I want to allow the military to perform their jobs with our support and be proud and supportive of the manner in which our government is handling these strikes. But the media continues to second guess every move, and question each tactic. Are they questioning the Taliban, interviewing women who have been tortured, or asking the Afghan people about the danger that useless attacks have brought to their lands by Osama? Nope.

Well our ABATE party went well! More to come …–Helen W.
Seems to me that the Taliban have declared war on us and attacked our civilians, not visa versa. Okay, goddamnit let’s get to the parties Halloween night, the naked women, the flickering lights on the porches and the real reasons we fight for freedom and the American way. Let’s get to the news:
HOW WILL YOU TAKE IT?–The Gentleman emerged from the bathroom naked and wasclimbing into bed when his?lady complained, “I have a headache.”
“Perfect”?the Gentleman?said. “I was just in the bathroompowdering my penis with aspirin. You can take it orallyor as a suppository,… it’s up to you!” ????????????????????
–from Rogue
THE BUDWEISER REPORT– How Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on 11th September, 2001…..
Thought you’d like to know what happened in a little town north of Bakersfield, California.
On September 11th, a Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a California town named McFarland. He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York when he entered the business tofind two Arabs whooping and hollering to show their approval and support of this treacherous attack. It was obvious they were elated with what had happened earlier.
The Budweiser employee went to his truck, called his boss and told himof the very upsetting event. He didn’t feel he could be in that store with those horrible people.
His boss asked him, “Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item our beverage company sells there? We’ll never deliver to them again.”
The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face.He told them never to bother to call for a delivery again.
–from Rogue

LAS VEGAS GUGGENHEIM NEWS–The Bikernet Undercover Motorcycling Correspondent Helen Wolf talked herself into the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas Guggenheim motorcycle display. These are just a few of her artistic shots inside the austere display. If you happen to roll into Vegas in the near future, don’t miss it, especially some of the first motorcycles ever made.
Helen’s array of photographs will be on display in the Cantina.
WINO JOE SUMMARY–Mr.YR & Crew, y’all can read what I’ve said’bout The War on Bandit’s Bandit is Keith Ball; he was the main-man under LouKimzey at Easyriders. Even though he was HA, he & I are pals & we workwell together. There are a few “Red & White” I have known for years & wedo respect each other. I’ll be 60 years old in 4 months, I don’t needany new enemies. The World has to work together on this shit. All Bikersshould communicate with each other. These terrorist could be on yourstreet. Y’all know what ta do with’em. America ain’t perfect, but ourpeople try to help others when we can. But don’t fuck with US. We can beBAD. I volunteered to open mail at work & will donate blood. I havenever seen this Country be so committed since WWII. Flags fly all over,even at the Mexican taco joint down the street. Please send this to allBikers. “USA Forever”. Ride On! Wino Joe,USA After The War we can get back’ta fuckin’with each other:) But for now,let’s Ride Together. FUCKIN’ WITH EACH OTHER NEWS–Hells Angels and Vagos went to blows last weekend at Orange County, California swapmeet. During the peaceful swapmeet approximately 40 Vagos stormed the gate and the Hells Angels’ booth manned by 8 members. A battle commenced and it took 15 minutes for the fight to be halted. Several members of the Vagos were hospitalized. –Steve B. The above was reported by someone who witnessed the fight. He is not club affiliated. I confirmed it with him this morning. I have also received reports from other bikers who were there, who do not agree with the above. Out of respect to them their accounts are published in the “Your Shot” area. THE TRUCK DRIVER REPORT– There was a little boy sitting on the curb in front of hishouse. In one hand he held a package of M&Ms and in the other a cat. Well,thenosey neighbor across the street noticed him sitting there on thecurb, and wondered what he was doing. Closer observation of the little boy brought shock at the sight. Little Bobby would put an M&M in hismouth, bitethe cat on the butt, and then scoot down the curb a little bit. Theneighbor stared with wonder as little Bobby kept doing the same thingover and over again. He would put an M&M in his mouth, then bite the cat on the butt, and proceed to scoot down the curb a little further each time. The neighbor, now growing more concerned, started to walk towards little Bobby. When the neighbor reached little Bobby he said, “What are you doing there little Bobby?” Bobby said, with a shrug. “Oh. Just playing Truck Driver.” “Truck Driver?” asked the neighbor in perplexity. “Yes,” Bobby answered quite casually. “I’m poppin’ pills, eatin’ pussy, and movin’ on down the road.” EUROPEAN VACATION WITHOUT THE GRISWOLDS– Jean-Claude Chamaa of Burbank, Calif., was recently named the grand prize winner of the “World on a Harley” contest sponsored by Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals & Tours. Chamaa will soon feel the rumble of American iron as he and a guest cruise Europe on a Harley-Davidson, as part of their dream European vacation.?? The “World on a Harley” contest helped mark the launch of Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals & Tours in several European markets. The program is the only motorcycle rentals and tours program backed by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Now anyone with a valid motorcycle license and a major credit card who possesses the skills, knowledge and ability to operate a heavyweight motorcycle and meets the minimum age requirements (varies by location) can enjoy the official Harley-Davidson renting or touring experience. As the grand-prize winner, Chamaa and a guest will receive the use of an official Harley-Davidson Authorized Rental motorcycle during a guided Authorized Tour, including round trip airfare to Europe, accommodations and meals. Two semi-finalists, Robert Van Fleet of Eureka, Calif., and R. Douglas Neal, Jr. of Columbia, SC, will receive the use of a Harley-Davidson Authorized Rental motorcycle for up to three days. ????? ? Tours conducted by Harley-Davidson Authorized Tours operators include the use of a Harley-Davidson Authorized Rental motorcycle, guide service, some meals, lodging and a support vehicle. Chamaa’s essay was chosen out of nearly 1,000 entries from qualified motorcycling enthusiasts from across the country. Essays literally poured in off the Web site, www.hdrentals.com, non-stop from July until September. The entries received described a number of adventurous European vacations, from roaring through the British Isles to exploring the Swiss Alps. The judge’s panel, consisting of writers from the top motorcycling magazines including American Rider, American Iron and Thunder Press along with representatives from Harley-Davidson reviewed the entries, which were judged on how well they captured the spirit of Harley-Davidson, creativity and style. So, your essay didn’t win — no problem, renting and touring is easy! Simply log onto www.hdrentals.com to find an authorized operator in the city where you want to ride.

