RALLY BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for August 13th, 2020



What’s happening at the Rally? It’s amazing. New motorcycle markets everywhere and even two new magazines.

Maybe the numbers don’t show it, but there are more Indians on the road than ever before, and more women riders.

Okay, need to clear up a couple of things. A couple of brothers approached me and said, “Is it true that the Hamsters started Sturgis?”

Nope, that’s not true. The Hamsters started in Daytona about 1978. Sturgis was started by Pappy Hoel in 1935, but it didn’t get big until Micheal Lichter covered it for Easyriders Magazine in 1978. Then the riders jumped from 12,000 to 24,000 and kept doubling. So, it’s all his fault. Yeah, so I was the boss at the time.

Then this morning at the hall of fame breakfast a brother approached and told his son that I started ABATE. I said, “Goddammit, I didn’t not start ABATE. Lou Kimzey, the publisher of Easyriders started ABATE and hired me at 23, out of college to be the first manager. Then we were drinking Knucklehead Red beer in a Deadwood bar and a longtime member of Maryland ABATE said, “You came up with the meaning of ABATE, A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments, right?” He fought members of his organization to keep the original meaning. “No, I did not design the meaning behind ABATE. Again, you need to blame that on Lou Kimzey.” I was the manager for lots of years, then the National Director, but I didn’t come up with the title.

This rally has been amazing. I’m seeing more choppers, more performance alternatives, more baggers, more Indians, and more women riding. Dr. Hamster told me he had breakfast with Pappy Hoel in the late ‘80s. He was the man who supported motorcycle racing in Sturgis, which was behind the rally.

He said the Jack Pine Gypsies, the club behind the rally founded in 1936 was about half women riders. And I got introduced to a 2018 M-8 powered Dyna. The attendance numbers reports are all over the place, but sales have been off the charts.   

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

RIDERSHIP Social Takeover Generates
15,000 Online Interactions

MIC staff members are thanking everyone who joined in the Ridership social takeover late last month. Across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, more than 50 organizations encouraged potential and returning riders to practice and enjoy Commuter Distancing on a motorcycle and avoid crowded buses and subways.

Together, manufacturers, dealers, media, aftermarket, MSF RiderCoaches, training sites, enthusiasts, and riding organizations participated on July 30 and 31, and generated some 15,000 interactions, including shares, comments, likes, and views.

“The Commuter Distancing social media campaign targeted urban commuters to offer them a healthy, fun commuting alternative during the pandemic,” said Andre Albert, director of sales and marketing, MIC Events.

“The ongoing campaign is a success, and in just a few weeks exposed motorcycling to nearly a quarter of a million people, driving 6,000 potential riders to our purpose-built FindYourRide.org site, which helps get potential riders quickly to dealers or a training site close by,” Albert said. “This campaign is just the beginning and we will continue with creative messaging to reach more potential riders and gather insight into what is resonating with our target audience. Working together, we can inspire new riders.”


FLYING PISTON BUILDERS’ BREAKFAST CHARITY EVENT—This has grown to be a well-organized Charity event at the very beginning of Sturgis Rally Week. Again, this year Marilyn Stemp put it all together with Jeff Najar, but it was hit by Covid action. Still two charities were supported at the Crossroads event, one for disabled veterans and the Strider Company effort to put more kids on bikes in schools and ultimately motorcycles.

Howard Knight created a magnificent leather belt and I made a handmade skull and brass belt buckle for the silent auction. Thousands were raised for these charities and Marilyn displayed her latest round of customized Strider bikes, which will be used all year long to support the All Kids Ride program in schools around the country.

Lots of kids don’t have access to bicycles and in today’s restrictive climate, are afraid to even approach a bicycle experience. This system puts the experience into elementary schools. If they get on bikes, they are much more likely to embrace physical activities and ride motorcycles in the future.

So, breakfast Burritos were served, Strider bikes shown off, and builders mingled. “I was hoping to see Atomic Bob, Darren and JoAnn Bortels, but they couldn’t make it,” a brother told me.

I’m sure we will see the bikes featured in various publications throughout the year. Hang on for the next Flying Piston breakfast. –Bandit

HOW TO INSTALL CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE GRIPS FROM THE LOWBROW TEAM— Is it your first time changing out your motorcycle handlebar grips? Wondering why motorcycle grips have a different size hole for each side, worried that you got the wrong parts?

Well, fear not my friends, they are supposed to be that way!

The larger hole is for the right-hand side of your handlebars. It is larger as it slips over the throttle tube. The throttle tube rotates over the handlebar, and is larger diameter than the handlebar itself.

The smaller hole is for the left-hand side of your handlebars, and slips over the bare handlebar.

Neither of these two holes will measure exactly 1″, 7/8″, etc. If they did, they would simply slide right off. The grips need to be a snug fit so they stay where they belong; on your handlebars!

The larger hole goes on the throttle tube and the smaller hole goes on the bar handlebar on the left.

