Continued From Page 3

WELD INTRODUCES NEW WHEEL SIZES–Kansas City, MO- Weld Racing Motorcycle recently announced the addition of 3 new wheel designs for their “Flare Series.” The first wheel in the “Flare Series” was the Forged wire which has received “rave reviews” from builders and dealers alike.
The wheels pictured here are the Blue Max, Korona and the Razr-3, all featuring a unique built-in hub. The integrated hub greatly reduces the run out in the wheel, reduces weight and allows the design to continue onto the hub face of the actual patent pending wheel itself.
The “Flare Series” wheels will have much more dimension to them and will appear to have a 3D effect. All the “flare series” front wheels have an integrated hub and the rears are either pulley/hub or driveside. You must use Weld’s rotors and pulleys on this series of wheels.
These new wheels come in the following sizes: 18″ x 10″, 18″ x 8.5″, 18″ x 5″, 18″ x 3.5″, 21″ x 3.25″ and 21″ x 2.15″ and are currently available at dealers nationwide. Watch for additional “flare series” wheel designs along with the introduction of two-piece rotors. Weld is also adding 17″ x 6 _” wheels and the “reintroduction” of the 18″ x 4″ to accommodate the larger tire sizes that Harley-Davidson is now offering with their new models.

Weld Racing’s Motorcycle Division recently announced the addition of 2 new products to round out their billet line of brakes. Weld’s new patent pending Pulley/Rotor Brake System incorporates a state-of-the-art heat resistant coating found on the inside of the rotor ring, where it connects to the pulley, not on the braking surface, in order to bleed heat away from the drive belt. Weld also found that by using this hi-tech coating, the brake pedal pulsation commonly associated with similar competitor’s products is completely eliminated or greatly reduced, giving you smoother, constant “stopping power.” The Pulley Brake is available in both 65 and 70 tooth, narrow (1 1/8″) and wide (1 _”) configurations.
Mark Finnie, Vice President and GM of Weld’s Motorcycle Division has been the driving force behind the expansion of their brake line. Mark Finnie stated, “We have always been an innovator in everything that we design and manufacture and our new Pulley/Rotor Brake System is no exception. We tested every type of coating available to make our new Pulley Brake setup superior to others.” “The pulley/rotor can be ordered separately, or as a complete system including the caliper and the bracket with the pulley designed to match the wheel, in left or right drive side,” Finnie added.
The complete system comes with the pulley with the attached brake rotor rings, pulley mounting hardware, pulley/brake bracket, anchor rod (with hardware), centering spacer and weld-on tab. (Brake line not included) The complete system retails for $1344 in polished and $1495 in chrome.

Weld has also introduced their new Driveside Brake System that tucks the brake rotor behind the pulley for a clean, custom look and will fit on stock Harley-Davidson Softail bikes with a very few minor modification and is perfect for all custom applications. This brake system is available for 65 and 70 tooth pulleys, both wide (1 _”) and narrow (1 1/8″) configurations. This totally new and unique brake system was specifically designed to work exclusively with Weld wheels, rotors and brake calipers. This system comes complete with caliper, driveside bracket, weld on tabs, centering spacer and all related hardware. (Brake line not included) and is available for left or right side drive fitments. The complete system retails for $649 in polished and $699 in chrome.
Please call 866-753-4289 to receive Weld Racing Motorcycle’s ’05 catalog featuring their complete line of wheels, rotors, pulleys, sprockets, billet calipers and apparel or visit www.weldmotorcycle on the internet. Weld Motorcycle, 6600 Stadium Drive, Kansas City, Mo. 64129

