Continued From Page 1

CHARLIE BRECHTEL BROTHERHOOD–There is a history, a legacy and a brotherhood that comprise the soul of the American biker. Those are also the elements that separate the music of Charlie Brechtel from any other musician or band who aim their talents at the motorcycling community.
With Charlie it’s all about reality. It’s about what actually goes on –and has gone on– within the inner circle of America’s last breed of folk heroes. Charlie doesn’t just play the kind of rockin’ blues that is the perfect soundtrack to this way of life; Charlie takes his listeners into a world that was begun in America’s post WWII years, screamed through the 50s and 60s and has evolved into one of the most powerful and envied sub-cultures that this country has ever produced.
His tribute tunes are becoming legendary. His music pays homage to the biker lifestyle in a way that no other musician has ever done. Charlie Brechtel weaves the personalities who pioneered this way of life into the heart of all of his songs. Men like Sonny Barger, Wino Willie Forkner, the Bravo Brothers…vintage bikes like the Indian…biker Meccas like Sturgis, Hollister and the Buffalo Chip…all supply the ever-sharp edge to the music of Charlie Brechtel.
Charlie’s roots extend back to his hometown of New Orleans…the tradition of that town…the power…the feel…it’s all there…it’s deep within the blood. He’s played with Gregg Allman and John Lee Hooker…his CDs feature some of the best musicians in blues and rock ‘n roll today…he’s played Sturgis and countless other major biker events and venues…his tunes will be heard in upcoming specials on the History Channel and in the DVD that accompanies the book, “The Original Wild Ones.”
The soul of the American biker and the music of Charlie Brechtel are truly one and the same…
Charlie has been around for over 32 years, playing his music, doing his thing. Charlie is not just a player but a Composer, Arranger, Songwriter and Producer.Charlie has worked with the likes of John Lee Hooker, Deacon Jones, Gregg Allman, B.B. King, Dr. John, Buddy Miles, Aaron Neville, Freddy Fender, Steppenwolfe and on and on…
Charlie has opened for such as Dave Mason, Fog Hat, John Lee Hooker, Steppenwolf and a host of others.Charlie is a product of New Orleans so he knows his blues.Charlie has ridden a bike or two, so he knows the life.

LIFESTYLE CYCLES, ANAHIEM CALIFORNIA WEEKLY REPORT, BAD BET–So In my arrogance, I bet the guys in the custom shop that we’d move aton of T-shirts at Sturgis. They said I’d come back with more than 100.I thought this is a no-brainer. I can’t possibly lose. So we make thisbet that who ever loses has to wear a dress all day at the shop, andthen to bike night.
Needless to say I lost the bet and had to wear this lovely pink dressall afternoon (yes, I did have a couple of high level meetings … doyou know how hard it is to negotiate deals when you are wearing pinktaffeta?) and when I hosted Bike Night at Big’s Bar & Grill inFullerton.
I learned three important lessons;
1. I make a hideous woman.
2. Never make a bet unless it’s a sure thing.
3. There is no sure thing.
Enjoy the picture … I added the scarf, beads and cigar … hey,accessorizing is everything.
Feel free to use it on your web site under the”What-the-fuck-was-he-thinking column.”
–Dan Leadbetter
Dir. Marketing
LifeStyle Cycles
1534 N. State College Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 490-0155 Office
(714) 999-6790 Fax

LOUISIANA HAMSTERS TRACKED DOWN–Sounds like we’ve tracked down all three of our Louisiana Hamsters. They are all okay. Unfortunately, Charlie’s house is now flooded. Read below for further update.
Thanks for tracking them down and keeping us up to date. You guys take care down there and be safe. It sounds crazier by the minute. We’re all thinking of you, your families and communities.
Patty I talk with Randy he is fine. I also talked to Mike he said that Charlie and his family moved in with him that Charlie’s house has 6′ of water in it. He will stay with Mike as long as he has to. Mike also said he didn’t even get a drop of rain and asked If I could send him some Jelly Belly? I did. Feel free to call them.
–Tom Aylott
Olhausen Billiards
Thanks for the e-mail. I am doing fine and so is Randy. Katrina did not make it this far west. Charlie and his family are staying with me for the time being. To the best of our knowledge his house and belongs are gone. Don’t know when they will be able to get back into the city. Maybe possibly a month or more. It is a horrible situation in New Orleans. We are all trying to help out to the best of our abilities. There are thousands of people who have sought shelter in and around the Lafayette area. I’m sure the situation will only get worse – people are more than likely running out of money to stay in hotels. Shelters have been opened all around the area. All we can ask is if any of the Hamsters can help out in anyway I am sure all these people would appreciate it. At this time they are asking to basic items such as (blankets, pillows, personal care product- tooth paste, tooth brushes, sleeping bags)Thank you for checking on us, will pass the word around to Charlie and Randy.
Pray for these people, they really need it.
–Mike Guidry
Hi Patty I tried to e mail you last night but it did not go thru due to system error. Our house is flooded, staying at Mike Guidrys for the time being. Thank god that we are we’re well and safe. Thanks to Mike and his caring family we are better off than most. It’s good to have a friend like Mike Guidry. Please tell all the wonderful people w/ the Hamsters thank you from “Doc” and family. see you soon. Doc (Charlie Leggio)
–Mike Guidry

