
I try to help people find their way during stressful times. We have a ton of shit flying at us constantly, and I mean that, it’s shit. It’s wasteful garbage. I specifically don’t like the impact on kids.

Wait a minute, I wanted to make a couple of simple points, not rant. First, sometimes we need to take our minds out of gear for a fresh perspective. If you study meditation, it will make a major difference in your life and even assist with healing.

The second point includes one of my meditations that I can do anywhere at any time. It sets me free and keeps me on the right path. My meditation includes three sections. Promises I make to everyone, the definition of suffering and the path to end all suffering. Here’s just the final path:

The right contemplation
The right concentration

The right thoughts
The right intentions

The right plans
The right practices

The right actions
The right outcomes

And I add “forever” at the end to cement the notions. It’s an exercise for your mind and your integrity. It’s like lifting weights for the brain. The more you do it, the stronger you become.

Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.


Here’s something I wrote. I’m working with a producer in Hollywood and she said the industry is in turmoil. I said I would send her a story that will fry Hollywood on a gas powered stove. Hang On…



When you purchase an ad in our Official Sturgis Magazine you reach a large swath of the 14.7 million people visiting the state of South Dakota this year. In May we’ll begin distributing 20,000 plus free copies to 100s of locations across the region and beyond. You’ll receive terrific exposure not only during the rally but all year long.

New Magazine Format for 2024

Our magazine is being designed to be the ultimate go-to guide for all your local needs – from top dining spots, riding destinations to must-see attractions. We will entertain with stories of Sturgis History from national contributors including Michael Lichter, from museum curators such as Dr. Randy Hayward, and our own colorful Sturgis Museum History from Keith R. Ball.

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Representatives Visit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Test Center

Last week, Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) Vice President Jay Jackson and D.C. Lobbyist Rocky Fox visited the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) at its crash test center 100 miles outside Washington, D.C. in Ruckersville, Virginia. The IIHS is an independent, nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing deaths, injuries, and property damage from motor vehicle crashes through research and evaluation and by educating consumers, policymakers, and safety professionals.

The meeting was a combined effort by both parties to find common ground on policies that can help achieve mutual success. First and foremost, we appreciate the IIHS goal of reducing deaths among motorcyclists. We should all be able to agree that the all-time high of over 6,000 deaths in 2021 is an unacceptable number.

The timing of our visit was fortuitous as today the IIHS announced a new rating program aimed at partial driving automation systems. As the report states, “Vehicles with partial automation are not self-driving — though automakers sometimes use names that imply their systems are.” Of the fourteen (14) systems tested, only one earned an “acceptable” rating. Two (2) systems were rated “marginal,” while the remaining eleven (11) were rated “poor.”

To see the models tested and how they rated refer at the end of this article

The underlying message of the report from IIHS is that “Partial driving automation is a convenience feature that is meant to make long drives easier. There is no evidence that it makes driving safer, and, in fact, it can create new risks by making it easier for the driver’s attention to wander. For this reason, it is essential that all partial driving automation systems incorporate robust safeguards.” We at the MRF wholeheartedly agree with this statement and thank the IIHS for taking the lead in evaluating this recent technology.

The IIHS has also begun assessing front crash prevention technology in cars and trucks as they relate to motorcycles. Previously the IIHS only evaluated this technology in automobile vs. automobile situations. IIHS has now branched out to assess how this driver assistance technology recognizes and reacts to motorcycles. We are excited to see what their report reveals.

All too often, after a crash between an automobile and a motorcycle, the driver will admit that they “did not see the motorcycle.” Any technology that aids drivers in seeing bikers is welcome. Additionally, knowing which makes and models of vehicles can and cannot see motorcycles will be crucial information for motorcyclists on the road. The MRF anticipates both the IIHS report and their vehicle ratings on this issue.

While discussions were within the office, the IIHS did invite the MRF representatives to see a crash test conducted. For their viewing pleasure, a 2023 Chevy Tahoe was slammed into a brick wall at 40 MPH. This crash allowed researchers to study the effects on the occupants of the Tahoe and the performance of the Tahoe’s safety features during an impact.

The crash test was a great reminder of how even relatively low-speed crashes can have devastating ramifications for those involved. We thank the IIHS for the invitation to meet and look forward to a continuing dialogue on issues that matter to both organizations.



Youngblood spearheaded the AMA’s efforts from 1981 to 1999

The American Motorcyclist Association is saddened to hear about the passing of former AMA President Ed Youngblood on March 10, 2024, and offers condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Youngblood was 80 years old.

Born on Sept. 28, 1943, in Muskogee, Okla., Youngblood bought his first bike — a 165cc Harley-Davidson — at the age of 14. After graduating from college with a master’s degree, he went to work with AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famers Chuck and Sharon Clayton as an editor of Cycle News East.

In 1970, Youngblood joined the AMA staff as managing editor of AMA News, which later was replaced by American Motorcyclist. In 1978, he was put in charge of the AMA’s government relations department.

In 1981, Youngblood was appointed AMA executive director. He led the organization until 1999. During his tenure, Youngblood focused on improving member communication, growing the AMA’s government relations efforts, and building stronger ties to the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme. For 25 years Youngblood was a delegate to the FIM, and he eventually became the deputy president, which was the second-highest rank in the organization.

Youngblood also helped establish the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame.

He was instrumental in forming the American Motorcycle Heritage Foundation in the early 1980s to raise funds for the Hall of Fame Museum. The American Motorcycle Heritage Museum was opened in 1990 within the AMA’s old headquarters in Westerville, Ohio.

During Youngblood’s tenure the AMA’s headquarters was relocated to Pickerington, Ohio — which remains the AMA’s home today.

The American Motorcycle Heritage Museum followed the AMA to Pickerington, assuming a new name: The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum.

Youngblood resigned from the AMA to focus on his interests in history and writing in 1999 and was inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame later that year.