BIKERNET HISTORIC DEPARTMENT STUDY– The two most important events in all of history were theinvention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was inventedto get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization,and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into twodistinct subgroups: Liberals and Conservatives.
Once beer was discovered it required grain, and that was thebeginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can wasinvented yet, so while our early human ancestors were sitting aroundwaiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery.That’s how villages were form! ed.
Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ atnight while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what isknown as the Conservative movement. Other men who were weaker and lessskilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing upfor the nightly BBQ and doing the sewing, fetching and hair dressing.This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.
Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The restbecame known as girliemen. Some noteworthy liberal achievements includethe domestication of cats, the trade union, the invention of grouptherapy and group hugs, and the concept of Democratic voting to decidehow to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided.
Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by thelargest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals aresymbolized by the jackass. Modern liberals like imported beer (with limeadded), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eatraw fish, but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food arestandard liberal fare. Another evolutionary side note: most of theirwomen have higher testosterone levels than their men.
Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists,dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals. Liberalsinvented the designated hitter rule in baseball, because it wasn’t fairto make the pitcher also bat. Conservatives drink domestic beer. They eatred meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are rodeocowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, medical doctors, policeofficers, corporate executives, soldiers, athletes, and generally anyonewho works productively outside government. Conservatives who owncompanies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.
Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern theproducers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believethat Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most ofthe liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming toAmerica. The liberals crept in after the Wild West was tamed, and createda business of trying to get MORE for nothing.
And you thought history was boring!
–from Bob Clark

CRYPT CUSTOM DELIVERS NEW DEADLY MIRRORS–The Crypt Custom Cycles of Opelika, AL is proud to offer their new highly detailed skeleton hand mirrors. These mirrors are available in chrome or satin finish and feature a fully adjustable mirror glass. Call for custom finishes. The detail on these blows away anything on the market.
More exciting new parts will be available soon, so check out often. With full machining and metal casting capabilities, The Crypt can create custom parts from customer’s ideas to incorporate into any stock or custom bike.
Ride Out Of The Box.
For more information call John at 334-705-0283 or email

MAN ACCUSED OF FORGERY–A 22-year-old man was arrested yesterday in connection with a Aug. 9 incident in which a 24-year-old man reported that one of his personal checks was stolen from the mail.
Police believe the younger man forged the check and gave it to a transvestite prostitute in Wahiawa for services rendered.
The suspect was arrested about 9:30 p.m. yesterday for suspicion of second-degree forgery.
–from Chris T.
ARTBIKER.COM SITE UPDATE–We have just completed a major site update at andhope you will have a chance to stop by and check it out.
Just afew quick notes, Matthew Linton’s artwork is currently showcased inthe International Journal of Motorcycle Studies and he will begiving a lecture on his artwork during the Popular Culture andAmerican Culture Association’s National Conference in Atlanta,Georgia.
ArtBiker is also discussing two solo exhibitions south ofthe border and he has the opportunity to photograph MCs fromPuebla, Mexico. Anyone with contacts down south is asked to dropus a note.
THREE FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY PROPOSALS PRESENTED TO GOVERNOR JEB BUSH–1. Increase the required insurance for non-helmeted riders from $10,000 to $50,000
2. Require all motorcycle riders to take the Motorcycle Safety Course to obtain a Motorcycle Endorsement on their driver’s license.
3. Require a special-colored license plate for all riders under the age of 21.
I am personally against all 3 and will be working to see that they do not become law. Motorcycle Rides can help by notifying their Motorcycle Rights Organizations and Elected Officials that they are against these laws.
Ride Free
— Rogue

CUSTOM CHROME UNIVERSAL FENDERS, FENDER BRACKETS AND STRUTS–Universal fenders in three lengths with matching fender brackets and fender struts. Now you can create your own custom rear fender to match your rear wheel. To mount the fender, choose the matching wide bracket and the correct length of fender struts (sold separately).
88342 Fender 83/4″-wide (220mm), long versio $175.95
88343 Fender 83/4″-wide (220mm), medium version $145.95
88344 Fender 83/4″-wide (220mm), short version $125.95
88312 Fender 103/4″-wide (270mm), long version $175.95
88313 Fender 103/4″-wide (270mm), medium version $145.95
88314 Fender 103/4″-wide (270mm), short version $125.95
88389 Fender 111/8″-wide (280mm), long version $175.95
88390 Fender 111/8″-wide (280mm), medium version $145.95
88391 Fender 111/8″-wide (280mm), short version $125.95
88324 Fender struts, long $49.95
88325 Fender struts, medium $39.95
88326 Fender struts, short $32.95
88327 Fender mounting bracket 83/4″-wide (220mm) $55.95
88328 Fender mounting bracket 103/4″ to 111/8″-wide (270 to 280mm)$55.95