VIPER POWERSPORTS ANNOUNCES $18.9 MILLION IN EQUITY FINANCING–Minneapolis, MN, August 31th, 2005 – Viper Powersports Inc. (OTC Pinksheets: VPWS), announced $18.9 Million in Equity Financing. The funding includes $3.9 Million PIPE financing completed by Bathgate Capital Partners and $15 Million in the form of a Standby Equity Distribution Agreement (SEDA) with Cornell Capital Partners.
Viper completed a $3.9 million PIPE financing through Bathgate Capital Partners of Denver, Colorado acting as our Placement Agent, which consisted of 1,000,000 shares of restricted common stock at $3.90 per share. The company also intends to submit an application to list its common stock on the Archipelago Exchange (ArcaEx).
In addition, Viper signed a Standby Equity Distribution Agreement (SEDA) with Cornell Capital Partners of Jersey City, New Jersey, to provide up to $15 million of equity financing to be drawn down over a 24-month period at our discretion in common stock purchases in increments of up to $500,000. All common stock sold by us in this SEDA financing will be priced at a 4% discount to the then current market price. We can begin obtaining funding from this SEDA facility as soon as we have registered the related common shares with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
“During 2005, Viper has made great strides in product development, expanding intellectual property assets, and now we have gained strong partners in the area of finance,” said John Lai, President of Viper Powersports, Inc. “This financing provides the opportunity to launch our motorcycle product line and proprietary engines to the marketplace.”
The Company’s website is

REDNECK CHALLENGE– I am sick and tired of hearing about how dumb peopleare in the South.I challenge any so-called smart Yankee to take thisexam:
1. Calculate the smallest limb diameter on a persimmontree that will support a 10-pound possum.
2. Which of these cars will rust out the quickest whenplaced on blocks in your front yard?
(A) ’65 Ford Fairlane, (B) ’69 Chevrolet Chevelle, or
(C) ’64 Pontiac GTO.
3. If your uncle builds a still, which operates at acapacity of 20 gallons of liquid produced per hour,how many car radiators are required to condense theproduct?
4. A woodcutter has a chainsaw, which operates at 2700RPM. The density of the pine trees in the plot to beharvested is 470 per acre. The plot is 2.3 acres insize. The average tree diameter is 14 inches. Howmany beverages will be drank before the trees are cutdown?
5. If every old refrigerator in the state vented acharge of R-12 simultaneously, what would be thepercentage decrease in the ozone layer?
6. A front porch is constructed of 2×8 pine on 24-inchcenters with a field rock foundation. The span is 8feet and the porch length is 16 feet. The porch flooris 1-inch rough sawn pine. When the porch collapses,how many dogs will be killed?
7. A man owns a Tennessee house and 3.7 acres of landin a hollow with an average slope of 15%. The man hasfive children. Can each of his grown children placea mobile home on the man’s land and still have enoughproperty for their electric appliances to sit outfront?
8. A 2-ton truck is overloaded and proceeding 900yards down a steep slope on a secondary road at 45MPH. The brakes fail. Given average traffic conditionson secondary roads, what is the probability that itwill strike a vehicle with a muffler?
9. A coalmine operates a NFPA Class 1, Division 2Hazardous Area. The mine employs 120 miners pershift. A gas warning is issued at the beginning ofthe 3rd shift. How many cartons of unfiltered Camelswill be smoked during the shift?
10. At a reduction in the gene pool variability rateof 7.5% per generation, how long will it take a townwhich has been bypassed by the Interstate to breed acountry-western singer?
I betcha thought that there test was gonna be an easyone, didn’t ya? It’s okay if’n ya didn’t do all thatwell. Just goes to show ya… There’s a hole heap ofthings that big city book-learnin’ don’t prepare yafor in this life.
–from Buckshot
Continued On Page 3