I’m gonna try writing a few things forthe Horse. I’m also gonna try to hookup with Ironworks as they are NC based.
I wrote this Daytona story differently than the last, it’s more adventureoriented than newsy. It was that kinda week, people were just having fun,including me. The craziest thing about the whole week is that two peoplerecognized me as a “writer.” Billy Lane was one and didn’t even know I’m apainter.
Hey by the way, Happy Halloween! And I think you are too hot as a redhead.You know what long hair on a guy does to me.
Bikernet East Coast Editor

BIN LADEN TARGETS AVAILABLE–Here’s copy of the target. I’m selling the targets for the same price quoted in “your shot”, posted yesterday or Friday. geez, don’t ya read yer own webpages? haahaa.
–Concrete Pete
A WORD FROM THE CALENDAR MAKER–I’d like to take this moment to tell you about the exciting and highly cost effective sponsorship and advertising opportunities available from FastDates.com.
Calendar Title Sponsorship, $3,000 Annual ($250/mo):? Includes you company name/logo and website featured on the front and back covers, and every page of the calendar of your choice: FastDates, Iron & Lace, Ripped Pavement, Berm Busters, Garage Girls. A product display ad on the credits page of the calendar. Your company’s sponsorship listed in all advertising and marketing related to the calendar. Free banner link ad on the calendar’s sales page on the FastDates.com website – a $150/mo. value. Effectively a $3,000 per month advertising campaign value for a one time annual cost of just $3,000!
Sponsorship is limited to non conflicting companies or products. Sponsorships being secured now for the 2003 calendars premiering July 2002 for 18 months exposure! Complete calendar information is available at http://wwwFastDates.com/CONTENTS.HTM
Continued on Page 2