There are many different ways to install your grips, though some common ones would be to spray some hairspray, WD-40 or spray paint (the color doesn’t matter!) inside your grip before sliding it on. While wet, it helps slide the grip on, but once dry it helps keep your rubber grips from sliding off.

The grip will slide on with ease and then as the WD-40 dries it will become sticky and keep the grip on for miles and miles.

Another trick is to use some adhesive-backed grip tape, as found on skateboards, and applying thin strips around the end of your handlebars. It is hard to slip your grips on with the grip tape in place, but it will keep then from working their way loose.

Lastly, a mechanical way you can secure your rubber grips is by using a piece of safety wire around the outside of the end of your grip. Safety wire pliers twist the wire, tightening it tourniquet-style, compressing your grip against the handlebar. This is common practice on motocross bikes and race bikes of all sorts.

Regardless of installing your grips dry, with hair spray, or with grip tape on your bar end, using an air blow-off nozzle on your compressor’s air line and spraying some compressed air under the edge of your grip as you install helps it slide in place very easily.

This is also a pro-tip for grip removal! Compressed air sprayed under the edge helps get old grips off, though slicing through them with a razor blade and peeling them off works quite fast and easy as well.

Most motorcycle grips do not include a throttle tube. The throttle tube slides onto your handlebar and is what you twist, typically pulling or pushing a cable. Late model Harley-Davidsons operate using a small sensor switch that turns when you twist the throttle, known as ‘throttle by wire’.

Throttle tubes can be made out of aluminum, such as the Biltwell Throttle Tube, but there are also inexpensive but equally functional options available, such as the Cycle Standard Throttle Tube, which is made of a durable plastic. Aluminum throttle tubes will likely never give you any issues, while a plastic throttle tube could crack where the cable engages though this is by no means a common occurrence.

Some motorcycles, such as Harley-Davidsons, have the stock grip and throttle tube as one piece. In this case, you may want to purchase a throttle tube if you are interested in running custom Harley-Davidson grips. On many other bikes you can simply remove the stock rubber grip and install the new grips onto your existing stock throttle tube.

See the whole tamale at the Lowbrow site and watch her do her tricks.—Bandit

Not sure if it’s a one off or what? Getting the front end back together, I had meant to send the new lowers a coworker gave me to powder coat, painted for now. But I think the older ones will do okay coated. I probably showed you all the stuff he gave me? Took all these parts off when he bought his Dyna and had them replaced with chrome.

Man, I wish I was up there, maybe next year.

Learned last night there are different part# for the 49mm Dyna lowers. I probably would have & should have caught it, but got focused on replacing the neck bearings. Seems odd to me to have multiple parts for the same line? Mine are 5GC5, these are 5GC8, so the caliper won’t bolt up without totally locking up the wheel. I believe there may be a couple more part numbers, all 49mm. If I had the cash I’d update and upgrade the caliper, but I just pulled it back down. I’m learning about Dyna’s that’s for sure.

I liked your BLM in the news, sent you a picture of a MAGA derby cover with Trump on it. You’ll be busy having Sturgis fun.



The gallery in Deadwood is officially open! We’re at the Gold Dust Casino through Sunday the 16th. If you’re in the area, please stop in and say hello.

Crowds have been great thus far and we are looking forward to an amazing rally this year!

We are please to announce the release of David’s third and final Sturgis 2020 piece, titled “Is This Spot Taken?” Details below.

“Is This Spot Taken?”
David Uhl – Sturgis 2020

Several years ago, David saw these horses tethered to a parking meter here in Deadwood. He took photos and used them as reference for this new piece. Leticia Cline models on Billy Lane’s Crocker. A fun project all the way around, and the painting is simply amazing!

We are now taking orders for the canvas prints, which will come in two sizes.

Each canvas print will come hand-signed by David and numbered with Certificate of Authenticity and commemorative Sturgis 80th Anniversary nameplate. Shipping will be included within the lower 48 United States on this one.

NOTE: We have heard from several international customers who cannot attend Sturgis this year. If you want this one unframed, we can accommodate you. Please email me for details.

** Image size 30×20, $895 framed

** Image size 42×28, $1,895 framed

As always, edition numbers will be assigned as orders are taken and matching numbers are available for those who are adding to their Sturgis Series pieces.

** Additionally, David has agreed to sell the original oil. Please inquire to greg@uhlstudios.com.
–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director

Uhl Studios Website


Sarah was in the fertilized egg business. She had several hundred young pullets and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

She kept records and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.

This took a lot of time, so she bought some tiny bells and attached them to her roosters.

Each bell had a different tone, so she could tell from a distance which rooster was performing.

Now, she could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

Sarah’s favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen but, this morning she noticed old Butch’s bell hadn’t rung at all!

When she went to investigate, she saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover.

To Sarah’s amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn’t ring.

He’d sneak up on a pullet, do his job, and walk on to the next one.

