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LUCKY DEVIL HIGHLIGHT–This is a shot by Darryl Briggs of a recent Lucky Devil Metal Works creation. Don’t miss them at the Lone Star Rally, November 4-5. It’s sponsored by
FLORIDA HURRICANE MOTORCYCLE VACATIONS– Miami, Florida – Motorcycle Vacations of Florida release 2005 / 2006 schedule with “Alligator/Key West Run” anchoring their program — With alligators, black bear and panther on the back roads of the Everglades — the highway through the sea to Key West — riders get a taste of both unforgettable back roads and scenic water front riding in one trip.
For those who can’t quite get enough out of the weekday bike nights, local week end gatherings, Sunday morning breakfast runs, annual highway treks to Bike Week or cold winter months without a ride; Motorcycle Vacations, Inc. has put together 2-part “affordable” Vacation packages; giving all a taste of the back roads and unobstructed ocean front riding of Florida.
One sometimes has trouble finding the right words to describe the contented feeling riders have after a day on the road. It’s a state of euphoria that is almost beyond description. You’ve been caught by surprise several times during the day as you witnessed animals and reptiles that unexpectedly crossed your path like scenes out of a magazine or movie. You’ve just wound your way through the Everglades where alligators sat 15 yards away on both sides of the road basking in the sunlight. And now you are sitting quietly and content with a full belly after dinner, a final cocktail for the night, a good cigar and new friends. Ahhh, life is good! Does it get any better?
Additional trips will be added to the schedule including rides through cattle country, over the glacier formed orange grove “ridge area”, up the unobstructed east coast, above the Indian River and Atlantic Ocean and along the long and winding roads of Mount Dora.
As we like to say: De-plane, feel the sunshine, twist the throttle and leave the rest to Motorcycle Vacations; good food, good people, comfortable accommodations, and the best kept riding roads in south Florida!
The Motorcycle Vacations touring schedule can be viewed at our website:

The Texas Bike Show dates have been changed, as a result of Hurricane Rita. Please click on their banner for updated information.
BIKERNET NEWS BREAK–Boss asks secretary “Do you know what the difference is betweena Caesar Salad and a blowjob?”
“No”, says the secretary.
“Great, Let’s do lunch.” the boss says
–from Jester
FIGHT OVER FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE TRAINING–, FL – At the intersection of midlife crisis and high gas prices, balding bikers can get hurt.That’s one reason the state wants all motorcycle drivers to take a special safety course. It isn’t just for youngsters anymore.
Another factor is the boom in bike sales and use in recent years. A lobbyist for an organization of 7,000 motorcycle enthusiasts said that, when they have the choice, a lot of people who own a car and a motorcycle will take the one that gets 50 miles a gallon or more.
“My theory is that a lot of folks are getting out there, 50 years old, and buying their first motorcycle – and it’s the big boy,” Fred Dickinson, director of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, said at a recent Cabinet meeting. He said “we all grew up on” much smaller motorcycles.
The department said the number of motorcycles registered in Florida rose from 445,896 in fiscal 2003-04 to 498,968 in the year that ended June 30. It estimated that more than 465,000 are registered so far this year, a pace likely to surpass last year’s mark.And there are often two or more riders to a bike.
“There’s a phenomenal increase,” Gov. Jeb Bush told Dickinson. “I think it’s 80 percent in three years’ time.”The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has charted a rapid increase in motorcyclist fatalities since Florida repealed its mandatory helmet law in 2000. There were 933 bikers killed in Florida over the past three years, compared to 515 between 1997 and 1999.
James “Doc” Reichenbach, president of ABATE Florida, said the riders’ lobbying group supports the safety training requirement but believes the figures are misleading. He agreed with Bush and Dickinson, who said the NHTSA study didn’t take into account the vast increase in ridership – and Reichenbach added that cyclists weren’t at fault in a lot of car-motorcycle collisions.
The department’s legislative package for 2006 includes a requirement that motorists who add the motorcycle endorsement to their licenses take a state-approved safety course. Dickinson said a typical 15-hour course, offered at 49 locations around the state, costs about $190 to $300.”This is a gut reaction to the NHTSA report that came out,” Reichenbach said.
Dickinson’s office said there are nearly 750,000 licensed motorcycle operators in the state. They would be “grandfathered in,” not required to take the safety course.”The bottom line is that nobody (since 2002) has been killed on the highways of Florida that graduated from this course,” he said.
During a break from the weekend class he teaches in Jefferson County, Al Wofford fired up his “Boss Hoss” motorcycle – a specialized monster with a 385-hp Chevrolet engine – and said safety is mostly in the mind. He said that “92 percent of motorcycle crashes occur among self-taught riders” and that the biggest cause of single-bike crashes is “failure to negotiate a turn properly.”
Wofford is a Florida Highway Patrol captain who has been training motorcycle cops for 23 years. He also has taught civilians for the past six years and said rider visibility is something all motorists need to learn.”In 31 years of law enforcement, I must have heard 1,000 drivers tell me they didn’t see a motorcycle,” said Wofford. “They look right at you and don’t see you.Except for single motorcycle crashes, Wofford said, he generally believes that cyclists get a bum rap on safety.
“I’ve never seen somebody applying makeup or searching for a CD or reading the newspaper while driving a motorcycle,” he said.”The amazing thing about this course is, I’m a better car driver,” said Ralph Haben, a prominent lobbyist who said he returns to Wofford’s school occasionally for an advanced “experienced rider course.”
Reichenbach said taking a safety course specially tailored to motorcycling “is a great idea.” But if the state wants to require it, he said, there should be standardized fees and course content.
“There has to be a set, fair fee,” Reichenbach said. “They ought to make it affordable.”Melissa Savage, a research analyst for the National Conference of State Legislatures, said 47 states have motorcycle safety courses but only six mandate them for all motorcycle riders.
NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL–NHTSA Meeting, Jay Jackson and I attended a NHTSA motorcycle safety networkmeeting last week. This is the second in an ongoing series of meetings. Alsoin attendance were, Harley Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, AMA, MSF lots ofgovernment folks and state motorcycle administrator’s rep.
The meeting was actuallyvery productive, focusing on impaired riding. The dialogue is open and honest, noreal solutions but open still the same. There was also lots of talk aboutour grant program and the advisory council. I found it kind of interesting thatthe same group of people who in May said “they could not support the grantprogram” were now heralding it as one of the best parts of the highway bill. At leastthey take us very seriously now that we have shown our teeth.
The meetings are scheduled quarterly and I hope they open up the lines ofcommunication. NHTSA has been trying to save motorcyclists lives for yearson their own and to no avail, I see this as them swallowing their pride andasking us for help. They seem genuinely engaged on the issue and want to reducefatalities just like we do.
Other topics included a braking study on ABS vs. traditional that NHTSA did.ABS was shown to be more reliable in different weather, weight and roadconditions. duh! NHTSA also reported on the Florida repeal study and another study to bedone in Louisiana on the reinstatement study and that will be all for helmetstudies after that. They finally got the message I guess, keep their nosesout of states rights. They are also attempting a motorcycle character study andhave asked the MRF to assist with this. If you have any issues that youwould like me to raise at the next meeting, just let me know and Ill be glad to doso. The next meeting is scheduled for January.
Things on the Hill are very slow these days. Next week the House is insession for one day (Thursday) and then both chambers are taking a week off for theColumbus Day recess period. Please check in with your federal electedofficials to determine if they are having any town hall meetings or open events thatyou can attend. If they are let me know so we can get the word out. Many memberswill be going into “mail jail” depending on the state election law. MailJail is simply a period of time where the incumbent cannot use the frankingprivilege (otherwise know as free mail) to level the playing field for theopponent. Members typically send out district wide mailings to notify everyperson of an event or just to let them know what is happening. Essentiallyits free publicity, a standard district wide newsletter can cost the federalgovernment over $50,000.00 per mailing saving the cash strapped campaigns alot of money. The point is that the ban on franked mail is approaching many andsome are already in the ban. To that end the Columbus Day recess period is apopular time to hold town halls.
HIPAA,Please push your states to get on the ball call your House and Senatemembers of congress to ask for co sponsorship. The committee is not acting very quicklyand we need more co sponsors. The House bill is HR 2793 and the Senate is S 577.If we want to see action this congress we must get more co sponsors. Keep upthe great work. It was awesome to see most of you at the Reps lunch at MOTMFeel free to call me anytime with questions, answers or just to chew the fat.
–from Rogue

