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LE PERA’S NEW EMBOSSED LEATHER SEATS–LePera is now offering virtually any of their unique seat designs covered with Italian Embossed Premium grade Leather. The embossed leather is available in several patterns. Shown here is the LePera King Cobra featuring the Dakota pattern with distressed leather sides.
As shown the seat retails for just $550.00 with solo models starting at $340.00. For complete pricing, style, design and application details call 818-767-5110 or catch a closer look on line at

THANKS TO THE MOUNTAIN STATE–ABATE of WV recently made a trip to DC to lobby their members of the Houseand Senate. The Capitol Hill newbies (it was the first time lobbying DCfor the group) put together a first-rate trip and had appointments withevery member of the WV delegation.
The three-person lobby team allowed theMRF to join them in all of their meetings. It was a successful day to saythe least. The high point was meeting with the senior senator from WV,Robert Byrd. Senator Byrd has the distinction of being one of the longestserving Senators in history. He is currently the President Pro Tempore ofthe Senate, which puts him third in line to the Presidency shouldsomething happen to the VP and the Speaker of the House. Senator Byrdwelcomed us into his palatial office suite in the Capitol, got up from hislunch of a cheese sandwich and a pickle (this guy is as humble as theycome) and chatted about motorcycles for more than a few minutes.
SenatorByrd has served West Virginia for over 50 years and has done the mountainstate proud. Say what you will about his politics, but he has created alegacy that will stand for decades to come. Keep up the good work Senatorand let the MRF know when you are ready for that motorcycle ride.
MOTORCYCLE VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED–Last week the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) held a unique event,the Motorcycle Travel Symposium, a three-day meeting aimed at improvingthe data used to calculate motorcycle vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
VMT numbers are used to calculate a number of transportation data points.Most noteworthy is the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) used byNHTSA to determine the percentage of fatality rates per miles traveled byany given mode of transportation.
Good data is important here because ifthe number of actual miles traveled is not accurate, then it makes thatparticular form of transportation appear deadlier than it really may be.You can listen to a detailed presentation on how motorcycle VMT numbersaffect FARS data by visiting the archives of the MRF’s 2005 Meeting of theMinds at
Up until now it has been optional for states to report any VMT formotorcycles, but that has changed. Starting in June 2008, motorcycle datais no longer optional for states to report to the feds. Remember hearingthat no motorcycles travel in South Dakota?
The MRF and SMROs havequestioned the inaccuracy of motorcycle VMT numbers for several years, andthe feds have finally put a stop to that nonsense. You can read moreabout the MRF’s research into motorcycle VMT numbers on the MRF’s websiteat
So why did the FHWA need to have a three-day meeting to address thisissue? What is the real problem with collecting accurate VMT numbers formotorcycles? Apparently everything. Let’s start with the technologicalissues. The actual technology used to collect data was designed for carsand trucks, not motorcycles. The small signature of motorcycles isdifficult to capture using the tube or hose capture methods. Often timesthe tubes are only stretched across half a lane giving ample room for themotorcycle to simply go around the foreign object in the road.
Some of thenewer laser technology may be promising, but it’s expensive and easilythrown off calibration by weeds, snow or curious animals. Some of thevideo collection technology shows some promise, but it too is expensiveand difficult to maintain. With dwindling money at state DOTs, newpurchases of pricey video cameras and lasers just is not a widespreadoption.
Then there’s the human factor. It is common knowledge that a large numberof motorcyclists spend more time on the road from Friday to Sunday. Thisintuition is backed up by the National Household Transportation Survey, aphone study conducted by the feds that surveys 20,000 plus households ontheir respective travel habits. Questions include what type of vehiclesyou own, when and where are you using those vehicles, how many licenseddrivers are under your roof, and so on. This study reported that almost 40percent of all motorcycle travel occurs on the weekends. That becomes aproblem because most of the state employees hired to physically collectthe data only work Monday through Thursday, so any weekend travel goesunmonitored. Seasons also skew the data, for most northern states see veryfew motorcycles during winter months and the state DOTs don’t adjust forthat.
Another major problem is where the VMT data is collected. Most of thestates collect data on roads that see the most use by cars and trucks.Think of major interstates, multilane highways and other heavily traveledroads, bridges and tunnels. Now think of where most motorcycle ridesoccur, on back roads, scenic byways and other out-of-the-way streets. Mostmotorcyclists purposefully avoid the heavy congestion of an urbanenvironment in favor of lesser-traveled roads with less heavy trucktraffic. The statistic commonly used by the states is that they surveyjust 23% of the roads and leave the other 77% that are generally theresponsibility of smaller entities such as townships and villages alone.That’s a major discrepancy and a fatal flaw of the VMT data formotorcycles.
It’s refreshing, to say the least, that the federal government is finallytaking a good hard look at the validity of the motorcycle VMT data. Nowthe hard part, committing precious resources toward improving the datacollection. Simply mandating that the data be reported next year will notautomatically ensure accurate numbers, and some argue just the opposite.Now that the states have to do more with the same amount of resources, itmay have the effect of fictitious numbers reported just to comply withanother federal directive.
Much work remains, but this is without question a tremendous step forward, and the MRF will continue tomonitor and report any progress.