About the American Motorcyclist Association
Founded in 1924, the AMA is a not-for-profit member-based association whose mission is to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling. As the orld’s largest motorcycling rights and event sanctioning organization, the AMA advocates for riders’ interests at all levels of government and sanctions thousands of competition and recreational events every year.

Besides offering members money-saving discounts on products and services, the AMA also publishes American Motorcyclist, a recently revitalized and monthly full-color magazine (and digital version of same) that covers current events and motorcycle history with brilliant photography and compelling writing.

American Motorcyclist is also North America’s largest-circulation magazine. Through the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickerington, Ohio, the AMA honors the heroes and heritage of motorcycling. For more information, visit
Not a member? Join the AMA today:

TEXAS WEATHER REPORT— I’m a photographer, so I take pictures for myself, to document it, and to share my exploits with my Bikernet brothers and sisters.

I recently acquired FXRP fairing, but quick, the weather. It not only froze in Houston again, but was a holiday for some. With the roads having some icing issues I decided to do a YouTube search for Fiberglass Motorcycle Fairing Repairs and came upon an Australian dude who introduced me to Plastex, an American made product.

Simple to use and fast acting and sand-able too. It’s just a powder and an activating agent, that you do not want to use in an enclosed space! Then I watched another individual in the States using the JB Weld for plastic, also sand-able. I didn’t watch his entire video as I’ve repaired a couple of tanks with JB Weld, no electricity needed welder, so I’m familiar with the mixing. Both products come in different colors as well.

I was lucky in the way my fairing was damaged, the main crack where the inside of the fairing meets the thicker outer shell and a smaller crack not too far away.

After figuring out how to pull the main crack tight, I used the JB to secure the corner after a bit of curing I turned my attention to the front side of the main break. The Plastex needs a bit of a groove to properly adhere, like an actual weld. After completing that task, I loaded up the area with the powder and tapped it in, figuring how to get that area level was interesting. Then I began to start dripping the activator on the powder, did I mention the garage door was closed–oh my gosh that stuff was strong!

Plastex takes no time to harden for handling, yet I waited a while before carefully turning it over to add some additional strength to the back side with the JB. I also added the rebar or sheet rock tape. I learned from the gentleman in Australia, although I didn’t do it with the top side repair.

While I haven’t started sanding yet, on its first journey it held together. There is still an inner brace missing from that side that I want to replace, but I need a piece of ¼-inch metal and a video on what product to use to secure it? Harley put them there for a reason and whatever they used to secure it is hard as a rock! I’ve noticed on the internet most RP fairing are damaged on the right side.

The “ONLY” possible issue I see is the Plastex states not to let it come in contact with other products. The small hole I drilled in the second smaller crack and filled with the powder, I later added JB to the back side. So, it’s possible, in a Back To The Future sorta way, that when I reach 102.634 miles per hour these two products will have a chemical chain reaction, leaving a hole the size of Rhode Island?

Hang on!



Today the president of the Black Hills Antique Motorcycle Association stopped by to thank us for straightening out an old problem with the Museum. He offered us bikes and would like to join the board.

We hooked up with the new Mayor of Sturgis and plan to host Angela on a tour of the facility to discuss expansion and who on the city council will become a board member for the future.

We are moving and enhancing exhibits. We’ve edited and expanded the historic rally timeline and we are working with Quick Signs in Spearfish to blow up this font of information and position it on a 5 by 8 board against one of the entrance walls.

We are reworking the Sturgis Museum Website and building the annual magazine with more pages, more content and more resources.

Hang on.



Nepal & Bhutan in the Heart of the Himalayas

A road trip through this mythical world is an experience well beyond your ordinary motorcycle tour. This Himalayan adventure awakens the senses and invigorates the soul; it is a voyage of discovery, not just of these legendary lands but of oneself.

MAKE IT TO LEGISLATIVE DAY WITH ABATE of Illinois— Statehouse Update

Want to make your voice heard? Join Us for Legislative Day – April 17th

Representative Daniel Didech Gets another Sponsor for his Mandatory Helmet Bill for Illinois Motorcyclists – Witness Slips Needed AGAIN!

State Representative Daniel Didech added Representative Margaret Croke to his legislation (HB5620) to force motorcyclists in Illinois to wear DOT rated helmets. It is still in the House Transportation Vehicle Safety Committee. The Representative from Buffalo Grove wants to take away your fundamental right to choose what gear to wear when riding.

We need to file Witness Slips Again to continue Opposing this Bill

1) Click this Link – Witness Slip

2) Fill it out manually, do not use autofill.

3) Make sure to put ABATE of Illinois – Chapter name under Firm & Self under Representation

4) Mark “Original Bill:, OPPONENT” then “Record of Appearance Only”

5) Share this link with your friends –

6) Call Representative Didech at 217-782-0499 & ask him to withdraw his bill.

7) Call Representative Croke at 217-782-8062 & ask her to remove her name as a sponsor of the mandatory helmet bill.

Remember to be firm yet polite with the legislative staff that answers the phone. They deal with a lot of rude folks, and we don’t need to add to that list. ABATE is known for lighting up phones and being nice about it, so let’s keep that going.

It’s been a long time since ABATE has had a good helmet fight – Mike ingram, ABATE of Illinois Member.

Always See the latest at

Questions? email:



What motorcycle do you like that everyone seems to hate?

Harley-Davidson X440 – it’s not ugly nor poor. It is actually a meticulously designed motorcycle and as for its low price–Harley-Davidson was always meant to be a motorcycle for the working class– not for some billionaire to showcase in his 50 acre garage.

Launched on July 3, 2023, the Harley-Davidson Motor Co does not offer the X440 for sale in the USA.

International Editor™


The forged Raven Bearded Ax is a fully custom made, Nordic inspired bearded ax.

Forged from super tough 80CRV2 steel, it is a true working ax, not just a collectors’ item as it appears. The neck features a Viking knotwork design forged into the steel and the handle scales are linen Micarta textured with an interlocking Celtic pattern.

