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March 13, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

race bike

EASY CHOPPERS & TATTOOS NEW RIDE– The bike is perfectly street legal, has 2003 Washington State licenses plates and title, including insurance from Progressive. I said I was going to do it and I did. Where I go with it from here is unknown.

I have promised all of the people that helped me with this project that I would give them due credit. That list basically goes like this, Schultz Advanced Fabrications, RC Components, Merch, Zippers Performance, Le Pera, Conder Customs (paint), EASY CHOPPERS & TATTOOS and so on.I do have some photos of the bike way back when it started out on the frame jig. I was told by several people to put the bike in the show with the body off!

The frame and all of the detail on the inside look?as good as the outside, the oil bag, gas tank inside and outside of all aluminum panels are fully polished so the look is definately there, inside and out.

Richard Hooe
“rich hooe”

We plan to feature this monster on Bikernet in the near future.

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BIKERNET HISTORY SEGMENT–Muslim terrorists before WW I. General “Black Jack” Pershing was born September 13th, 1860?near Laclede, MS. he died July 15th, 1948 in Washington, D.C.Highlights of his life include:

1891 Professor of Military Science and Tactics University of Nebraska
1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War
1901 Awarded rank of Captain
1906 Promoted to rank of Brigadier General
1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines
1916 Made Major General
1919 Promoted to General of the Armies
1921 Appointed Chief of Staff
1924 Retires from active duty Education West Point.

Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines by Muslim extremists.So—General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied to posts for?execution.?He then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter them in front of?the, now horrified, terrorists.?Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some?of them simply refuse to eat it, while others won’t even touch pigs at?all, nor any of their by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig,?its?meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those?virgins) and doomed to hell.!!!!

The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers?then dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorist’s bodies and covered them in?pig blood, entrails, etc.?They let the 50th man go. And for the next forty-two years, there was?not?a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world.

Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself, maybe?in Iraq? The question is, where do we find another Black Jack?Pershing?



NEBRASKA FIGHTS HELMET LAW–We were able to get the story from Forbes Magazine. It was written by DickTeresi. In May of 1999 for Forbes magazine. You made a interesting commentabout car operators wearing helmets. It might come in handy in the debate.

We are getting real close to changing the mandatory helmet law in Nebraska.I will keep you updated as it progresses. If you have any questions pleasegive me a call at 402-559-0107.

–Breeze Grove

son of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Biker Radio now available on internet.You can hear it live from 3-5pm CDT on Mondays.Archives are available.Go to and look for American Cycle Talk.

CONGRESS SEEKS TO BAN LIVE MUSIC AND DANCING–Congress is considering two pieces of legislation that couldeffectively ban live music and dancing, while throwing innocentpeople like you in jail. If enacted, either bill could prevent youfrom hearing your favorite band or DJ live. Every musical style wouldbe affected, including rock and roll, Hip Hop, country, andelectronic music. Both bills would allow overzealous prosecutors tosend innocent people to jail for the crimes of others. The two billsare the RAVE Act (H.R. 718) and the CLEAN-UP Act (H.R. 834). Bothcould be passed this year without your help. (Links to the Acts textprovided below.)

The RAVE Act would make it easier for the federal government topunish property owners for any drug offense that their customerscommit – even if they work hard to stop such offenses. If enacted,nightclub and stadium owners would likely stop holding events – suchas rock or Hip Hop concerts – in which even one person might usedrugs. Similarly, the CLEAN-UP Act contains provisions that wouldmake it a federal crime – punishable by up to nine years in prison -to promote “any rave, dance, music or other entertainment event” thatmight attract some attendees that would use or sell drugs. In bothcases, it doesn’t matter if the concert promoter and property ownertry to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if thevast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding citizensthat want to listen to music, not do drugs.

If either the CLEAN-UP Act or the RAVE Act becomes law, Congresscould effectively ban live music and dancing, as well as any otherevent that might attract someone that would use drugs (essentiallyany event that draws a large crowd). Your help is needed to stopthese bills from becoming law!!! Dancing, singing, and playing musicshould not be a federal crime!


*** Fax your Representative. Tell him or her to oppose the RAVE Actin its entirety and to oppose Section 305 in the CLEAN-UP Act. Youcan fax your Representative for free by going to

LEGISLATIVE BUS TRIP TO DC FROM KANSAS–March 16th there is a Bus trip leaving Tulsa and picking up bikers from 5States total.We will be converging on DC.. thru the 22nd, 40 of us. from Kansas, Texas,Oklahoma,Missouri & ArkansasAppointments are made with our Legislatures & visits to The MRF office aswell as the AMA are scheduled.

The Bus trip in paid by the MILE (Motorcyclist Improving LegislativeEffectiveness) as well as our SMRO’s.Just throwing out a heads up to any others who may be there that week andwant to meet or an Idea for other SMRO’s to get together and do.

Carol Maurich

A WORD FROM JESSE–Anything can be accomplished, if it’s planned right and you have the desire and creativity to execute it.

–Jesse “The Governor” Ventura

BIKERNET STUDENT OF THE WEEK– A high school English teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s finalexam.”Now class, I won’t tolerate any excuses for your not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or aserious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever!”

A smart ass guy in the back of the room raises his hand and asks, “Whatwould you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?” The entire class does its bestto stifle their laughter and snickering.

When silence is restored, the teacher smiles sympathetically at thestudent, shakes her head, and sweetly says, “Well, I guess you’d have to write the exam with your other hand.”

It took 15 minutes for the class to come to order.

–from Chris T.


Mike Pullin proudly announces:
5th Annual Run For Breath
In Memory of his son Justin
Sunday, July 27, 2003

Poker Run & Bike Show

Buffalo?s Caf? in Monroe
(Buffalo’s will soon be Tumbleweed Bar & Grill ? watch for grandopening!)

Poker Run Registration — 10:00?12:00
Ben?s V-Twins — 2429 South Tryon Street, Charlotte
$10.00 Per Hand (3 Hands for $20.00)

Poker Run ends at Buffalo?s Caf? in Monroe ? last hand in at 2:00

Bike Show Registration ? 12:00?2:30
Trophies will be awarded at 3:30
Unique custom-made trophies in every class!!!

Door Prizes
Good Food & Drinks

Music by Mike Brooks “The DJ”

Camp Air Care – American Lung Association of NC
This camp is for children with asthma.
Justin Pullin lost his life from asthma at the age of 16.
For more information call Mike Pullin at 704-847-4647 or704-573-9396

BIKERNET DIPLOMATIC LESSON–France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart fromthese drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually beengoverned by prostitutes.” —Mark Twain

“I would rather have a German division in front of me thana French one behind me.” — General George S. Patton

“Going to war without France is like going deer huntingwithout your accordion.” –Norman Schwartzkopf

“We can stand here like the French, or we can dosomething about it.” —- Marge Simpson

“As far as I’m concerned, war always means failure” —Jacques Chirac, President of France

“As far as France is concerned, you’re right.” —Rush Limbaugh,

“The only time France wants us to go to war is when theGerman Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.” — Regis Philbin

“The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and notdressed any better, on average, than the citizens ofBaltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drinklittle cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish thansitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskeyI don’t know.” — P.J O’Rourke (1989)

“You know, the French remind me a little bit of anaging actress of the 1940s who was still trying todine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.” —John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

“You know why the French don’t want to bomb SaddamHussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistressesand wears a beret. He is French, people.” –Conan O’Brien

“I don’t know why people are surprised that Francewon’t help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all,France wouldn’t help us get the Germans out of France!” —Jay Leno

“The last time the French asked for ‘more proof’ itcame marching into Paris under a German flag.” –David Letterman

How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?One. He holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him.

Next time there’s a war in Europe, the loser has to keep France.

–from Rev CarlR

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP TRAINING– HER DIARY: Saturday night I thought he was acting weird We had madeplans to meet at a bar to have a drink I was shopping with my friends all daylong, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he madeno comment.

Conversation wasn’t flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet sowe could talk, he agreed but he kept quiet and absent.

I asked him what was wrong he said nothing I asked him if it was myfault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not toworry.

On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving.

I can’t explain his behavior; I don’t know why he didn’t say I love youtoo When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing todo with me anymore.

He just sat there and watched T.V. he seemed distant and absent.

Finally I decided to go to bed, about 10 minutes later he came to bedand to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still feltthat he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else.

I decided that I could not take it anymore so I decided to confront himwith the situation but he had fallen asleep.

I started crying and cried until I too fell asleep I don’t know what todo I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else My life is a disaster.

HIS DIARY: Dolphins lost today, but at least I got laid.

–from Rogue

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BIKERNET CARIBBEAN DAYTONA REPORT–Yes, back from Daytona, the rally that never was, profitable for the same people that are bitchin’ about the noise and ” rude” bikers. There were cops left and right from Port Orange to Holly Hill. No way you could ride US 1 without seeing at least 20 cops doing their ” duty”, loving those dark parking lots. We even managed to see a fist fight, which I have not seen in a long, long time. I find it strange to see members from different clubs hanging out together, also for the first time in many years bikes were stolen from the same place I stayed–not one but two. That is weird, I guess it was better to leave them in the booth, since my bikes are not ” weather friendly” .