Sarah was so proud of old Butch, she entered him in a Show and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the “No Bell Peace Prize” they also awarded him the “Pulletsurprise” as well.

Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making.

Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren’t paying attention?

Vote carefully in the next election. You can’t always hear the bells.

(If you don’t send this on, you’re a chicken…… no yolk)

–from El Waggs
Official Librarian
Bandit’s Cantina Bad Joke Library

HAMSTERS USA raise $161,833 for special kids
at LifeScape in Rapid City, South Dakota

Hamsters USA, the international motorcycle group with big hearts, rolled into western South Dakota to make an impact for kids with disabilities… AGAIN! These great guys came together throughout the year to raise funds for LifeScape of Rapid City culminating near $161,833, all staying local to support children with disabilities in Western SD!

Hamsters USA has raised and donated funds at their annual meeting for the last 15 years, with a deep desire to give back to the greater Black Hills community, which many Hamsters consider their second home. This year’s event brings their cumulative total for 15 years to almost $3.5 million in total dollars raised for LifeScape in Rapid City.

Their gifts help provide services to children in their Black Hills area homes and communities, delivered by LifeScape personnel who drive over 10,000 miles a month to provide services.

During a normal year, one of the children impacted by the dollars raised by the Hamsters would be in attendance at the event. Due to COVID-19, there was not a family there this year. However, T.J. Lindsay of Rapid City was highlighted in the annual program. T.J. was diagnosed with autism when he was a year old. Autism means different things for each person diagnosed. For T.J., in addition to hyper-motion in his body movements and being non-verbal, it means he is very specific about how he likes things to be.

T.J. primarily receives occupational and speech therapy. After working with LifeScape over the span of just one year, T.J.’s word count has expanded significantly, and he now uses up to 20 words! The most special word was more recent when he said “Mom” for the first time. Holly shared, “Having him say ‘Mom’ to me in context was everything to me. It was a big moment—it was really huge! LifeScape has definitely given him the support to find his voice.”

LifeScape’s mission is to empower children with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. Holly is so grateful that LifeScape is here for T.J., and she is also so grateful for donors, like the Hamsters, that come together to make sure the high-quality services provided by LifeScape are available to families like theirs. She added, “Your donations matter. Thank you!”

LifeScape has 42+ locations in Sioux Falls, as well as locations in Rapid City and Sioux City, through which we support people in 63 counties in SD and northwest Iowa. LifeScape supports more than 4,000 children and adults annually, 900 of which are supported by the Rapid City LifeScape location.

NEWS FROM THE GEARHEAD— I know you are at Sturgis but us poor local guys and gals need an outlet, maybe this, from California Harley-Davidson is for us.

— Gearhead

NEW BOOK NEWS–Vespa Style and PassionIn celebration of Vespa’s 75th anniversary, VESPA: STYLE AND PASSION is the official history of the legendary and iconic scooters.

From its introduction in 1946 by the Italian firm Piaggio, the Vespa enjoyed quick success. The scooters’ diminutive size and affordability were perfect for promoting postwar mobility and soon became more than a means of transport but a cultural icon.

Vespa Style & Passion tells how the scooter evolved into a marque that has sold over 19 million units on six continents. A rich selection of visuals includes dozens of studio images of the most significant models as well as period advertisements, rare archival photographs, and images of Vespas in popular culture and motorsport. Mod culture, perhaps most responsible for spreading scooter culture, is also given its due with images of customized Vespas.

The Vespa is not simply a scooter, but the scooter, known and appreciated the world over—a rare example of a motor vehicle that survived crises and fashions, always remaining faithful to the original concept. This is the definitive story of that influence.

–Steve Roth
Senior Marketing Manager
T 612-344-8156
E steve.roth@quarto.com

JIMS Hardware Organizers for Milwaukee-Eight

Disassembling powertrain components like engines and transmissions can be a complicated task. In an effort to keep the technician organized and efficient, JIMS® has developed a new set of Milwaukee-Eight® specific hardware index tools to store and organize bolts while parts are disassembled.

JIMS® has added a new magnetic storage feature that will capture slip fit dowels as well. The stands are sold in a 4-piece kit (Part No.732K); Top End, Cam Chest, Transmission and Primary – or they can be ordered individually. The tools are designed to nest within each other for an efficient way to store on your bench, or in your toolbox, when not in use. As an added feature, the stands can be placed on their side to assist in the application of Loctite when re-assembling components.

With an MSRP of $370, these tools are made by JIMS® here in the United States out of 13-gauge aluminum magnesium alloy sheet, powder coated JIMS® blue and silkscreened for hardware position and frequently used torque specs. For more information please contact us at (805) 482-6913, email us at sales@jimsusa.com, or visit www.jimsusa.com.

If you have any questions, please call me directly at (805) 482-6913. Your time in reviewing these current, past, or future pressreleases is greatly appreciated. You have been Bcc’d to protect email privacy.