DUECE SISSYBAR SIDE PLATES FROM CYCLE VISIONS–CV8075Ridge mount sissy bar side plates for Harley Davidson Deuce. Accomodates all 8-3/4″ wide Cycle Visions Attitude style sissy bar sticks or stock Harley Davidson sissy bars. Made of 120 thick steel and polished, and chrome plated.
4263 Taylor Street n
San Diego, California 92110

BIKERS PROTEST, PUERTO RICO SUSPENDS CONTROVERSIAL NEW LAW–A day after being implemented, the toughest motorcycle law in the country was suspended by Puerto Rico’s legislature after bikers protested the onerous new rules.
Among the requirements; riders on the sun-soaked tropical island must wear gloves, boots and long pants. In addition to the required riding gear, the law would also force operators of all two-wheeled motor vehicles, including mopeds and scooters, to wear reflective vests from 6 p.m. – 6 a.m.
The U.S. Territory already has a helmet law. The new law also slashes the legal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) for motorcycle riders to .02, the same as for school bus and commercial truck drivers, down from .08 allowed for car drivers. No one under 18 is allowed to operate a motorcycle, and no one under 12 is allowed to ride as a passenger. The Caribbean island also enacted a tougher licensing process and increased fees for motorcycle endorsements and registrations. Lane-sharing to filter through heavy traffic is now specifically prohibited.
Motorcycle and scooter registrations in Puerto Rico have more than doubled since 2000, and sponsors of the measure say the tougher regulations are in response to increasing numbers of accidents and fatalities.
Governor Anibal Acevedo Vila signed the bill into law on Wednesday, October 10, amid the roar of hundreds of bikers revving by his San Juan residence in protest, and on Thursday the legislature moved to temporarily suspend the new law. The Senate unanimously backed a moratorium on the law until Feb. 18, and the House approved plans to delay its implementation for at least three months, as legislators told the Associated Press they need more time to consult scooter and motorcycle enthusiasts who object to the stricter rules.

NEW BIKE FROM FRANCE–This was sent to me by a friend in France . Try this one on the salt flats.

HBO ANNOUNCES BIKER TV–The pay cable network giant is working with bikers to beef up its lineup. HBO, which is building a new stable of drama series following the departure of heavyweights “The Sopranos” and “Six Feet Under,” has greenlighted a project from Oscar-nominated writer Michael Tolkin. Tolkin’s “1%,” which hails from Management 360’s TV division, is set in the world of biker clubs.
“A 1% tattoo has been considered a badge of honor for biker club members symbolizing life on the fringe of American society,” reported the Washington Times. “It refers to a statement put out 50 years ago by the American Motorcycle Assn. that said clubs don’t represent the legitimate motorcycle community but the 1% who are a threat to the American way of life.”
Tolkin penned “1%” and is exec producing the pilot with Management 360’s Alex Hertzberg and Guymon Casady.
AMD’S BUILDERS BOOK SECOND EDITION–AMD set to publish 2nd edition Builder Book FOLLOWING the hugely positive reaction to AMD’s first Builder Book edition two years ago, a 2008 second edition is now entering final production phase.
Massively updated and listing over 1,100 custom v-twin market motorcycle manufacturers, ‘Builders’, constructors and assemblers, publication is slated for December, perfectly timed for maximum advertising benefit and impact as the market heads towards the peak of its cash cycle.
Distribution will be to all AMD`readers worldwide, over 9,200 of which are in the United States.
Delivering year long exposure through reference value and repeat page traffic, the AMD Builder Book delivers access to massive industry buying power.Ad art due and final bookings … November 14th
Publication … December
Exposure … throughout 2008
–Robbie Patterson
AMD ‘e-Club’ Supervisor