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We managed to head up to Orlando but never saw the ” claimed” 100,000 bikes, even though it was to pick up our friend Sheriff at the airport. We even made it there in less than an hour, no traffic, and this was at 7:00 pm.

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Geno from the HORSE and Sheriff from nowhere.

As always we were dying for the Hot Wings at the Oyster Pub, and seems that with all the rain the bars were the places to be. Very few bikes parked outside, but we got sick of looking at the new Hummer 2’s, everyone and their mothers had one towing their trailers–of course with the “official” company stickers in them.

The Europeans were there “en force” and we saw a really cool metal bike from Belgium (no photos, sorry) plus our friend Marcus from Walz Hardcore and his bikes teaching us to swear like a German trucker.

It was funny to see the people’s faces when they read the Priceless shirt, it was easy to figure out who had the Twinkies by their expression, By the way, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, our friend Gary, rode his Twinkie from Miami with Wicho and Kevin on their Pans and he’s a cool guy. Maybe soon we will be able to bring him into the ” brotherhood” so he knows what he’s missing. It takes a true “brother” to hang out and wait for two old pans, thru thick and thin, he’s got my respect.

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Billy’s Camel bike was awesome. I’m sure he will raise the bar for builders to come. Also he and Dave Perewitz will be heading for Dallas next month in the second Biker Build Off, the voting will take place at the Dallas Easyriders show April 5th.

Since there’s no rest for the wicked we are already working in two bobbers, I will be reporting on those two as the work progresses, Old School Rules !

Oh well, this is going to be short and sweet since most of the stuff that went on will be on the Daytona Report, but before I log off, I want to send my regards to all our friends that read this week after week from all over the World. it was really good to see you all once more, hope you had a safe trip back.

Jose, Bikernet Caribbean Report.
Visit our Web Site

Continued On Page 4

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March 13, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

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NATIONAL SUPER MOTO RACE, LOS ANGELES CALENDAR SHOW– The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend presented by ironWorks magazine at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, CA, continuesto grow every year as the most popular streetbike show in Americacatering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets. Always the 3rdweekend of July, the 12th Annual Show is scheduled for Saturday July19th and Sunday July 20th, 2003. This year’s Show will feature anexpanded venue with over 150 major manufacturers, race teams and leadingcustom bike builders from across North America, together with anotherexpected huge increase in spectator attendance similar to the 25% growthexperienced last year. Sponsored by Performance Machine, Iron Worksmagazine, Corona Extra, Lockhart Phillips,, FastDates.comand The ReCycler/Cycle Buys, and Trader Publications, The LA CalendarMotorcycle Show is the finest streetbike event weekend in America. Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA CalendarMotorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekendactivities online at

ESTOK RIDES BUELL TO DAYTONA THUNDERBIKE VICTORY–Daytona Beach, FL (March 3, 2003) Charging through a pouring rain, Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Dave Estok of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., rode a Buell Lightning X1 to victory in the opening event of the Formula USA Thunderbike series here today.

Following Estok across the finish line were Kosco Buell riders Joseph Rozynski and Richie Morris, as the team topped a field of 34 bikes on the 3.54-mile course at the historic Daytona Speedway.

Tilley’s Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Tripp Nobles lead from the start of the race, but crashed on lap two after riding through a deep puddle in the chicane portion of the course. Nobles hit the Airfence on the outside wall and was not injured but did not continue. That fall handed the lead to Estok, who kept his bike under him in the wet conditions and stayed out front until the race was red-flagged due to oil on the track after six of nine scheduled laps. “This was a great day for the Kosco Buell team, and I think we served notice that Buell riders will be a force in the Thunderbike series this season,” Estok said after the race. Buell-mounted riders competing in the seven-event 2003 Thunderbike series will be eligible for a share of a $61,000 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company.

Final Results

Formula USA ThunderbikeDaytona Beach, Fla., March 2, 2003

1. Dave Estok (Buell)
2. Joseph Rozynski (Buell)
3. Richie Morris (Buell)
4. Arthur Wagner Jr. (Honda)
5. Derek Keyes (Suzuki)
6.Clint Brotz (Buell)
7. Alex Ferreira (Suzuki)
8. Bryan Bemisderfer (Buell)
9. Jerry Wood (Ducati)
10. Richard Britton (Suzuki)

In the premier Formula USA Sportbike class, a strong run for the podium by Hal’s Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Mike Ciccotto was foiled when his Buell Firebolt XB9R began to run out of fuel on the last lap. Ciccotto, of Sebastian, Fla., challenged eventual race winner Matt Wait in the early stages of the 18-lap race and ran a steady second until the late stages of the race, when he was passed by Jeff Wood. On the last lap Ciccotto was in position to make a run on Wood for second place, but coming off Nascar turn four Ciccotto’s Buell started to sputter as his fuel tank ran dry. He coasted across the finish line but was passed by Scott Greenwood and finished fourth on the track. Ciccotto’s disappointment was compounded when he was disqualified by race officials because his Buell did not have enough fuel in the tank to make a mandatory post-race dyno run. Formula USA rules prohibit adding fuel after the race.

The second round of the Formula USA National Road Race Series will take place at Mid-America Raceway, Glenwood, Iowa, May 23-25.

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BIKERNET OZARK REPORT–Saturday was beautiful. weather was warm for the first time in weeks. Me and bald headed Patrick rode up to Paw Paw Wayne’s house in the country. He’s never gone, so we didn’t call first. It’s about 50 miles from home and it’s in the hills, so even if he wasn’t home it’s a good ride. Paw Paw lives in a dry county so I packed a couple of 24 oz buds in my bag and off we went.

When we got there Paw Paw wasn’t home but his house and shop was unlocked. He lives out in the middle of nowhere, so he doesn’t worry about locking up. He has a big house and a big shop. There’s a pool table and video games in the shop, so me and bald headed Patrick took a bunch of pictures of us playing pool on his table, watching his TV in his living room, riding his 4-wheeler, working on my bike with his tools and shit like that.

We left without leaving a trace and now I’m mailing him the photos with a note about how much fun we had and how we missed him. He’ll shit. We left Paw Paws and went to see Philip. He had a little bad luck with the man on Friday night and we wanted to give him some support. This old dude that works with Skitzo crashed his bike Friday night. I don’t know all the details, but it seems they left the shop and when the road makes that little curve, he didn’t. He hurt his arm a little and his bagger is screwed.

Skitzo is on a roll. He’s got more bitches chasing him right now than he can keep up with. He hooked up with some young girls, and he’s making his way through them. Some, two at a time. He says he’s gonna introduce me to them and see, if I can go around the room too. So far he’s keeping it all to himself. I don’t blame him at all. Not that I could hurt him, but who needs competition when it ain’t necessary. I got more than I need anyway. I’m not talking, though.

–Ozark Ed

Hey Ed, since when you can have more than you need?–Bandit

DANNY GRAY DEADWOOD DIGS–Wanted you to pass on this note…I’m preparing to offer my log home outside Deadwood for sale, but thought I’d offer it to the group first. It’s 1200 sq. ft. log /600 sq.ft. work or workout building, 10 by 30 carport(could be enclosed). All on acreage in the black hills. Just a few miles outside Deadwood, up near the ski resorts. It’s cool, but I spend so much time at my roadhouse that my living quarters are there now. anybody interested call me (559-285-7333).

hot springs banner

HOT SPRINGS RALLY- PRE STURGIS PARTY!–AUGUST 1-2, 2003 Come To The Sturgis Warm Up Party in Hot Springs South Dakota! Hot Springs, SD, 85 miles south of Sturgis in scenic SD! Allen Ranch, 1 mile South on Hwy 385 (Fall River Road)Campgound covered with shade trees by stream/mountains.

Miss Hot Springs Rally Contest!
World Championship Hog Wrestling Contest!
Sturgis Rally Biker Benevolence Charity Auction!
Poker runs, tours, live music, buffalo BBQ, sweet corn, horseback riding
Ride the scenic Southern Black Hills, be part of Rally history!Come Early and Stay Late!

Tent camping – $5.00 / day
Teepee lodge (sleeps six) – $25.00 / night
RV spots – $20.00 / night


Brent Peterson
Hot Springs Rally Promotions
PO Box 272
Hot Springs, SD57747

PINSTRIPING DILEMMA–I was recently told by my pinstriper that he couldn’t strip bare aluminum. According to him it won’t last. I recently received more information from Rogue, our Bikernet Daytona Correspondent:

I have Sonny Keeton here with me and in case you do not know it he is thepinstriper! amongst other things. He must be good cause he do my shit.

Look at my new ride for a sample of his work. HE SAYS: He Can Do Your Wheels,And it WON’T COME OFF!. Whatcha wanna donow??? He is out of Beaumont Texas and you can contact him at

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Here’s a shot of him and his lady with the Terminator Bike he built inthe last batch of photos.