–Greg Thiessen
Marketing Associate
555 Dawson Drive,
Camarillo, CA 93012
Ph: 805-482-6913

“United We Will Ride”

For more than 117 years, Harley-Davidson has brought people together to experience adventure and freedom for the soul. Harley-Davidson is proud to announce a new element of the company’s United We Will Ride campaign that celebrates its mission in collaboration with actor and Harley-Davidson enthusiast Jason Momoa.

Momoa has produced and directed a new video series that follows six Harley-Davidson riders as they navigate through the dark days of the pandemic using the power of riding to engage with their families, their communities, and themselves. The lead video will be followed by six additional features that showcase how different riders experience freedom for the soul through their Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

“More than building machines, Harley-Davidson stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure,” said Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, President and CEO, Harley-Davidson. “That is our mission. And with this brand campaign, Harley-Davidson and Jason Momoa are showcasing how this pursuit is strengthened through tough times. H-D riders and their experiences serve as inspiration for the power of two wheels from vintage custom motorcycles, to the electric Harley-Davidson LiveWire motorcycle.”

“Motorcycles have brought me places that have changed my life and around people that have molded who I am.” said Jason Momoa. “With my latest production for Harley-Davidson, I’m seeking to broadcast the beauty of riding and the spirit of the motorcycling community during this unprecedented time to encourage riders and aspiring riders to ride. Let’s Ride!”

Let’s Ride Challenge

Harley-Davidson is showcasing the power of riding with the Let’s Ride Challenge launched as part of the United We Will Ride campaign. Through riding-related activities, participants can earn Let’s Ride Challenge sweepstakes* entries for a chance to win prizes celebrating the community and spirit of two wheels, including a custom 2020 Harley-Davidson Low Rider S motorcycle grand prize and weekly drawings for additional prizes.

*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES (D.C.) 18 YEARS OR OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Sweepstakes ends 8/31/2020. For Official Rules, alternate method of entry, prize descriptions and odds disclosure, visit www.H-D.com/LetsRide. Sponsor: Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc., 3700 W. Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53208.

Learn more at www.harley-davidson.com.

STURGIS RALLY NEWS FROM THE FRONT-– We are on pace with last year, which is great considering. I would say probably closer to 500,000 in attendance this year, double what the City expected.

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum

TWISTED ROAD, A NEW TWIST ON RENTING BIKES--Free Ride: How can you and all of your friends rent motorcycles for free?

We’re all familiar with referral programs; companies hope your like-minded friends will enjoy the same things you do—and are willing to give away gifts and money for your recommendation. We’re pretty sure you have some moto-loving friends who would be happy that you’ve introduced them to the phenomenon that is Twisted Road. And we’re willing to ante up to find out.

Everyone likes a discount, right? At Twisted Road, we wanted to offer a gift that every rider would love to give—and also one that every rider would be stoked to receive.

Free rides on any motorcycle.

The Twisted Road referral program enables you to give away free days of riding to all of your friends. Got 10 friends who ride? Give away 10 free days.

You’re on a Moto Guzzi forum? Give all of the posters and lurkers a free day. You’ve got 200K followers on facebook? Thank them with a free day. You will quickly become the Oprah of the moto-world: “You get a bike and you get a bike and you get a bike!”

So…what’s the catch?

There are two, and only two, rules:

1. The free day can only be applied to your friend’s first rental with Twisted Road

2. Their ride must be at least two days long, and we throw in an additional day—for free. If your friend only has one day to ride, not to worry, shorter rides get 25% off.

But wait! There’s more.

For every friend who rents using your code, you earn $25 in riding credits to use when you want to ride. Get one friend to redeem your code? Save $25. Get 40K followers to redeem and you’ll have $1,000,000 in your Twisted Road account. Yeah, that’s right. One million dollars. That’s a lot of rentals.

How do I refer my friends?

It’s fast and easy! Go to the Twisted Road website and in the upper right corner, click the image of your face. You’ll see an option to “Give a free day, get $25.” You’ll want to click on that.

From there, you’ll see a bunch of ways to share your code. You can enter friends’ email addresses, or announce the program on Facebook. Or you can provide friends with your link or referral code, and they can use any one of those to claim their free day of riding.

So, start sharing this now to give the gift of free riding — to your friends and to yourself. Then start planning your free rides. Motorcycle ride across Anchorage, anyone?

One last thing. Here’s a link to my referral code. If you’ve never rented with us before, click it and sign up to get your free ride (and I’ll earn $25). See how easy that was?

A man went to the Great Lakes Military Cemetery. He took some pictures while reflecting on what’s going on in our country today.
Then he wrote this simple poem:

I don’t see any color here,
The headstones look the same,
No black no brown no white skin tone,
There’s no one here to blame.
These soldier’s fought and died for you,
Their color you can’t see,
Your rights are still protected,
Here’s the place to take a knee.

–from El Waggs
Certified SoCal Correspondent

Celebrating our 10th year of completely FREE concerts at Iron Horse Saloon!
All shows are FREE and open to the public ages 21+
NO cover charge, NO tickets, NO B.S.


