
Incredible. We’re right in the middle of the heartland rally and I’m on the coast in the blistering heat, but as we will find out, it’s really not that hot. Actually, it was a lot hotter in the 1940s, but I digress.

From all accounts the rally numbers are up and everyone is having a good time. It has been a true opportunity to engage a large chunk of the industry in some of the factors facing the industry right now.

Let’s hope there’s progress. As you will see in the news there’s action from the MRF to bring some elements to the surface. As I’m sure you know, life isn’t about right and wrong or about inspiration. It’s about politics and power. But that’s why we like the Code of the West. It’s not about power and politics but about riding free and being left alone. It’s about being true to the code and standing tall no matter what.

This Rally is making a true effort, especially Chris Callen and the Cycle Source crew and Indian motorcycles to market the fun-loving and creative industry to a wider audience. Chris should be recognized for his efforts.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

Here it is, a scan of a 35mm picture, it is old and new again.

Thanks for stirring up the memory sediments in this old brain.

–Mike Roland

New MRF Marketing Campaign Launched in Conjunction with Sturgis Freedom Fighter Award

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum will officially induct Kirk “Hardtail” Willard into the Hall of Fame. Willard, Chairman and President of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, will receive the coveted “Freedom Fighter” award and designation; a special category designated to honor those who have made an impact on motorcycle rights.

The ceremony will take place at The Lodge at Deadwood in South Dakota as a part of the 78th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally where dozens of Willard’s cohorts will be in attendance; including staff and fellow Board Members for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF).

In conjunction with the ceremony, the MRF will launch a new “for a limited time only” promotion and marketing campaign for new and prospective members attending Sturgis. “Through market research and member feedback, we learned that we had a great opportunity at Sturgis to communicate the importance of what this organization stands for,” said Megan Ekstrom, Vice-President of Government Affairs & Public Relations for the MRF. “Under Hardtail’s leadership we have doubled down on our efforts to improve the value of what we deliver to our membership, and we want to use this significant occasion to highlight that.”

Ekstrom also hinted at future membership benefits like roadside assistance; including 24-hour emergency tire changes, emergency fuel delivery and accident and collision towing. “In today’s world with more and more fuel stations carrying higher blends of ethanol, motorists texting while driving and not paying attention to riders, this is a necessary service for our members.”

Social media advertising, dozens of volunteers, a promotional video and a one-time discount for new members will complement an updated marketing brochure aggressively stating, “YOUR RIGHTS, YOUR LIFESTYLE, YOUR MOTORCYCLE: UNDER SIEGE.” The modernized and updated brochure will include a letter from Willard, highlight past accomplishments, and offer a plain and simple look and what the MRF does and why. “Our lifestyle as riders is threatened in a way it never has been,” said Willard. “Little by little, riders like you and I are slowly being relegated to history.”

Willard and the MRF refuse to let that happen under their watch, using the induction ceremony as the official launch for this aggressive “go forward” strategy. The bold move is signature to Willard’s style; where he is known as “Hardtail” in the motorcycle rights world. From the aftermarket industry and original equipment manufacturers to the motorcycle clubs and state motorcycle rights’ organizations, he is known as a force to be reckoned with. Logging thousands upon thousands of miles on his motorcycles, his objectives have always stayed pure; to promote and preserve motorcycle riders’ freedoms and lifestyles.

Tickets to the induction ceremony are sold out; however, Willard is scheduled to attend and speak at ABATE of South Dakota’s Annual Whitewood Social Hour on Thursday, August 9th at the Whitewood City Park near the Sturgis Rally. The event is free for MRF members and others involved in motorcycle rights.


growing warm; increasing in heat.


I’ve tested the misting fan’s potency in several clammy places, from subway stations to the congested, calescent queues at Disney World (where, on a stinking-hot day, I’d unwisely worn a boiler suit).
— Laura Bannister, “The Misting Fan That Kept Me Cool at Disney World,” New York, June 12, 2017


The English adjective calescent comes directly from Latin calescent-, the inflectional stem of calescens, the present participle of the verb calescere “to become warm or hot,” a verb derivative of calere “to be warm or hot.” In Latin the element -sc- in the present tense has inceptive force (i.e., “I am beginning to x”); thus the present tense of noscere (also gnoscere) means “I get to know, I find out” and is the source of English recognize, cognition, and other words. Calescent entered English in the early 19th century.

Please Plan YOUR Rides or EVENTS accordingly–August 18, 2018, Military Vets Annual, Post 117

September 8, 2018, Ride to the Warbird Museum, Post 163

September 8, 2018, Veterans Suicide Prevention, Post 359

September 22, 2018 12th District Meeting, Cocoa, Post 22

September 29,2018 12th District Picnic, Wickham Park

October 7, 2018, Ride for the Girls, Bikers for Breasts, Space Coast Harley

October 14, 2018, Autism Run, Post 81

October 18- 21, 2018 Biketoberfest
November 1st- 4th Legion Fall Conference, Sea World Orlando

November 10, 2018 Veterans Day Parade, Melbourne, Presented by Post 163

November 11, 2018 Kids Without Christmas Poker Run, Post 81

November 12, 2018 Veterans Day Observed

November 18th, 2018 Treasurer Coast Abate Toy Run

November 25th, 2018 Shriners Toy Run, Byrd Plaza, 801 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa, Fl
December 2nd, 2018 Brevard Toy Run, Merritt Square Mall

–Joyce Cirigliano
Director, Central
12th District

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY–I picked up a hitch-hiker. Seemed like a nice guy. After a few miles he asked me if I wasn’t afraid that he might be a serial killer? Told him that the odds of two serial killers being in the same car was extremely unlikely.

–Sidehack Jerry

CHOW HALL OF THE WEEK–Award winning STEAMBOAT BBQ in Wheaton, IL. was recently named one of the Ten Best BBQ restaurants in the state of IL.

John has been smoking meat for over 35 years. All of the food is outstanding. Some of the standouts are: The Ribs, The Sandwiches, The Beans and of course The Smoked and Candied Bacon.

Make sure and call ahead as they tend to sell out of items on a daily basis! See you there! Make sure and subscribe to my channel ” A Biker Dude”!

–The BikerDude

NEW On WorldRider–Adventure & Discovery Around The World

Podcast #31: The Truth About Greek Wine, Food, & Destinations
Posted by allan on Aug 06, 2018 07:58 pm


Podcast #31: The Truth About Greek Wine, Food, & Destinations
Meet Panos the owner of Vintage Wine Bar & Bistro, a legendary destination in the heart of Athens. Allan & Panos taste Greek wine while discussing the misconceptions about travel, food, and of course, Greek wine.

Recorded while Allan traveled through Southeastern and Eastern Europe during his 2018 tour in Athens Greece while his motorcycle was getting the final maintenance for his travels.

If you start with a cage containing four monkeys, and inside the cage hang a banana on a string from the top, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.

As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray ALL the monkeys with cold water.
After while another monkey makes an attempt with same result — ALL the monkeys
are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs,
the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, ALL of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original four monkeys, replacing it with a new monkey.
The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the
punishment – with enthusiasm — because he is now part of the “team.”

Then, replace a third original monkey with a new monkey, followed by the fourth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to
climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the
newest monkey. Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.

Why, you ask? Because in their minds, that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how today’s House and Senate operates; and this is why, from time to time:
ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME!

DISCLAIMER: This is meant as no disrespect to monkeys.

–Sam Burns

NEW FROM THE BUCKLEGUY–Buckleguy.com is now stocking black matte rivets and snap fasteners!
Hi Keith,

The long awaited arrival of the black matte rivets and snaps has finally come! Black matte rivets are available in all sizes, and the snap fasteners are available in four sizes. We are excited to finally put them live!

We hope you like them!

The Buckleguy Team



It played out for the Indian scout just the way I seen it. A girder and a lot of custom parts custom made, makes the difference. I would have used candy apple red myself, but that is me.

Great custom!

Torrance, Cali.

EPA finally admits ethanol mandate is causing environmental damage–

The federal requirement to blend ethanol into gasoline on the theory that it will reduce the hypothetical global warming that hasn’t appeared yet has been a joke from the start.

By adding a huge amount of demand for corn, it did push up prices for that commodity, and made vast swaths of the rural Midwest prosperous, though it has injured poor Mexicans and others who depend on corn for a substantial portion of their nutrition and driven up the rice of feed used for animals, raising meat prices.