Damn dude the things I do for you.Shit I even got him to take some of the Bikernetstickers you sent me.He said he thought they were cool. I guess that makesit official.


Brother, I owe you one.–Bandit


EVEN BIKERNET HAS CULTURE–Just an update to inform you that we do have “The Enthusiast” commemorative print in stock for immediate delivery. (see picture of framed image) It is hand-signed by David Uhl and one of the most sought-after images ever.

Regards,Ron Copple

Continued On Page 3

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March 13, 2003 Part 1



Whatta day. I feel itchy all over. The Road King is almost completed, but… Saddam almost finish disarming, but… The Shrunken FXR is at Famart, but… Daytona was cool, but… The sun is out, but… It’s probably going to rain tomorrow.

On the other hand the sex was fantastic this morning. Sin Wu showed up at noon and we took a walk along the harbor. We pondered sex and changes to the web site. We discussed the run to Sturgis or Milwaukee for the 100th. For awhile I thought I would head to Sturgis then Milwaukee but the dates are too far apart?

That woman knows how to touch a man’s heart. She brought me a fifth of Jack. Let’s get to the news:

YOUR SHOT BRINGS 270 TIRES TO LIGHT–If you don’t know about it, we have a letters to the editor section called “Your Shot”. The letters are answered daily. Tech questions are generally responed to within 24 hours. We’ll a brother wrote a question about 279 tires. I didn’t know shit, but as usual another Bikernet reader did. Here’s the scoop:

Metzler….. They have 270 which will be available in April of 2003. The Gambler frame I have, which I bought in 2001 is already set up for the 270. Trotta is being hyped as the only guy working on a 270 frame. Gambler has had one for years.

I also read something last week at that he completely stopped the printing on his 2003 catalogs because he has a 280 tire and has a line of 12 inch wheels he is building for his frames. (Yes, that said 12-inch rims) The guy is out of Germany and was at Daytona.

A 250 is 9-13/16″ inches across. A 270 is 10-5/8″ and a 280 would be 11 inches.

THE BIKERNET ART CONNECTION–The Triple Threat’s have been delayed. Chris Carr wont sign and send them to Jacobs until the end of next week. New ETA to begin shipping unframed is March 21. New ETA on framed late April.

Segal Fine Art

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BRENDA AND BIKERNET HIT THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY–We are happy to report that BOOTIEZ Co. of Ottawa, Canada, has found a legal way to cover up the ghastly images which are now mandatory on all cigarette packs sold in Canada. Smokers have expressed their disgust with these realistic pictures of “rotting lungs and hearts”. Don’t laugh, images like these are coming to a country near you, soon! The European Community has just authorized printing of similar graphics on cigs sold in member countries. Wait til you see the one with a limp “cigarette”. “Would the real cigarette please stand up!”

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BOOTIEZ Co. of Ottawa, Canada has solved the problem of the drakonian graphics, and Brenda Fox, “the queen” has helped make limp cigarettes a thing of the past – in a cheeky sort of way! One look at the Bootiez Harley Special Set, and you blokes will know what we are talking about.

BOOTIEZ Co. designs and manufactures a line of high quality cigarette box sleeves, which just slip over the original box containing the cigarettes. With a lineup of literally hundreds of designs, the pictures on these durable covers are designed to appeal to the special interests of the individual smoker. They range from Art Work and Music to Sexy Babes and, of course, Hunky Guys. Both smokers and non-smokers are snapping up complete image sets, as they are fast becoming a phenomenon, set to replace the “Tab Cards” of old.

Look for BOOTIEZ to appear at a store near you, see Brenda Fox, Miss Bikernet 2000, in over 7,000 stores nationwide.

Harley Davidson Banner

TICKETS ON SALE FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSONMILWAUKEE-AREA 100TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVITIES–Summerfest, Milwaukee Art Museum, and Veterans Park to host eventslaunching the Motor Company into its next century. For four days in August, Harley fans will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson, reveling in everything the Motor Company and the Milwaukee area have to offer, including live entertainment, special exhibits, food and a motorcycle parade. These events – the Celebration and the Party – will bring a bang to the Company?s year long 100th Anniversary.

The Celebration will take place Thursday, August 28 through Saturday, August 30, and will include three ticketed events and a series of free activities to excite enthusiasts and Milwaukee residents alike. Milwaukee?s Henry W. Maier Festival Park (Summerfest Grounds) will host special Harley-Davidson exhibits, stunt and drill teams, and 10 stages of live entertainment.

A short distance up the Lake Michigan shore, fans will find more than 80,000 square feet of museum-quality exhibits (Journey, Culture, Machine and Ride) from the Company?s worldwide Open Road Tour. On a beautiful site overlooking the lake, these displays will include select motorcycles and memorabilia from the Harley-Davidson Archives that tell the story of the historic Motor Company. This area will also feature Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and Ford displays, as well as the Miller Roadside Caf?. Outside the tents will be a free area with dealer retailing, children?s activities and food stands. Marketing of tickets to the general public for the Celebration begins on March 3, 2003. Tickets are available for purchase at 1-800-HD100th or at

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Next Stop – Milwaukee Art Museum

The Celebration continues inside the spectacular Milwaukee Art Museum, which serves as the perfect location for the Motor Company’s first-ever exhibit on product styling, design and development. Utilizing sketches, video, clay models and mock-up motorcycles, this fabulous exhibit walks visitors through the entire design and development process and powerfully illustrates the genius of Harley-Davidson?s styling, design and engineering departments.

In addition to the ticketed events, Harley-Davidson will offer free activities at local Harley-Davidson Motor Company facilities including: the Juneau Avenue corporate headquarters, the Pilgrim Road and Capitol Drive Powertrain Operations, the Product Development Center, and the Franklin Parts and Accessories Distribution Center. Activities will also be offered at the Buell Motorcycle Company in East Troy, Wisconsin.

Celebration tickets allow unlimited three-day access to the Summerfest grounds, the lakefront displays, as well as one-time admission to the Milwaukee Art Museum. The package also includes a commemorative laminated ticket, a lanyard and patch, a 100th Anniversary flag, a United States flag and a souvenir program. Tickets are $50 plus a $5 tax and handling fee (shipping is courtesy of Harley-Davidson Motor Company).

Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) Events

For (Harley Owners Group) H.O.G. members, there is an exclusive party that runs concurrently with the three-day Celebration that no H.O.G. member will want to miss. The H.O.G. 20th Anniversary will be held at the Washington County Fair Park (approximately 30 miles north of Milwaukee) beginning on Wednesday, August 27, with a ?special welcome? ceremony. Dubbed CLUB H.O.G. XX, the H.O.G. 20th Anniversary party will be free to all H.O.G. members and will include entertainment, vendors, food, and of course, world renowned H.O.G. camaraderie.

10,000 Motorcycles, One Great Cause, One Giant Parade

The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) ?Parade of Heroes? will lead a motorcade of 10,000 motorcycles through the streets of Milwaukee on Saturday, August 30. Led by enthusiasts who have raised more than $5,300 each for MDA (representing 100 minutes of MDA research), the parade will also include representatives from Harley-Davidson dealerships, a H.O.G. chapter parade of flags, Harley-Davidson employees, and riders selected from a lottery of those purchasing tickets to the Celebration before May 1.

The MDA Parade of Heroes will certainly be one of the most memorable experiences of the 100th Anniversary and will help highlight the 23rd year that the Motor Company has been associated with MDA. During that time the Harley-Davidson family of customers, dealers and employees has raised more than $40 million to aid research and program services for children and adults with neuromuscular diseases. The company is aiming to raise more than $5 million for MDA during the 100th Anniversary events.

The Rumble Heard ?Round the World?

The event to launch Harley-Davidson into the next 100 years – The Party – will occur in Milwaukee?s Veteran?s Park on the shores of Lake Michigan, Sunday, August 31, 2003. The free main-stage extravaganza will feature live entertainment. The Party will be the pinnacle of the Anniversary and a tremendous kick-start to Harley-Davidson?s second century.

Additional information about 100th Anniversary activities may be obtained by calling 1-414-343-4116 in the U.S., or logging onto

BEACH RIDE SET FOR QUEEN MARY SEPTEMBER 7–At last the venue is in place for the 11th annual Beach Ride at the Queen Mary. The Beach Ride is noted for outstanding rides from many Southern California shops, outrageous classic rock bands, note builders and this years a special antique motorcycle display.

The Beach Ride is a charity event, for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation, sponsored by and Bartels Harley-Davidson to name a few.

For more information contact: Carmela Burke

wills from Geno

A DYING BREED– When I first moved to the Daytona area I was looking for the bar I would be most comfortable in. I checked out Main Street and the surrounding area and visited these bars that were more interested in selling T-shirts than catering to the real bikers. I was further disappointed that motorcycle clubs were not permitted, including Harley owners group patches to 1% clubs. Then I found Will’s Honkytonk in nearby Port Orange, just minutes south of Daytona. There was no sign on the front door prohibiting any club or organization from entering. This seemed to me to be what I had been looking for. The bar was friendly, catering to bikers, not yuppie tourists looking for souvenirs. It was also a neighborhood bar, and most of all it was owned and operated by a real biker. When the bar closed the first night I was there, Will and his staff infection crew got on their motorcycles. I was impressed.