Friday, August 14, 2020 at Iron Horse Saloon Sturgis
Sign up starts at 2:00 pm

$200 for each game winner, and championship belt for the overall winner!
Slow Race
Keg Roll
Spoon Race
The Waitress
Weenie Bite


FREE SHOW for all RatRods

Saturday, August 15, 2020 at Iron Horse Saloon Sturgis
Registration: Noon – 2:30 pm
Awards follow at 3:00 pm

All are welcome!
Hot Rods
Rat Bikes

Iron Horse Saloon – Sturgis

888 Junction Avenue, Sturgis, SD 57785


Register for MOTM

Meeting of the Minds 2020 – Who? The past & the future of motorcyclists’ rights advocacy, that’s who!

The idea for the Meeting of the Minds didn’t just come out of thin air. The idea had its roots in failed attempts to bring bikers together in the seventies. It took determination, dedication and a willingness to trust each other before it could come to fruition and evolve into the Motorcycle Rider Foundation. Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Call 317-767-4769 for Hotel reservations.

By the mid-1980s, a handful of motorcyclists’ rights activists, led by Michael “Balls” Farabaugh from ABATE of Indiana, decided that it was time to hold a “meeting of the minds.” Joining Balls on the original Meeting of the Minds Steering Committee were Jim Baker – Utah, Bill Durning – California, Bill Gannon – Massachusetts, Clay Johnson – Iowa, Nancy Lewis – New York, Sundance Mitchell -Texas, Rob Rasor – Ohio, Lee Richardson – Georgia, Jim Rhoades – Michigan, Howard Segermark – Maryland, and Linda Stewart – Florida.

With backgrounds deeply entrenched in the early days of bikers’ rights and freedom rallies, these men and women knew there were others with similar backgrounds, and they reached out to find us. In September 1985, a few more than a hundred of us met, many for the first time, in a cheap hotel in St. Louis, Missouri.

Today, that handful of bikers has grown to touch all corners of the U.S. From “just talking” when we met at the first Meeting of the Minds, the successors of that early group are now making strategic plans for the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights advocacy.

The MRF is now known for information intensive workshops conducted by knowledgeable freedom fighters like Mark Buckner and Charlie Umbenhauer, both members of the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame.

Meet new activists like Rocky Fox and Cathy Brush; although new to motorcyclists’ rights, they bring to us years of experience in their respective fields of government relations and communications. Meet Skinny Bob Clifford and Grizzly Dave Monroe, with ways to show you how to better use electronic tools.

Meet Haile Farmer and Christopher Beals, recipients of the MRFAE Young Activists Scholarships; they are the future of motorcyclists’ rights activism. You’ve met the past, present and future who’s who of the MRF and the Meeting of the Minds Use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Call 317-767-4769 for Hotel reservations. See you in Indianapolis!!!

[ rod-uh-mon-teyd, -tahd, -muhn-, roh-duh- ]

vainglorious boasting or bragging; pretentious, blustering talk.

Rodomontade, “vainglorious boasting, bragging,” is also occasionally spelled rhodomontade (as if it were from Greek rhódon “rose”) and rodomontado; it comes from Middle French rodomont, from Italian rodomonte “bully,” from Rodomonte, the name of the courageous but boastful king of Algiers in Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso “Roland in Frenzy, Raging Roland,” 1516. Orlando Furioso is a continuation of an earlier Renaissance Italian epic Orlando Innamorato “Roland in Love,” by Matteo Boiardo, one of whose major characters is Rodomonte, also spelled Rodamontre, and popularly interpreted to mean “mountain roller,” from Italian rodare, from Latin rotare, from rota “wheel,” and Italian monte, from Latin mons (stem mont-) “mount, mountain.” Rodomontade entered English in the late 16th century.


I am charmed to notice that things that were once said to matter—familiarity with epigrams, knowledge of rhetorical devices and their terrifying names, the ability to display a rich vocabulary without rodomontade—seem to matter still.


because she has amused him with some rodomontade about despising rank and wealth in matters of love and marriage, he flatters himself that she’s devotedly attached to him.


–from Dictionary.com


Brock’s Performance Motorcycle Exhaust Systems Dominate XDA Super Stock Class–Brock’s Performance dominated this past weekend at the XDA Platinum Fleet Repair Bike Fest at Maryland International Raceway in the NEW Super Stock class.

The turnout was phenomenal in the ‘New for 2020’ Super Stock rider’s class, with twenty-five riders showing up to compete. And of those twenty-five riders, sixteen were equipped with a Brock’s Performance exhaust system. The Penta-Carbon, CT Series, and Alien Head were the exhaust systems of choice this past weekend.

Patrick Butler – 2020 XDA Super Stock Motorcycle Racing

The class features stock wheelbase motorcycles with a limited amount of modifications. These 4-stroke naturally aspirated production machines MUST be motorcycles originally sold for street use. This class features strict modification rules, stock wheelbase, stock motor, MR12 spec fuel, no air shifters, no dataloggers, etc. Your exhaust system choice is the most important decision you’re going to make on a stock wheelbase motorcycle with limited modifications.

