decide whether to file charges.
That was completely unnecessary, unprofessional and should be viewed by any decent citizen as unconscionable. Section 11362.5 has been the law in California since November 1996, when the people approved Prop. 215, the Compassionate Use Act. It states: “Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, shall not apply to a patient, or to a patient’s primary caregiver, who possesses or cultivates marijuana for the personal medical purposes for the patient upon the written or oral recommendation or approval of a physician.”
BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP REPORT– A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other of the afterlife. The biggest fear was that there wasno heaven. After a long life, the husband was the first to go and true to his word, he made contact.
“Is that you Fred?”
“Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.”
“What’s it like?”
“Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast, I have sex. I bathe in the sun, then I have sex twice. I have lunch, then sex pretty much all afternoon. After supper, I have sex until late at night. The next day it starts again.”
“Oh Fred, you surely must be in Heaven.”
“Not exactly……I’m a rabbit in Kansas
–From Kris B.
DAVIE ALLAN REVIEW– Got my Davie Allan CDs today. There are?some Rigid, jockey shift-gear jammin, diamond plate tire burnin tunes on them CDs let me tell you. Boy howdy?that guy can play! Makes you what to go out?bend some metal, cut,?weld and put something together and get it on down the road.??Sure would like to see him live.
DIXIE RIDER REPORT– This weekend is choked full of events to fill up your leisure time. You’ll find Dixie Rider at many of them.?First is the Trail of Tears ride from Chattanooga Tennessee to Waterloo Alabama. This ride commemorates the “death march” that we forced the Native American, (mostly Cherokee) tribes to endure n a relocation program. Dixie Rider will be at the “official” kick off party at the brand new Thunder Creek Dealership located on Lee Highway. If you need directions call TCHD at 423-892-4888.?
Also the Steel Wheels Expo is being held in Richmond Virginia. This benefits the child of a biker who was lost earlier this year. 804-741-8677 for info Dixie Rider will also be there.
Then there is Bainbridge Bike Fest in Bainbridge Georgia. Held at an abandoned airstrip, this is a party that really rocks! Free primitive camping, first come first serve. for ticket info call 912-246-0505 Look for Dixie Rider at this event. (probably riding around in a golf cart if I know Hoss!)
And then there is the Keys Poker Run. We won’t be set up at any location, we’ve just got a correspondent riding around taking pics and doing a story. Smile for the birdie.
I hope you enjoy yourself and for goodness sakes be careful, o.k.. Usually my e mail is full of humor and brevity, however, with the recent wave of attacks aimed at our fellow citizens, humor seems inappropriate. I hope each of you will take a moment to say a silent prayer for the victims and their families. In addition, if you are able to visit your local Red Cross Blood Bank in the next few days, please do….Lets start a blood drive and tell them you’re donating this as a part of a motorcycle blood drive….Bikers always turn out when we’re needed, and they will need blood. Be safe and take the road less traveled by.
Scott Cochran
Editor, Dixie Rider Motorcycle News

PRO-PHANTOM MIRRORS–Recently introduced by PRO-ONE the new PHANTOM SERIES mirrors provide custom builders and bolt-on enthusiasts with four unique styling choices. Each one-piece unit is machined from solid billet aluminum and finished in PRO-ONE’s legendary show chrome. Available for H-D and Metric Cruiser machines, the PRO-PHANTOM mirrors are supplied with all installation hardware and retail for $69.95.
See your local PRO-ONE dealer or call 800-884-4173. On the web at
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