I became good friends with Will and several members of local motorcycle clubs, many that were “not allowed” in most other bars, and am a better person for it. I worked for Will for over two of the three years he had the bar and I must say I am sorry to see him close the doors this past bike week. Not because of my job there, but because it was the one place ALL BIKERS could come, have a cold one at low prices, even during the events, and enjoy a good time.

Even though the last event was wet and soggy, we had what I think were the best bands around, the coldest beer, Horse Mag showed up and gave away their awesome sporty chopper(even though some guy in Texas won it!) . Will saw it through to the end, maintaining a special parking area for motorcycle clubs, and vintage motorcyle parking as well.

Even though Will has another Honkytonk over in Sarasota, I think I can speak for many bikers and locals when I say we are losing a good friend in Will’s Honkytonk.I can only hope that another biker may take over the bar for as long as it may have left, and try to keep it the same, but we will never forget the Honkytonk. It is truly the last of a dying breed……………

the fucking manager

french army knife

A TIRED SOLDIER–The train was very crowded, so the soldier walked the length of thetrain, looking for an empty seat. The only unoccupied seat was directlyadjacent to a well dressed middle aged lady and was being used by herlittle dog.

The war weary soldier asked, “Please, ma’am, may I sit in that seat?”

The French woman looked down her nose at the soldier, sniffed and said,”You Americans. You are such a rude class of people. Can’t you see myLittle Fife is using that seat?”

The soldier walked away, determined to find a place to rest, but afteranother trip down to the end of the train, found himself again facing thewoman with the dog.

Again he asked, “Please, lady. May I sit there? I’m very tired.”

The French woman wrinkled her nose and snorted, “You Americans! Not onlyare you rude, you are also arrogant. Imagine!”

The soldier didn’t say anything else; he leaned over, picked up thelittle dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in theempty seat.

The woman shrieked and railed, and demanded that someone defend her andchastise the soldier.

An English gentleman sitting across the aisle spoke up, “You know, sir,you Americans do seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. Youeat holding the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrongside of the road. And now, sir, you’ve thrown the wrong bitch out thewindow

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March 11, 2003 part 2


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flamed bike 4

SMYRNA BEACH — As Harry Brooks walked up to his customized Harley-Davidson Softtail, he was surprised to see three armed men standing next to it. But after a few minutes of conversation, the group parted amicably.

“Thank you guys,” the Richmond, Va., resident said.

The men were members of the Motorcycle Theft Task Force, and with a few phone calls, they verified Brooks’ motorcycle was legal, despite some irregularities with his registration tag

Members of the task force, coordinated by the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office and made up of law enforcement officers from across the state and country, spent Bike Week walking through parking lots and biker venues across the county looking for anything suspicious. The irregularity could be nothing more than the wrong frame on a particular model motorcycle, or, as was the Brooks’ case, filed off ID numbers.

According to sheriff’s Sgt. Bruce Fleischmann, task force supervisor, the purpose is to put a crimp in the trafficking and sale of stolen motorcycles and their parts.

Fleischmann said many motorcycles are more valuable for their parts than as a whole machine, and there are ways to tell if something isn’t original equipment on a particular bike. If a part is proven stolen, lawmen can seize the vehicle and its owner can face theft charges.

As of Thursday, the unit had confiscated two motorcycles made with stolen parts. In most cases, however, the rider is an innocent victim who believed he or she was getting a good deal on a hard-to-get part without any knowledge of where it came from, he said.

“It is a case of ‘buyer beware,’ ” Fleischmann said. He said the Task Force was formed about five years ago using a state grant after Bike Week became a target for motorcycle thieves. With thousands of visitors in a compact area, it was easy for criminals to wheel away a few bikes without anyone noticing.The Sheriff’s Office and other agencies pooled their resources to provide both protection — in the form of visible patrols — and education, urging motorcyclists to lock their machines.

Over the years, the program has evolved to a point where many jurisdictions provide their own anti-theft efforts, but the Task Force continues to fill in the gaps, especially in the unincorporated areas.

“We are getting more and more people in the county,” Fleischmann said.Despite the few minutes of inconvenience, Brooks said he was pleased to see local law enforcement efforts.

“Normally, I am pretty sensitive about law enforcement intrusion, but if my bike was stolen, I would want someone trying to find it,” he said

All those cops on task forces in Florida Partying must have been afraid ofgoing out in the rain.

people on crowd 4

DAYTONA BEACH — Dozens of Bike Week tourists have learned about motorcycle security the hard way: More than 40 motorcycles have been plucked from trailers, paid parking areas and hotel parking lots in Daytona Beach and Ormond Beach over the past two days, police said.

“It’s ridiculous,” said Ernie Jones, 32, whose friend had a motorcycle stolen in daylight Thursday from a parking lot near the Daytona International Speedway. “I never knew it was such a big problem.”

Police said motorcycle thefts during Bike Week 2003 seem to be a bigger problem than in years past. Of the eight reported stolen in Ormond Beach since Wednesday night and more than 30 in Daytona Beach, most have been locked. Some were in trailers.

A trailer with six Suzuki motorcycles was taken Wednesday from a hotel lot on West International Speedway Boulevard.

sleeping biker 4

PALM COAST — Rain, rain go away, come again another day — or another week. That could be the mantra of area businesses that depend on Bike Week for a good chunk of their revenue. But there is a silver lining to those rain clouds that covered the skies over Flagler County through the early part of the annual event.

“We’ve lost some business because of the wet weather,” said John Seibel, owner of Thunder Gulch Campground. “But not a great deal.”

Seibel said some groups planning on staying at the Bunnell campground decided to keep going farther south in search of drier land, but only about 15 of them.

“We’ve had some cancellations,” he said. “There’s been an effect, but it’s not major.

And while bikers may have avoided riding their machines around Flagler because of the rain, many of them stayed at their home away from home and spent time enjoying some of the campground’s other amenities, particularly the Black Cloud Saloon.

“We’re doing about 100 percent more business there,” Seibel said. “On balance, we’re probably going to do as well as last year.”

At the Whale Watch Motel, owner Chris Tipton said the rain has not had a big impact on business. In fact, it may have helped attract more customers to the motel.

“We fill up every night in Flagler Beach,” he said. “The rain has maybe driven some of the wet campers to motels.”

Tipton said over the past few years, things seemed to have slowed down a bit during Bike Week.

“I think the last few years of Bike Week have been slower,” he said. “It’s kind of flattened out, but it’s still huge.”

For Tri City Cycles, the wet weather has kept some old friends away and slowed the foot traffic at the Flagler Beach motorcycle service shop.

On a rainy afternoon earlier this week, manager Denise Sarfde bemoaned the wet weather in the nearly empty shop.

“If it were nice out, you couldn’t get in here,” she said. “This weather is killing us.”

street line w bikes 4

DAYTONA BEACH BATTLE — Two men were wounded late Saturday when gunfire erupted in a busy motel parking lot, police said. Bike Week tourists took cover behind an International House of Pancakes restaurant as stray bullets struck buildings and shattered a waitress’s car window.

“The bullet was lodged right above my daughter’s child seat,” said Tabatha Bluhm, 23, of Ormond Beach.

Police said there were 9mm shell casings and blood scattered “all over” the crime scene.

One woman, who was staying at the nearby Days Inn but declined to give her name, said the gunfire “sounded like firecrackers.”

The most seriously injured appeared to be a man from North Carolina who was shot in the stomach, police said. Another man was shot in the leg. Both were being treated at Florida Hospital DeLand for injuries not believed to be life threatening. It was unclear how the men got to the hospital.

Police said they had not yet pieced together a motive or the events that led to gunfire, which broke out shortly before 11 p.m. in the busy parking lot between a Day’s Inn and the IHOP at 2900 W. International Speedway Blvd. Witnesses said they counted up to 23 gunshots.

Bluhm, who was waiting on tables in the restaurant when her car was hit, said the parking lot needs more attention from police.

“There’s definitely a need for more security here,” she said.

doris 4

Daytona Caribbean Report–The Bike Week that never was…
As you might know we got together and decided to have a joint booth in Daytona Bike Week this year, Choppers Inc, The Horse and us, Caribbean Custom Cycles. At the time it seemed like a great idea, and in reality it was, even though the weather refused to cooperate with us and the other thousands of vendors there. I don’t think it was a very good week for anyone selling stuff, unless it was umbrellas and foul weather gear.

But on the other hand, friends, new and old, and very cool choppers made up for any losses, break evens or whatever else. We were the first to show up and get the ” compound” ready Jim Betlach had outdone himself to accommodate us and we had a great spot, it can always be better, but that will be arranged in following events. As soon as we rolled in our friends started to show up, and the amazing display of cool choppers that endured the whole ten days, if you are into choppers, home builts and old school, I humbly say that our spot was the place to be, no fuckin’ doubt about it.