J&P CYCLE S GRAND OPENING IN ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA– J&P Cycles held the Grand Opening of their new Super Store located at Destination Daytona on October 17th 2007 located at the junction of I-95 and US 1 in Ormond Beach Florida.
The 36,000 square foot store actually opened Monday June 11th 2007. It includes a 15,000 square foot showroom stocked with a large selection of motorcycle parts and accessories. The facility also has a 11,000 square foot second floor.
“Being part of Destination Daytona is a great opportunity for J&P Cycles, said John Parham” There is nothing in the world like Bruce’s motorcycle complex and we are thrilled to be part of it. We are very excited about our new store and hope all of our customers love it as much as we do.

J&P Cycles is the world’s largest catalogue retailer of aftermarket parts and accessories for Harley Davidson, V-Twin Cruisers and Sportbike motorcycles.
Customers can order toll-free in the US and Canada at 1-800-397-4844 or on line at www.JPCYCLES.COM.
–RogueMotorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

AMSOIL SYNTHETIC MOTORCYCL OIL NOW AVAILABLE FROM ACCURATE ENGINEERING–After seeing for himself how well the Amsoil Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil performed in the Salt Shaker and Assalt Weapan engines at Bonneville the past two years Berry Wardlaw wanted his customers to be able to get Amsoil, the best motorcycle oil and filtration products on the market today, from Accurate Engineering. Berry knows the value of using only the best materials and components in his Signature Series Engines which made his decision to add Amsoil to his product line an easy one. During the 2007 BUBS Motorcycle Speed Trials at Bonneville Berry saw that Amsoil Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil performed flawlessly in reducing friction and protecting the Accurate Engineering Outlaw 120 Panhead Engine while helping Valerie Thompson and 5 Ball Racing to set yet another land speed record.
Accurate Engineering has chosen, Nick’s Performance Accessories, an independent Amsoil dealer in Louisville, Kentucky to be their Amsoil supplier. Nick’s Performance Accessiries has been involved in many facets of motorcycle and automobile racing for the past six years. Nick’s Performance Accessories has sponsored several record setting race teams including’s own 5 Ball Racing as well as their arch rivals the notorious Chop-N-Grind Racing Team from Yucca Valley, California. All these race teams have been very satisfied with the performance and quality of all the Amsoil products they have used. The fact that they have never had a component fail, due to lubrication, while using Amsoil premium synthetic lubricants, is simply further proof of the unsurpassed quality of Amsoil.
Berry Wardlaw recognizes the extensive experience of AMSOIL, “The First in Synthetics” to do the best job protecting his motorcycle engines. AMSOIL Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil (MCV) is a premium oil designed for those who demand the absolute best lubrication for their motorcycles. AMSOIL MCV is the result of extensive research, and is specially formulated to excel in all areas unique to motorcycles, including the high temperatures of air-cooled engines such as Harley Davidson? V-Twins, wet clutch lubrication and the extreme pressure regions of gears and chains. Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oil also provides an unequalled rust and corrosion protection that is sometimes necessary due to the short trips and storage that many motorcycles experience.