It comes with a custom Chattanooga Leather Works scabbard and leather Baldric ring for belt or MOLLE carry. The Raven also includes a solid wood box with laser engraved touches, an a leather patch. The Raven is designed, forged, and finished by our inhouse blacksmith Reid Carmack.

Head Length: 4. in
Overall Length: 14 in
Handle Length: 9.5 in
Forward Cutting Edge Length: 3.25 in
Steel Thickness: .375 in
Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces (without sheath)
Weight: 1 pound 5 ounces (with sheath)
Blade Material: 80CRV2 Carbon Steel
Steel Finish: Fire scale
Handle Material: Micarta

FAIRPLEX Special Ticket Offer

The California Overland Adventure & Power Sports Show – March 16 – 17, 2024, at the Fairplex, Pomona

As a partner and exhibitor at this exciting event, we have secured Up To 400 Free Tickets and are happy to pass this great offer to you, your family, friends, and colleagues. We invite you to attend SoCal’s ultimate outdoor lifestyle event featuring products and brands in Overlanding, RVs, ATVs, Motorcycle Brands, Autos, E-bikes, Camping, Hiking, and more.

Early attendees to the show will receive Logoed Back Pack, a full year free subscription to OVR Magazine, and other items, and those early attendees will have a chance to win some great products.

Please visit our booth during the show. We look forward to seeing you!

Get Your Free Tickets Here While They Last!


False Evidence Appearing Real

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” –Rosa Parks

Fear is a formidable adversary, disrupting our peace and hindering our ability to perform at our best. When anxiety consumes us, we are unable to fully engage with the present moment, and the fear we harbor today often carries over into tomorrow, perpetuating a cycle of dread.

It steals our sleep, robs us of joy, and leaves us drained and unable to move forward. Dwelling on our problems only serves to entrench us further in fear, preventing us from accessing the solutions we seek.

Today’s Affirmation: Today, I choose to reject fear’s grip on my life. I affirm that I am guided by a Higher Power and shielded from harm. I release the burdens of yesterday, refusing to dwell on past fears. Instead, I direct my energy towards finding peace, joy, and trust within myself, confident that the solutions to my challenges lie within me.

I embrace a Higher Consciousness, grateful for the lessons I have learned and the growth they have brought. With each challenge I face, I stand firm in my inner confidence, knowing that I am supported and equipped to overcome. I elevate my mindset with gratitude and benevolence.

And So It Is!


The lessons of Life are repeated until they are learned

“Always do what you are afraid to do.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson


“See, it’s all about the mind. And you can change your mind by working out…”  –Bandit

[page break]


Cory West Tops All-Harley Podium in Saturday’s Super Hooligan Race

Harley-Davidson Factory Racing rider Kyle Wyman scored a Daytona double by winning the first two MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers races of the 2024 season at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Harley-Davidson Factory Racing rider James Rispoli finished in third place in both races. Wyman and Rispoli were aboard the team’s new race-prepared 2024 Road Glide motorcycles.

Team Saddlemen rider Cory West rode a race-prepared Harley-Davidson® Pan America 1250 Special motorcycle to victory and topped an all-Harley podium in the Mission Super Hooligan race on Saturday. Team Saddlemen rider Jake Lewis finished second, and Gator Harley/KWR rider Cody Wyman was third completing the sweep. West also finished in third place in the Super Hooligan race on Friday and leads the series points after two of 10 scheduled rounds.

The first King of the Baggers race on Friday saw a thundering pack of 17 bagger race motorcycles topping 185 mph on the high-banked oval portion of the 3.52-mile Daytona International Speedway road course. Wyman and Rispoli were part of a four-bike group that battled for the lead for the entire race and started the last of six laps separated by less than one second. Wyman had been quick through the backstraight chicane all race and on the last lap got a strong drive out of the final corner to pass Factory Indian rider Troy Herfoss for the lead heading onto the last section of the oval.

Wyman had enough momentum to hold off Herfoss and Rispoli across the finish line with a 0.018 second advantage over Herfoss and 0.137 second over Rispoli. Defending King of the Baggers series champion Hayden Gillim finished fourth on the RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson Road Glide, 0.837 seconds behind Wyman.

“On that last lap we were just about parked, but I refused to pass to lead the race until the moment it counted,” said Wyman. “I saw a window coming out of the chicane and was just able to hold them off for the win.”

The second King of the Baggers race on Saturday saw Wyman, Rispoli, Herfoss, Gillim, and Factory Indian rider Tyler O’Hara break away from the pack early in the race and swap positions on each lap. On the final lap, Herfoss gapped Wyman on the back stretch but braked late and over-shot the entry to the chicane, giving Wyman an opportunity to pounce.

Wyman again got a strong drive onto the last section of the high-bank oval and was able to out-run Herfoss to the finish by 0.137 seconds. Rispoli finished 1.518 seconds back in third place.

“I was in survival mode on the last lap,” said Wyman. “I lost my quick-shifter and I was going to be happy to finish second, but Herfoss gave me a chance and we made it work. Hats off to my entire Harley-Davidson crew for all their hard work this weekend.”

“What an unreal weekend,” said Rispoli. “There was so much nervousness before the races. So, it was a massive relief to get two podiums in my first weekend with the Factory Harley-Davidson team. I am so stoked for the entire team, and I know we will be a force for the future rounds.”

After 2 of 18 rounds in the 2024 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series Kyle Wyman leads with 50 points. Herfoss is second with 40 points, followed by Rispoli with 32 points and Gillim with 24 points.

Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing returns to action at the Red Bull Grand Prix of The Americas, April 12-13 at the Circuit of The Americas in Austin, Texas.

The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Factory Racing Road Glide motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle Milwaukee-Eight 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.

Harley-Davidson Factory Racing is sponsored by Mission Foods, Rockford Fosgate, Brembo, Öhlins, Protolabs, SYN3 lubricants, and Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts and Accessories.