Then the rain came…

We had unloaded all our stuff under the rain and that seemed to be the curse of the week, we managed to see a day and a half of sun (or at least no rain) the entire week, and those were a frenzy of photo shoots and a false sense of ” at last !” Our friends kept on showing up at the booth, I imagine that they came to say hi and shoot the shit, but hiding from the nasty weather as well, it was funny that during the week the booth became press central, all the photogs ,editors and usual suspects would show up and hang out ’till their next assignment (if there was any) By now the shitty weather and too cold for this Caribbean “bway” temps had me feeling like crap, so the night activities were shortened to a couple of flu pills and a good night’s rest, I was saving energy for the adventures that never came thru.

In the first days of low temps and very , very wet asphalt, Main street was a ghost town, but the bars were full and rockin’ to the beat, I guess it became cage week for a couple days.There were more Hummers than Twinkies in the parking lots.Saturday and Sunday rolled by, slowly, very slowly, by Monday it was plain miserable and we had to end up with a heater…Da’ Caribbean makes da’ blood thin “mon”

(will finish it tomorrow for the news)…

Hope all is good

Jose De Miguel

— Visit our Web Site

riders closeup 4

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March 11, 2003


Continued From Page 3

biker waving 4

photos by Rogue

Daytona Bike Week 2003 is now history, but I am sure that it is going to be talked about for a while.

A major factor was the stinking weather and of course it’s reflection on attendance. Some will say the attendance this year was less than in past years, and they are going to blame it on everything from the weather, to the economy and even the possibility of the country going to war.

BULLSHIT! Bikers were in Florida! They just were “Not” staying In Daytona Beach. I spent a lot of time on the street, at events, in bars and on stage with girls. Plenty of people recognized and approached me. I talk to them and others and ask a lot of questions. Most of those I spoke to were tired of the high prices and felt they got ripped off at a lot of places, especially the hotels and motels. Many were staying in places outside the Daytona Beach area and day tripping in. “How Many Times Can You Do Main and Beach Streets,” was muttered more times than I can remember.

Some years ago the city and the folks running Daytona Beach wanted to move some of the businesses out to the county to relieve over-crowding. Businesses in the outskirts did well and others were started. Now they are growing and other areas like Orlando are looking to get in on the action. So far they are doing well, as they reported 100,000 bikers in Orlando. That should get Daytona’s attention. Add the other small towns, campgrounds and events, and we can figure where the bikers went.

Riders say they have no problem spending money to have a good time. They are against paying $150.00 a night for a room when they can get a room in the same name hotel a few miles away for $55.00 to $65.00. The money they save at hotels they spend on other things, DUH! There also appeared to be a lot more campers and motor homes in the campgrounds.

Though the weather may have kept some from outdoor events or off the streets of Daytona Beach there were plenty of indoor places to party.

Does it really matter where riders stay in Florida? I don’t think so. They’ll come to town to party.

Actually, in many respects it was a rather good week. Traffic was minimal and bikers could get around town without much hassle. There were fewer lines and waiting in restaurants. If this continues, it will make for more fun and a better time for those attending. I originally reported that I was not going downtown or hanging at Beach Street because of past experiences with crowds. I changed my mind and muscled my way through the sparse crowds. I’m probably getting old.

The people who promote and organize these events and those who make a living off them may need to rethink their program. They may not have a choice if Bikers start moving away.

For the riders who escaped bitter cold and heaps of snow, the rain wasn’t half bad.

Hey all in all I HAD A GOOD TIME. I Hope You Did TOO.

Got home a little bit ago and will have some more photos for you shortly. Thurs.night was pretty good but a Big rain came in Friday.Did some damageto a few of the events and people partied inside. Saturday was pretty decient and I got to do Beach Street etc. All in all I think it was a Good Bike Week.It may give some people something to think about. The Harley Dealer has purchase property out in the county and will beholding events out there so that should tell you some thing. ROGUE


blue oyster cult 4

EDGEWATER — Perched on a bar stool outside Mom’s Restaurant, 82-year-old Gordon Magyar waves at bikers riding passed on the way to Bike Week events on U.S. 1. The gesture often encourages visitors to turn around and grab a bite to eat, said Magyar, a Shriner who watches bikes in the restaurant parking lot each year for donations. Bike Week may be the most lucrative week of the year for many well-known motorcycle establishments, such as Gilly’s Pub 44, Cabbage Patch and No Name Saloon. But small businesses in Southeast Volusia have created their own unique ways to draw in the bikers — and their bucks. The owners of Mom’s Home Cooking display a “Welcome Bikers” sign and put a skullcap on the woman shaped-sign out front. During the 10-day event, waitresses leave the khakis at home and sport tank tops and jeans instead.? We look forward to it as much as the bikers,” co-owner Patty Cook said. “The bikers bring in a huge income to this place and many others.? Still, some businesses start new events to compete with the traditional ones. Bikers’ Paradise creators hope to welcome 35,000 people to New Smyrna Speedway during the second year of stunt shows, bands and vendors. To drum up attendance, promoters sent women to bars throughout Florida in February. Several thousand people came out for the inaugural event, but rain kept many away, said Joyce Vignola, whose sister, Janet Caporale, started the event. So this year, the Bikers’ Paradise angels — played by Caporale’s daughter and a local model — toured the state handing out free passes. Coordinators also booked a popular biker band, Blue Oyster Cult, which often brings a following of fans, Vignola said. The band played Thursday night. ?We wanted it to be like an old-fashioned bikers’ party,” she said. As the leather-clad crowds motor through Southeast Volusia, many small businesses use biker friendly signs to rope in customers.

All-Suite Hotel owner Fran Mills displays “We’re glad you’re here” to bring in tired bikers traveling U.S. 1. But, Mills finds that she doesn’t need a lot of advertising to fill up rooms each year.

“The same people come down each year and book the rooms a year in advance,” she said

Peanuts Restaurant and Sports Bar on Flagler Avenue brings in customers by billing itself as one of the few motorcycle joints on New Smyrna’s beachside, owner Shelly Pestine said.

“We’re the closest thing,” Pestine said.

It also helps that the kitchen stays open until 1:30 a.m. and the rates don’t go up during Bike Week, he said. At least 500 patrons come to Peanuts on a night during Bike Week, which is twice the usual amount, he said. Many are locals who leave Daytona Beach to avoid the bike festivities.

“It’s by far our biggest week of the year,” he said.

Cops from all over the country go to Bike Week and other events at theexpense of their state. They say it is to look for stolen motorcycles from their state. Well according to reports they are not being to successful at it. Maybe the money would be better spent trying to stop the thefts in thefirst place. Or maybe it was to wet for them to go out and they were in the barspartying with every one else.

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March 7, 2003


Continued From Page 2

The Rain Went Away And The Bikers Come OUT TO PLAY


The murky weather, the harbinger to the festive week finally drifted out to sea as if the grim reaper chased off the coast by the Angels to be. The eastern sky finally opened its blue brightness to warm the sand and streets of Daytona and allow Bike Week and the Bikers to take advantage of the brilliant sun and hall-ass around the area visiting all the party spots.

drink girl

The Cabbage Patch launched its coleslaw wrestling, while right down the road Bikers Paradise opened the doors for spaghetti wrestling and a Wet T-Shirt contest. Because both of these places are in the county they do not fall under the same rules as does downtown.

spaghet 1

As the Bikers realized the freedom beyond the city limits, more and more of them are spending time and their money in the surrounding areas. Do a little checking and you will find the place that offers the entertainment you are looking for.

spaghet 2

I asked the promoters at Bikers Paradise how they were allowed to have a wet t-shirt contest when flashing down-town cost a beautiful broad $160.00. They said first they were in the county and second it was a private party. Made a lot of sense to me.

wet t 1

Today?s Report will be short, as I want to get back to THE PARTY!

wet t 3

Enjoy the pictures and if you see me have me take your picture



DAYTONA BEACH — Two adult dance clubs that feature nude entertainment won another victory in a long-running legal battle with the city over adult entertainment. The U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals refused this week to lift a federal judge’s order allowing Molly Brown’s II and the Pink Pony to feature nude dancers.

The owners of Molly Brown’s II on Seabreeze Boulevard and the Pink Pony on Ridgewood Avenue contend in the lawsuit that nude dancing is constitutionally protected free speech that cannot be prohibited. Zoning rules in the city, club officials argue, are so restrictive that no adult businesses with nude entertainment can open.

The lawsuit was originally filed in March 2001 after a spate of arrests at local clubs charging that dancers were wearing costumes that were too skimpy. City rules require dancers to wear costumes that cover one-third of the buttocks and one-quarter of a women’s breast in clubs that sell alcohol.


Bike Week is many things: a street party, a de facto strip show, a chance for otherwise polite people to make a lot of unneeded noise with their expensive machines. But what about a military reunion? Look closely at the black-clad bikers riding along Main Street and U.S. 1 and you’ll see the signs of previous service: patches, caps and pins with the names of divisions and ships, or little flags with “POW” or “MIA” written across them. Or go to the New Smyrna Speedway to see the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall, a replica of the monument in Washington, D.C. Even on a chilly, rainy day, bikers — many of them Vietnam War veterans — could be found there, looking for names of buddies and relatives.