The net energy balance of ethanol production – subtracting the amount of energy necessary to grow the corn, transport it to refineries, and then transport the ethanol to gasoline producers has been controversial. But owing to improvements in cultivation techniques (which have caused increased agricultural runoff – see below), the US Department of Agriculture estimated in 2015 that the balance is positive:

Ethanol made the transition from an energy sink, to a moderate net energy gain in the 1990s, and to a substantial net energy gain by 2008.

Unlike oil, which is produced in large amounts at the wellhead, corn production is widely dispersed, so pipelines can’t be used to transport it. Corn is trucked to the ethanol refinery, and then the ethanol is normally shipped in tank cars to oil refineries, where it is blended into gasoline. All of this transportation uses energy and imposes a cost from accidents, including derailments. Pipelines are more efficient and safer.

Now, the EPA has finally issued a new report, one that it is requited to issue every 3 years, but which has been delayed by 4 years, and admits that the ethanol mandate comes at a considerable environmental cost.

The Public News Service summarizes:

Federal law requires the EPA to assess the environmental impact of the fuel standard every three years, but the new report, issued in July, was four years overdue. According to David DeGennaro with the National Wildlife Federation, the report documents millions of acres of wildlife habitat lost to ethanol crop production, increased nutrient pollution in waterways and air emissions and side effects worse than the gasoline the ethanol is replacing.

“In finding that the Renewable Fuel Standard is having negative consequences to a whole suite of environmental indicators,” DeGennaro said, “the report is a red flag warning us that we need to reconsider the mandate’s scope and its focus on first-generation fuels made from food crops.”

Jaz Shaw points out at Hot Air:

Some of the negative effects aren’t specific to ethanol, such as the loss of wildlife habitat from expanded corn production. That would happen no matter what you were growing or building in formerly forested areas. But the increased runoff of nutrients and chemicals used in this type of farming are impacting water supplies far beyond anything caused by the occasional oil spill from a tanker car or pipeline.

The bigger surprise is the fact that ethanol production and combustion significantly increases the production of nitrous oxides (Nox). This combines with oxygen in the atmosphere when exposed to sunlight, producing ozone.

Now, when we have ozone far up in the atmosphere it helps shield the planet from the sun’s natural radiation, which is a good thing. But ground-level ozone produces no such benefit and actually contributes to the formation of smog and leads to respiratory ailments for many people.

Those vehicles that feature cuddly images like a new leaf and righteously proclaim themselves to be “flex fuel vehicles” are actually aggravating some people’s respiratory problems, far more than gasoline powered vehicles.

None of this speaks to the excessive costs that ethanol forces on drivers and auto manufacturers.

Alas, the mandate is so popular with corn farmers in Iowa, home of the first round of presidential nominations, that President Trump (and other politicians) that they not only maintain the mandate, President Trump just last week “told an audience in Iowa that he was “very close” to having EPA issue a waiver to the Clean Air Act to allow year-round sale of E-15.”

The madness continues.

By Thomas Lifson
American Thinker.com

–from Rogue

DigMyRide.com Is Now Live–DigMyRide.com is celebrating its official launch, offering visitors a platform that explodes all the common myths about car ownership and covering everything vehicle owners need to know.

The new site offers detailed insight into everything car-related, from the best wheel locks on the market to indispensable advice on maintaining every aspect of a visitor’s automobile.

DigMyRide.com aims to provide a one-stop-shop for detailed, expert advice for all facets of car ownership. The site offers visitors a plethora of articles covering everything they need to know about taking care of cars, the best kit on the market and the most prominent car care myths to avoid.

The site also offer a range of handy, segmented guides across all the areas casual and expert car owners might need to know about, with everything from accessories and car care to electronics, performance and tires given the DigMyRide treatment. Each area dives into the best options available on the market, stacking up what’s on offer and delivering an ultimate verdict. It’s the ideal resource for anyone who wants quick, accurate information on specific areas of car maintenance and technology – without the need to search the web and trawl dozens of websites for accurate, useful insight.

DigMyCar.com has made it their mission to provide a detailed, up-to-date resource that covers all the latest peripherals, essentials and technology US car owners will want to know. Moreover, the new site offers practical help for visitors on how to do things like cleaning and degreasing engines and the best synthetic motor oil for specific car manufacturers.

“We give people the low down on what they need to know – no myths, no marketing – just information and analysis on how different products perform. We hope to make it easier for our visitors to find what they need, and all they have to do is read our concise, informed articles to see what the best option is for them. We’re excited about the launch of the site, and we can’t wait to start rolling out more content and guides to help readers make an informed decision based on solid facts.”

To find out more, visit https://digmyride.com/

TRUMP’S EPA formally launches rollback of fuel economy standards–

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration Thursday pushed ahead with plans to unravel the federal government’s most effective action to fight climate change — aggressive fuel economy standards aimed at getting the nation’s cars and trucks to average more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025.

After months of discussion and drafts, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration formally unveiled their plan to rewrite those rules and replace them with ones so lax even automakers are wary.

The administration’s proposal would freeze miles-per-gallon targets in 2020. It would also move to end California’s current power to set its own, higher standards.

The administration’s proposal asserts that “attempting to solve climate change, even in part” is “fundamentally different” from the Clean Air Act’s “original purpose of addressing smog-related air quality problems.”

The administration’s proposal could set off a high-stakes legal battle with California and the 13 other states that follow its more stringent rules. Those states argue the Clean Air Act empowers them to keep the Obama-era fuel economy standards in place in their markets.

The states following California’s lead account for more than a third of the vehicles sold nationwide.

The Trump administration proposal could also invalidate California’s mandate that automakers sell a certain number of electric vehicles.

The release of the administration’s proposal was repeatedly delayed in recent weeks as officials debated how aggressively to push. In the end, the White House approved taking a hard line, despite fears of some administration officials that their plan is based on weak evidence that will not hold up under court challenge.

The administration argues its proposal will reduce traffic fatalities by keeping the cost of vehicles down compared with the current emissions standards, which it claims are a safety hazard that “restrict the American people from being able to afford newer vehicles with more advanced safety features, better fuel economy, and associated environmental benefits.”

“More realistic standards can save lives while continuing to improve the environment,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler.

But the Trump administration is arguing its plan, which it dubbed Safer and Affordable Fuel Efficient Vehicles Rule, or SAFE, would save lives, replacing current standards that officials claim drive up the cost of vehicles too much and create a safety hazard for motorists.

The argument may prove a tough sell in court, where attorneys for states and environmental groups will come armed with a wealth of data undermining it.

— Evan Halper, Tony Barboza and David Lauter
Los Angeles Times

CALIFORNIA GUN NUT ACTION–California: Legislature Reconvenes After Summer Recess

On Monday, August 6, the California Legislature returns from Summer recess with hearings on firearm- and hunting-related bills in both the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees. Use the take action button below to contact the respective committee members.

The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet at 10am on Monday, August 6. Use the take action button above to contact members of the committee and urge their support of AB 986 and opposition to AB 2382.

Assembly Bill 986, sponsored by Assembly Member James Gallagher (R-3), would reduce hunting license fees for veterans.

Assembly Bill 2382, sponsored by Assembly Member Mike Gipson (D-64), would require precursor firearms parts to be sold/transferred through a licensed precursor parts dealer in a similar process to the new laws regarding ammunition purchases. It would further create a new crime for transfer of precursor parts without the involvement of a licensed precursor parts dealer to anyone under 21 years of age or prohibited from owning firearms. Precursor parts include items such as barrels, ammunition feedings devices and upper receivers.

The Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday, August 8, at 9 a.m. Use the take action button above to encourage members of the committee to support SB 1311 and oppose SB 221, SB 1100, SB 1177 and SB 1487.

Senate Bill 1311, sponsored by Senator Tom Berryhill (R-8), would create an annual combined hunting and fishing license. SB 1311 would help generate participation and encourage the next generation of sportsman and women by providing a convenient and economical way to secure the necessary licensing for hunting and fishing activities in the Golden State.

Senate Bill 221, sponsored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-11), would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Cow Palace located in District 1-A on and after January 1, 2020.

Senate Bill 1100, sponsored by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-25), would raise the minimum age to purchase a long gun from 18 years old to 21 years old.

Senate Bill 1177, sponsored by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-25), would prohibit a person from making more than one application to purchase and the dealer delivery of any type of firearm within any 30-day period.

