I wish I knew what the hell I was doing. Let me run a couple of thought-provoking items past you: Projects, Time and Happiness. Sinwu just read that the happiest people are from a small tribe in Africa. Seems the folks there are smiling constantly because they base their happiness and wealth on education, family and friends. It seems that some of us aren’t as happy because of the competition and drive to have 13 irons in the fire constantly.
I just spoke to a couple of buddies of mine who have fine, productive successful businesses. Are they slowing down? Oh hell no. Kenny Price from Samson just bought the bowling alley in Sturgis. Another partner started a new product line. So what is the definition of success or happiness in this country? And what about time? I’ve often said time becomes more precious than money. Let’s get to the news, I’m in a hurry, too many deadline, bikes to build, real estate to buy, stocks to watch:

BIKERNET HELMET CONTEST–Two more submissions for the helmet contest and I’m gonna run it for one more week. If you’re interested in winning a helmet from www.skullscreamers.com, you better get your submission in soon. Once again, send a photo of the most creative helmet you can come up with and I’ll pick the winner. Email to sinwu@bikernet.com.

Skull Screamers has created a new line of helmets, for those of us who HAVE to wear one, with some pretty wild shit on ’em. Take a look at just a few they’ve come with, and oh, they do have DOT approved. The choices will be between the Barbarian, Wyld Rose (for the ladies) the Wired, the Iron Cross or the Screamin Charlie.

The give-a-ways will be the NON-DOT helmet. The cost to you for the contest is $0.00. Just run enter contest and he’ll ship the winner his or her choice of helmet in their size. Interested? Then get on it damn it!

BIKERNET CITIZENSHIP–Two families move from Saudi Arabia to America. When they arrive, the fathers make each other a rather large bet — in a year’s time, whichever family has become more American will win.
A year later when they meet again, the first guy says, “My son’s playing baseball, I went toMcDonald’s for breakfast, and I’m on my way to pick up some Budweiser for thefootball game tonight. How about you?”
The second guy says, “Fuck you, towel-head!”
–from Dr. Hamster

WANT A NEW PROJECT?–Building your own motorcycle has never been easier. No longer do you have to buy a frame from one manufacturer and the wheels from another – and wonder if all the parts will fit together. Today you can buy a complete rolling chassis or a complete motorcycle from one company.
“How To Build a Kit Bike”, by Tim Remus, explains how to choose the best kit and then assemble those parts into a complete running motorcycle.
Four start-to-finish assembly sequences cover the construction of a Softail from Custom Chrome, a Y2K bike from Arlen and Cory Ness, a right side drive/250 bike from Biker’s Choice, and a soft-tail Chopper kit from American Thunder. Additional chapters cover: Kit selection, Tools, How to Title and Insure the new bike, and Drivetrain selection.
If you own a kit or plan to buy a kit bike, this is the book you need designed to help you turn that pile of parts into your very own, very cool motorcycle.
See bikes built in the shops of: Cory Ness, Kendall Johnson and American Thunder.
Includes: Soft-tail and rubber-mount chassis designed for both left and right side drive, powered by both Evo and TC 88B power.
144 pages, over 300 photos and illustrations (over 50% in color).Price: $24.95 + S&H. This hot tech book is available in the Bikernet Gulch in the Book Store. Just click and rock.
SURREAL SCENE BEHIND PRISON WALLS: A DALI SKETCH DISAPPEARS–On an island inhabited by 14,000 accused criminals, a $250,000 Salvador Dali sketch disappeared during a midnight fire drill, replaced by a fake. And the people responsible were not the inmates, but four prison officials, authorities said.
Last week, a former assistant deputy warden admitted his role in the March 1 robbery at the Rikers Island jail and implicated his co-workers in the role-reversing rip-off. The plot’s alleged mastermind and the two other members of the “Dali gang” are all due in court this month.
Mitchell Hochhauser, 40, claimed the irreplaceable Dali ink and pencil sketch was destroyed by a skittish co-defendant — although his claim is up for debate.
Even the Hochhauser guilty plea produced strange reactions: defense attorney Joseph Tacopina, representing alleged ringleader Benny Nuzzo, was just as pleased as the prosecution.
“This is a classic example of a witness with a motive to implicate another person,” Tacopina said a day later.
According to Hochhauser, the plot was conceived in “The Bodega” — a snackroom used by the guards. He says Nuzzo’s proposal initially elicited laughter, and with good reason.
The sketch depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a jailhouse fixture since 1965, when the self-promoting artist with the sprawling mustache planned a visit. Dali instead called in sick, sending a note that promised “a wonderful gift for the prisoners.”
–from Rogue