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March 6, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET MEDICAL ADVICE– A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asked, “Is my time up?”

God said, “No, you have another 43 years, two months and eight days to live.”

Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. Since she had so much more time to live,she figured she might as well look even nicer.

After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance.

Arriving in front of God, she demanded, “I thought you said I hadanother 40 years? Why didn’t you pull me out of the path of that ambulance?”

God replied, “Girl, I didn’t recognize you.”

HARLEY SITE AVAILABLE–Our last offer to acquire ( gained very favorable feedback. In an ongoing effort to provide Harley enthusiasts a place to buy, sell, trade and share Harley knowledge in a community setting, we are extending a invitation for existing website owners the opportunity to join a Harley Market Alliance. Members will have their own market site tied into the vast Harley Community Marketplace. To gain your own fully functional commerce site and join the Alliance, there is a one-time very small investment.

–“Michael Goupil”

EXPOSURE–A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open and her rightbreast hanging out. A policeman approaches her and says, “Ma’am, areyou aware that I could cite you for indecent exposure?”

She says, “Why, officer?”

“Because your breast is hanging out.” he says.

She looks down and says, “OH MY GOD, I left the baby on the busagain!”

old school pan Chris Kallas

EXCLUSIVE–NEW KALLAS ART–Kicking around ideas for new painting.Check attached. My latest painting is finished.It might beavailable soon as a print, if there’s interest, and I’m alwaysavailable to do portraits of bikes.

–Hang tough, CK

Chris’s prints are very reasonable. We sell them in the Gulch, So, let him know if you would be interested in this new piece. I am.

WAR CRIES FROM CHARLIE DANIEL’S–Charlie Daniel’s Letter to the Hollywood Bunch:Ok, let’s just say for a moment you bunch of pampered, overpaid, unrealistic limousine liberals had your way and the U.S.A. didn’t go into Iraq.

Let’s say that you really get your way and we destroy all our nuclear weapons and stick daisies in our gun barrels and sit around with some white wine and cheese and pat ourselves on the back, so proud of what we’ve done for world peace.

Let’s say that we cut the military budget to just enough to keep the National Guard on hand to help out with floods and fires.

Let’s say that we close down our military bases all over the world and bring the troops home, increase our foreign aid and drop all the trade sanctions against everybody.

I suppose that in your fantasy world this would create a utopian world where everybody would live in peace. After all, the great monster, the United States of America, the cause of all the world’s trouble would have disbanded it’s horrible military and certainly all the other countries of the world would follow suit. After all, they only arm themselves to defend their countries from the mean old U.S.A.

Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps. get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning. Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn did anything but encourage a wanton murderer to think that the people of the U.S.A. didn’t have the nerve or the guts to fight him?

Barbra Streisand’s fanatical and hateful rankings about George Bush makes about as much sense as Michael Jackson hanging a baby over a railing.

You people need to get out of Hollywood once in a while and get out into the real world. You’d be surprised at the hostility you would find out here. Stop in at a truck stop and tell an overworked, long distance truck driver that you don’t think Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong. Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military that you think the United States has no right to defend itself. Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally and see what the folks down there think about you. Please visit Clarksville, Tennessee and the 101st Airborne and talk that SHIT, please visit those Real American’s.

What do you think? Boycott any Hollywood type that protest against the USA.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

rusty right full

rusty tank

HELLS ANGEL RUSTY’S BIKE FOR SALE– I have a bike 4-sale (pictures attached) It was featured in the Street Chopper mag, Aug 2002 issue, page 14. It normally retails for 30K, but I will take $25,000. This HellRazor is cool. If you’re interested check the Illusion Cycles site for all the specs:

rusty rear fender

BIKERNET BARBER SHOP ADVICE– Entering a barber shop for a shave, a man mentions to the barber that he has had some problems getting a close shave on his cheeks. “I have just the thing,” the barber told him. He fished around in a nearby drawer and handed the man a small wooden ball. “Just place this between your cheek and gum.”

The man put the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeded to give him the closest shave he had ever received. Halfway through the experience, the man grunted to the barber, “But what if I swallow the ball?”

“Don’t worry about it,” the barber replied. “Just bring it back to me tomorrow like everyone else does.”

–from Ken Miller

daytona 1

DAYTONA BIKERNET STYLE–Check the home page. We are running news on Daytona Bike Week almost daily. We have several correspondents in Daytona: Rogue, Katmandu, Jose and Frank Kaisler will be roaming the streets.

Check it out for all the latest weather and wrestling reports. If you see Rogue or Jose ask to have your picture taken for Bikernet.

daytona 2

WE ARE NOT THE TALIBAN– As we all know, the Taliban considers it a sin for a man to see a naked woman who is not his wife.

So, this Saturday at 2:00 PM (ET) all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort. All men are to position themselves in Yard chairs in front of their house to prove they are not Taliban, demonstrate that they think it’s okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show support for all American women. And since the Taliban also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Taliban sentiment. The American Government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

God Bless America!

–from Chris T.

Harley Davidson Banner

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 100TH RIDE HOME INFO–Nothing says excitement like the sweet rumblings of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles riding across the United States on their way to Milwaukee. Following the global Open Road Tour festivals, Harley-Davidson will launch the Ride Home, allowing riders from around the world to travel one of four routes across the United States:

South Central

HD map

All four rides culminate in Milwaukee on August 27, 2003, for the 100th Anniversary Celebration events.

HD dates

Rides are unguided so riders may go at their own pace, but there will be scheduled events at specified locations along the routes where enthusiasts can enjoy Harley-Davidson camaraderie.

No Harley-Davidson event would be complete without great keepsakes to go with it. The Ride Home is no exception. A special Ride Home Commemorative Kit will be available for purchase at participating Harley-Davidson dealerships in May, 2003 and will include a number of one-of-a-kind items: pin, T-shirt, reflective patch and embossed leather trinket box (individual items will not be sold separately). Each kit will cost $100, and participation in the Ride Home is not necessary to purchase one.

A portion of the kit sales will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Harley-Davidson?s goal is to raise $5 million through 100th Anniversary activities.

All dates, locations, times and activities are subject to change. Check back here often for the latest information.

ups girl Buckshot

POUR THE JACK–Sin Wu slipped into the headquarters on her way to an afternoon class. She pulled me away from my computer as the UPS gal arrived with the powder coating for the King. A reader recently told me (I recently had hernia surgery), that if I even considered sex or lifting something, to forget it.

I had the UPS gal set the 4-foot tall box inside the door and slipped into the bedroom with Sin.

It’s gonna be a helluva weekend.

Ride Forever–Bandit

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March 6, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

TMRA banner

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS EDUCATION FUND IN UTAH–By now most of you have heard of statements made by Senator Buttars, andother things going on up at the Capital. A lot of you have heard it secondand third hand, some of this information has gotten twisted a little. I wantthe members to have the information I have, first hand, as accurate aspossible.

This is to inform you of the incidents that happened, which affect theMotorcycle Riders Education Fund, at the State Capital on Tuesday Feb. 18.We heard that the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice subcommittee wasgoing put the Motorcycle Riders Education Fund (MREF) on the 2% cut list.This means they were going to recommend the Executive AppropriationsCommittee that they take the money from that fund to pay for highway patrolexpenses.

During this meeting Senator Buttars gave the Executive Offices and CriminalJustice subcommittee report to the Executive Appropriations Committee. Hesaid “These are the recommendations for the 2% cut list: We have had to takemoney from the victims reparations fund and we have received many phonecalls from people against it, I’m very sorry but we took a small percentageof their money. We also have received about 700 phone calls from peopleagainst us taking money from the firecap; again we are only taking apercentage, 1 million dollars from a 4 million dollar fund. We have alsoreceived about 200calls from a bunch of bikers, we took their will receive callsfrom them too, IGNORE THEM, it’s just a little training fund and we tookit.”

Needless to say, we were livid! I REALLY TRIED to keep mycool, walked up and shook his hand, introduced myself, then told him I washere to educate him on a few things. I started out OK, told him theMotorcycle Riders Education Fund provided more than just a little “trainingprogram” It paid for a life saving course. But I was so pissed about hisother comment, I told him[and this is where I kinda lost my cool] “…You got calls from 200 REGISTERED VOTERS! From 200 TAXPAYERS, what kind ofelected official are you to say IGNORE THEM?!!” [yes I was yelling, told yaI kinda lost my cool]

He became indignant and yelled back at me; he said,”I was told to find 9 million dollars somewhere, I was just doingmy job, what do you think I should do?”

I said “By all means, I think youshould IGNORE the voters who put you in this office! If you need to findmoney and want to take ours, I know exactly where you can find it, put anadditional $5 tax on all 4 wheeled vehicles and an additional $2.50 tax onall class A drivers licenses, then take that money, we are getting taxedextra just because we’re bikers. This little “training fund” is aself-sustaining program!”