Senate Bill 1487, sponsored by Senator Henry Stern (D-27), would prohibit the possession of certain African species of wildlife. The true goal of the bill is to ensure that a lawful U.S. hunter is not allowed to bring home a hunting trophy—even though the animal was legally taken and the hunter has the approval of the U.S. Federal Government.

Continue to check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight web page for updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in California.

[page break]


NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (Aug. 3, 2018) Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Andres Alcaraz, from Gardena, California, assigned to USS Gerald R. Ford’s (CVN 78) weapons department, receives his Good Conduct Medal certificate from Cmdr. Arcangelo Dell’anno (left) and Master Chief Logistics Specialist Jeany Nemenzo during an awards at quarters ceremony in the weapons handling area onboard Ford.


Photo by Seaman Ryan Carter 
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) 


(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ryan Carter)(This image has been altered by blurring out space markers for security purposes)

155,965,000 Employed in June: 11th Record-Setter Under Trump
-CNS News

“Following last month’s strong employment report, the numbers released on Friday were even better in some respects,” Susan Jones reports. “The Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics says a record 155,965,000 people were employed in July, the 11th record-breaker since President Trump took office 19 months ago.”

The US Manufacturing Job Market Hasn’t Been This Strong in Over 20 Years
-Business Insider

Bob Bryan writes that this week’s jobs report gives President Trump some data to back up his promise to “restore manufacturing in the United States.” Carolyn Lee, executive director of the National Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing Institute, says “this report shows tax reform and regulatory relief are continuing to deliver.”

Pence Hails ‘Tangible Progress’ with North Korea as Remains of Presumed Korean War Dead Arrive in Hawaii
-Fox News

“Today, they are known but to God. But soon we will know their names and we will tell their stories of courage,” Vice President Mike Pence said earlier this week in Hawaii, commemorating the return of 55 U.S. soldiers presumed dead from the Korean War.

Tax Cuts Bust ‘Secular Stagnation’
-The Wall Street Journal

Recent explosive growth “should finally discredit three popular claims made by opponents of the president’s policies: that tax cuts would blow a hole in the deficit, that corporate tax cuts would serve only rich investors, and that secular stagnation was a valid excuse for the slow growth of the Obama era,” Mike Solon writes.

President Trump Signs Bipartisan Technical-Education Bill into Law

-The Washington Post

“President Trump signed legislation Tuesday that renews a federal workforce development program, sending $1.2 billion a year to states,” Laura Meckler reports. The Perkins Career and Technical Education Act “will benefit millions of students + workers nationwide & equip them with the skills they need to thrive,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump tweeted.

I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh.
-Politico Magazine

“I am a liberal Democrat and feminist,” Lisa Blatt writes. “Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him.”

Thanks to Trump, American Workers are Getting Big Raises

-The Hill

“U.S. workers have finally received a pay hike — the best in nearly a decade. Forgive us for saying: We told you so,” Liz Peek writes. “Donald Trump ran for the presidency promising we could do better and arguing that U.S. workers deserved a raise. Skepticism from the left was cutting.”

Top US Officials Warn of ‘Pervasive’ Russian Meddling in Midterm Elections, 2020 Cycle

-Washington Examiner

“A group of senior intelligence and national security officials warned Thursday that Russia is waging a ‘pervasive campaign’ to undermine upcoming U.S. elections and influence voters, and said the Trump administration is taking several steps to prevent such meddling,” Gabby Morrongiello reports.

Make Cars Great Again

-The Wall Street Journal

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler explain the Trump Administration’s plan to correct fuel-economy standards. “The effect of the last administration’s standards was to subsidize these expensive electric vehicles at the expense of affordable traditional cars and trucks,” they write. “Already, the standards have helped drive up the cost of new automobiles to an average of $35,000.”

Trump’s Trade Triumph

-CBN News

“The media and other Trump haters can’t seem to let themselves admit it, but Donald Trump scored a big victory for the American economy on trade last week,” Stephen Moore writes. President Trump and the European Union “agreed to shoot for zero tariffs on both sides of the Atlantic. Sounds like freer and fairer trade to me.”

–from the Whitehouse

GUN NUT REPORT FROM TRUTH ABOUT GUNS–Ninth Circuit Panel Rules CA Microstamping Requirement Not Covered by Second Amendment

A three-judge panel in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the restrictions of the California Unsafe Handgun Act (UHA) do not violate the Second Amendment. That’s the law that requires new models of firearms sold in the Golden State to have microstamping capability.

In circular reasoning, the opinion in Pena v. Lindley posits that the UHA restrictions do not restrict behavior protected by the Second Amendment. They then apply the least restrictive Constitutional test to determine whether the behavior is protected. Unsurprisingly, they found that it is not.

The key to the decision is the Ninth Circuit’s hostility to a broad reading of the Second Amendment. The Circuit, in it’s en banc rulings, such as Peruta, Teixeira v. County of Alameda, and in a three-judge ruling, Silvester v. Harris, has consistently worked to restrict Second Amendment rights to the narrowest possible interpretation.

An analogous reading of the First Amendment would be that the State can restrict certain publications on the grounds that they might impact public safety. For example, that violent video games could be banned. The Supreme Court has rejected that argument for the First Amendment.

Here is the summation of the opinion of the court, From Pena v. Lindley:

California requires that new models of handguns meet certain criteria, and be listed on a handgun roster, before they may be offered for sale in the state. Two provisions require that a handgun have a chamber load indicator and a magazine detachment mechanism, both of which are designed to limit accidental firearm discharges. The third provision, adopted to aid law enforcement, requires new handguns to stamp microscopically the handgun’s make, model, and serial number onto each fired shell casing. Plaintiffs asserted that these three provisions have narrowed their ability to buy firearms in California, in violation of the Second Amendment, and that the handgun roster scheme imposes irrational exceptions, in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The panel held that it did not need to reach the question of whether the challenged provisions fell within the scope of the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms because, even assuming coverage, the provisions passed constitutional muster. Applying intermediate scrutiny, the panel held that the Act only regulates commercial sales, not possession, and does so in a way that does not impose a substantial burden on purchasers. The panel held that the requirements for a chamber load indicator and a magazine detachment mechanism reasonably fit with California’s interest in public safety. The panel further held that California had met its burden of showing that the microstamping requirement was reasonably tailored to address the substantial problem of untraceable bullets at crime scenes and the value of a reasonable means of identification. The panel rejected plaintiffs’ claim that they have a constitutional right to purchase a particular handgun and their claim that the provisions violate the Equal Protection Clause.

The Court’s use of the words “intermediate scrutiny” belies the fact that, in the case of the Second Amendment, “intermediate scrutiny” has collapsed to mere rational basis scrutiny. Rational basis is so close to no scrutiny that there is effectively no difference.

Under “intermediate scrutiny” in a Second Amendment case at the Ninth Circuit, to pass Constitutional muster, the state only has to claim some vague governmental interest. “Public safety” is a favorite. It can be made to fit nearly every possible circumstance. The State does not have to show the law actually accomplishes any increase in public safety; nor does the state have to show the law performs better than other, less restrictive, remedies.

In effect, in the Ninth Circuit and in other circuits hostile to a broad interpretation of Second Amendment rights, intermediate scrutiny is used as a sophistry to restrict the Second Amendment to narrower and narrower meanings.

The problem cannot be solved at the current Ninth Circuit. There are too many judges on the Circuit actively hostile to Second Amendment rights.

Given the political situation in California, it is unlikely the California legislature will correct the situation. Citizens in California who resent every greater restrictions on exercise of their Second Amendment rights have one judicial remedy left: appeal to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court may or may not accept the case. The Supreme Court has been unwilling to accept appeals from the Ninth Circuit on Second Amendment grounds. I cannot recall a single case the Supreme Court has accepted from the Ninth Circuit on a Second Amendment challenge.

When and if President Trump’s nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, becomes Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, the makeup of the Supreme Court may be changed enough so the Court will accept Second Amendment appeals from the Ninth Circuit.

That remains to be seen.

An alternate, and plausible solution, would be for the Congress of the United States to pass legislation to enforce Second Amendment rights against the states. A national reciprocity act, as has broad support in the Congress, would go a long way to restore Second Amendment rights to Californians.