CLUB COLORS OKAY AT THE WHITE HOUSE, BUT NOT AT THE IRON HORSE SALOON– While Motorcycle Club Colors may not be welcome at many places in this country, especially in Daytona Beach, it was GREAT to see they were welcomed at the White House! We can only hope someday the “color-friendly” attitude shown by the White House will eventually extend across the country. The picture was taken in the White House Press Room during Rolling Thunder over Memorial Day Weekend in our Nation’s Capital. Pictured are Diver, US Military Vets MC National Treasurer and Red, USMV MC Oklahoma State President.
Lookin’ at this picture, I had to ask myself, “If President Bush showed up at one ofthe “non-friendly” Daytona establishments wearing a set of these Colors would he beturned away? (Asking that question about Kerry would be impossible – he would neverget accepted as a probate to the USMVMC, much less earn Colors. (No integrity, nocharacter, no understanding of Brotherhood and definitely no loyalty to his fellow Vets.That became apparent the day I showed up at one of our events with fifty “Viet NamVeterans against John Kerry” bumper stickers and was mobbed by my Brothers. Everyone wanted one. I could easily have given out a hundred of ’em. I guess that tells you something about how most Vets feel about this “candidate.”)
I never cease to be amazed at the attitude most of the establishments on Main Street in Daytona, as well as some of the “world renowned” places north of Daytona, show to a biker flyin’ Club Colors. In most establishments this policy has even extended to HOG, CMA, and even the ‘Bad Bones’ patch anyone with $20 can buy from a vendor. WHY?
What can I say? Support those that support Bikers and Bikers’ causes. They’re the ones that’ll be there for you if you need them. They’re easy to find, too. Just page through this rag? they’re makin’ sure you keep getting DBI for free! They’re there for us all the time.Here’s a list of them (only those that advertise in DBI): –from Rogue AUSTRALIAN RACE REPORT– Raced the old pan last Saturday night and had a ball. Stinking hot day – made me wonder about the sanity of drag racers. Format was Chicago shootout – pan went 13.3 at 98 during qualifying. Dialed in at 13.3 for round one, cut a good light, wheel stood backed off and run off my dial in 13.7. Next round red lighted. Third race cut a perfect light .000 (.400) but lost with a break out. However track offers $200 for a perfect light during racing so didn’t go home empty handed. I’ll scan the time cards in and send over. No place you can hide a delay box on a suicide-clutch, jockey shifted pan. President of the Rebels MC rang today and asked if I’d judge the car and bike show coming up this Saturday. Had to say yes but that means no chance of me picking up a trophy. I’ll still polish the pan and enter it in the show. Really gifted painter coming up “Little Mick” who does fantastic biker art. I’ll take some pics and send over. Saturday after is the all bike meet and the drag club rang up and asked if I’d scrutineer the bikes. Can’t say no – means I’ve got to be out of bed at sparrow fart. The president of the local HOG chapter asked if I’d coach some of the club members on the lights, staging, etc. E-mailed the HOG club last night and offered drag racing coaching lessons if any of their members want to come out to a test and tune on Friday night. There’s about 100 members locally and Palmyra DC offers a special bracket for the HOG racers. Really good prize money and trophies but for some reason not many of them come out to race which is pretty disappointing. That’s it from Down under — Bob Kotmel If you were down the block here, I’d take you up on the drag racing training. Would enjoy the experience.–Bandit PREVIEW NEW SPADE VERTICAL SIDEMOUNT CYRIL HUZE CREATION– A cool new light from Cyril to complete your bike with the chopper/bobber attitude.This stylish taglight incorporates a very bright L.E.D. with 2 brightness levels for run & brake lights. Kit includes frame, backing plate and all necessary hardware. Wire track is hidden for a very clean look. Superb machining out of 6061-T6 billet aluminum and beautifully chrome plated. 12 different brackets are available. Pick the one corresponding to the installation you prefer (Available October 10). Order Online
Cyril Huze Custom Inc.
Tel: 561-392-5557

SATURDAYOCTOBER 8,2005MONTICELLO, MSWANILLA WATER PARK– POKER RUN…….Everyone is to meet at Duncan’s Chevron at the intersection of Hwy 84 & 27 in Monticello @ 1:00pm First and last card will be drawn at this point. The ride will last a couple of hours and there will be a little time to kill between activities. This will allow you time to rest up and grab a bite to eat before the bond fire and the band getting ready to play!
For anyone interested in attending the meeting for the Dixie Rollers, we will meet at the Wanilla Water Park @ 6:00 for our meeting and the band will begin around dark. We have set a date for the presentation of the check from our July rally to the Wahabi Shriners and need to discuss other upcoming events. Anyone interested in coming that has never been to a meeting is more than welcome to come and see what we are all about, we love to see new faces. For more information call Leigh Ann @ 601-587-4870
Due to Hurricane Katrina and Rita the Atwood Water Park is closed and this event will be held at the Wanilla Water Park approximately 10 miles north of Monticello just off Hwy 27.
For those of you unfamiliar with the area: Take Hwy 27 N at the Hwy 84 & 27 intersection which is where the poker run will begin earlier in the day, go North approximately 10 miles to the Sontag – Wanilla crossing, cross the railroad tracks and take an immediate right. Follow road around curves to stop sign and go left about 1 1/2 miles and the park will be on your right.
Proceeds from the days events will go to the Kid’s Kampus for the purchase of playground equipment for the new play area just south of town. Show your support for the area children and lets help them get the equipment needed to finish their playground.

BIKERNET BLACK MARKET NOW HAS HAND-TOOLED LEATHER!!!–Van Den Berg AKA – Van The Man hand-tools leather better than ANY I’ve ever seen and you can purchase his works-of-art here, now. Large wallets, small wallets, day keepers, CD holders and more. Go see for yourself! while you’re there, check out our clearance Bikernet t-shirts and Hawaiian print shirts. Limited sizes and when they’re gone, they’re gone. Priced to sell…

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