THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), andis sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester.
For more information, callus at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at <

I just returned from a meeting of the Oregon Confederation of Clubs (COC), downin Canyonville, OR. This 2005 summer, we continued the new practice of meetingMONTHLY in different towns around the state. Kind of spreading the thing around.And more members from the various clubs and other rider groups can more easilyattend and see what goes on. I didn?t count the attendance, but it sure feelsgood to see the interest in the COC from around the state.
As in every meeting, clubs and other rider groups are cordially invited to senda rep to look us over. THE COC is here to serve the interests of all motorcyclegroups through action, both in the Courts and otherwise. That includes you folkswho ride those speedy sport bikes, or the very fuel-efficient motor scooters weare seeing. It doesn’t matter what you ride, your group is welcome to send arep. By working together we can accomplish so much more.
There were two things that struck me at this meeting. We need more participationfrom everyone involved in the confederation, and we need to get our people tothe capitols of our states when our legislatures are in session. Electedofficials pay attention to people who care enough about their issues to show upand be seen. If we aren’t a presence in their minds they have other things todo. The SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE. We need to let those folks know we careenough to go and talk to them.

KATRINA’S BIKER VICTIMS: We are all very aware of the vast suffering in theSoutheast part of our country. ABATE of Louisiana is doing their best to assistbikers there who need it. Many lost everything. HELP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS bysending contributions through ABATE of Louisiana. Send donations to their statemailing address, so the Treasurer can track the money and get the help flowingquickly: P.O. Box 541 St. Amant, LA 70774
Any questions on the relief effort, contact: State Executive President ? James”Poet” Sisco 1-800-393-5966 abatepoet@aol.com, or the State Executive Treasurer,Barb Sikes, at barb1106@yahoo.com, or call her at 1-800-268-5416

NIGERIA: The Nigerian “Motocycle” Union received a letter from the NigerianCommissioner of Information, asking their members to be law-abiding, to registertheir bikes, and to get their motorcycle licenses. He also commended thisNigerian biker group for their efforts in finding jobs for their members andothers in the community. Doesn’t sound TOO unfamiliar to this Gunny’s old ears.Most Sack readers who are in ANY biker association or club here in the USA have heard campaigns before about urging our people to get their motorcycleENDORSEMENT! Just goes to show, no matter what country, continent or culture,bikers have similar issues, and we stick together to look after our own.

WASHINGTON STATE: A couple here were jailed for road rage recently, because theywere charged with running a biker off the road. The driver of the car wascharged with 1st degree assault for striking the bike with her car, causing himto leave the roadway and crash. Her husband was also charged, in his case with4th degree assault, because THIS FOOL jumped out of the car, and went andTACKLED THE BIKER after he crashed! The biker was still lying on the side of theroad, suffering from his injures.
THIS CASE needs to be monitored, to be surethese people get what’s coming to them. From the JUDICIAL SYSTEM, that is. As aside note, the organization that is tracking just such cases, and that does SOMUCH more in the way of INFORMATION FOR BIKERS, is the Sons of Liberty Riders.Let me give you just a little info about it, now that I have yer attention!

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS: These folks aren’t a club, and they’re not really anassociation, either. They’re a group of biker activists of all stripes and fromall over.
They share information on the Internet, and gather at least once ayear for their “TEA” conference. TEA = The Extreme Activists, since they arejust that. My boss, Oregon AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) lawyer SamHochberg, is knowledgeable about these folks, but here?s how YOU can find outMORE, and read all about it: GO to their website at www.solriders.com.
You canalso sign up for their VERY helpful email list. You’ll get daily emails aboutBIKERS RIGHTS issues from around the country, and you can contribute your ownwords and actions, too.
The group also sponsors a site on the “ROW”, or “Rightof Way” campaign, to increase penalties for drivers who cause us to CRASH! TheROW site is www.bikers4row.org, go look at ’em and BOOKMARK them now!
Keep the round side on the bottom
–Gunny, Chief of Staff for Oregon AIM
Aid To Injured Motorcyclists