Congress could remove the current prohibition on interstate handgun sales, if it so wished.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Truth about Guns


THE BAD COP FILES–Former Tennessee Sheriff Kills MC Member and Still Not Charged?

On July 7th, 2018 a former county sheriff driving an SUV hit and killed a 21-year-old motorcyclist wearing club colors in McMinnville, Tennessee. This former sheriff was cited for failure to yield, however, no criminal charges have been filed.

Although the investigation continues with assistance from the Tennessee Highway Patrol and District Attorney’s office, information that is often released to the public during accident investigations is being withheld, such as whether drugs or alcohol are thought to be involved. The National Council of Clubs (NCOC) and the Motorcycle Profiling Project (MPP), organizations representing the legal and political interests of motorcycle clubs nationwide, are concerned that the former sheriff is being protected legally and politically by the thin blue line.

The public has a right to know whether drugs or alcohol are thought to be involved because that would inarguably constitute vehicular homicide under Tennessee law, as opposed to a devastating accident. And the public has a right to know about the short life of Jay Alan Webster, extinguished by a former sheriff currently being shielded by the laws protecting investigatory information.

The Details

As reported by NBC News Nashville on July 7th, a former Warren County Sheriff named Kenneth Taylor was cited for failure to yield at a downtown McMinnville, Tennessee intersection, killing 21-year-old motorcyclist Jay Alan Webster. Police say it’s too early in the investigation to determine whether or not charges will be filed against the former sheriff. What was not reported was that Jay Alan Webster was a probate member of the Silent Creed Motorcycle Club.

Unusually, no information is being released on whether drugs or alcohol were thought to be involved. A simple Google News search reveals that law enforcement in Tennessee often release to the public whether drugs or alcohol are thought to be involved very early on in an accident investigation. For example, a FOX 17 News Nashville Story from 2016, “Two Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Saturday in middle Tennessee” reported:

“Metro Police identify 27-year-old Joshua Cannon of South Nashville as the motorcyclist killed in an accident after 9:30 p.m. on Saturday night…They say he was driving at a high rate of speed before hitting the back of a car at a light, then slid and hit another car. Drugs or alcohol are not thought to be involved.” 2

Whether drugs or alcohol are a factor in an accident is information law enforcement often releases. So NCOC participant Rodney Mancini, in an attempt to obtain details of the accident, submitted a public records request and very quickly received a response.

Utilizing an investigation exemption to a public records request is common in many states, but in this case the McMinnville Police Department charged Taylor with failure to yield. Any accident reports written by officers present reflect the investigation that led to charging Taylor with failure to yield, which is now complete.

It is now August 7th, 2018, and the public still does not know the details. An accident is distinct from vehicular homicide, and the public still does not know whether vehicular homicide was committed by a former sheriff under the influence of drugs or alcohol in their community. The public has a right to know because criminal activity that results in death, in this case possibly committed by former law enforcement official, is irrefutably an on-going public news concern.

In addition to the public’s right to know, every motorcyclist in Tennessee has a right to know. Maybe most importantly, Jay Alan Webster’s family, brothers, and friends have a right to know whether their loved one was the victim of an accident or the victim of a crime. And we all have a right to know about the life that was prematurely taken from us all.

Who was Jay Alan Webster?

Though it would be impossible to do Jay Alan Webster’s life justice with just words alone, it is important to know who was taken.

Based on information provided to the NCOC by the Silent Creed MC, Jay was only 21-years-old when he was killed doing one of the things he loved- riding a motorcycle. Jay’s love of motorcycling eventually brought him to the Silent Creed MC, and at the time of his death he was a probate for the club.

Jay was also an accomplished welder, a skill he developed after he attempted to join the Marines at 18-years-old but was told a foot deformity would physically preclude him from serving. Welding was Jay’s full time employment until he recently returned to his Grandmother’s home to provide her full-time care. Jay’s charitable and empathetic nature was obvious through his actions. In addition to taking care of his grandmother, Jay participated in many charities including food drives for the homeless.

Remember, Jay was only 21. His life had barely begun, yet he was dedicated to the service of other people by choice. The NCOC believes that everyone has a right to know whether Jay Alan Webster was killed as the result of a former Sheriff driving his SUV under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Once these facts are revealed, then the discussion about proper justice can begin.

Is Vehicular Homicide Proper Justice?

If former Sheriff Kenneth Taylor was under the influence of drugs or alcohol then he could be charged with Vehicular Homicide. Tennessee law is unambiguous. TN Code § 39-13-213 (2015) subdivision (a)(2) says “vehicular homicide is the reckless killing of another by the operation of an automobile, airplane, motorboat or other motor vehicle, as the proximate result of the driver’s alcohol or drug intoxication.”

Unfortunately, even if convicted the sentence ranges are very light and dependent on prior alcohol or drug related offenses. TN Code says, “Vehicular homicide under subdivision (a)(2) is a Class B felony.” “Any sentence imposed for a first violation of subdivision (a)(2) shall include a mandatory minimum sentence of forty-eight (48) consecutive hours of incarceration.” And with three or more prior alcohol-related convictions “any sentence imposed by the judge shall include a mandatory minimum sentence of one hundred fifty (150) consecutive days of incarceration.”

However, the former sheriff would be off the road for three to ten years and not killing any more motorcyclists, at least not with a legal license. Tennessee law requires the court to “prohibit a defendant convicted of vehicular homicide from driving a vehicle in this state for a period of time not less than three (3) years nor more than ten (10) years.”

A Demand for Information and Justice

The life of Jay Alan Webster was important and meaningful. Demanding justice for a human being of this quality is an honor and a responsibility.

The NCOC and the MPP publicly urge that the McMinnville Police Department:

release information confirming whether or not alcohol or drugs are thought to be involved in the death of Jay Alan

explain why a routine traffic accident investigation has taken a month and also articulate a likely timeframe for the investigation to be completed.

The NCOC, with participation nationwide, is dedicated to demanding public information and justice for motorcycle club members across America, including Jay Alan Webster and all motorcycle club members throughout Tennessee.

–Double D


1 WSMV TV, Nashville, Former Warren County Sheriff cited in fatal crash with motorcyclist, July 11, 2018, http://www.wsmv.com/story/38624716/former-warren-county-sheriff-cited-in-fatal- crash-with-motorcyclist

2 Anthony Glover, FOX 17 News Nashville, Two Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Saturday in middle Tennessee, March 6, 2016

VINTAGE RIDES–This brand new 10-day Royal Enfield trip, with a focus on off-road and intense rhythm, takes you on tracks where no motorcycle has ever been. After leaving from Chiang Mai we gradually go deeper into the jungle. Riding almost only on jungle paths, trails and small tracks, our itinerary passes through the heart of a lush nature in the northern part of the country.

Traversed by elephants during the Silk Route era, this circuit takes us back in time from village to village, as we meet tribes of the mountains.

Are you a seasoned biker thirsty for adventure?

This tour, limited to 8 participants, is for riders who have an all-terrain motorcycle experience of the type enduro or motocross. It is reserved for riders in good physical condition, who are able to push and lift the motorcycle. Another special feature of this tour: the assistance vehicle carrying the baggages will meet the group only at the end of the day, the tracks being too narrow.

Ready to take on the challenge?

January 26th to February 4th 2019
January 4th to 13th 2020
February 1st to 10th 2020
February 15th to 24th 2020

Photo credits: Elisabeth Fieujean / Tibostudio / Vintage Rides

Vintage Rides
At Tendance Roadster
(by appointment only)
98 rue Baudin
+339 70 44 01 30?


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The All-Electric Los Angeles Dealer is Zero Motorcycles’ Highest Producer in the World

Zero Motorcycles, the global electric motorcycle sales and innovation leader, announced the award for “#1 Dealer Globally 2018.” The recognition went to Southern California-based Hollywood Electrics for the ninth consecutive year.

Harlan Flagg, owner of Hollywood Electrics, credits his dealership’s success to his staff’s expert knowledge and passion. Founded in 2009, the dealership has generated a loyal customer base and one of the world’s largest Zero Motorcycles riding communities. Flagg is an avid believer in the viability of electric vehicles and offers exclusively electric products.

“We’re knowledgeable about Zeros because we’re passionate about these motorcycles and ride them daily,” said Flagg upon receiving his dealership’s reward. “It’s all about the pure joy of the electric ride, the convenience of commuting, parking, and charging in the congested urban LA environment, and the Zero’s performance capabilities both on the streets and on the racetrack. Above all, we couldn’t have gotten here without the support of our enthusiastic customers, so the credit goes to them and their contagious love for these incredible bikes.”

