Continued From Page 4

BUB 7 TDX Systems for the 2009-2010 Harley Davidson FL Touring models– The BUB 7 FL TDX systems represent the most advanced exhaust systems available for Harley Davidson Touring models. With the mixture of stepped headers and crossover technology, BUB has created exhaust systems with exceptional power and torque throughout the power band. Match the TDX headers with the available BUB 7 Stealth mufflers and you will get unbelievable performance with 50 state legal sound.
The BUB 7 FL TDX headers follow a similar path to the stock motorcycle exhaust and help to minimize the heat around the rider and passengers legs. The crossover is covered by a stylish BUB 7 badge shield that minimizes the visual impact and gives the appearance of two individual pipes running parallel.
The TDX headers are available with the choice of standard 3.5? OD 7 True Dual mufflers or 4? OD 7 Stealth mufflers. Both muffler options allow for two mounting positions with the slash pointed up or down depending on preference. The mounting can be changed in minutes by removing a few screws. From the exceptional finish options, outstanding performance, industry leading quality, and supreme styling, the BUB 7 TDX systems will not disappoint

DOC REPORTS IN FROM DOWN UNDER–Things have been crazy down here, crazy busy that is.Did the launch of the new Thunderbird in Aussie, three days of ridingbeautiful northern NSW in sensational weather. These bikes are powerful,fast and very cool.

Rode over to Phillip Island for the Moto GP last weekend (1000 mile roundtrip) and got to ride around the track a few times with VIP guests andsponsors on the back. Makes one appreciate just how good those racing ridersare when you tackle the tight corners …

Andy Meadors has designed a new logo for Biker TV Down Under – it is totallycool and he is an amazing talent.

Project ProCharger is moving along. The seat base was laid down yesterdayand the frame goes to blasting today and powder coat tomorrow. Then finalassembly starts – yippee!

A WORD FROM RUCKER PERFORMANCE–Dad and Me, We know that in the current economic climate, everyone is looking for a good deal, and with that in mind, Rucker Performance is proud to open up our very own eBay store. The store offers anything you can imagine for your custom motorcycle or H-D. From seats to wheels, and everything in between, we have it all, and are offering it to our loyal customers at amazing prices.
We have a huge inventory of take off parts for custom bikes, custom parts, and performance products. Check us out at
Bill & Erin Rucker

Showcase of Kustoms & Motorama?A Car Show for a Kustom World!?–September 24-25-26, 2010
Long Beach Arena & Marina Green Park-Rainbow Lagoon
Showcase of Kustoms & Motorama is a modern indoor/outdoor car show steeped in tradition! The first to be back in the Long Beach Arena in 30 yrs. it pays tribute to the importance of the Renegade Knights Long Beach Car Club formed in 1941 in Long Beach as well as local ?Kustom Painter Extraordinaire? Larry Watson; without him, kustoms wouldn?t have looked the same. Across the Arena floor, the ALL Kustoms indoor portion will be spatially laid out for 360 degree viewing of these ?One of a Kind? dreams.
On display in the lobby will be Larry Watson?s 1958 Thunderbird that changed it all and is considered to be one of the top 10 Kustoms, which we currently own. This car debuted in the Long Beach Auditorium 51 years ago at the 5 day long Renegades Rod & Custom Motorama; it will re-debuted at our 2010 show in its full restoration form. Along side this display we have some of the Renegade Knights C/C memorabilia, also inside the lobby you?ll meet our ?Master of the Kustom? inductees Frank DeRosa Sr. and Dean Jefferies, both long standing legends of the Kustom car world, and this years ?Kustom Innovator of the Year? goes to Marcos Garcia of Lucky 7 Customs, all will have cars on display.
Just outside the lobby; the ?Horsepower Corral?, this is where Traditional Hot Rods and those wanting their Kustom under the sun will get viewed and judged. With 18+ acres of grass in Rainbow Lagoon & Marina Green Park for the outdoor portion of the Motorama, it takes on a campy feel along the Coast of Southern California, with sail boats and the Historic Queen Mary as our back drop.
For the builder that goes the extra mile in creating their dream kustom, we have created the first ?perpetual? trophy to be released in 45 yrs. ?America?s Kustom D?Elegance? Award. With its $10,000 in cash and the ?Lady of Glass? sculpture, it?s the cats? meow of payoffs! Also the winning car gets pictured on the base of the 10? trophy that holds 60 yrs. of winners!
For the more subdued builder; we offer ?Americas Kustom Extraordinaire? Award with a $5000 pay day and an award being made of Purple Heart wood and large casted Kustom car topper, this award embodies the love of the Kustom. During awards ceremony ?Classic Trophy Queens? will be on hand as our ?Presenting Ambassadors?.
The show enjoys rich car club support that includes: Renegade Knights of Long Beach, LA Roadsters, Satans Angels (Nor-Cal), Cavaliers, Sultans, Dead Sleds, Shredders, Beatniks, Them!, Corsairs, Poor Boys (Nor-Cal), West Coast Kustoms, Choppers Burbank, MoFos, Autoholics, Scrapers, Panel Beaters and many-many more.For the out of town wives there will be shuttles to take them on shopping expeditions to Long Beach?s many shopping districts Belmont Shore-4th St. Vintage row.
The Showcase of Kustoms web sites will link and drive traffic to both, and to educate our customer on the many activities within the city.
For Friday night entertainment and a great way to kick off the ?Motorama Weekend? we have, ?Parade of Cars?, a six lane wide, 1.5 mile unobstructed corridor for 3 hrs down Shoreline Drive in front of the LB Arena and grass areas. The parade would be open to all Pre-1969 vehicles, which have been pre-registered. The parade would be FREE to the public and being allowed to have lawn chairs on both sides of Shoreline Dr for viewing the ?Parade of Cars?.THE WEB SITES:
THE TIMES: Fri. 4pm-11pm, Sat. 9am-7pm Sun. 9am-7pm