Darion Payne – 2020 XDA Super Stock Motorcycle Racing

The challenge with a stock wheelbase motorcycle in drag racing is controlling the torque off the starting line to keep that front tire on the ground for a quick and smooth transition from launch to acceleration. And this exact need is the foundation of all Brock’s Performance exhaust systems. With 30+ years of drag racing experience and exhaust development, a Brock’s Performance exhaust system IS the best exhaust choice for motorcycle drag racing.

Brandon Feagan – 2020 XDA Super Stock Motorcycle Racing

This past weekend, the class winner was David Fondon of Puerto Rico on his 2019 Kawasaki ZX-10R, equipped with our Penta-Carbon motorcycle racing exhaust. Fondon not only beat out every rider in the class for the win, but he also set two records! In round one of eliminations, he set the MPH record at 161.32mph, and in the semi-final, he set the ET record running an 8.742.

David Fondon – 2020 XDA Super Stock Motorcycle Racing

Super Stock competition will continue at Virginia Motorsports Park for the XDA’s second annual Bike Bash on August 21-23, 2020.

[page break]

ANOTHER RALLY ROCKS–97th Laconia Motorcycle Week 10 Days Away

With only 10 days to go before the start of Laconia Motorcycle Week, the event schedule has been finalized and serves as an accurate illustration as to what people can expect at the 97th year or the world’s oldest rally: Less close quarters gatherings and more riding. And with New Hampshire’s governor recently announcing a mask mandate for gatherings of more than 100 people, participants will now be required to wear a mask when they are not riding.

There will be no centerline parking on Lakeside Avenue and vendor booths will be limited to non-profit organizations (including Rally Headquarters). Entertainment will be provided by individual establishments only, such as NASWA Resort and Tower Hill Tavern. In addition to the hundreds of miles of scenic roads available to explore around the state, riders are encouraged to participate in three organized rides taking place during the week: The Peter Makris Memorial Ride around Lake Winnipesaukee on August 22nd, the USCRA Vintage Race Gypsy Tour Ride on August 23rd and the Mae West Memorial “For the Love of Pets” Ride on August 24th.

Although there will be no vendor displays, concessions or demo rides at the nearby New Hampshire Motor Speedway, there will be plenty of track action, including the U.S. Classic Racing Association’s FIM North American Vintage Championships, the 97th Annual Loudon Classic and the Granite State Legends Cars races. Note that there will be no vendor displays, concessions or demo rides

The Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad will be running daily from both their Meredith and Weirs Beach stations for shuttle or scenic rides through the Lakes Region. The M/S Mount Washington will be open daily to the public for boating excursions on Lake Winnipesaukee as will the Mount Washington Auto Road for riders interested in a trip up the northeast’s highest mountain peak.

“Our number one priority at this year’s rally is public safety,” says Executive Director, Charlie St. Clair. “When not riding all visitors will be required to wear a mask if they are within six feet of others. We also have Nano Coating Technologies, LLC (NCT NH) assisting with sanitization of public surfaces with their Germ Inhibitor System with Bio-Protect. All area establishments will continue to follow enhanced cleaning and safety guidelines established by the state. Overall, New Hampshire has been a safe place to travel, however, if you feel uncomfortable visiting us this August, we encourage you to stay home, be safe where you are and plan on joining us next year for an action-packed 98th Laconia Motorcycle Week.”

Any/all updates will be posted to LaconiaMCWeek.com, through their e-newsletter and on all LaconiaMCWeek social media channels.

For more information on visiting New Hampshire and our state’s guidelines relating to COVID-19, please visit: https://www.visitnh.gov/covid19/reopening

Laconia Motorcycle Week gives great appreciation to all of our sponsors, especially our Presenting Sponsors: AMSOIL, and Team Motorcycle as well as the State of New Hampshire for their large financial support of our rally each year.


Danial was born on November 11, 1966, in Cedar Rapids Iowa. After graduating High School in Iowa, Danial moved to Colorado to pursue his art career. He applied for, and won, the only full-ride scholarship to the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design offered to a high school senior in the U.S. He graduated from College in 1987 with an Illustration Degree.

In 1989, Danial joined Uhl Illustrations and became a partner in the late 1990’s. Along with an amazing work ethic, Danial brought with him his advanced airbrushing skills, with the utmost attention to detail, and craftsmanship. Danial has the undeniable ability of transforming mundane images into his own compelling works of fine art.

In the early 1990s, Danial applied his advanced digital skills and took Uhl Illustrations into a new realm. He applied the traditional illustration skills to the new tools of computer-generated art, becoming one of the premiere talents in the industry. Throughout his career Danial has worked side by side with other successful artists such as Scott Jacobs, and David Uhl.