The officers of Weber Chapter believe that the best way to get our moneyback, is to write or call the Executive Appropriations Committee and letthem know of the public safety this fund provides, and ask them toreconsider cutting our program. I’ve included the list of who to contact.

Lisa Bargar Vlahos
Weber Chapter ABATE
Public Relations
Assistant Political Liaison

Executive Appropriations Committee

Sen. LeonardBlackham, (Chair),
Sen. BillHickman, chair)
Sen. Gene Davis, ,
Sen. MikeDmitrich,
Sen. KarenHale,,
Sen. PeterKnudson,
Sen. Pres. AlMansell,,
Sen. JohnValentine,
Sen. MichaelWaddoups,
Sen. RonAllen,

Rep. Ron Bigelow,,
Rep. RebeccaLockhart,
Rep. JeffAlexander,
Rep. Greg Curtis,
Rep. PatriciaJones,
Rep. BrentGoodfellow,
Rep. BradKing,
Rep. KarenMorgan,
Speaker MartyStephens,
Rep. MichaelStyler,

BIKERNET LAWSUIT OF THE WEEK–This year’s favorite could easily be Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mr.Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having driven onto the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee.

Not surprisingly, the R.V. left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for notadvising him in the owner’s manual that he couldn’t actually do this. The jury awarded him $1,750,000 plus a new motor home.

They changed their owner’s manual.

Redneck Cat Carrier–

redneck cat carrier kathy Ronan

From Kathy Ronan

PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, GO TO JAIL?–According to the New York Times, Mr. Ronald Dixon of Brooklyn, NY, “wasupstairs, in bed, when he heard a noise in thehallway. Half asleep, he opened his eyes and saw a man at the top of thestairs heading toward the bedroom of Mr. Dixon’s2-year-old son, Kyle. That was enough for the father. He grabbed a9-millimeter pistol that he kept in a closet, walked toward the man andasked what he was doing there. This man, Mr. Dixon said, ran at him,screaming. That’s when hepulled the trigger. He shot the intruder twice, wounding him seriously butnot mortally.”

Now, 27-year-old Mr. Dixon is your basic “straight arrow,” a Navy veteranwho works two jobs — 80 hours a week — as acomputer specialist to provide for his family, including two small children.The man accused of being the intruder, Ivan Thompson, 40, is a careercriminal with a long record of burglaries and other crimes. If convictedthis time, he could be locked away for a long, long time.

Case closed, right? Not quite.

Mr. Dixon had purchased his gun legally when he lived in Florida. He hadjust recently moved to Brooklyn, and was smackdab in the middle of running through all the hoops and jumping through allthe rings — and there are a LOT of them — to gethis gun registered in New York.

But the registration process wasn’t yet complete when he used his gun todefend his family. And Mr. Dixon lives in a boroughwhose district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, “considers the prosecution ofillegal-gun charges a supreme virtue. Mr. Hyneswants Mr. Dixon to do jail time… If convicted of the misdemeanor chargeagainst him, Mr. Dixon could get as much asa year. Mr. Hynes is offering a plea bargain that would involve fourweekends, tops, on Rikers Island.”

You read that right. Mr. Dixon is facing up to a year on RIKERS ISLAND if hedoesn’t accept the “plea bargain” from District Attorney Hynes and pleadGUILTY on a gun possession charge, for a gun he had purchased legally andwas in the process of making legal in New York. And if he’s found guilty,his permanent record could keep him from obtaining work in his field.

We just don’t think that’s right.

ACTION ITEM: The Brooklyn DA is elected to that position, from what weunderstand. As an elected official, he is obligated to listen to what votershave to say. So, we’ve set up a way for you to easily communicate with him.

Go to the site below to send an editable pre-written message to DA CharlesJ. Hynes, letting him know what you think ofprosecuting upstanding law-abiding citizens who try to protect theirfamilies: AOL GO HERE

Or give Mr. Hynes a call at 718-250-2000 (718-250-2025 after hours andweekends).If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or– LaterHawkICQ 34668186AOL SoLRHawk

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March 6, 2003


Continued From Page 1

doggy tattoo helen wolfe joke

BIKERNET RESEARCH ON EUROPEAN REGS THAT MIGHT IMPACK US RIDERS–Recently I was moved by the threads of new European Union regs that might force anti-tampering laws, helmet laws, leg protectors, etc. on American rides. I contacted FEMA and Ian Mutch in England for his thoughts. Here’s his response:

I think these rumours are not ill founded but are based on ideas rather thanconcrete plans. There are people who would like to inhibit the ownersability to take his engine apart because they want to make sure that if abike is constructed to conform to emission regulations then it can’t enjoygreater performance and higher emissions after its owner modifies it. Theoriginal motive for this form of type approval was safety and has its rootsin the French culture of tuning mopeds until they do 50 mph. French teenagerswere totalling themselves after performing this kind of surgery on bikesthat were not constructed to cope with the performance enhancement they weregetting.

The remedy from the EuropeanCommission was to draft a set of design criteria that included sheer bolts(fastners). Sheer bolts were designed to snap in half when an attempt wasmade to undo them – don’t ask me how that works. Thus the teenager whosought to pull his engine apart and modify it would end up with a pile ofuseless shit. The real problem came when the architects of this idea decidedto extend it to all bikes. We lobbied hard on this one and ended up with acompromise whereby only mopeds were subject to the anti tamperingregulations. Since mopeds are by definition, bikes of severely limitedperformance it was hard to argue against this particularly as 14 year oldsin some European countries are permitted to ride them in recognition oftheir low performance.

The concept of anti tampering is a worrying one though and those nowinterested in enforcing stringent emission regulations are becomingconcerned that those levels of emission could be circumvented by outrageousperformance enthusiasts who have the temerity to want to work on their ownengines. To the best of my knowledge there is no definite proposal right nowbut all of these ideas enjoy currency in the forums of the boffins in theresearch departments.


Response from FEMA

Sorry for this delay. Christina forwarded your request to me, and I amafraid there isn’t a website Bandit can be directed to (until we manage tofind the time to properly update the new FEMAwebsite…

You mentioned the possibility of a helmet directive. The Commission isabout to release the proposal for the 3rd Road Safety Action Plan 2002 (yes,they are late)-2010. The reason for this delay is that the issue is verysensitive because of the targets the Commission has declared they want toreach by 2010, namely a 50% reduction in fatalities and serious injuries intransport.

When it comes to motorcyclists they are therefore also focussingon helmet use with awareness campaigns and even considering a Directive onhelmet use, which was by the way already supported in 2000 by the Council ofMinisters and by a resolution of the European Parliament. In practicalterms, we question the contribution this directive might make to safety,since the use of a helmet is already compulsory in all the EU Member Statesaccording to national regulations, and it is a matter of enforcing the law.We have asked the Commission for further information which I will forward toyou as available.

I think there are two subjects of main interest at the moment, one positiveand one negative. The first one is that on the White Paper on TransportPolicy which covers the same 2002-2010 time span FEMA received the supportof the European Parliament for “improved mobility for motorcyclists”. Weplan to use this support to obtain a mention of better infrastructure whenthe Road Safety Action Plan is proposed by the Commission.

The second one,which might actually be of higher interest for the US, is that theCommission is now investigating through TUV the effectiveness ofantitampering measures (when it comes to speed, noise and gas emissions) forsmall motorcycles as contained in Directive 97/24. The aim of the project(which will be finished end of this year) is to assess if these should/willbe extended to mid and large motorcycles in a future amendment of thedirective.

This could have serious implications for the servicing of themachines and the extent to which they could be customised. FEMA is takingpart to the meetings and has been bringing forward points such as costeffectiveness and socio-economic impact assessment (small businesses) and wehave been receiving support from the UK delegation, who is actuallyquestioning the need to extend/tighten antitampering measures.

I hope this is helpful, should Bandit need more information please getback to me.


SALE ON NITROUS KITS–From now until March 16th, we will be offering 10% off MPS Dry Nitrous Kit forFuel Injected Motorcycles. Check it out on our web special page . Just imagine another 20 to 40horsepower in just 2 hours! That’s the reality of our Dry Nitrous Kit ForFuel Injected Motorcycles.

Flip the switch to activate the nitrous and turnyour horn button into a horsepower button. Our kit comes complete with allwiring. Most will plug directly into your stock wire harness.

Dealers, this offerwill get you 10% off your pricing as well. You will need to mention theInternet special to get this sale pricing. Go to our web site and click on the secure order form to order yours today.These purchases will count towards the 2003 contingency purchases, soregister online now!

Click on over to the ever growing instruction areawhile you are surfing. You will find over 50 sets of product instructionsfor MPS, MSD, NOS, Dyna, and Computech products. And as always, enter theTether Kill Switch drawing. Dale Johnson of Red Wing, MN was the luckywinner in February. Congratulations Dale!

–Dan Rudd

subs and beauty sky Buckshot


In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

by John McCrae



from Bob T.