ThunderMax allows you to maximize engine power with total control of your EFI system. The ThunderMax AutoTune gives you thefreedom for future performance upgrades–ThunderMax is a complete replacement engine management system that replaces the stock Electronic Control Module (ECM), not an add-on box or signal modifier. The ThunderMax is a high speed, high resolution processor designed to deliver uncompromising performance. ThunderMax is simple to install, simple to use and delivers outstanding results.
ThunderMax AutoTunes as you ride for…
– Any riding condition!
– Any exhaust system!
– Your riding style!
– Optimum power and economy!
Nothing compares to the power, performance and versatility of a ThunderMax. Don’t be fooled by marketing tricks. Other devises do not add up to the power and versatility of a ThunderMax. Don’t take our word for it. Read this article from Barnett’s Magazine.”Letting the Ponies Out” by Mark Barnett –

FINDINGS FROM THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE–Hey are you gonna finish that? As motorcycle riders we are forever tinkering with our bikes. (Yes, I hear you Goldwing and BMW riders – fix what? but I go on) Even perfectly running machines are not immune to our natural curious tendency to disassemble and reassemble, and reassemble, and reassemble until we get it right. Plugs and wires, chrome do-dads, ape hangers and new controls. Nothing is off limits or beyond our meager mechanical skill level.
For us there is nothing better then finding an old bike, used and neglected, left for worse somewhere in the dark corners of a shed or barn. We salivate at the thought of breathing life back into the deceased. We are gluttons for punishment. Old BSA, Nortons, and Tiumphs finicky from the factory but we are going to be the ones to finally solve all their electrical woes. Along the way we find long raked out Jap choppers with thick layers of primitive bondo slathered over questionable welds, flaking chrome and tattered seats. Those of us that are especially lucky find the rarest of gems: Indians, Harleys or any number of the early V-twins that have faded into the distant memories and history books.
We load them up, vowing to be the ones to resurrect them. We tells our significant others of the potential, of the opportunities that the bike will bring. Lying that it is as simply as new plugs, soaking down the cylinders and swelling the seals and gaskets to breathe life back into the beasts. Back in our own garages is when the sad reality creeps out from the dark corners of the garage. These bikes were parked for a reason; burnt valves, worn rings, stripped teeth in the gearbox. We labour and toil as we hunt the swap meets scouring through every dirt and grease cover box in a vane attempt to find the impossible. We join online support groups; like minded individuals who have contracted the same affliction.
Slowly over the years the parts trickle in. A cylinder here, a valve spring there. Some from over seas, some forged by a blacksmith living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. It can be truly discouraging. Often these bikes become charity cases. Moving from one owner to the next. A collection of boxes and milk crates with no rhyme or reason searching for the own right owner, the one that will finally be the one to sort though the boxes of Sportster, 10 speed bike and lawn mower parts to finally begin putting the motorcycle back together again.
For those of us that are committed eventually one day our pride and joy will emerge from the shadows and softly putter down the streets. Our hearts swell, our own inner motors firing on all cylinders. We have created life and all is good.
– bad Uncle Monkey

BIKERNET TECH TIP REVIEW AND COMPLAINT– This is a terrific article, great pictures, well written, even I the Technically challenged followed easily. Is it possible to contact the builders? Are the controls for sale? From whom and at what price?
We are pleased that your business is doing great. We pray and hope that you will succeed and prosper. We enjoyed your book ORWELL, thanks for signing my copy. We will treasure this.
— Vinson

INTERNATIONAL BIKE SHOWS FOR 2010,The Hub Seminar Series Line Up–Hugely popular on last year?s show tour, the Hub seminar series is back providing show attendees with fun and educational topics from the world of motorcycling. Fan favorite seminars such as Lee Parks? advance riding techniques and Twisted Throttle?s seminar on gadgets and accessories for your bike will be back, along with new seminars about long distance touring, dual sport riding and more. CLICK HERE to learn more about the Hub seminar series.