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – Daytona International Speedway Race 1

  • Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  • Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  • James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  • Hayden Gillim (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  • Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  • Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
  • Bobby Fong (Ind) SDI/Roland Sands Racing
  • Travis Wyman (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson
  • Max Flinders (Ind) Mad Monkey Motorsports
  • Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – Daytona International Speedway Race 2

  • Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  • Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  • James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  • Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  • Hayden Gillim (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  • Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
  • Jake Lewis (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson
  • Cory West (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson
  • Travis Wyman (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson
  • Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  • Max Flinders (Ind) Mad Monkey Motorsports
  • Jesse Janisch (H-D) Suburban Motors H-D/Slyfox/Trask Performance
  • Zachary Schumacher (H-D) Nowaskey Extreme Performance
  • Gunnar Ouellette (H-D) Trask Performance
  • Ruben Xaus (H-D) Feuling Parts

Learn more at

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Most Amazing Bagger

I love this style of bike would like to know more information on the kit that it has or how I can get one?

–Dustin Guilliams
El Paso , TX

It was a build using a kit by Cyclevisions, but it seems that kit has nearly dried up and the best place to look would be e-Bay. There’s a new kid on the block, Advanblack, making some really cool stuff turning bikes into sport tourers. I’d check them out as well as Cyclevisions just to see what’s available.

The market is saturated with a plethora of options currently.

–Johnny Humble
The White Family


Get yourself a free “Watch for Motorcycles” bumper sticker!

Order one now.


This is Chris Bienkiewicz from Game Over Cycles – a custom bike company from Poland.

I am pleased to inform you that our latest custom motorcycle won 4 trophies, including 2 Best of Show awards, at 2 competitions organized this week at the Daytona Bike week 2024, one of the biggest bike rallies in the world.

The winning motorcycle is a custom bike inspired by James Hetfield of Metallica and his 1936 Auburn Speedster “Slow Burn”.

And video presenting the project can be watched here:

–Chris Bienkiewicz
Tel: +48 882 061 648

ANOTHER New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Monster Twin Cam Race Engines from JIMS–click here to read

Will the 131 JIMS engine fit in a 2014 Street Glide and if so, how much?

— Kenny Bills
Andrews, TX

Yes, part number for this application is 1708-3530
Retail Cost $8,655.40
Automatic Comp releases ADD $151.80

JIMS Machine


Very special & totally limited edition 20 years of DicE featuring the big legend himself, Jason Momoa on the cover.


This is our latest and GREATEST Issue to date it’s our 20th year anniversary issue. If that wasn’t special enough, we decided to make the mighty COLLECTORS EDITION!

The cover features our good mate, Jason Momoa and was shot by the legend, Steven Townsend.

*Limited Edition Cover – Only 100 made*

MRF ROADSHOW STOPS– Freedom of Road Riders Missouri

On Saturday, March 9th, MRF Director of Membership Eric Ross and MRF A&E Board Assistant Ron Braaksma attended a Freedom of Road Riders (FORR) conference in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Eric Ross was a guest speaker, discussing MRF accomplishments in 2023 and covering the MRF Legislative Agenda for 2024. Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) bans, Right to Repair issues and Fuel Choice were among the topics that led to engaging conversations.

In addition to a panel discussion group session hosted by FORR members, there were presentations by Sheriff Chris Heitman and Missouri State Senator Travis Fitzwater. Eric Ross also spoke on the merits of using Policy Engage and how this powerful tool can help states produce Calls-to-Action very quickly.


For 26 years, Your essential guide for where to ride and what to do in Lone Star state and beyond

Ride Texas is now available free at these locations. Supplies are limited.

* Kerrville CVB
* Jefferson Convention and Visitors Bureau
* Visit Mckinney
* Texas Travel Information Center – RGV
* Texas Travel Information Center – Texarkana
* Texas Travel Information Center – Langtry
* Texas Travel Information Center – Austin
* Texas Travel Information Center – Wichita Falls
* Texas Travel Information Center -Orange
* Texas Travel Information Center – Waskom
* Texas Travel Information Center – Laredo
* Texas Travel Information Center – Anthony
* Texas Travel Information Center – Amarillo
* Texas Travel Information Center – Grand Prairie
* Texas Travel Information Center – Denison
* Palestein Visitors Center
* Stephenville Visitors Bureau
* Bandera CVB
* Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop – Leakey
* Riders Biker Supply – Lewisville
* Antelope Creek Leather – Borger
* Classic Rock Coffee & Kitchen- Navasota
* Flying L Ranch Resort – Bandera
* Hotel Texan – Seagraves
* Rusk KOA Holiday – Rusk
* The Shop – Waxhachie
* Horny Toad Harley-Davidson Temple
* Haas Moto Museum – Dallas
* Moto Liberty – Addison
* Inn of the Hills – Kerrville
* Leakey Inn – Leakey
* Texas Vintage Motorcycle Museum – Johnson City
* Texas Sidecars Company – Donie
* Hill Country Motorheads Museum -Burnet

RIDE TEXAS is no longer sold on newsstands!

RIDE TEXAS is now available by subscription only.

Ready 2 Ride,
Be Safe Out There!

Reynolds Mansson


The weather played a race roll, but all went well blasting around the New Syrma banked track and attracted more racers and spectators than ever before. Billy Lane, the show promoter and a major talent on the track inspired onlookers as far away as Europe and Sturgis, South Dakota.

Chris Callen offered another opportunity for street racing in Sturgis with Billy at the helm. Let’s see what happens next. –Bandit



Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could upend the current regulatory framework in Washington, D.C. The current case is questioning a 40-year-old precedent that impacts all three branches of the federal government.

A 1984 court case involving Chevron and the National Resources Defense Council created a legal principle known as Chevron deference. Chevron deference compels federal courts to defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous or unclear statute that Congress delegated to the agency to administer. In other words, they give executive agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wide latitude to shape policy on issues that Congress has not explicitly mandated, and the court system is limited in stopping them.