Danial’s primary focus is creating fine art oil paintings and award-winning visual solutions for a wide array of National and International clients. Danial’s true love, passion, pride in his work, and gift of being a painter of fine art can clearly be seen in his oil paintings.?

Great guy to work with, we are about to add one of his pieces to the Deadwood Bikernet Headquarters. The recent piece above is of Jody Perewitz with dad, Dave in the Doorway. Cool piece.


Hey bro, it’s always a great trip to Sturgis rally. Wish we could have connected when there. Deadwood is cool man, happy for you.

Made it back to the shop to start pumping out some more customer work. Started working more on the shop.


Here’s a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little 4-year-old girl and some construction workers that will make you believe that we all can make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time.

A young family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot. One day, a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot.

The young family’s 4-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers.

Eventually the construction crew, all of them “gems-in-the-rough,” more or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot.

They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks, and gave her 20 little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay envelope containing ten dollars.

The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take her ten dollars “pay” she’d received to the bank the next day to start a savings account.

When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was equally impressed and asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay check at such a young age.

The little girl proudly replied, “I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door to us.”

“Oh my goodness gracious,” said the teller, “and will you be working on the house again this week, too..?”

The little girl replied, “I will, if those assholes at Home Depot ever deliver the fucking drywall.”

–from El Waggs
Certified Librarian
Bandit’s Cantina

Seattle Police Chief Announces Retirement As City Council Cuts Department Budget–After the Seattle City Council voted to cut $4 million from the city’s police department on Monday night, Police Chief Carmen Best announced her retirement.

A veteran of the Seattle force, Best was the first Black woman to lead the department. Among the cuts to the department’s budget of $400 million was the elimination of about 100 jobs, as well as a reduction in pay for command staff, which includes the police chief. Seattle City Council President M. Lorena González said that the reduced police budget will allow the city to “fund service providers addressing the more complex issues of housing, substance use disorder, youth violence prevention, affordable healthcare, and more.” Best and Mayor Jenny Durkan had urged the council to hold off on cuts.

Durkan said she wished Best was staying, but understood her decision. At a news conference on Tuesday, Best said she couldn’t bring herself to lay off promising new recruits who would be targeted by the job cuts and said the city council hadn’t consulted with her on their plans. Best herself had been the target of recent demonstrations, with protesters marching on her home and criticizing her authorization of the use of tear gas and rubber bullets by police.

But Best said her decision wasn’t about protests. “This is not about the money and certainly isn’t about the demonstrators,” Best said. “Be real. I have a thicker skin than that. It really is about the overwhelming lack of respect for the officers, the men and women who work so hard day in and day out.”

Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County called Best leaving the department “a loss” and said it won’t help with their push for police accountability. “We demand the Seattle City Council stop prioritizing performative action that solely suggests the appearance of change. We demand transparency and accountability for the series of actions and inactions that led to Chief Best’s resignation. And we demand a successor that serves Black Lives,” the group said in a statement. But at a news conference Tuesday, Durkan said it doesn’t make sense to move ahead with a permanent replacement while so much is in flux about the department’s future. [Seattle Times; CNN; KUOW; KIRO]


Wins Big in Washington

Celebrations are in order for more than 800 groups representing state and regional tourism, local businesses, veterans, sports enthusiasts, engineering and planning firms, conservation organizations, and the outdoor recreation industry. The Great American Outdoors Act, one of the biggest land conservation bills in a generation, became law this month after it was passed by huge bipartisan majorities.

More than 100,000 new jobs nationwide are forecast for an outdoor recreation economy that has struggled during the pandemic, just as Americans are seeking more opportunities to get outside and visit rural communities, parks, and wilderness. For off-highway vehicle enthusiasts, the GAOA goes a long way toward addressing the $20 billion deferred maintenance backlog confronting public lands and waters. It will build up infrastructure and improve many trails and areas enjoyed by motorcycle and ATV riders and side-by-side drivers. Read More


NEVER FORGET YOUR FRIENDS--A newlywed young man was sitting on the porch on a humid day, sipping ice tea with his Father.

As he talked about adult life, marriage, responsibilities, and obligations, the Father thoughtfully stirred the ice cubes in his glass and cast a clear, sober look on his Son.

“Never forget your friends,” he advised, “they will become more important as you get older.” “Regardless of how much you love your family and the children you happen to have, you will always need friends. Remember to go out with them occasionally (if possible), but keep in contact with them somehow.”

“What strange advice!” thought the young man. “I just entered the married world. I am an adult and surely my wife and the family that we will start will be everything I need to make sense of my life.”

Yet, he obeyed his Father; kept in touch with his friends and annually increased their number.

Over the years, he became aware that his Father knew what he was talking about. Inasmuch as time and nature carry out their designs and mysteries on a person, friends are the bulwarks of our life.

After 70 years of life, here is what he, I and you will have learned:

Time passes.

Life goes on.

Children grow up.

Children cease to be children and become independent. And to the parents, it breaks their heart but the children are separated of the parents because they begin their own families.