The team at Hollywood Electrics is fully invested in electric motorcycles as both the ideal zero emissions transportation and a thrilling recreation staple. On the performance side, this has been proven by the Hollywood Electrics Racing Team’s multiple successes in such formidable challenges as the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb and the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association’s eMotoRacing eSuperSport races.

“We’re thankful to Hollywood Electrics for their experience and expertise that routinely gets more riders onto Zero motorcycles than anyone else in the world,” said Mike Cunningham, director of North American sales at Zero Motorcycles. “Harlan and his team are true believers in the EV cause and you can plainly see that through their massive investment in their community.”

Hollywood Electrics provides a variety of opportunities to experience the latest in electric motorcycle technology. The dealership offers test rides during regular business hours and regularly hosts Zero Motorcycles demo events. In addition, on the third Tuesday of each month the dealership hosts a community event that includes a group ride, raffles and contests.

To learn more about Zero Motorcycles or to schedule a test ride visit:

To learn more about Hollywood Electrics visit:


Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me AGAIN, asking why I didn’t do something useful with my time. “Like sitting around the pool and drinking wine is not a good thing?” I asked.

Talking about my “doing-something-useful” seems to be her favorite topic of conversation.

She was “only thinking of me,” she said, and suggested that I go down to the Senior Center and hang out with some of the other old fellows.

So I did this and when I got home last night, I decided to play a prank on her. I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a Parachute Club.

She replied, “Are you nuts? You are over 72 and now you’re going to start jumping out of airplanes?”

I told her that I even got a Membership Card and e-mailed a copy to her.

She immediately tele Parachute Clubphoned me and yelled, “Good grief, Dad, where are your glasses?! This is a Membership to a Prostitute Club, not a.”

“Oh man, I’m in trouble again,” I said. “I really don’t know what to do. I signed up for five jumps a week!!”

The line went dead.

Life as a Senior Citizen is not getting any easier, but sometimes it can be fun.

–Sidehack Jerry

New BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!–
LONG GONE SUNDAY POST for August 5, 2018


Easily, one of the best Redhead snaps yet. I salute you!

–Pauly D.
Chicago, IL

Thanks to the Redhead department chief, Barry Green.–Bandit

Nominee No. 1: [ San Jose Mercury News]:

An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a former girlfriend’s windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut.

Nominee No. 2:[ Kalamazoo Gazette]:
James Burns, 34, (a mechanic) of Alamo MI, was killed in March as he was trying to repair what police describe as a “farm-type truck.” Burns got a friend to drive the truck on a highway while Burns hung underneath so that he could ascertain the source of a troubling noise. Burns’ clothes caught on something, however, and the other man found Burns “wrapped in the drive shaft.”

Nominee No. 3:[ Hickory Daily Record]:
Ken Charles Barger, 47, accidentally shot himself to death in December in Newton NC . Awakening to the sound of a ringing telephone beside his bed, he reached for the phone but grabbed instead a Smith & Wesson 38 Special, which discharged when he drew it to his ear.

Nominee No. 4:[UPI, Toronto ]:
Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety of windows in a downtown Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death. A police spokesman said Garry Hoy, 39, fell into the courtyard of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening as he was explaining the strength of the buildings windows to visiting law students. Hoy previously has conducted demonstrations of window strength according to police reports.

Peter Lawson, managing partner of the firm Holden Day Wilson, told the Toronto Sun newspaper that Hoy was “one of the best and brightest” members of the 200-man association. A person has to wonder what the dimmer members of this law firm are like.

Nominee No. 5:[The News of the Weird]:
Michael Anderson Godwin made News of the Weird posthumously. He had spent several years awaiting South Carolina ‘s electric chair on a murder conviction before having his sentence reduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted.

Nominee No. 6:[The Indianapolis Star]:
A cigarette lighter may have triggered a fatal explosion in Dunkirk IN. A Jay County man, using a cigarette lighter to check the barrel of a muzzleloader, was killed Monday night when the weapon discharged in his face, sheriff’s investigators said. Greg ory David Pryor, 19, died in his parents’ rural Dunkirk home at about 11:30 PM. Investigators said Pryor was cleaning a 54-caliber muzzle-loader that had not been firing properly. He was using the lighter to look into the barrel when the gunpowder ignited.

Nominee No. 7:[Reuters, Mississauga , Ontario ]:
A man cleaning a bird feeder on the balcony of his condominium apartment in this Toronto suburb slipped and fell 23 stories to his death. “Stefan Macko, 55, was standing on a wheelchair when the accident occurred,” said Inspector Darcy Honer of the Peel Regional Police. “It appears that the chair moved, and he went over the balcony,” Honer said.

Finally, THE WINNER!!!:[ Arkansas Democrat Gazette]:
Two local men were injured when their pickup truck left the road and struck a tree near Cotton Patch on State Highway 38 early Monday. Woodruff County deputy Dovey Snyder reported the accident shortly after midnight Monday. Thurston Poole, 33, of Des Arc, and Billy Ray Wallis, 38, of Little Rock , were returning to Des Arc after a frog-catching trip. On an overcast Sunday night, Poole ‘s pickup truck headlights malfunctioned.
The two men concluded that the headlight fuse on the older-model truck had burned out. As a replacement fuse was not available, Wallis noticed that the .22 caliber bullets from his pistol fit perfectly into the fuse box next to the steering-wheel column. Upon inserting the bullet the headlights again began to operate properly, and the two men proceeded on eastbound toward the White River Bridge.

After traveling approximately 20 miles, and just before crossing the river, the bullet apparently overheated, discharged and struck Poole in the testicles. The vehicle swerved sharply right, exited the pavement, and struck a tree. Poole suffered only minor cuts and abrasions from the accident but will require extensive surgery to repair the damage to his testicles, which will never operate as intended.

Wallis sustained a broken clavicle and was treated and released. “Thank God we weren’t on that bridge when Thurston shot his balls off, or we might be dead,” stated Wallis
“I’ve been a trooper for 10 years in this part of the world, but this is a first for me. I can’t believe that those two would admit how this accident happened,” said Snyder.

Upon being notified of the wreck, Lavinia ( Poole ‘s wife) asked how many frogs the boys had caught and did anyone get them from the truck? Though Poole and Wallis did not die as a result of their misadventure as normally required by Darwin Award Official Rules, it can be argued that Poole did in fact effectively remove himself from the gene pool.

–from Joe Smith

COUNT’S CUSTOMS AT STURGIS–Meet Shannon, Ryan & Horny Mike
Stars of “Counting Cars” at the CrossRoads

For the past seven years fans have been watching Shannon Aikau, Ryan Evans and Horny Mike restore and create beautiful vehicles on HISTORY’s top-rated show, “Counting Cars.” Now, courtesy of HAULBIKES, Sturgis riders can meet these three personalities and see some of their handcrafted choppers close up.

All three are based at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads during Rally week. If you missed Saturday’s School’s Out Chopper Show, you can find them at the Haul Bikes tent or Horny Mike’s Merch Trailer along with a group of their glam choppers. These include the Sailor Jerry bike so expect the Sailor Jerry Girls to be nearby, as well.

Meet the Stars
Born on Oahu, Hawaii, Shannon has been working on motorcycles since he was 6 years old and has worked with Danny “The Count” Koker for 20 years. He’s built over 300 bikes including Danny’s first bike, “Tattoo.” Ryan Evans, head painter and graphic artist, has been painting with Count’s Kustoms for 20 years and is a regular on the hit TV show. “Horny Mike” is a talented airbrush artist who loves to put 3-D horns on everything. Danny relies on Mike to bring “out-there” ideas to life and provide advice when an extraordinary project comes through the shop doors.

–Marilyn Stemp
Buffalo Chip
Iron Trader

PURPLE HEART DAY–I joined the Army because I wanted to serve my country. My tour of Iraq was like something out of a movie, we were shot at every day and the heat was unbearable. Just a few months in and only weeks after my son was born — I was wounded in a gunfight.

But I was proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with my comrades and fight for what we believed in. If sustaining my injuries protected one of my own, then my service was a success. As a fellow veteran, I’m sure you can relate and have similar stories.