Chevron deference has been used in more than 19,000 cases – Center for American Progress

Why does this matter to bikers? In recent years we have observed officials at the EPA and NHTSA use the regulatory process to achieve policy goals that impact us. One obvious case is the use of rulemaking to make the internal combustion engine (ICE) extinct.

The EPA, through emission standards, and NHTSA, through fuel efficiency benchmarks, have tried to shape transportation policy that favors electric vehicles over those powered by fossil fuels. In this case, the House of Representatives has attempted to push back on this overreach by passing legislation to block the proposed rules. However, the immense and growing power of unelected bureaucrats remains a threat.

The system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers established must be preserved. Limiting which court cases can be heard and deferring to the decisions of the Executive Branch allows the agency to be the ultimate decision maker. This policy could dramatically alter the action away from the original intent and circumvent congressional control.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will monitor this case and await the Supreme Court ruling. This decision could have a lasting impact on how we fight for our priorities as motorcyclists.

Ride Safe and Ride Free

Join the Motorcycle Riders Foundation

RUMBLE ON ANNOUNCED— Rebranding of its Proprietary Cash Offer Program and Extends its Use into RideNow Powersports Dealerships

RumbleOn (NASDAQ: RMBL), today announced a branding change for the company’s unique and proprietary cash offer program for acquiring pre-owned motorcycles, now known as the RideNow Cash Offer. The use of the cash offer system will be expanded into the company’s 54 powersports dealers, which RumbleOn refers to as its RideNow Powersports dealers.

“We are moving forward, singularly focused on the RideNow brand for our powersports business,” said RumbleOn CEO Mike Kennedy. “This means consumers can easily understand that they are working with a high quality, trusted partner when they enter any one of our 54 RideNow dealerships.”

RideNow Powersports dealerships primarily serve markets in the Sun Belt states and offer over 50 OEM brands. Parent company, RumbleOn, initially acquired two large dealership groups, after which it made smaller acquisitions, ultimately becoming the largest powersports retailer in the United States.

While still operating as independent businesses, each dealership will be part of RideNow Powersports.

RumbleOn is a leader in pre-owned motorcycle sales, largely with the assistance of a proprietary online tool, now known as the RideNow Cash Offer, allowing consumers to quickly and easily receive an offer, then sell their motorcycle into the RideNow Powersports network of dealers.

“When we incorporate the RideNow Cash Offer into our RideNow dealerships, we’re raising the standard for convenience and customer service in the powersports industry,” said Cam Tkach, RideNow’s National Director of Preowned. “The trusted cash offer process remains the same, whether online or in-store. We’re now engaging every one of our locations to make it the best possible experience for our customers.”

The rebranding of materials will begin immediately and continue until the process is completed with the company’s physical and online presence. Dealerships will continue to have individual names but will be part of the RideNow Powersports brand.

OPERATION GRATITUDE GROWS-– We are excited to announce that we are approaching a significant milestone, the 4 millionth Care Package! However, we need your help to make this event a success.

As a valued supporter of Operation Gratitude, your contribution can help us reach this milestone and make a significant impact on the lives of our service members. A donation of $25 or more will assist us in reaching our goal of $25,000, which is the cost of assembling and shipping 1,000 Care Packages.

For every $25 donated, a personalized postcard will be sent on your behalf, expressing your gratitude towards our nation’s heroes.

Your support will help us show appreciation to the brave men and women who serve and sacrifice for our country and communities. Thousands of Americans nationwide are coming together to be a part of this special moment in Operation Gratitude’s history. Will you join us?

Please click on the link below to secure your special Care Package and join us in celebrating this milestone:

Thank you for your support, and for making a difference in the lives of those who serve.

With Gratitude,
–Meg Barron,
Executive Director
Operation Gratitude

SERIOUS, New Bikernet Reader Comment!

A Biker Is A Biker, A Brother, A Friend, a Road Story–click here to read

I loved the entire read. Oh my gosh, just think if this guy had not put the burr under your butt, no one would have ever been able to read and see the awesome response. Hey, let us give him this… He Tried.

During my read, I could not help but notice how well the picture you painted of yourself was so similar to my own. One big exception, I never went there and made a life of it.

Funny how people can be so alike yet our life’s paths and experiences define our differences. I mean, I was different, stubborn, wild, and not feeling free was the worst thing ever. I hated to feel confined and restricted and will for the rest of my life.

I don’t do drugs, don’t smoke, and don’t have any tattoos. Nor have I ever wanted to do these things. Yet, I yearn for days hanging out, if only for a short time, with the Hell’s Angels.

I will never forget sneaking out of our family lake cabins in McCall, Idaho in the early ‘70s. My cousin, whose parents were “Bikers”, and I left for North Beach on I believe the weekend of the 4th of July, and spent all night with some of the Hells Angels.

We were too young for them I guess, because all they wanted to do was protect us. We were our wild and free selves, and they were like nope. But we sat around the big beach fires and ran into the lake to swim. The guys seemed to like that..haha.

We hitchhiked there, but early morning hours we were sent back in a beautiful Cobra. I think his name was Rod from Boise, but who knows.

I have many times been criticized for my wild streak and my family fears for me because I love adventure and don’t mind going it alone, because I can stop whenever I want, stay wherever I want and talk to whoever I want without restrictions.

So many of us free-spirits are out there. Never think for a minute because people like me never took the first step to ride a motorcycle, so we are not freedom riders.

Every time I watch a Biker pass me, I feel that burn reminding me of who I really am.
Let Freedom Ring wherever you go however you go??

— Heidi Maule
Orangevale, CA

So well put. –Bandit

[page break]


Two months after certain motorcyclists could take advantage of a new law and begin to ride helmetless on Nebraska highways, lawmakers advanced revisions Tuesday for that law.

State Sen. Ben Hansen of Blair, who successfully led the 2023 measure, brought Legislative Bill 1004 this session to address “all concerns” with last year’s changes. The updates come after working with the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, law enforcement, experienced motorcyclists and other communities, Hansen said.

