Continued From Page 1

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW JUST AROUND THE CORNER– Well this is it; the next time I talk to you hopefully it will be at the bike show!!!
I finally got the photos from my builder from Tulsa, Oklahoma and it was worth the wait, this choice bike is brought to you from T-Town Chopz and it is aptly named “The Monster” all I’m saying is… that is one fat tire!!! If you like what you see make sure to come out and vote for your favorite builder in the Texas National Builder Showdown”

I am excited to let everyone know that Charlie Brechtel and his gang will be broadcasting live from the show all weekend long.
“Bikers: The Inner Circle” internet radio show broadcasting livefrom the Texas National Bike Show!!!
This November 3rd and 4th the crew from the popular internet radio show, “Bikers: The Inner Circle,” will be broadcasting live from the floor of the giant Texas National Bike Show at the Galveston Island Convention Center. On hand will be the most popular biker musician in America, Charlie Brechtel; Arizona’s premiere custom bike builder, “Thumper;” Big 7 Productions chief, Dennis Sanfilippo; the author of the best-selling book, The Original Wild Ones, Bill Hayes; and Sonny Keeton, one of the country’s most prolific custom builders. They will be conducting interviews, signing autographs and capturing the full power of this great show for one of the most listened-to shows on internet radio today!!!

<>www.big7productions.comclick and listen
Well it’s short and sweet this week, but I do want to once again thank BIKERNET (our favorite sponsor) for putting up with us all of these weeks. And If I have my way Bandit will be publishing some of the delicious winners from our Bikini Model search in the Girls of Bikernet and also the bikes too!!
We hope to see everyone at the show!
— Holly aka Mrs. Devil
p.s. Layla it’s not to late… we have room in our room for you!!!!!

BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT–This week a shot from Biketoberfest ~ ride the loop!
Ride Hard,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

REMOVABLE PHANTOM PASSENGER PADS– The perfect solution to temporary passenger accommodations on today’s super sanitary custom scooters and bare bones choppers, these new REMOVABLE PHANTOM SEAT PADS from PRO-ONE are both sleek and functional. Designed to fit virtually any Harley, Metric Cruiser or Custom rear fender, the REMOVABLE PHANTOM SEAT PADS are offered in “Stitched, Smooth and Two Tone Stitched” leather. Each seat features dual cavity suction cups, a non abrasive neoprene fender liner, A.B.S. base plate, space age shock absorbing foam and a special coating to help protect the leather from U.V. rays.
These unique and extremely convenient butt cushions for your favorite passenger measure 10″ long x 8 1?2″ wide x 1 3?4″ tall. Available from PRO-ONE dealers worldwide. Call 800-884-8473 or visit the Web at

VERY, VERY COOL!–Looking for a way to increase your engine’s reliability and longevity while providing the bike with that “hi-tech” look? Well, PRO-ONE has just the answer in their new VENTILATED BILLET OIL COOLER. PRO-COOLERS provide 360 degrees of flow through air circulation and a reduction in running oil temperatures.
The ventilated body is machined from billet aluminum and finished in show quality chrome. Each PRO-COOLER comes complete with chrome A/N type fittings and a universal chrome billet aluminum clamp. The rugged yet stylish mounting clamp makes for sanitary installation to all popular size front down tubes.
PRO-COOLERS are available with smooth polished end cap or superior quality VDO oil pressure gauge.For application and ordering information call 800-884-4173 or visit them on the Web at

BIKERNET STASTICAL QUIZ FOR THE DAY–Can someone give us the following answers?
Attendee numbers?
Daytona Bike Week
Myrtle Beach Fall Rally
MB Spring Rally
Laconia Bike Week
We need U.S. motorcycle owner numbers for 2006 vs (an earlier year) to show the increase?
Average age?
Median household income?
Anything else of interest?
Send answers to

Florida Motorcyclist are requested to NOT VOTE FOR MEL MARTINEZ!– Martinez voted to have highway funds withheld from The State of Florida if it did not pass a Mandatory Helmet Law.
No matter what your feeling on the helmet law is Martinez should Not Penalize the People of Florida by Voting to With-hold Funds for Transportation. That and other statements he has made about motorcycle riders Proves he in not a friend of ours. We do not need people like him in office.
— Ride Free

NEW GRIPS FROM THE AUSTRALIAN LEATHER MASTER– Just finished these little puppies for my Shovel. They’re a tribute to Johnny Chop.
GP Leather Emperor

LUCKY DEVIL PAINT WORKS– Check out the flame job on Spanky’s hood. One of our airbrush buddies Armentor came by the Lucky Devil paint shop and worked with Mike on this one.
BIKERNET MENTAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT STUDY–A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. “You all have obsessions,” he observed.
To the first mother, he said, “You are obsessed with eating. You’ve even named your daughter Candy.”
He turned to the second Mom. “Your obsession is money. Again, it manifests itself in your child’s name, Penny,”
He turned to the third Mom. “Your obsession is alcohol. Again, it manifests itself in your child’s name, Brandy.”
At this point, the fourth mother got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered, “Come on, Dick, let’s go”.
–from Art Friedman