In honor of those who served their patriotic duty with dedication and many times, sacrificed, today marks the day of the Purple Heart — an award bestowed upon those who have sustained injuries in combat. Will you fly a flag today in honor of our comrades?

As a veteran who sustained injuries while on a tour of duty, I was able to get my life back on track because of DAV. They changed my life. And I want to make sure they can continue changing other veterans’ lives. Will you fly a flag today to ensure that all of us who have earned a Purple Heart get the help we need by making a gift to DAV? If you’re unable to give, please consider asking friends and family to fly a flag.

Fly a Flag

–Robert Delgado
Army veteran and DAV supporter

We will.–Bandit

QUOTES OF THE WEEK–Character is doing the right thing when no one is looking — J.C. Watts

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined — Thoreau

Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain–

How a Former Stuntman Became the Force Behind a Hit TV Show Building Unique Toys–Celebrity David Ankin shares how ingenuity can help fuel your business

People often find themselves in jobs where they know they don’t want to be for years to come. Yet many of those people are unsure what to do about it in order to move forward in the direction of a career of their dreams. For one former stuntman, he didn’t sit idly by and wish for a position he would be passionate about. Combining his passion for car shows that stemmed from his childhood with his ingenuity, he was able to take steps to create a career path that led to him having a hit television show building unique one-of-a-kind custom hot rods and cars for adults.

“I had to realize that being a stuntman wasn’t a long-term career. It was too hard on my body,” says David Ankin, inventor and star of the hit show ToyMakerz. “I decided to turn my passion into a career that I could grow in and others could also enjoy. Creativity is something that helped me get started in this field and remains a constant. Now the challenge is constantly coming up with something new and unique.”

Ingenuity, which is having the ability to be clever, original, or inventive, is what has propelled Ankin to the top of his field. But it’s not something that came to him overnight. In fact, he has been on the path since he was a child. Growing up without a lot of money, he wasn’t able to go out and buy the latest toy or car. But he also didn’t want his vehicles to look just like everyone else’s. That motivated him to learn to build his own. With his father as his inspiration, he hung out at his shop and watched in awe at the things that his dad could do.

As a child, Ankin also spent a lot of time being dedicated to bike and car shows. In fact, his idea of a vacation was working late into the night for six weeks to get ready for a bike or car show, then traveling halfway across the country and meeting up with other fabricators. When he wasn’t doing that, he was struggling to get his car or bike ready to win a race. At the end of the day, the factors that really influenced him on his journey are the industry itself and all the people and fabricators who no one will ever meet.

Today, his ingenuity has led to his company, ToyMakerz, where the toys are made, and has also been turned into a hit television show, where people can tune in and see him work his magic. Here are 5 ways that ingenuity can help fuel your business:

Gets you noticed. With your business being set apart by being original, it will help get you noticed. People have become immune to everything being the same and they crave things that are different or stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s a restaurant, clothing line, or something else, being different will open the doors to a whole new audience.
Helps with longevity. Those business leaders who are unique will be in a better position to roll with the punches. They don’t mind adapting and changing as the market demands. Rather than close up, they will be able to keep re-inventing themselves in order to keep thriving.
Fuels decision making. Being able to come up with creative solutions to problems will help take a business to the next level. Those with ingenuity are not afraid to put their ideas out there, no matter how out of the box they may seem.

Ultimately, that’s exactly what is needed to help grow their business.

Offers drive. Business leaders with initiative have drive and determination. They are not afraid to take risks and they don’t wait around for someone else to make something happen. They come up with their own unique plans and put them in action to keep moving forward.

Helps carve out opportunity. Whether fueled by your childhood passions or noticing what is missing in your city and wanting to make improvements, those with new ideas will create their own opportunity. They find a way to make things happen in the business world.

“The journey hasn’t been short or easy,” added Ankin. “It started as a childhood dream and has evolved over time. I happened to come across the right location to set up shop in Reidsville, NC, where the town and the people have been so supportive. Then, using ingenuity, I started assembling my team to help me grow my vision of ToyMakerz, and it’s still evolving today.”

ToyMakerz partnered with Source Digital to develop an app, which is helping fans connect with the show. Enhancing the viewer experience with new digital brand integrations, the ToyMakerz app lets fans connect with the cast, score exclusive deals on anything they see on the screen while they are watching the show live, and sharepictures of their own rides!

The ToyMakerz TV show, which is just weeks away from a major announcement, is currently re-airing episodes from season 2 On Demand on Velocity. ToyMakerz is produced by Los Angeles based production company, Lucky13Cinematic. For more information about ToyMakerz, visit the site at: www.toymakerz.com.

— Cher Murphy

NEW FROM S&S–Grand National 2:2 for 2018+ Fat Bob

Inspired by their total domination in American Flat Track, S&S Cycle has taken performance exhaust to the next level.

Combining a two into two format with a hidden crossover, the new Grand National system is designed for pure, relentless performance.

Clean bends, stainless header tubing and full shielding create an exhaust that makes real power without the punishment of melted boots and uneven torque delivery of most other short tract systems.

S&S also includes wide band O2 sensor ports as well as removable secondary baffles that allow for sound and backpressure tuning.

Available in chrome or black ceramic, the Grand National 2:2 looks to be a game changer for latest from the Motor Company.

Click Here For More Information https://www.sscycle.com/grand-national-2-2-m8-softail/

MotoDoffo Flash Sale–Celebrate Andrea Dovizioso’s Czech GP victory and Jorge Lorenzo’s 2nd place finish this past weekend with a limited time sale on our 2015 MotoDoffo Super Tinto.

Order online now through Tuesday, August 7th at 11:59pm and get 15% off, while supplies last.

Use promo code: MOTOG

WIN a Honda CB750 50th Anniversary Tribute Bike Restoration–
This year to honor the 50th Anniversary of the Honda CB750, we’re giving away a 1971 CB 750 K1 tribute bike, dressed up in iconic 69’ Candy Ruby Red paint and parts.

This ground-up restoration, orchestrated by VVMC member Shannon Sweeney of SS Classics, includes a complete motor rebuild, new powder coat from Safeway Sandblasters, period correct 1969 Candy Ruby Red paint, new rims and stainless spokes, polished hubs and engine cases, new K0 seat, and lots of new and restored bits, making this bike ready for one lucky winner to ride her home!

It all happens Saturday, September 22nd, at the 11th Annual Venice Vintage Motorcycle Rally in Venice, CA! One lucky winner will ride away on this beautiful bike! Tickets are ON SALE NOW! Keep an eye out for more events happening later this month!

Contact Us:
E-mail: info@venicevintage.com
Web: http://www.venicevintage.com


Sex And Good Grammar….

On his 70th birthday, a man was given a gift certificate from his wife.

The certificate was for consultation with an Indian medicine man living on a
nearby reservation who was rumored to have a simple cure for erectile dysfunction!

The husband went to the reservation and saw the medicine man.

The old Indian gave him a potion and with a grip on his shoulder warned,’This is a powerful medicine. You take only a teaspoonful, and then say


When you do, you will become more manly than you have ever been in your life, and you can perform for as long as you want.”

The man thanked the old Indian and as he walked away, he turned and asked,

“How do I stop the medicine from working?”

“Your partner must say ‘1-2-3-4,’ he responded,”but when she does, the medicine will not work again until the next full moon.”

He was very eager to see if it worked so he went home, showered, shaved, took a spoonful of the medicine, and then invited his wife to join him in the bedroom. When she came in, he took off his clothes and said, “1-2-3!”

Immediately, he was the manliest of men. His wife was excited and began throwing off her clothes, and then she asked,

“What was the 1-2-3 for?”

And that, boys and girls, is why we should never end our sentences with a preposition, because we could end up with a dangling participle.

–David Campbell
Earl’s Garage – Motorcycle, Hotrod, and Event Photography

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Hamsters USA raise $282,00 for special kids at LifeScape Children’s Care in Rapid City, South Dakota– Hamsters USA, the international motorcycle group with big hearts, rolled into western South Dakota to make an impact for kids with disabilities… AGAIN!

These great guys came together throughout the year to raise funds for LifeScape Children’s Care of Rapid City culminating near $282,000, all staying local to support children with disabilities in Western SD!

Hamsters USA has raised and donated funds at their annual meeting for the last 13 years, with a deep desire to give back to the greater Black Hills community, which many Hamsters consider their second home.