2023 law fallbacks
Beginning Jan. 1, motorcyclists 21 or older were allowed to ride helmetless after completing the state’s basic motorcycle education course. The 14-hour minimum course consists of at least four hours in the classroom and at least 10 hours riding motorcycles.

Hansen’s 2023 bill required motorcyclists to complete the entire course, no matter their experience. He told the Nebraska Examiner this includes practice driving around traffic cones.

“An individual who’s been riding for 30 years must spend 10 hours learning how to ride a bike,” Hansen said during floor debate.

The requirement has overwhelmed safety courses with skilled riders, Hansen explained, instead of those who actually need to learn the basics.

Also under the law, the traffic infraction fine for riding without a helmet increased from $50 to $250 for each violation, enforced only after a citation or charge for a different violation.

2024 proposed changes
Under LB 1004, Nebraska motorcyclists with a Class M license before May 1 can complete the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s three-hour Basic eCourse to ride helmetless. Riders who receive their Class M license after May 1 would need to complete the 14-hour basic safety course to ride helmetless.

Nonresidents can currently ride helmetless if they complete an equivalent or “substantially similar” motorcycle course approved by their state and show proof upon request. However, this has been difficult for law enforcement.

“We found that there was no way of tracking this or confirming if their certification is valid,” Hansen said. “The statute is simply unenforceable.”

LB 1004 would allow out-of-state motorcyclists with a non-Nebraska motorcycle license to ride helmetless, regardless of whether they have completed a safety course.

Passengers who are older than 21 may ride helmetless if the motorcyclist is permitted to do so. Both operators and passengers must have some form of eye protection, such as goggles, eyeglasses or a windshield.

LB 1004 advanced 34-3, facing opposition from three Transportation and Telecommunications Committee members who also opposed advancing the bill to the full Legislature.

‘It’s your choice’
State Sen. Bruce Bostelman of Brainard opposed LB 1004. He said he felt Hansen’s 2023 bill came out of committee too quickly and needed work, but he said the current law should remain unchanged.

State Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard said after nearly three decades of trying to repeal the helmet law, it’s important to give riders a choice.

“We’re not restricting them,” Erdman said. “We don’t make them ride without a helmet — it’s your choice.”

Lawmakers voted 32-2 to adopt a Hansen amendment to have LB 1004 take effect as soon as it is passed and signed into law. The bill faces at least two more rounds of debate.

Nebraska Examiner

BREAKING ICE NEWS–Connecticut Legislature Shelves Gas-Powered Vehicle Ban

In a win for the automotive community, the Connecticut legislature has shelved plans to adopt California’s ban on the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. This decision comes amid concerns about the feasibility of such a drastic transition, particularly regarding the readiness of the state’s electric grid and charging infrastructure.

In late 2023, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont withdrew a SAN-opposed regulation requiring the state to adopt California’s strict motor-vehicle emissions laws and outlaw the sale of new gas- and diesel-powered cars beginning in 2035.



The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride unites classic and vintage styled motorcycle riders from all over the world to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia, by Mark Hawwa. It was inspired by a photo of TV Show Mad Men’s Don Draper astride a classic bike and wearing his finest suit. Mark decided a themed ride would be a great way of connecting niche motorcycle enthusiasts and communities while raising funds to support the men in our lives.

GRAND OL OPRY DEBUT–Performed Hits “Elvira” And “Bobbie Sue”

GRAMMY Award-winning and Country Music Hall of Fame members The Oak Ridge Boys brought their ‘American Made: Farewell Tour’ to TBN’s Huckabee over the weekend, performing “Elvira” and “Bobbie Sue.”

This appearance was the group’s first national television performance with new member Ben James. The group then went to the Grand Ole Opry for Ben’s official debut as an Oak Ridge Boy.

“It has been a dream come true becoming an Oak Ridge Boy,” shares Ben James. “I grew up with their music, and performing nightly with them is a “pinch me” moment with every song. This weekend was extra special as we made our way to the Grand Ole Opry for the first time together. I love the Oaks, and I love and admire Joe Bonsall!”

“Although I was not able to sing with the Boys on the Grand Ole Opry Saturday, I assure you that I was there in spirit as young Ben James sang in my spot,” shares Joe Bonsall. “My love to all my Opry family and my fervent appreciation to Ben for the incredible job he is doing!!”

The Oak Ridge Boys continue to tour the country on their American Made: Farewell Tour with nearly twenty states confirmed and more to be added soon. The Boys were also excited to launch their updated website this weekend!

William Lee Golden (1965) and Duane Allen (1966) joined the group in the late sixties, followed by Richard Sterban in 1972 and Joe Bonsall in 1973. James joined in January 2024 following Bonsall’s retirement.

