Recent Scores from the Master, David Uhl

Good Monday to all!  Well, that last email created quite a frenzy with several inquiries.  Many of the pieces will be going to new homes, but there are still some left.  If you need information, please email me.  Thanks, Greg
We hope this finds you well in these uncertain times.  David hasn’t slowed down and will have an exciting new piece completed soon (more to come on this).
You may not even be thinking about acquiring art at this time, but recent events have forced some people to sell their David Uhl artwork quickly. Many of these are priced VERY aggressively – some of them nearly at their opening prices and need to find new homes ASAP.
These sold out and rare pieces are owned by our clients. These do not belong to the studio and are for sale by private collectors.  Please view the listings below and let me know if any are of interest. Some of these are really tough, if not impossible to find these days.  
This is not an all-inclusive list.  If you’ve been looking for a specific piece and you don’t see it here, please let me know and I’ll check secondary market availability.  These emails typically generate a lot of excitement, so if you see something of interest, please let me know as soon as possible.
You can view specifics on each piece on our website’s “Full Artwork Listing” page, where each piece is listed alphabetically by title.
A client has several unframed pieces for sale at fantastic prices.  With these, you’ll save money on shipping, secure the piece(s) you’ve been wanting and have the flexibility to frame them in the future.  I’ve noted them as unframed below.
“Daytona Dippin'” 20×26.5 unframed – David’s 2018 Daytona Commemorative (above).
“Love Triangle” 30×20 unframed – David’s 2016 Daytona Commemorative.  This highly coveted piece is a favorite of many.
There are way more. Go to the David Uhl web site to check them out and tell them Bikernet sent you.–Bandit
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