Racing Sculpture of a Lifetime

Please help our friends in NZ complete a life size bronze statue of Burt Munro with a $ 5 contribution! (and get a chance to win a beautiful bronze casting of Burt Munro).
Fab Kevin did several articles on a trip down to New Zealand for the Burt Munro Speed Week. We met some seriously cool people and some serious bikers down there, and I for one will never forget the trip.

New Zealand is an interesting place of unparalleled beauty, which most people know. An interesting and less known tidbit of information is that for several decades the economy of NZ was such that new cars and motorcycles just didn’t roll into the dealerships like they have in the USA. Popping down to NAPA for new parts is another luxury less available there. While this sounds like a disadvantage, what it has lead to is some seriously innovative motorheads. NZers have a tremendous variety of motorcycles, well basically a huge variety of anything with an engine and anything that has an engine…. they race.

The movie, “The World’s Fastest Indian” is about Burt Munro but having spent some time there, it also seems very representative of the basic NZ biker. They are fabricating a statue to Burt Munro, in Burt’s hometown of Invercargill and this is a chance for HORSE and Bikernet fans to get behind the effort. Fab Kevin and I have met with the artist and he is seriously talented and dedicated.

The artist, Roddy McMillan, has produced a limited 100-piece run of bronze castings depicting Burt in the Streamliner. These castings were then sold for $1,000 NZ each to raise money for the statue project. The HORSE magazine has purchased one of the castings to support the project and anyone who adds a $5 donation to the Burt Munro statue project will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win the casting. You can make the donation when you pre-purchase Smoke Out tickets or just click here The drawing will be in Rockingham, NC at the 2011 Smoke Out.

Hope you’re the lucky winner!


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