QUIG MEMORIAL PATCH–Richard Quigley was an American Icon. A biker and a hero. A living legend until his death on September 15, 2007.
What his group of guys Orders are being taken for the official Richard Quigley Memorial Patch, and all the proceeds go to complete the court challenge to the helmet law. The successful removal of the helmet law in the California courts will have repercussions nationwide. Support the legal battle and proudly display your Quig Memorial Patch by going to: We need your help in this way, and your action here will end up being a help to yourself in your state. –Mark Temple HARLEY-DAVIDSON AND BUELL PARTICIPATE IN FEMMOTO 2007 DEMO RIDES– MILWAUKEE (October 18, 2007) – For the first time, Harley-Davidson joined Buell Motorcycle Company as a sponsor of Femmoto 2007, held at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway October 5-7, 2007. The event featured record attendance of 563 participants and provided women the chance to experience the corners on the track aboard a Buell motorcycle as well as enjoy the open road on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. “It was exciting for the Company to be part of Femmoto again this year and watch women really enjoy the track experience with the Buell demos and the street experience with the Harley demos,” said Karen Davidson. “There was a great deal of enthusiasm for the Harley demos from the women who were devoted sport bike riders, many of whom had never ridden cruisers let alone a Harley. Their smiles said it all.” Harley-Davidson and Buell’s hospitality tent provided women the chance to view the new 2008 Harley-Davidson Softail Rocker C as well as the new Buell 1125R, learn about Harley-Davidson’s Rider’s Edge and Rentals programs, try on MotorClothes and sit back and relax with motorcycling videos, magazines and free ice cream. Both Harley-Davidson and Buell demo riders received a free t-shirt and the chance to sign up to win raffle prizes given away each day. The Femmoto banquet held Saturday included a Fashion Show and unique Moto-Mate contest, similar in format to the Newlywed Game, but featuring motorcycle-related questions. Four couples competed and had the crowd laughing at some of the answers. The winning couple received a gift certificate for Harley-Davidson MotorClothes. Femmoto, which began in 2001 as a women-only track day event, has evolved into a track and street demo event focused on women, while allowing men the chance to take street demos along side their women. In 2006, 330 women participated in Femmoto. This year, with the inclusion of men taking street demos as well as Friday’s track day where men and women could ride their personal motorcycles on the track, total attendance increased to 563 participants. Femmoto raises money for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation “Race For The Cure”. This year, $13,188 was raised through Femmoto memberships, donations and auction events held over the weekend. THE FATBOY SEARCH–I am looking for a fat boy 2005 with the numbered paint, was similar to the heritage like in the pics.Have you seen one like it? –Penny Bowhall EXCITING ADDITIONS TO 2008 STURGIS RALLY VISITOR INTERACTIVE CD–STURGIS, S.D. – The Sturgis Rally Department is currently compiling information for its much anticipated 2008 Sturgis Rally Visitor Information CD, scheduled for release in December of 2007, just in time to satisfy the requests of riders who are eager to firm up their travel plans. The digital fulfillment piece is aimed at prospective visitors to the 2008 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally who have specifically requested the information from the Rally office, as well as distributed at Daytona Bike Week and the Cincinnati V-Twin Show, the largest annual industry event in the country. The 2008 CD will provide internet links to community/chamber of commerce pages, accommodations, restaurants, Rally exhibitors, attractions and souvenir shopping, as well as information on scenic rides and Rally events. New this year is a complete listing (business name and telephone) of every 2007 city vendor and a listing of year-round business (business name and telephone) in the City of Sturgis. “We wanted to include our year-round businesses in the CD so that visitors could utilize a business or service should they find the need for one in their trip plan or during their stay,” explained Director Pepper Massey, “and our vendors are listed this year so that visitors can find that special item they are looking for or contact a vendor that they did business with in 2007.” Also new in 2008 is a 12-minute video clip of the events and street vibe that made the 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally one of the most exciting and entertaining motorcycle gatherings in its 67 year history. “Our goal is simple yet ambitious,” Massey continued, “to allow our visitors to experience the sights and sounds of Sturgis and have immediate access to information and resources in Sturgis and throughout the Black Hills.” If you are interested in promoting your business, attraction, campground/hotel or community in this highly sought after informational piece email or call the Rally office 605.720.0800. Continued On Page 3
BOLT of California
Rockin Double B Services
PO Box 363
Thompson’s Station, TN 37179
Cell 615-400-0121 or Text Me