This year’s event brings their cumulative total for 13 years to over $3 million in total dollars raised for LifeScape Children’s Care in Rapid City. Their gifts help provide services to children in their Black Hills area homes and communities, delivered by LifeScape Children’s Care personnel who drive over 10,000 miles a month to provide services.

Their kind works and big hearts are exactly why LifeScape nominated this amazing group of gentlemen to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, to which they will be inducted this week, Wednesday, August 8.

Additionally, in recognition of this group’s incredible spirit, longstanding commitment to the motorcycle community, and especially for their dedication to the care of children in need, the entire group of Hamsters USA was presented with the 2018 Chrome Heart Award. (See attached photo of Jessica Wells, President of the LifeScape Foundation, and the Slaughter Family – Dwain, Gayla, and Michelet – presenting the Chrome Heart Award to Grady Pfeiffer and the Hamster founders who were present – Donnie Smith, Barry Clooney, Ed Kerr, Dave Perewitz, and Arlin Fatland.

Michelet Slaughter, a nine-year-old from Rapid City, SD, and his family, spoke at this year’s event. Michelet, a young man whose smile lights up a room, born in Haiti with hydrocephalus, causing his head to be so heavy, he couldn’t lift it or roll over.

His mother died when he was just a few months old, and his grandfather was unable to care for him, though he loved him very much. When Gayla Slaughter met him in his orphanage, she knew instantly she wanted to help, even adopt him, if that was an option. It took four years, and with the help of LifeScape, she was able to bring him back to Rapid City.

His first surgery happened immediately upon arrival, and since that time, he’s had three more. Gayla credits LifeScape for his amazing progress – when he first came to his new home, he had never even stood, but can now walk with a gait trainer he received through LifeScape!

He’s currently working on learning to walk with crutches, which will open up a whole new accessible world. Gayla and Dwain are so proud to be his parents, and they have given him the miracle he needed.

The Slaughters are proud to be ambassadors for LifeScape at the Hamsters’ event this year, thanking them for their fundraising efforts that directly impact their family.

LifeScape’s mission is to empower children with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. Michelet and his family feel that LifeScape has truly done that for them, and they are so grateful to LifeScape and to the donors, like the Hamsters, who make the strides and miracles they’ve experienced possible.

LEGEND RIDE IN DEADWOOD–Palin talks politics, respect and bikes before Legends Ride

Former vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, in her trademark black-framed glasses, teased up black hair and star-spangled cowboy boots, posed for photographs in the back of a Deadwood casino when a passerby questioned, “Who is that?”

“That’s Sarah Palin, man!” said bearded Christopher Blanchard, who’d traveled from Garnet, North Carolina, for the Sturgis rally. He wore a “Keep America Great” T-shirt.

“If I knew she was that good looking, I would’ve voted for her,” Blanchard’s friend said.

“Heck, she was my favorite one on the ticket that year,” Blanchard replied.

Monday was celebrity day at the rally, as the special guest riders — including race car driver Rusty Wallace, actor Tom Berenger, and race truck driver Walker Evans — congregated in the Silverado-Franklin Hotel in downtown Deadwood before the afternoon’s annual charity-benefiting Legends Ride, a 50-mile excursion culminating at the Buffalo Chip.

Event organizers last week touted Palin as someone who has a “love for this country and respect for the Second Amendment,” but she (and other guests) mostly sidestepped partisan politics Monday.

“Thank God!” Palin exclaimed in her folksy air when told the press conference wouldn’t delve into political issues.

“It’s all about common sense,” said Palin, who would drive a Polaris Slingshot, seated next to Evans’ wife. “It’s just like the bumper sticker on my dad’s truck: ‘I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I’m an American, and I was pissed off, so I made a difference.'”

One member of a renewable energy group sponsoring the event tried pegging Palin and Wallace on whether they support ethanol.

“In the Indianapolis 500, they’re 100 percent ethanol and running 245 miles per hour,” said Wallace, who used to be a spokesman for the ethanol industry. “Ethanol is just an incredible fuel.”

When the question turned to Palin, the former governor of a big petroleum state, she diplomatically veered, adding, “Decision-makers, whatever they’re doing, whether they’re legalizing it, illegalizing it, whatever they’re doing (about) making laws in regards to ethanol and our standards need to listen to guys like Rusty (Wallace).”

It was actor Berenger who made a minor faux pas, confusing the states.

“I think it (ethanol) is pretty good for the farmers,” he said, “But I don’t know if North Dakota grows it (corn).”


–from Rogue

Traffic Up From Last Year At Sturgis Motorcycle Rally–

STURGIS, S.D. (AP) – Traffic is up at this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

The annual event in South Dakota’s Black Hills draws hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. This year’s rally began its 10-day run Friday.

The state Transportation Department says that during the first three days of the rally, traffic was up 3 percent from last year. The traffic count on Saturday was up 11 percent.


–from Rogue

BREW-DUDE HEADED TO THE SALT—According to Dennis Manning the salt is in record condition. The Brew is headed out, “We’re SO EXCITED! Found some extra power with some new port changes and bike will be done in a couple of days.”

The attempt for a FIM World Record is on!!!
And finally, 2 HUGE new banners will be here today.

Thanks again for all the support, let me know of anything I can do.


THE BIKERNET MIDDLE EAST BUREAU–This morning’s announcement on Iran

In May, President Donald J. Trump withdrew America from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. “Our policy is based on a clear-eyed assessment of the Iranian dictatorship, its sponsorship of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world,” the President said.

In making that announcement, President Trump laid out two “wind-down periods” of 90 days and 180 days for business activities in or involving Iran. Today marks the final day of that initial wind-down period. August 7, sanctions will be reimposed on the purchase of U.S. bank notes by the Government of Iran, Iran’s trade in gold and other precious metals, and a range of other financial and industrial transactions.

Remaining sanctions will be reimposed on November 5.

The Iranian regime has exploited the global financial system to fund its malign activities, including supporting terrorism, promoting ruthless regimes, and abusing the human rights of its own people. Since the President announced his decision to withdraw from the deal, the Administration has sanctioned 38 Iran-related targets.

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN– The coach had put together the perfect team for the Chicago Bears The only thing that was missing was a good quarterback. He had scouted all the colleges and even the Canadian and European Leagues, but he couldn’t find a ringer who could ensure a Super Bowl win.

Then one night while watching CNN he saw a war-zone scene in the West Bank . In one corner of the background, he spotted a young Israeli soldier with a truly incredible arm. He threw a hand-grenade straight into a 15th story window 100 yards away.


He threw another hand-grenade 75 yards away, right into a chimney.


Then he threw another at a passing car going 90 mph.


“I’ve got to get this guy!” Coach said to himself. “He has the perfect arm!”

So, he brings him to the States and teaches him the great game of football. And the Bears go on to win the Super Bowl.

The young man is hailed as the great hero of football, and when the coach asks him what he wants, all the young man wants is to call his mother.

“Mom,” he says into the phone, “I just won the Super Bowl!”

“I don’t want to talk to you, the old woman says. “You are no longer my son!”

“I don’t think you understand, Mother,” the young man pleads. “I’ve won the greatest sporting event in the world. I’m here among thousands of my adoring fans.”

“No! Let me tell you!” his mother retorts. “At this very moment, there are gunshots all around us. The neighborhood is a pile of rubble. Your two brothers were beaten within an inch of their lives last week, and I have to keep your sister in the house so she doesn’t get raped!” The old lady pauses, and then tearfully says,

“I will never forgive you for making us move to Chicago!”

–Mr. Wonderful

‘Less fire today than centuries ago’ – Scientists, studies counter claim that wildfires due to ‘climate change’ – Book Excerpt

“There is increasing evidence that there is overall less fire in the landscape today than there has been centuries ago, although the magnitude of this reduction still needs to be examined in more detail.”…

“The ‘wildfire problem’ is essentially more a social than a natural one.” Researchers from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid found that “climate change” is not to blame for increased forest fires in the Mediterranean basin.”…

“In the United States, wildfires are also due in part to a failure to thin forests or remove dead and diseased trees. In 2014, forestry professor David B. South of Auburn University testified to the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that, “data suggest that extremely large megafires were four-times more common before 1940,” adding that “we cannot reasonably say that anthropogenic global warming causes extremely large wildfires.” As he explained, “To attribute this human-caused increase in fire risk to carbon dioxide emissions is simply unscientific.”

–By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot

Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from author Marc Morano’s new 2018 best-selling book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.

