We’d like to say that it’s all work and no play for the IronWorkers crew at Sturgis, but truth be told, we managed to work in some biking fun. We also asked Dar Holdsworth of Brass Balls Bobbers if he’d display the IronWorks/Bikernet.com/Brass Balls Bobber, giveaway bike (or dare we say, your bike) at the rally. So, at the invite of the notorious Bandit, the masked man behind Bikernet.com, we parked your bike in front of Bikernet.com’s booth during the First Annual Bikernet Brouhaha Bike Show in the Thunder Dome.

As you can see from the photos, the bike’s still in progress, but we used the occasion to show off some of its raw metal work, plus some parts BBB added a few days before leaving for Sturgis.

We submit Items No. 1, 2 and 3 for your inspection.
Those are the Crime Scene Choppers’ line of Rapide parts, including the headlight, taillight and left-side air cleaner for the Crazy Horse engine. We especially like the brass accents, which will go well with the finished motorcycle’s overall design.

Connecting that Baker transmission is a Tauer Machine primary and clutch assembly. We feel the whole unit is clean and straightforward in appearance, and again, we can’t wait to see how the components come together on your finished bike. We mean “Your” because of the raffle opportunity. Just click on the banner at the top of the page to enter. There’s no charge, or of course, you can subscribe to IronWorks.

Speaking of finished bike, we’ll be showing you some of the final build and paint prep photos in the next issue of Iron Works and shortly thereafter on Bikernet.com, then look for the build’s conclusion in the January/February issue. Also keep in mind that if you start or renew your subscription to IW before January 31, 2009, you’ll be automatically eligible to win this bike. May the best subscriber win!

Brass Balls Bobber
Edmond, Oklahoma

Baker Drivetrain
Haslett, Michigan

Crime Scene Choppers
Santa Cruz, California

Wilmington, California

Tauer Machine
Mankato, Minnesota