Club Discounts to the Cycle World International Motorcycle ShowMotorcycle club members don?t need to pay full price to get into a Cycle World International Motorcycle Show! CLICK HERE to request discount coupons for you and your motorcycle club members. No club is too large or too small to request discount coupons. Request your CLUB DISCOUNT COUPONS today!

LASALLE PARISH MOTORCYCLE CHECKPOINTS– Update on LaSalle Parish. We made the ride Sunday and I’ve talked to the Sheriff yesterday. The ride was uneventful (but beautiful) and the Sheriff says there are no more motorcycle only checkpoints being conducted or “improper” (translated as illegal) searches of motorcyclists. It looks as if the pressure brought upon the law enforcement from my Organization and the US Defenders has been successful.
–James “Poet” Sisco
State Executive President
Abate Of La., Inc.

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER MAJOR PRIORITY, Breast Cancer–We asked Dr.Weil for some Nutrition Tips. He came up with seven:
To support national education during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October will focus on breast cancer awareness, prevention and treatment.
Diet and nutrition can play a significant role in the chances of developing breast cancer, especially if you have a family history of the disease. The following dietary practices may help to prevent or lessen the risks – I encourage all women to give them a try:
1. Keep your fat content low. Below 25 percent of your daily calories is ideal.
2. Avoid animal fats, polyunsaturated fats (many vegetable oils), and hydrogenated oils (margarines and vegetable shortenings) – all can increase cancer risks.
3. Use healthy fats: monounsaturates such as extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground flaxseed and oily fish such as wild Alaskan salmon and sardines (which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids) may reduce your risk of breast cancer.
4. Include whole soy products in your diet. Soy foods contain many cancer-protective substances, including isoflavones. Try to eat one to two servings of whole soy-based foods a day.
5. Avoid alcohol. Even in modest amounts, alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
6. Minimize your consumption of conventionally raised meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Replace with organic, hormone-free versions and use sparingly.
7. Eat more fruits and vegetables! They contain many different cancer-protective phytonutrients.
For more into visit

HARBORTOWN BOBBER PREMIERE–The Harbortown Bobber premiere was a success and we’ll have pics posted soon, even though Bandit and Jeremiah showed up a day late. If you have a chance, please let people know we’re giving away free Dickies with the HB logo on it to anyone who wants to hold a screening party!
We wanted to give you the heads up on an amazing new Ice Racing video we discovered from Sweden. Check out the teaser on our site.
Icy Riders is a film about dreams, ambition and aging during what might become the last season of the legendary SIXTY YEAR OLD ice speedway racer Posa Serenius. For three years, documentary filmmaker Bengt L?fgren, followed the riders, mechanics and fans in the glorious world of Ice Speedway. The result became a warm and intimate road movie that rolls from rural Sweden to freezing cold Siberia.
In other news, The Harbortown Bobber DVD goes off to the printers this week and don’t forget to check out Meatball’s great new Vintage Bikes & Pinups calendar!Every time you guys support us it helps us produce and discover new films like The Harbortown Bobber, Icy Riders and Cafe Society. Thanks for keeping our dreams alive, we’ll keep working hard to bring you the best we can.

HELL’S FOUNDRY COMES TO BIKERNET–The folks over at Hell?s Foundry have put together another recession-buster for bagger riders who want to enjoy better tone than what their factory sound system delivers.
The holidays are around the corner, so Hell?s Foundry has slashed its price on this two-way system so you can treat yourself to a feel-good goodie that won?t break your bank.

POT-SMOKING JUSTICE DEPARTMENT MEMO– WASHINGTON (AP) — Pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for federal prosecution in states that allow medical marijuana, prosecutors were told Monday in a new policy memo issued by the Justice Department.
Under the policy spelled out in a three-page legal memo, federal prosecutors are being told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law.
The guidelines being issued by the department do, however, make it clear that federal agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes.
The memo advises prosecutors they “should not focus federal resources in your states on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana.”
The new policy is a significant departure from the Bush administration, which insisted it would continue to enforce federal anti-pot laws regardless of state codes.
“It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana, but we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.
Fourteen states allow some use of marijuana for medical purposes: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.
California stands out among those for the widespread presence of dispensaries – businesses that sell marijuana and even advertise their services. Colorado also has several dispensaries, and Rhode Island and New Mexico are in the process of licensing providers, according to the Marijuana Policy Project, a group that promotes the decriminalization of marijuana use.
Holder said in March that he wanted federal law enforcement officials to pursue those who violate both federal and state law, but it has not been clear how that goal would be put into practice.
The memo spelling out the policy was sent Monday to federal prosecutors in the 14 states, and also to top officials at the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration.
The memo written by Deputy Attorney General David Ogden emphasizes that prosecutors have wide discretion in choosing which cases to pursue, and says it is not a good use of federal manpower to prosecute those who are without a doubt in compliance with state law.
“This is a major step forward,” said Bruce Mirken, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project. “This change in policy moves the federal government dramatically toward respecting scientific and practical reality.”
At the same time, officials said, the government will still prosecute those who use medical marijuana as a cover for other illegal activity.
In particular, the memo urges prosecutors to pursue marijuana cases which involve violence, the illegal use of firearms, selling pot to minors, money laundering or involvement in other crimes.
Associated Press Writer
–from Rogue