Jobs / careers come and go.

Illusions, desires, attraction, sex….weakens.

People can’t do what they did physically when they were young.

Parents die but you move on.

Colleagues forget the favors you did.

The race to achieve slows.

But, true friends are always there, no matter how long or how many miles away they are. A friend is never more distant than the reach of a need, intervening in your favor, waiting for you with open arms or in some way blessing your life.

When we started this adventure called LIFE, we did not know of the incredible joys or sorrows that were ahead.

We did not know how much we would need from each other.

Love your parents, take care of your children, but keep a group of good friends.

Stay in touch with them but do not impose your criteria.

Send this to your friends (even those you seldom see) who help make sense of your life….I just did…

–from El Waggs

BIKERNET READER COMMENT REGARDING RECENT EASYRIDERS MAGAZINE EFFORT-– I was going to give you a call, but I don’t think everyone has my sleep disorders, just tried calling the EASYRIDERS MAGAZINE office number multiple times, dead number, disconnected. So, I am guessing I will dine on the 14815 in swag promised. Pretty sure, I am not the only one. Have a great day, enjoy the Rally.


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–2017 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Classic Milwaukee 8 107ci for only $17,995.00

See it here: https://www.lifestylecycles.com/default.asp?page=xPreOwnedInventoryDetail&id=8855587

With this timeless combination of style and touring function you don’t just ride through the landscape, you’re the most majestic part of the scenery… The Road King is where stripped down, nostalgic style meets the performance and versatility of a modern Harley-Davidson touring machine.

The Hiawatha headlamp and nacelle were born in the 1960s, when chrome ruled the streets. But the power of the all-new Milwaukee-Eight 107 engine brings it all into the here and now in a hurry. The all-new double bending valve front suspension and rear emulsion shocks put you in control for a plush ride. With cast aluminum Impeller wheels and one-touch opening saddlebags, this is the timeless classic built for today.


**Just 9,196 Miles**

Road Kings are the best of both worlds, boulevard cruiser and touring bike. This one with Billet Silver paint with gray / red pin-striping and raised tank logos is like new. Chrome console with aluminum face. Chrome bars with mounted speakers and controls, mirrors, Avon chrome / rubber grips and quick detachable windshield. Big chrome daymaker headlamp, nacelle, and passing lamps.

Chrome fork sleeves, polished lowers, chrome axle caps, on 10 spoke lack contrast cut alloy wheels. Chrome engine guard with H-D fat freeway pegs. Chrome S&S exhaust. Black motor with chrome covers including Screamin’ Eagle black accent air intake, black accent horn / timing covers and black accent trans ‘six speed’ cover. 2-up seat with floorboards and passenger mini floors. Bag guards, chrome LED rear blinkers and good tires.

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 100 point safety and mechanical inspection could come with Lifestyles 90 day / 1,000 mile limited warranty. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!


**Open 7 Days a Week**

Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

Only $17,995 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

–Dan Leadbetter
Director of Marketing
Lifestyle Cycles
(714) 490-0155

Not sure who took it since it was with my Canon F1n?

May of 83, I’m just just barely 23 & that bike would run! 1976 Shovelhead, Jammer Rigid Frame, 10” over front end, I had just rebuilt the motor a few months prior.

Damn I wouldn’t mind waking up tomorrow on that day, with a piece of paper with 3 words on it. What’s interesting to me is I never really tried to get in to photographing bikes back then, read ER every month & already had the camera. I could have been harassing you for 4 decades, instead of just two.


THERE YOU HAVE IT—Never a dull moment. The Doctor prepped his Pandemic Pan for the ride back to Los Angeles. I may need to send the mag back to Morris Magneto for a tune-up, then again Jason Moot from Deadwood Custom Cycles said we can charge the magnets in less than a minute. I’m all over it. 

We were able to put a Cruz tool set into the Bandit’s Day Roll on the Pandemic. They make killer bike tool kits, and we are about to write another story. We got one for the Pan and one for his ’91 Bagger. They were very similar, but one had a socket for the larger Panhead spark plugs. That was the deciding factor.

I spoke to Donnie Smith about his M-8 Dyna from 2018. He says they’re not popular, but his was killer with just an additional 5 degrees of rake and an extended rear tail section. Of course, it’s stripped down and Donnie’s paint is killer. Great looking bike. I’m going to look into this model further with my grandson Frankie. I like that it’s a solid mount, mono-shock frame.

The Doctor is peeling out tomorrow.

Saw Dave Zien at the Sturgis Hall of Fame breakfast. His rolling tribute was probably in Sturgis.

There’s a story about Rick Fairless’s daughter and me, but I better not go there. The temptation is great, she’s cute with two new babies. It’s all just fun at this age.

From the bottom of my motorcycle heart I hope that all the rally goers ride home healthy and we show the world the benefits of freedom and motorcycles. Keep your fingers crossed and stay safe. Freedom always seems to work.

Ride Free Forever,


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