Dealer Locator 800-729-3332 or

BIKERNET WHITEHOUSE INSIDER REPORT–Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. During thebrief, he says “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.”
“SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!”
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching asthe President sits, head in hands.Finally, the president looks up and asks, “How many’s a brazillion?”
–from Jester

WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN EXCLUSIVE LAS VEGAS SCREENING–In cooperation with AMA/Prostar, and Magnolia Pictures, USRider News will present an exclusive motorcycle industry screening of the movie THE WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN, starring academy award winner Anthony Hopkins, November 19th at 8:30pm in the Brenden Theater inside the Palm Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada.
Sylvia Cochran, President of USRider News said the screening was timed to coincide with the annual AMA Amateur Awards Banquets and the Big Twin West motorcycle trade show set for that same weekend.
Magnolia Pictures spokesman Jeff Rechert said, “We’re very excited to be working with AMA/Prostar and USRider News to bring THE WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN directly to the motorcycle industry and enthusiasts” Rechert also said that the official release date for the general public is late January and this screening will be one of the first opportunities the motorcycle industry and a few lucky enthusiasts will have to view the film.
There is only one showing at 8:30 pm and seating is limited. FREE tickets will be provided on a first come first serve basis.. To request your free ticket, contact Sylvia Cochran at USRider News at 478-237-3761 or email mailto:

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE– A man picks up a young woman in a bar and convinces her to come back to his hotel. When they are relaxing afterwards, he asks, “Am I the first man you ever made love to?”
She looks at him thoughtfully for a second before replying. “You might be, ” she says. “Your face looks familiar.”
–from Chris T.

DOUG KEIM ON THE UP AND UP–Doug Keim Creative Cycles (DKCC) serves up another Cool School creation in the form of The Cheater. Brought to you in collaboration with Russ Bailey Full Bore Designs, this is yet another DKCC-quality custom-priced just right.
The Cheater has a 2-inch backbone stretch with a 34-degree neck angle to allow the Springer front end to work properly. A steel 4.0-gallon chopper unit makes up the gas tank. The RevTech 88-inch engine backed by a 6-speed tranny is cradled in an American-made Softail frame, as are all Cool School motorcycles.
The Cheaters’ wheels are billet aluminum and powdercoated black, housed out back by your choice of either a Metzeler 240 or Avon 250 series tire. Up front, tire and wheel are a 21-incher. With stats like these, you are only cheating yourself not to own one.
For more information, contact: Doug Keim Creative Cycles, (732) 751-1403, Please note: DKCC is always improving the performance, comfort, convenience, and reliability of its products. Therefore, some specs may change without notice. THAT’S A WRAP–Another hot week of happening news. This industry is cooking. Watch over the next couple of days for more Bikernet bike features and an article from a Bikernet reader, Jeremy, on installing highbars on a late model Sportster. We’ve also just received another “My First Harley” addition. They’re always sharp, passionate memories. Here’s the news tops. We now have several new Bikernet sponsors, I’m proud to report: Accurate Engineering, Lucky Devil Metal Works, Sucker Punch Sally’s and Saxon Motorcycles. Several also annied up to become sponsors of the Bikernet La Carrera Panamericana Race, in our stinkin’ ’53 Lincoln across Mexico. Our sponsors include, natch, Golf Pros, Accurate Engineering, Saxon Motorcycles, Rebar Engineering and Horse Power Marketing. Next week we roll to Mexico in Black Protech flame suits in an un-airconditioned Capri, with Berry Wardlaw, our technical wizard locked in the trunk. “Ya gotta leave the trunk cracked so I can breathe,” Berry said. I’ll take some shots of the car with sponsor stickers before we roll out of town. Can’t thank the sponsors enough. This weekend I’ll be out of touch, in Richmond Virginia at the Departure Bike Works 33rd anniversary party. “It’s the dry run for the 35th,” Lee said today. Randy Simpson will be there from Milwaukee iron, talking about his tribute Halloween party for Gary. We’ll have a helluva time and I’ll have a box of books to sign, if you don’t have a copy of Sam “Chopper” Orwell. That’s it. Have a terrific weekend. Ride Forever, –Bandit