The mainstream media seems to be very sure that wildfires are getting worse because of man-made global warming. ABC World News Tonight warned in 2014 that “here in America, more wildfires, intense burns” have arrived courtesy of climate change. CBS This Morning featured climate fear promoter Michio Kaku, predicting “hundred-year droughts, hundred-year
forest fires” and claiming that “something is very dangerously happening with the weather.”

Al Gore also thinks he knows all about wildfires. “All over the West we’re seeing these fires get much, much worse,” Gore said in 2017, adding, “the underlying cause is the heat.”

But the science tells a very different story. A 2016 study published by the Royal Society reported, “There is less fire in the global landscape today than centuries ago” and the “global area burned” has seen a “slight decline over past decades.”

The study, by Stefan Doerr and Cristina Santín of Swansea University in Wales, noted that “many consider wildfire as an accelerating problem, with widely held perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity and resulting losses. However, important exceptions aside, the quantitative evidence available does not support these perceived overall trends.”

The study also found that the data for the western U.S. indicates “little change overall, and also that area burned at high severity has overall declined compared to pre-European settlement. Direct fatalities from fire and economic losses also show no clear trends over the past three decades.”

The researchers concluded, “The data available to date do not support a general increase in area burned or in fire severity for many regions of the world. Indeed there is increasing evidence that there is overall less fire in the landscape today than there has been centuries ago, although the magnitude of this reduction still needs to be examined in more detail.”

According to the study, “fire is a fundamental natural ecological agent in many of our ecosystems and only a ‘problem’ where we choose to inhabit these fire-prone regions or we humans introduce it to non-fire-adapted ecosystems.

The ‘wildfire problem’ is essentially more a social than a natural one.” Researchers from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid found that “climate change” is not to blame for increased forest fires in the Mediterranean basin. “The change in the occurrence of fires that are recorded in the historical research cannot be explained by the gradual change in climate.” The fires instead “correspond to changes in the availability of fuel, the use of sources of energy, and the continuity of the landscape.”

Dominick DellaSala, chief scientist at the Geos Institute in Ashland, Oregon, has conducted research on fires in the western United States and found them declining. “If we use the historical baseline as a point in time for comparison, then we have not seen a measurable increase in the size or the severity of fires,” DellaSala said. “In fact, what we have seen is actually a deficit in forest fires compared to what early settlers were dealing with when they came through this area.”

A 2014 study found that Colorado wildfires have not become more severe since the 1900s. “The severity of recent fires is not unprecedented when we look at fire records going back before the 1900s,” said research scientist Tania Schoennagel. The study, “one of the largest of its kind ever undertaken in the western United States,” was published in the journal PLOS ONE and funded by the National Science Foundation.


WWII Burial at sea, (plane and all)!

This is a VERY touching video, actually a piece of film that has been
made into a video, this is one that is NOT photo shopped, it’s the real scene!

Notice in the opening shot you’ll see the gunner’s position is all
shot up while the pilot’s cockpit ahead of it is undamaged. Later on notice the corpsman taking a fingerprint of the deceased gunner before the film continues, then showing the chaplain saying the final prayers, followed by taps. Soon after sailors push the
aircraft with the airman over the side and watch it sink into the sea.


This is what 18-21 year old “kids” were doing 1941 to 1945.

What actually made this country great is ordinary guys and gals like this… daily doing extraordinary things….here and in Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever sent in the future. All gave some, some gave all. They have earned our respect!.

–from Andy


Got hotel and went out to the entertainment zone.

Two movies on plane were real life stories. Maybe on Youtube. First was a movie about a movie that went to cult status.

Second was about US hiding Vietnam involvement/lies through three decades and four presidents terms.

Miss PI to compete in miss universe pageant in Bkk. Good stopover and fortunately did not get shot.

–Art Hall


Three brand new 2019 Harley-Davidson Limited Custom Paint Sets allow riders to express their personality and stand out from the crowd with their bikes. Be the first to let your local authorized Harley-Davidson dealer know you want to be the first on the street with these early 2019 offerings.

The La Jolla Limited Custom Paint Set was created for the rider who rides to get noticed. Featuring a vibrant chrome-yellow base with a gold pearl sheen and a bright orange undertone, it’ll catch everyone’s eye. Vivid Black slash graphics add a more subtle touch. The La Jolla Limited Custom Paint set fits 2018 and later Breakout® models.

Visually representing Harley-Davidson performance, the Grandstand Limited Custom Paint Set fits 2014 and later Road King®, 2015 and later Road Glide® and 2014 and later Street Glide® models. The black denim and fierce orange base is split by brushed aluminum and then highlighted with warm red pinstripes. Only 150 sets will be offered worldwide for all three touring models.

The Tagged Limited Custom Paint Set represents what Harley-Davidson has strived to do since 1903: inspire people to find their own freedom. This set is about stepping outside of the comfort zone and living free-er. A gunmetal base with a satin finish and hand-ground metal grind markings add an edgy touch. Tag lines that feature graphic messaging of freedom add unique detailing to this set that fits 2018 and later Fat Bob® and Street Bob® models. Only 150 sets will be offered worldwide. Check out this behind the scenes video on its creation.

The authenticity embodied in all three of these paint sets is proven with a hand-written certificate for each owner.

Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Accessories are available at more than 750 authorized retail locations in the United States and online. Download or request a free printed catalog at www.H-D.com/catalogs.

MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS FROM INDIA–Russian Government finally reveals truth about their hostility and military ambitions.

BIKERNET™ News chief
Bikernet New Bureau India


We have announcements coming your way! Stay tuned for our weekly updates.
Thursday Night Headliner

Our final Call for Bands has been answered! Be sure to catch
Carol-lyn’s Herstory of Rock at Rally Central on Thursday, October 11 at 8pm!

It’ll be a show you don’t want to miss.
All headline performances are included with ALL passes.

Bikini Contest
Friday, October 12
7pm -8pm

Prize Categories
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100

Want to be a Contestant?
Sign up at the Rally 30 minutes prior to the contest.

Must be registered with a Party, Ultimate, or VIP Pass to enter.

Miss Las Vegas BikeFest
Saturday, October 13
7pm – 8pm

ªCompetition Categories
Bikini Wear*
Bedroom Attire*
Best Bike Pose

Prize Categories
1st Place: $1,000
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $250

Want to be a Contestant?
Sign up at the Rally 30 minutes prior to the contest.
*Contestants must provide own Biker Wear and Bedroom Attire.
Must be registered with a Party, Ultimate, or VIP Pass to enter.

Grab your passes at the today!
Prices increase on-site.

Use promo code: LVB505 for $5 off a
Party, Ultimate, or VIP Pass.

Don’t want to haul your bike to Las Vegas?
ªEagleRider has you covered with the best rates on rentals!

Book Your Room Today!

Rooms are filling up fast!
The Golden Nugget is including exclusive perks for everyone who stays with them during the 2018 Vegas BikeFest.

Click here to check out what the Golden Nugget and all additional hotel options have to offer and to book your room today!

Don’t miss Ink Mayhem coming to the 2018 Las Vegas BikeFest!

Proud to be on the 2018 AMA Gypsy Tour

Visit our Website
Las Vegas BikeFest

LOWBROW HEADED TO THE SALT– We are on the road to Bonneville Speed Week, which starts this Friday! This year, Kyle rebuilt the Triumph he blew up on racing the salt back in 2013. Check out part 2 of his rebuild article including photos of the finished, race-ready bike!

If you are out at Speed Week this year be sure to look for the Lowbrow tents in the pit area and say hey! Also, we have a little hangout planned this Saturday night. It is at Carmen’s Black & White bar in town, all the details are on the flyer below. Hope to see you there!

COMING HOME—Many brothers are starting home already. Some are continuing their vacations into Yosemite, Yellowstone and Zion. Some will ride to Disneyland or fight their way back to Orlando.


I got my Linkert back from Larry Settle of Settle’s Custom Cycles in Harbor City. He said the carb was fine. So, my question is. If I rev an auto-advance distributor and it doesn’t retard the spark, when I try to return to an idle, will it continue to rev?

What else could it be? I’m still digging.

We hope to bring you a report next week on the Exile gang.

Rhonda was our agent at the Buffalo Chip Trike Show. Can’t wait for her report.

It’s hot as hell here, so I’m going to bail.

Ride Free Forever, goddammit.


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