I don’t have a lot to say that so many other Americans haven’t expressed innumerable times already. I’ve been concerned about a loss of liberty, but I know that we will have to give during war times. We’ll get a renewed liberty returned after the conflict. I truly believe that this act will mark the end of terrorism in the world. Terrorists will no longer exist unless they can set up headquarters on the moon.
Much of what will follow will be associated with the attack, but we’ve attempted to throw in some news, and break up the sorrow with a joke or two.
I want to thank all the cops, firemen, EMTs and rescue workers who are risking their lives to help. Let’s get to the news.

HOW WE ALL CAN HELP–A Tragedy has struck America. As we mourn the deaths of thousands of victims, we need to pray and keep in our hearts the 266 plane passengers, 800-plus Pentagon employees, and the uncounted victims in New York.
We ask that if there is anything that you can do, please help! Visit http://helping.org/promos/cs_wtc.adp.
The United Way of New York and the New York Community Trust have established a fund to help the victims of the attacks and their families. The September Eleventh Fund will provide immediate support to established emergency assistance agencies. Anyone wishing to contribute may send their donations in care of United Way, 2 Park Ave., New York, N.Y., 10016; or call (212) 251-4035.Donations are also being accepted on United Way of New York City’s Web site: http://www.uwnyc.org.
American Red Cross, cash donations:(800) HELP-NOW
Salvation Army, cash donations:(800) SAL-ARMY
All trained medical personnel willing to go into Manhattan to assist victims and emergency workers may call (516) 656-9254 or (516) 656-9252. The City of Glen Cove, N.Y., is coordinated transportation of medical personnel via ferry to Manhattan.
The American Red Cross is in need of blood to replenish the nation’s supply. Call (800) GIVE-LIFE to schedule an appointment near where you live.
Friends and family who wish to check on passengers and flights may call:American Airlines, (800) 245-0999United Airlines, (800) 932-8555
FBI tip Web sitehttp://www.ifccfbi.gov
Report Attacks FBI Hotline(866) 483-5137
ATTACK PRAYER–For the victims of the attack.For the friends and families of the victims.For all the lives lost.For all those helping to rescue, save and treat the trapped and injured.For all of us who sit and watch the attacks on the television and listentoit on the news.
We pray for understanding as to how and why this happened. For thestrength to deal with the loss. For the courage to eventually pick up thepieces and move on with life. For the ability to one day forgive those responsible for this great loss. May God fill our hearts with love. Helptake away the sorrow. Help heal the wounds.
May the laughter of thechildren help us to remember that there is still good in this world. And,may the warmth of the sun, shine down upon us and help us find our smilesagain.
–From Eddie Dyer

MOTORCYCLE SEIZURE LAW–A billto amend section 4549.63 of the Revised Code to modify the guidelinesgoverning seizure of a motor vehicle by a law enforcement officer when theidentity of the vehicle cannot be determined and to establish limited civilliability if the law enforcement officer or agency fails to comply withspecified guidelines.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OHIO:Section 1. That section 4549.63 of the Revised Code be amended to read asfollows:Sec. 4549.63. (A) A law enforcement officer may seize and take possessionof a vehicle or vehicle part if the officer has probable cause to believethat any vehicle identification number or derivative thereof on the vehicleor part has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or destroyed in such amanner that the identity of the vehicle or part cannot be determined byvisual examination of the number at the site where the manufacturer placedthe number. The seizure shall be pursuant to a warrant, unless thecircumstances are within one of the exceptions to the warrant requirementthat have been established by the supreme court of the United States or ofthe supreme court of this state.
(B) A (1) Except as provided in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section, avehicle or vehicle part seized under division (A) of this section shall beheld in custody pursuant to section 2933.41 of the Revised Code or anyapplicable municipal ordinance.
(2) A law enforcement officer or agency that seizes a vehicle or vehiclepart under division (A) of this section shall transport, secure, and storethe vehicle or vehicle part in a manner that protects the vehicle or vehiclepart from damage.
(3) Within thirty days of seizing a vehicle or vehicle part, the lawenforcement officer or agency shall do all of the following:(a) Restore or locate the vehicle identification number if possible anddetermine whether the vehicle or vehicle part is stolen;(b) Make a reasonable effort to identify and locate the lawful owner of thevehicle or vehicle part;(c) Notify the lawful owner of when and where the vehicle or vehicle partmay be reclaimed;(d) Return the vehicle or vehicle part to the lawful owner in accordancewith division (D) of this section.
(C)(1) A law enforcement officer who acts in good faith in the belief thatthe seizure of a vehicle or vehicle part is justified under division (A) ofthis section is immune from any civil or criminal liability for suchseizure.
(2) Notwithstanding division (C)(1) of this section, the state or anypolitical subdivision associated with a law enforcement officer or agencythat seizes a vehicle or vehicle part under this section is liable to itslawful owner in a civil action for any damage to or loss of the use of thevehicle or vehicle part that is approximately caused by either of thefollowing:(a) The failure of the law enforcement officer or agency to transport,secure, and store the vehicle or vehicle part in a manner that protects thevehicle or vehicle part from damage;(b) The failure of the law enforcement officer or agency to comply withdivision (B)(3) of this section.(D) The lawful owner of a vehicle or vehicle part seized under this sectionthat is not needed as evidence and is not subject to forfeiture underdivision (D)(2) of section 4549.62 of the Revised Code may reclaim theproperty by submitting satisfactory proof of ownership to the lawenforcement agency or court holding the property.Section 2. That existing section 4549.63 of the Revised Code is herebyrepealed.
–From Hairy George