Upcoming Oak Ridge Boys Tour Dates Include:
MAR 15 – Foxwoods Resort Casino / Mashantucket, Conn.
MAR 16 – American Music Theatre / Lancaster, Pa.
MAR 17 – American Music Theatre / Lancaster, Pa.
MAR 22 – Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center / Midland, Texas
MAR 23 – Sugar Creek Casino / Hinton, Okla.
APR 04 – Oxford Performing Arts Center / Oxford, Ala.
APR 05 – City of Morganton Municipal Auditorium / Morganton, N.C.
APR 06 – Alabama Theatre / North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
APR 10 – Clay County Agricultural Fair / Green Cove Springs, Fla.
APR 13 – George H. Henderson Jr. Expo Center / Lufkin, Texas
APR 26 – Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center / Clarksburg, W. Va.
APR 27 – The Paramount / Ashland, Ky.
MAY 17 – People Bank Theatre / Marietta, Ohio
MAY 18 – Tinora Performing Arts Center / Defiance, Ohio
MAY 30 – River Spirit Casino Resort – The Cove / Tulsa, Okla.
JUN 07 – Hartville, Kitchen / Hartville, Ohio
JUN 08 – Hartville, Kitchen / Hartville, Ohio
JUN 09 – Murat Theatre Old National Centre / Indianapolis, Ind.
JUN 26 – Blue Gate Performing Arts Center / Shipshewana, Ind.
JUN 27 – Blue Gate Performing Arts Center / Shipshewana, Ind.
JUN 28 – Meramec Music Theatre / Steelville, Mo.
AUG 15 – Harvester Performance Center / Rocky Mount, Va.
AUG 16 – Harvester Performance Center / Rocky Mount, Va.
AUG 17 – Shenandoah Valley Music Festival / Orkney Springs, Va.
AUG 18 – Kentucky State Fair – Texas Roadhouse Main Stage / Louisville, Ky.
AUG 29 – Midwest Old Threshers – Old Threshers Fairgrounds / Mount Pleasant, Iowa
SEP 06 – The Palace Theatre / Greensburg, Pa.
SEP 07 – Weinberg Center For The Arts / Frederick, Md.
SEP 08 – Wayne County Fair / Wooster, Ohio
SEP 12 – Prairie Band Casino & Resort – Great Lakes Ballroom / Mayetta, Kan.
SEP 13 – Grand Casino & Hotel Events Center / Shawnee, Okla.
SEP 15 – Kansas State Fair / Hutchinson, Kan.
SEP 20 – Country Tonite Theater Pigeon Forge, Tenn.


She’s Gone.

I left Hill City on highway 385 north to Deadwood, I had to see it for myself. The temperature was in the low 30s, a little cold for a ride but it wasn’t respectful to go in a car.

Dark smoke belched from the black mass of rubble, as a small breeze drifted the smokey haze into the pines. A police officer directed traffic while firetrucks and volunteer firemen hosed the area.

Thirty straight rally years did I enjoyed many a beer, burgers and conversations at this place. Now she’s gone.

I hope the Sugar Shack can make it back.

JJ Spain


In political science Mars is what Earth was before the people on Mars started using gasoline and freon. And Venus is what Earth will become if we don’t stop using gasoline and freon. This is called political science. Not actual science.

Political science is “reality is what I say it is.” Real science is “reality is what reality says it is.”

–J.J. Solari


Overview: Kansas has introduced SAN-supported bills (H.B. 2783 / S.B. 471) to ensure consumers’ choice of vehicle power plants and fuel by preventing a state agency, county or city from limiting access to internal combustion engines.

The SAN believes that Kansas residents, not the government, should decide what vehicles are best for them and their families. H.B. 2783 passed the House Federal & State Affairs Committee and was quickly approved by the full House—the bill now awaits consideration by the Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs, along with S.B. 471.

Go to the SEMA web site to right your legislator regarding these bills. You’ll find that Rhode Island, Alaska and Maryland also have introduced similar bills.



I apparently started something on Fuckbook after I channel-surfed the tv and stopped at some championship American rodeo in progress. So, I watched it for a while, and then on Jailbook I mentioned that I noticed that bullriders, and I emphasized “American” bullriders to make the shaming as clear as possible, I noticed that American bullriders were weak, using the word weak, “since they are now wearing bullet-proof helmets and chest cushioning.” Which is the way I put it.

This created something of an agitation, pro and con, something I always go out of my way to avoid lest I get the reputation of being a trouble maker. I apparently rather cavalierly tossed all that aside, however, by, after a while, commenting, “Why would anyone in their right fucking mind want to ride a fucking bull. And if you’re GOING to be that fucking stupid at least be impressively stupid and not wear a fucking suit of bounce-castle body armor for fear of – oh dear – hurting yourself. ‘Hi!!! I want to demonstrate my toughness!

But before I do I shall don this coating of invulnerability in the interests of demonstrating merely the inherent artistry of riding a fucking hysterical freight train lest I get hurt.’ yeah: that’s weak. it’s ALMOST gay.”

Feeling somewhat better after this burst of eloquence and reason I had some Cheez-its.

The resultant comments were either sarcastically in agreement or abusively hostile. I don’t really approve of sarcasm; I consider it ill-mannered. The abusive commenters however were not just ill-mannered they were genuinely hurtful. The major portion of the abuse was the oft-suggested suggestion that if I thought wearing protective gear was weak why don’t I get on a bull and ride it without helmet and vest and prove how tough I am.

I reminded these critics “I am NOT tough, which is why I don’t compete in rodeos AND I’m not stupid: which is why I don’t compete in rodeos.” I then added “Now I am not sure if American cowboys were ever not stupid but I DO know that they actually used to be tough. They didn’t wear gear. Now they wear gear. I can only assume they are not as tough as they used to be. So instead of yelling at me my critics should be yelling at them. If they aim their firearms like they aim their criticisms, this will be good news for the enemy.

Then I had more Cheez-its.

–J.J. Solari

TOURING RIDER OF THE WEEK— Luigi Visentin Ferrara, Italy touring the U.S.A.

–Sam Burns
Rider Reporter™


At 2:18 pm, HB 3582 by Rep. Pae failed on the House Floor, there were no questions or debate, went straight to vote. 33 Yeas / 62 Nays / 6 Excused.

Rep. Pae made notice that he would like to bring the bill back up reconsideration at a future legislative day. The only day that this bill can be brought back up on the floor for another vote is tomorrow. Otherwise at the moment this bill is dead for the year. New legislation will have to come forward in the future.

Nick from AMA and myself seen no reason for the bill to have failed.

In 2022 there was HB 2667 by Rep. Echols it passed committee and House Floor 70 Yeas / 22 Nays / 8 Excused.

Listed are the Representatives that voted NO on HB 3582, I also went searching and found that many of voted yes in 2020.

