No one in the world is as passionate, talented,knowledgeable, and driven when it comes to Indian Motocycles, than KIWI MikeTomas. He’s a warrior when it comes to the competition between Indian andHarley-Davidson. He’s an Indian restoration expert, an engine manufacturer, amachinist, a welder, designer, you name it. Not only does he cherish everyelement of the old Indian heritage, but he’s developed an entirely new vintageIndian product line, so anyone can ride a vintage-styled, ground-up Indianbuild around new technology and state-of-the-art components.
“We offer our rebuilding services and vast experiencefor rebuilding almost any part of any Indian motorcycle,” Mike said of hisservice capabilities. “We have the most comprehensive experience inrebuilding Flathead engines and transmissions you will find anywhere, usingonly the finest Kiwi parts made. We have created and learned from developingour own new Kiwi-brand engines, and we incorporate this technology intooriginal engines.” Mike and his crew have extensive knowledge but there’san added bonus. They ride their Indians constantly and extremely hard,sometimes to the point of abuse. Why, you might ask? “We’re constantlytesting our products,” Mike says, “and if it holds up under us, it will surely hold up underyou.”
Here’sone example of Kiwi testing. Kiwi Ross is only 15 1/2 years old. He received his motorcycleendorsement three days before Sturgis 2009. For initiation, he rode a KiwiIndian 500 miles to the rally. During the event, he learned the skills ofswerving and braking on the Black Hills canyon roads.
Then he roamed 2000 miles more in the plains of SouthDakota. And then in front of his proud parents he made two passes at the famedBonneville Salt Flats. He took his first two runs on the 3-mile short track. Hewas piloting the only bike he ever rode since he was legally authorized to doso, a Kiwi Indian Bobber (’47 engine on ’38 frame), 88 cubic inch flathead,1650cc, in the Modified Fuel 1650 class. Proudly, he showed his Bub SpeedTrials time slip: first run, 84.164 mph: return, 95.775 mph. This is the first of hisBonneville runs, but it won’t be his last!
ThisArrow Space bike is a terrific example of the Kiwi laundry list ofcapabilities. This bike is faultless in every single detail and is absolutelystunning. The bike was designed by Mike Kiwi Tomas for Michael Lichter’s, “OneWorld Choppers exhibit” in Sturgis 2007. All construction aspects werehandled by Kiwi Indian Motorcycle Company in their Riverside, CA facility.Tank artwork was designed and executed by world-renowned Monte Moore (Star Warsgraphic artist).
The theme for the bike became rockets and ultimately ArrowSpace, after Mike attended the Pomona, California monthly swap meet anddiscovered the rocket fender marker, which resides on the sissy bar now.
“I was looking for a cool, retro, theme,” Mikesaid. Many of the rocket details were hand-crafted throughout the bike buildincluding the 2:00 a.m. shop inspiration by Travis the welder, the rocketheadlight mount appearing to pierce the neck. “He’s a master TIGwelder,” Mike said. “He loves to work the puddle.”
As the build emerged on a Kiwi shop lift, inspirationflourished. “Even first-time customers offered to contribute,” Mikesaid.
“Iknow exactly what you need,” one anonymous customer said, and the next day hedelivered the chromed rocket Mike manufactured into the velocity stack. Anothercustomer showed up one day with the hot retro rocket exhaust tips.
Many of the Arrow Space components were hand-craftedincluding the rockets set-screwed onto the down tubes before welding the neckand the seat post into place. “We machined those Buck Rodgersrockets,” Mike said, then we needed to bore them out to fit the framerails. We couldn’t find a 1 1/8th drill bit long enough, so we welded the bitto a rod. It was a challenge.”

Theymade a Crocker-styled steering damper system, then decided to give the adjustera space theme and created the Saturn knob. Even with this interplanetary detaillevel the motorcycle was designed as a rideable Kiwi and runs real sweet. Nomoney was spared on this build and it is one of a kind in which everything wasmeticulously hand-crafted. Watch for more Kiwi Motocycles on Bikernet. Extreme Buck Rogers TechChart
Regular Stuff
Owner: Mike Kiwi Tomas
Bike Name: Arrow Space
City/State: Riverside Calif
Builder: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
City/state: Riverside Calif.
Company Info: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Address: 4183 Fairgrounds St, Riverside Ca 92501
Phone: 951 788 0048
Web site:
Fabrication: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Manufacturing: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Welding: Travis Bonde/ Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Machining: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Year: 2008
Make: Kiwi Indian
Model: Flathead
Builder or Rebuilder: Mike Tomas/Kiwi IndianMotorCycle Co
Cases: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Case finish: Natural
Barrels: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Bore: 3-1/4”
Pistons: Kiwi cast
Barrel finish: Powdercoat
Lower end: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Stroke: 5”
Rods: Kiwi forged H beam[photo 11392
Heads: Kiwi
Head finish: Natural
Valves and springs: Kiwi high performance
Pushrods: Kiwi
Cams: Kiwi performance Bonneville
Lifters: Kiwi performance Bonneville
Carburetion: CV
Air cleaner: Buck Rogers
Exhaust: Kiwi with rocket tips
Year: 2008
Make: Chief Overdrive, 4 speed overdrive,synchromesh
Gear configuration:, 1 down, 3 up
Final drive: Right side
Primary: Kiwi oil bath
Clutch: Kiwi E Z Release
Kicker: Manual
Make: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Style or Model: Rigid
Stretch: 0
Rake: 30 deg
Front End
Make: Kiwi Indian MotorCycle Co
Model: Kiwi Leaf Spring
Year: 2008
Length: 20”
Sheet metal
Tanks: Old time SoCal Paughco
Fenders: Chica rear
Oil tank: Duno but it sure looks cool all polishedup.
Sheet metal: Crown Town Customs
Molding: Kiwi and Chica
Base coat:
Graphics: Maverick Custom Paint
Frame: Crown Town Customs
Molding: Kiwi
Base coat:
Graphics or art:
Special effects:
Make: Black Bike
Size: 21”
Brake calipers:
Brake rotor(s):
Tire: Coker
Make: Black Bike
Size: 18”
Brake calipers: LA Choprod
Brake rotor: LA Choprod
Tire: Coker
Foot controls: Kiwi
Master cylinder: Nissin
Brake lines:
Handlebar controls: Kiwi Internal control withRocket grips
Finish: Chrome
Shifting: Kiwi Jockey shift
Ignition: Kiwi Dual firing
Charging: Cycle Electric
Wiring: Kiwi
Harness: Kiwi
Headlight: Pomona swap meet special
Taillight: Pomona swap meet special
Accessory lights: Pomona swap meet special
Electrical accessories:
What’s Left
Seat: Bad Ass Seats, Las Vegas NV
Gas caps: Kiwi
Handlebars: Kiwi
Grips: Kiwi Rockets
Pegs:Kiwi Rockets
Oil filter:
Oil cooler:
Oil lines:Kiwi
Fuel filter:
Fuel Lines:Kiwi
Throttle: Kiwi Internal control
Throttle cables:
Specialty items:Crocker style steering dampener but made to look like Saturnin order to keep with the Arrow Space theme. Stainless trim added to gas tank.Rocket theme throughout.
Credits: Kiwi crew headmanTravis, Crown Town Customs (paint), Pacific Polishing Pomona Calif (Chrome),Bad Ass Seats Las Vegas NV, P&A Lyons (special machining), Irwin Tools,Coker Tires, Chica.