HORSE MAGAZINE RELEASES COVER GIRL–Undercover Bikernet correspondents make an effort every issue to capture, question and fondle the latest HORSE cover girl.
This is the December issue, which goes on sale Oct. 30.This issue includes a one-of-a-kind story on chopping a Victory by Bob “The Wizard” Philips. Our agent reports that they will havecomplete coverage of the SMSO and part one of Bandit’s Buell hop-up story. Plus, they are featuring Billy’s latest Lil’ Blue Suicide Machine perimeter long bike and tons more rad chops. It’s a killer issue.
Watch for the new issue on newsstands.

BIKERNET MEMBER RUNNING FOR AMA BOARD–That’s right, the former advertising director and former editor of Quick Throttle Magazine is running for the AMA board of directors. Mike Osborn has been devoted to motorcycle rights for over 20 years and is currently chairman of the ABATE of California political action committee. He is also on the board of directors of ABATE of California.
If you are an AMA member who livesin Southern California, Nevada (below Reno), Wyoming, Utah, Colorado,New Mexico or Arizona, fill out the official nominating ballot onthe stitched-in card between pages 12 and 13 in the October issue of theAMA’s American Motorcyclist magazine, put “Mike Osborn” on thenominating line, and send that puppy in. He’ll do a helluva job.
BIKERNET DRAG RACING REPORT–To sum up Woodburn, it was fast, safe, hot and well attended by both racers and spectators. We saw?some fantastic?200 mph?and 6-second passes and some wobbly runs that made you suck in your breath and clench your fists. These guys keep the throttle twisted no matter what. Steve Huff set a new AHDRA mph record for Pro Drag, replacing Marc Augustine’s. John McMillin won the Pro Drag category on Augustine’s old bike. I’ll have the exact numbers when AHDRA posts them on their Web site at We will have extensive coverage of the Woodburn drags next week. Check the Down the Track section for reports and current standings. It’s got it all. The terrorist attacks have obviously affected deeply, all Americans. I regard the?recess of work as a sign of respect for the dead and the suffering. Its only been three days since the end of the races at Woodburn, but it seems like it is in the distant past.? I’ll be working well into next week once I get the pictures back, so be sure to check out my Down the Track section periodically. I haven’t heard from AHDRA yet on the scores.??Those on the East Coast?are reeling from the shock, and I’m prepared to be patient on this one. Lacking?words that express my intense anger, sorrow and fear?of what may come,?I’ve borrowed some: “Diplomacy: the art of saying ‘nice doggie’ till you can find a rock.” – Wynn Catlin “Don’t be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonuvabitch die for his.” – George S. Patton “All wars are popular for the first 30 days.” – Arthur Schlesinger Jr. –Helen Wolfe BIKERNET CULTURAL BUZZ–My name is Tokes (Rod Tokely) and I’m an artist working in MelbourneAustralia.I do illustrations for Live to Ride, the Australian biker lifestylemagazine, as well asother hot rod and motorcycle-related art. I would like to invite you to visit my Web site athttp://www.bhome.com.au/tokes/ It’s a quick-loading folio of some of my artwork.I hope Bikernet will be interested in using some of my existing art orperhaps commissioning pieces specifically for your requirements. –Tokes BIKERNET SPECIAL INVESTIGATION–BANDIT THREATENED–After close coordination with the FBI, we have unraveled the following printed threat:”You’re the one that’s going to get beaten, my friend. ?And that JPEG orwhatever the hell it was I sent you, was not meant to be the publishedversion. After working on the 2002 calendar, I know all about that resolutionshit and putting stuff on zip and blah, blah, blah. ? “Tomorrow is the last, the LAST day before we come after you. ?But it is going to be FINE. ?What you should be worryingabout is that when I come up for air, I will be coming for you.I am an evil, oops, I mean devil girl.And you have been a very bad boy.” –Your gothic Mistress Continued On Page 2