PHOENIX BASED BUILDERS MAKING MAJOR BAGGER CHANGES, BIKERNET INVESTIGATES–There’s always controversy around Baggers regarding handling characteristics and stability. We have sought to bring Bikernet readers lots of info to improve handling and avoid highspeed wobbles. We recently noticed two new movements in the Bagger Nation: Bonneville racing and the customs designed by Paul Yaffe and John Shope of Sinnister Choppers, in Phoenix. We decided to discuss handling and stability, since the Phoenix raked out Baggers may actually be safer than stock. Hold on for our reports, especially for Bonneville land speed record attempts.

“Thanks for your interest in what we are doing,” said Paul Yaffe, after his interview with Bikernet Desert Correspondent, C.S. Berg. “I’ll attach somepictures of a Street Glide with a 26-inch wheel, that we are putting together rightnow…It steers perfectly! You would never know I even changed the wheel,except this bike will be stable like a freight train 120mph! Check out ournew stretched tank kit too.
The whole kit will be available from CCI late2009 and will retail for $699 including the 6-gallon stretched tank, steel low profiledash, Chrome pop-up gas cap, rubber trim. Fits models 1992 thru 2010!

Progressive Suspension Monotube Fork Cartridge Kit for Baggers–True high-performance front suspension has finally made its way to the HD Touring line. Progressive Suspension?s state-of-the-art Monotube Fork Kit represents the pinnacle of bagger front end handling. High-performance specialty components replace the sloppy, open-bath damping found in OEM forks. The kit features a set of gas-charged Monotube dampers and a set of custom-tuned fork springs.

Monotube-style damping improves ride comfort, resistance to front brake dive as well as improving front end stability, cornering and bottoming control. The kit fits 1997 though 2010 HD Touring model forks and replaces all of the internal parts. Converts dual Damper rod, and Damper rod / Cartridge forks found on 2002-2005 models, to true high-performance Monotube damping! No mods are required and install is relatively simple. Check it out on the Progressive Performance website by clicking on the banner or contact your local Progressive Suspension dealer for more information.
Progressive Suspension

HOW’S THAT FOR A NEWS? Good god, hand me the whiskey. This has been another crazy week, but we’re about to go to press with the first Chance Hogan book. Hopefully next week, if we can raise the printing funds.
My Sturgis Shovelhead was acting up in downtown Santa Monica while we split lanes to find the HarborTown Bobber screening, only to discover we were 24 hours behind schedule. Fuck it. They didn’t expect us to arrive on time, did they? Jeremiah’s straight pipes reverberating off concrete buildings were giving me the Willies while surrounded by yuppies and cops. I expected someone to jot our plate numbers down and turn us in for disturbing their Wa.
I pulled the plugs in the Shovel and they indicated a lean condition. Can’t figure that out. I just richened the mixture. I pulled the mainjet and adjusted the clip. We’ll see?

Nyla’s Root Beer Float bobber arrived this week from Texas. It was finely built by one of the Texas masters, Kent Weeks, of Lucky Devil Metalworks. We will bring you the final tech in the next couple of weeks and photograph the bike for a magazine feature and a Bikernet feature.
More good news includes tinkering with the 5-Ball racer, we decided the existing cushy seat had to go. The position was too high and too far back. It dawned on me that master leather tooling Australian, Glenn Priddle, gave me a luxurious solo seat tooled with the 10th anniversary Bikernet logo. I gave it a try, and it fit like a glove, two inches lower and 2.5 inches closer to the tank. Amazing. I’m that much closer to a maiden voyage.

If you want Bikernet Updates, check our free doorprize department and sign up. Throw some suggestions at us, whatever. Next week we will give away a brand new copy of the S&S 50th, Top 50 Builders book. During the weeks leading up to the holidays, we’ll also have Wolfgang books and other gifts to hand out. It’s free goddamnit. Pour me a drink.
Ride Forever,