Chuck51 Buckshot

vrod Buckshot

MYSTERY SLEDS–Check out this “under construction” pic and a “Tail Dragger V-Rod! That’s all we know.


son of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Patriot Act and Civil LibertiesHey a chance for more feedback? is your view? In a 400-450 word essay, explain whether the new PatriotAct is a necessary part of life after September 11 or whether it overstepsthe boundaries of privacy invasion. Send your completed essay to NewsHourExtra( Exceptional essays may be published on ourwebsite.

There is a wealth of good information at the following link too:’ Alliance ‘Shocked Beyond Belief’ by TSA DisclosureBy Jeff Congressional Bureau ChiefFebruary 25, 2003Capitol Hill ( – Airline pilots supporting the law that allowsthem to carry guns to defend against potential terrorist hijackings saidMonday they are “shocked beyond belief” that federal aviation securityofficials have publicly revealed weaknesses in the Bush administration’splan to implement the law.

As previously reported, a spokeswoman for the TransportationSecurity Administration (TSA)acknowledged Friday that pilots who participatein the program will only be allowed ready access to their guns when they areinside the cockpit with the door locked.

“The jurisdiction of use of the weapon is in the cockpit and the cockpitonly,” explained TSA spokeswoman Heather Rosenker. “The weapon needs to bere-secured in the locked box if the cockpit door opens.”


In this 2 hour 47 minute video, Ron Covell goes through the process of making two very different motorcycle gas tanks – one steel, and one aluminum.Design, layout, patterning and buck construction are shown in detail. You’ll see annealing hand shaping, welding, and the English Wheel, plus details on leaktesting and rubber mounting. Each step is shown clearly, and it’s easy to follow. The video sells for $60, and it’s available on DVD for $70. (Add$8 for s&h, California residents add local sales tax.)

To order your video send payment to:
Covell Creative Metalworking
106 Airport Boulevard, Ste. 201
Freedom, CA 95019-2752
or call 1-800-747-4631 or 831-768-0705

ETHEL’S WHEELCHAIR TIPS–Ethel was a bit of a demon in her wheelchair, and loved to chargearound the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and gettingup to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman was onesandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerated her, and some ofthe males actually joined in.

One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened andKooky Clarence stepped out with his arm outstretched. “STOP!”, heshouted in a firm voice. “Have you got a license for that thing?”

Ethelfished around in her handbag and pulled out a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up tohim.

“OK” he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall.As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, WeirdHarold popped out in front of her and shouted, “STOP! Have you got proofof insurance?”

Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a drinkcoaster and held it up to him. Harold nodded and said, “Carry on, ma’am.”

As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, CrazyCraig stepped out in front of her, stark naked, holding a very sizableerection in his hand.

“Oh, good grief,” said Ethel, “not the breathalyzer again!

–from Chris T.

Continued On Page 3

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March 6, 2003 Part 1



Daytona 2003 – Spaghetti Wrestling. Photo By Rogue.

I try to learn something every day. I never considered myself much of a writer, so I read books about expanding my vocabularly and about writing styles. Almost weekly I learn something about the new King, welding or building bikes. Once in a while I learn something I don’t want to know.

Yesterday an old school pinstriper came by to stripe my new, almost all black Harley mags. I thought this was going to be a breeze. The spoke area is black and the rims aluminum. I was going to have a stripe run around the edge of the black. The striper, George, of Wild Brush, informed me that you can’t stripe aluminum. It won’t stick but chip off in short order. Well, so much for that plan. On the other hand, he looked at our new Miller MIG welder and told me to clean the brass gas guide. He told me there’s a tool for the process and that if I spray the guide with a sillicon spray it won’t collect slag as readily. He also told me that if I spray an area to be welded with the silicone that slag won’t stick and make weld-cleaning a fasters/easier process.

See, ya can learn something everyday, even if it’s bad news. While I go back to the drawing board, let’s get to the news:


CARLISLE BIKE FEST–Join the Wild Ride at Carlisle Summer Bike FestSecond annual event to be even bigger and better.

CARLISLE, PA – Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes off again with moreactivities, special guests, entertainment and, of course, more bikes! Thesecond annual event takes place July 25-27, 2003, and more than 35,000guests are expected to attend. Carlisle Summer Bike Fest is held inconjunction with Summer Carlisle Cool Car Cruise-In, featuring street rods,customs, classics and muscle cars.

All motorcycle riders are welcome to park on the show field at no extracharge. Just pay the admission fee and ride onto the grounds. Clubs wishingto park together should call Tiffany Moyer at (717) 243-7855, ext. 121.

Special attractions this year include return visits from Chef Biker Billy,who literally “cooks with fire”. Biker Billy’s ( recipes are so hot, theBurpee seed company named a hybrid jalape?o pepper after him. Other guestswill be the Star Boyz stunt riders (, whose insane antics on theirfur-coveredmotorcycles guarantee plenty of oohs and aahs?from the large crowdsthatgather to watch them.

New to the event this year will be a BattleTrax competition ( The BattleTraxcourse lets riders explore handling and braking limits in a safe,challenging environment. All types of motorcycles and all levels of ridingskill – from beginner to expert – can find fun and excitement carving cones on a BattleTrax course. Returning this year, the Observed Trialswill show advanced riding performances.

A special vintage motorcycle display will show fine examples of bikesthroughout history. Riders can find out the horsepower of their bikes onthedyno tester. Smell the rubber burn at the burnout demonstration Saturdayevening. Also that night, see the best-looking female bikers compete forcash prizes in the famous Miss Carlisle beauty contest. Live bands willentertain crowds in between the other attractions. For a break from theheatand the crowds, women can visit the Women’s Oasis to get free manicures andmassages, shop and take part in seminars. Kids? activities are alsoavailable. Try your luck at Basket Bingo for your chance to win greatbaskets.

To finish up the weekend’s excitement, a 2003 Harley-Davidson? FXSTSoftail?Standard will be given away to one lucky ticket holder on Sunday at about 3p.m. No purchase is necessary, but you must be present at the stage to win.

The 2003 edition of the Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes place July 25-27.Gates are open from 7 a.m. to dusk daily. Admission is $5 each day.Introduce kids to the automotive hobby – children 12 and under are admittedfree. For additional information, call the Carlisle Events Hotline at (717)243-7855, or visit There will be no on-groundscamping. For off-site camping or room reservations, call 1(877) 231-ROOM(7666).

Carlisle Events
phone: 717-243-7855, ext. 116


BIKERNET BLAST FROM THE PAST–Saw the referral to Texas Scooter Times. Thought you’d get a grin out of acover I shot back in ’81 at some Kansas drags.

That’s my oldest kid, John, in the background, standing in what was referredto as the starter’s stand. A few runs later Marion Owens grenaded Boss Hogand the kid had to find new digs.

–John Siebenthaler

THREE ROSES– A very sexually active woman tells her plastic surgeon that she wants her vagina lips reduced in size because they were flapping in the breeze.

Out of embarrassment she insisted that the surgery be kept a secret and the surgeon agreed.

Awakening from the anesthesia after the surgery she found three roses carefully placed beside her on the bed. Outraged she immediately calls in the doctor. “I thought I asked you not to tell anyone about my operation!”

The surgeon told her he had carried out her wish for confidentiality and that the first rose was from himself: “I felt sad because you went through this all by yourself.

“The second rose is from my nurse. She assisted me in the surgery and empathized because she had had the same procedure done some time ago.”

“And what about the third rose?” she asked.

“Oh, that rose is from a man upstairs in the burn unit. He wanted to thank you for his new ears!”

–from Bob T.


FROM THE DESK OF SIN–I have a few things I want to go over in this weeks news; one is to explain what?s going on with Chrome Specialties in the Gulch. Chrome Specialties is merging with Custom Chrome and currently in the process of re-vamping their website. Part numbers are being converted so they show up as not available, which is usually not the case. The best thing to do, until they finish this merge, is give us a call to check availability and get the correct crossover part number. Don?t get discouraged; I?m here to help. The phone number to call is 310-521-9900 for assistance.


Click to see more Johnny Suede!

Another thing I want to discuss is sex. Not really? I want to talk about Johnny Suede in the Gulch. In case you haven?t visited his site yet, GO DO IT GODDAMNIT! Show your support for Bikernet?s newest sponsor and you?ll be rewarded with visions of the coolest clothes around.


Click to see more Joker Apparel!

That brings me to my last subject—the Free Contest. Johnny Suede is donating shirts, hats and beanies for our winners. Along with all the other cool stuff I have from Choppahead, Samson Exhaust, Joker Machine Apparel and Straight Pipez, you?d be silly not to enter. I know Layla said in last weeks news she would post all the winners in a Special Report, we still are. Bandit?s a fuckin? slave driver and in his attempt to keep fresh material flowing through the veins of Bikernet, he?s got Layla and me on the run. I promise by the end of this week, you will have your winners list.


Click to see more Straight Pipez!

I want to personally thank all those who have subjected themselves to our questions when entering the contest. Your information is invaluable to us in that it helps us to see what the demographics are, what you ride, and most important, what you like best from Bikernet and what we could offer to make us even better. We love the feedback and want you coming back as a very satisfied customer.

Have a great weekend and remember, you can always email me at


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