Baker (yes 2020) —– Banning —– Boles (yes 2020) —– Burns (yes 2020) —– Caldwell (C) —– Caldwell (T) (yes 2020) —–Canntrell —– Conley —– Conrnwell (yes 2020) —– Crosswhite Hader —– Davis (yes 2020) —– Fetgatter (yes 2020) —–Fugate (yes 2020) —– Gann George —– Goodwin (yes 2020) —– Grego (yes 2020) —– Hardin —– Harris —– Hasenbeck (yes 2020) —– Hays —– Hilbert (yes 2020)—– Humphrey (yes 2020) —– Kane —– Kannady —– Kendrix —– Kerbs (yes 2020) —– Lawson (yes 2020) —– Lepak (yes 2020) —– Lowe (D) (yes 2020)
Manager (yes 2020) —– Marti (yes 2020) —– Maynard —– McBride (yes 2020) —– McDugle (yes 2020) —– McEntire (yes 2020) —– Menz —– Miller (yes 2020) —– Munson —– Newton —– Nichols (yes 2020) —– ODonnell —– Olsen (yes 2020) —– Randleman (yes 2020)
Ranson (yes 2020) —– Sneed —– Staires —– Stark —– Steagall (yes 2020) —– Sterling (yes 2020) —– Strom (yes 2020) —– Swope —– Waldron (yes 2020) —– Wallace —— West (J) —– West (K) —– West (R) —– West (T) (yes 2020) —– Williams (yes 2020) —– Wolfley (yes 2020)
Worthen —– Mr. Speaker (yes 2020)

If you haven’t called or email your Representatives in House, now is the time to see if this bill can be heard again tomorrow for a re-vote.



The Twigg family is pleased to share that an ownership change has occurred at Twigg Cycles and Twigg Indian Motorcycle. “Since opening the dealership 91 years ago, the fourth-generation, family-owned business has grown unlike anyone could have imagined. Now, our three new owners are looking forward to their turn to continue the Twigg Cycles’ family legacy.”

See the whole story on the Dealernews website.


If you liked Gregory Wrightstone’s debut book Inconvenient Facts, you will LOVE his latest release.

A Very Convenient Warming was published in January and is moving up the Amazon bestseller charts.

The book is available here for direct purchase or from Amazon here.


I’m well into your new book and it is really excellent. A very fitting follow-up to your first book.

–Gregg G., Houston

A VERY CONVENIENT WARMING is the most readable, common-sense book I’ve ever read about CO2 and the Climate Hoax. Your book should be required reading in every school. You make it so very simple. The most significant facts concerned the effects on crops. WOW!!

— Erskine, Phoenix, AZ

You hit a home run on this new book. I was impressed on how you structured the content. You started by explaining the basic facts of climate change followed by the history of geologic earth cooling and warming cycles.

— Mark L. Greene County, PA

MRF & IMA Meet In Daytona

On Wednesday during Bike Week in Daytona Beach, FL. representatives of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council (IMA), with members of the motorcycling media present, met with an important group of involved motorcycle shop owners, parts distributors, dealers, bike builders, and non-OEM parts manufacturers from the motorcycle aftermarket industry.

In the third meeting between these groups the agenda was to share updates on the MRF’s relevant legislative initiatives to combat threats to the aftermarket industry. Topics included Right to Repair/Right to Modify, Preservation of Internal Combustion Engines, strategies to limit the close collaboration and detrimental impacts that the EPA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) continue to force on this industry, and the concerns around a continued ability to simply remain in business.

MRF President, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, also discussed the economic impacts to small business and this industry in particular as highlighted in the Vaughn Study the MRF Commissioned during the EPA’s “Color and Chrome” only campaigns. The draconian concepts of Vehicle End of Life Directives, recent rhetoric around making it illegal to repair vehicles over 15 years old, and most recently a plan to ban chroming beyond 2024 were also hot topics.

The IMA spoke about the costly and extremely arduous process to certify aftermarket parts, an inability to submit multiple components together, a lack of clarity or availability of the standards to meet for certification. There was a consensus that the history and heritage of motorcycling demands transparency around these standards so innovators can work to meet them. There was also frustration around the fact that a well-tuned and well-built motorcycle could get better fuel mileage and produce less emissions is either being ignored or not recognized by bureaucrats bent on regulating this industry out of existence.

IMA Chair, Bob Kay, then brought up what was on everyone’s minds at the meeting. What is going to happen with requirements to sign waivers certifying race use only to have access to performance parts, potentially providing VIN numbers on bikes with parts installed, or a check the box program to acknowledge the end use of parts. This is seen as a method to transfer liability to small shop owners that would legally put them at significant risk and the IMA does not recommend doing this without checking with an attorney.

Bob Kay went on to say in his closing statement, “The IMA is happening and will be there along with the MRF to protect the right to repair and modify motorcycles for independent shops in the aftermarket industry.”

Chris Callen of Cycle Source Magazine had this to say while encouraging anyone with an interest in the motorcycle aftermarket industry to join the IMA, “The animated conquest for freedom requires many small and sustained efforts over time to be successful.”

The time is now to join the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council and get involved in saving the motorcycle aftermarket industry and end users from extinction.

THE WEEK ISN’T OVER—An old brother is going blind and Panhead John from Deadwood brought me a bag fulla old ER magazines. Slowly, I’m thumbing through them.

When I come across one that’s useful for another brother, I put it in the mail or take a shot of the page and text it. I found a short piece on a gun holster and it featured the watch bands we made in 1975. Adam Croft from Dime Bag Leathers is now making them again. I sent him a shot.

Vinnie, an UGLY MC member who is on an island in the Caribbean running a bar sent this shot. He’s trying to find me a very cool kidney belt for my collection.

A retired veteran isn’t happy with his one-day a week job at Chubby Chipmunks so he’s testing his entrepreneurial skills making cotton candy. What do you think?

Panhead John’s Wife, Sharon is running for Deadwood City Council again. We had to show support.

I’m working on a concept drawing with my son for a metal-art piece to raise funds for the museum. This was his first run at a drawing.

I’m still struggling with the chain spacing.

Tomorrow it’s off to Sturgis to work with the Museum on the magazine and the website, etc. Never a dull moment.

Ride Fast and Free Forever, or die trying!


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