BIKERNET BLONDE JOKE OF THE WEEK– A pretty young blond goes to her local pet store in search of an exotic pet. As she looks about the store, she notices a box full of live frogs.
The sign says: “Sex Frogs! Guaranteed to satisfy women. Only $50 each!Satisfaction or money refunded. Comes with complete instructions.”
The blonde excitedly looks around to see if anybody’s watching her. She whispers softly to the man behind the counter, “I’ll take one.”
The man packages the frog and says, “Just follow the instructions.”
The girl nods, grabs the box, and is quickly on her way home.
As soon as she closes the door to her apartment, she reads the instructions and reads them very carefully. She does exactly what is specified:
1. Take a shower.
2. Splash on some nice perfume.
3. Slip into a very sexy nightie.
4. Crawl into bed and place the frog down beside you and allow the frog to follow its training.
She then quickly gets into bed with the frog and, to her surprise, nothing happens! The girl is very disappointed and quite upset. She re-reads the instructions and notices at the bottom of the paper it says, “If you have any problems or questions, please call the pet store.”
So, the lady calls the pet store.
The man says, “I’ll be right over.”
Within minutes, the man is ringing her doorbell.
The lady welcomes him in and says, “See, I’ve done everything according to the instructions..the damn thing just sits there.”
The man, looking very concerned, picks up the frog, stares directly into its eyes and sternly says :
“Listen to me! I’m only going to show you how to do this one more time.
–from Chris T.

AVON TIRE QUESTION OF THE WEEK–Tell me about the life of my tires?
I. M. Curious
–Rosewood, Colorado
– Part 1Some of the factors affecting tire life are wheel spin, load, riding style.
Wheel spin – when you spin your tires, for example, in a burn out this greatly shortens the life of a tire
Load – often people overload the bike’s capacity with saddlebags, trailers, heavy riders, and enough stuff to set sail in Noah’s Ark. Pay attention to the bike manufacturer’s recommendations for how much load the bike can handle. Then pay careful attention to the tire pressure noted on the sidewalls.
For example a bike could weigh 900 pounds and if the capacity over that is 400 pounds of luggage and rider(s) and their gear you can rapidly exceed that limit. e.g. 240 lb rider and 150 lb passenger. Now add tongue weight of trailer, gear and luggage and you’ve already exceeded the carrying capacity of the bike.
Then there is the tires’ carrying capacity which generally on a big touring bike can range from 1200 to 1700 pounds. This is if you are fully inflated. If you are not running at max psi then your load carrying capacity goes down. If you are running under inflated and/or fully loaded you can quickly wear out a set of tires. In addition sidecars and trailers will generally take about 3-5,000 miles off the life of the tire.
Riding Style – If you tend to be heavy handed cranking on the throttle you’ll just watch the dollars peel off your rear tire as you wear it down quite rapidly. Or if you break using mainly your front brake as a good rider should on most bikes then you can experience cupping or heavy wear on the front. Other things to be aware of – riding with body weight to one side will cause wear on that side, riding with a good mix of curves and straights will wear the tire more evenly across the surface.
Next week we’ll go into Part 2 of Tire Life.
Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America com (check this site for promotions)

PA STATE POLICE MUST OBEY THE GUN LAW– The PA State Police are refusing to obey the law, despite court decisions to the contrary.
Federal privacy laws prohibit the mandatory use of social security numbers as identification. In a recent court decision, U.S. District Judge Juan R. Sanchez stated that gun owners cannot be required to supply social security numbers when buying a gun or applying for a concealed carry permit.
But the PA State Police, with the help of the Attorney General Tom Corbett (R), are disregarding the court and are asking a circuit court judge to strike down Sanchez’ order. They don’t want to issue privacy warnings, as required by Section 7(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974; they want to keep collecting the social security numbers of all gun buyers and carry permit holders.
Gun Owners Foundation has been assisting Lt. Col. Michael Stollenwerk, who is leading the fight to stop the registration of gun owners. Stollenwerk won victories in two other states: first in California, where he convinced authorities that their requirement to force gun buyers to turn over their social security number violated federal law; and then again in Virginia, where authorities were less accommodating and only agreed to respect citizens’ privacy after losing in court.
Pennsylvania has been equally contemptuous of federal law and citizen privacy, so Stollenwerk took them to federal court. In 2003, Stollenwerk tried to get a concealed carry permit and purchase a gun. Both efforts failed when he refused to fork over his social security number. On February 24, 2006, Judge Sanchez ruled against Pennsylvania, although the state is refusing to comply.
That’s where your help is needed!
ACTION: Please urge Attorney General Tom Corbett (R) to respect the privacy of gun owners and follow federal law. You can reach him at the contact info provided below. You can reach him by phone, fax or Internet. A pre-written letter is appended below for you to copy-and-paste into Corbett’s webform.
Phone: 717-787-3391
Fax: 717-787-8242
Continued On Page 3