THREE-D FLAMES NOW AVAILABLE–This is the bike called BLADE and a sample of 3D flames that we carve onframes and the down tubes, we also do them in many different images.
“My company can do all your bikes in 3D hand carved images.I can 3D your frame gas and oil tanks even the handle bars. All of one 3D can be chromed and we are now working on 3D Drag pipes. I found some composites that can go to 5000%.”
–Steve Parker
THE JANKLOW PAPERS CONTINUE–Memories of Randy Scott and the August 16th crash involving Congressman Bill Janklow evoke a range of emotions for his family and friends…and also complete strangers. They all know the fate of Janklow is still up in the air. But, what they would like to see happen to the Congressman is very different from what they expect.
Congressman Bill Janklow has long had friends and foes. Some would say it’s a part of the job as a politician. But others say, it’s a character issue for Janklow himself. And his car crash involving motorcyclist Randy Scott could be his ultimate downfall.
“Fact is…that he did what he did. He ran a stop sign. He killed somebody,” said Jeff Vanderbrink, a Luverne, Minnesota resident.
The facts of the case anger Del Jessen, a Sioux Falls resident: “I have no respect for somebody that can’t at least stand up and accept responsibility for doing something as stupid and as thoughtless as what happened out there. He hasn’t done that. I don’t imagine that he ever will do that. And that’s…wrong.”
All the apologies in the world won’t bring Randy back to the Scott family. And that’s why so many want justice when it comes to Janklow. “Just because he’s a politician, the laws apply to him too. All I know is that somebody needs to pay for this,” said Karen Mundus, a Spencer, Iowa resident.
Jessen agrees: “People say it’s an accident. Yeah, it’s an accident and it’s a tragedy. It’s a terrible tragedy. But, this thing should never have happened.” Janklow’s fate and whether this case will go to trial remains to be seen.
“Everybody wants a justice you know. A justice that you and I would get,” said Norm Stahl, of Brandon. But, despite these high hopes, many feel less than optimistic given who’s involved.
“Cause it’s Janklow and I’ve heard he’s been in trouble before…been let off,” Vanderbrink said.
Luverne, Minnesota resident Tammy DeSplinter agrees: “Because it’s Janklow and Janklow has a lot of power. And, it’s gonna be just brushed away somehow.”
Obviously this is just one side to the story and not everyone feels this way. But the people that did talk to KSFY said they want to see Janklow resign and serve some amount of jail time. If Janklow’s case does go to trial, it will start December first.
–By Kit Werbe
–from Rogue
BUBBA REPORT– One day, two rednecks named Bubba and Earl were driving down the road,drinking a couple of Buds.
The passenger, Bubba, said, “Lookey thar up aheadEarl, it’s a po-leece roadblock! We’re gonna get busted fer drinkin’ thesehere beers!”
“Don’t worry Bubba, ” Earl said. “We’ll just pull over and finishdrinkin’these beers, peel off the label and stick it on our foreheads, thenthrow the bottles under the seat.”
“What fer?” asked Bubba.
“Just let me do the talkin’, okay?” said Earl.
They finished their beers, threw the empty bottles under the seat andslapped the labels on their foreheads.
When they reached the roadblock, the sheriff said, “Have you boys beendrinking?”
“No sir, ” said Earl, “We’re on the patch.”
–from Rogue

CUSTOM CHROME SHOW REPORT–It was good to see you at the Custom Chrome show. I always enjoy talking to you and getting your view on things. I thought I would give you a mini report on the rest of the weekend and show since you had to leave early.
Saturday night CCI presented Arlen Ness with a lifetime achievement award. The panel of speakers included Dave Perewitz, Barry Cooney, Paul Yaffe and Arlen’s family to name a few. A lot of old posters of Arlen and his bikes he has built over the years were unveiled and with each it was like going back in time. It was a well deserved award for Arlen. He is one of the big reasons the custom motorcyle industry is what it is today. If you have ever had the pleasure to meet Arlen, you will find he is one good, down-to-earth brothers. There is always time for a picture, a handshake or just to talk. Congratulations again, Arlen!
As for the show, there are a lot of cool products in the new CCI catalog. All of the builders there brought out some heavy hitting iron. Indian Larry and Paul Yaffe had their Discovery channel bikes there. The crowd went wild Saturday night when Paul lit up the sky throwing flames 5 to 6 feet long out of the exhaust. It was something to see! For me some of the cleanest and most street worthy bikes were from BMC(Big Mike’s Choppers). The bikes are clean and simple and built solid.
Saturday afternoon, “THE MEANEST” and I headed out to Hollister and visited “Johnny’s Bar”. This is where the Brando movie the Wild One came from. It was neat to see an original Life magazine cover, covering the July 4th 1947 event that went down in history as the event that started it all.
Sunday, we headed to Monterey to take in the sights. I have to say it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The scenery is amazing with the boats and the sea lions and sea otters everywhere. One of the coolest things I saw was a guy with and organ grinder and a monkey. I have seen this on T.V. in old movies before but never in person. Let me tell you that monkey is amazing with the tricks he does!
I guess that is about it. I would like to thank everyone at Custom Chrome for a great weekend and show and especially to my account rep Mr. Larry for all he does.
–Mike Pullin
Charlotte H-D
Continued On Page 2