Continued From Page 1

SUCKER PUNCH SALLY?S H-BOMB OIL TANK–The custom H-Bomb oil bag is for custom builders who want to stand out with a unique looking oil tank. It’s made by Sucker Punch Sally’s and fits most custom applications and comes complete with weld on mounting bracket and spinner oil cap. They can be ordered through Custom Chrome and retail for $499. For more information you can visit SPS at

ANOTHER PRO TUNING CENTER EMERGES–LA CROSSE , WI (October 18, 2005) – S&S Cycle is proud to announce the opening of the third Pro Tuning Center in the United States . Technicians from Hal’s Speed Shop in New Berlin , Wisconsin , completed their week long training sessions on Variable Fuel Injection and Super Sidewinder service to earn the certification.Pro Tuning Center certification is achieved when two or more VFI and Sidewinder qualified technicians are on staff at a given S&S dealer–equipped with the proper tools and dynamometer in order to become certified. These courses give students the ins-and-outs of performance, oiling systems, carburetors, exhaust and tuning on S&S engines and Harley-Davidson engines modified with S&S components. All of the tuning and performance verification is done on SuperFlow dynamometers and the technicians utilize a complete shop full of MAC Tools during their training.
“The very first thought I had as the training started was that even though this is a world-class training facility, it really has a relaxed atmosphere,” Said Rob Schopf, Performance Manager at Hal’s Speed Shop. “I like how the shop is set up to make a technician feel at home and more in his element, even though it is really a classroom-it makes learning easier when you are comfortable.”
Tom Fritz, a Technician at Hal’s Speed Shop said, “This is a great facility-just what a company like S&S should have. Everything you need is right at your fingertips, and I really had a great time with the hands-on tuning session on the SuperFlow dyno,” concluded Fritz.”We have a long-standing relationship with Hal’s Speed Shop,” said S&S technical trainer, Jon ‘Opee’ Olson. “And based on their past VFI experience, we were able to expand on the S&S Closed Loop Variable Fuel Injection capabilities. Their experience with S&S engines let us explore some extra things on the SuperFlow dyno system-this was a great class to work with!”

Califormance and The Roadhouse Bar and Grill present the Post SEMA Show and Califormance Party– Saturday, November 5th, 2005 at the Roadhouse Bar and Grill in Henderson, NV.(15 min from downtown Las Vegas)
There will be contests and events all day that will includeattending companies reps and the public as well as models from and the local area.
Wet T-shirt
Miss Califormance
Burn Outs
Best of Show
Best Luxury, Exotic, Import, Performance, Truck/SUV, Chopper/Bike, Hot Rod and much more going on.
Set up starts at 6am and will open to the public at 8am and run well into the evening hours.
Space is limited to first come, first serve basis.
Register today by Phone 800 481 6617
The Roadhouse Bar and Grill is located at 2100 N. Boulder Highway in Henderson, NV.Califormance will be taping the event for use on the website and for Califormance DVD’s coming in 2006.

Will I live to be 90?–I recently picked a new primary care physician After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing “fairly well for my age”.
A little concerned about that comment, I couldn’t resist asking him, “Do you think I’ll live to be 90?”
He asked, “Well, do you smoke tobacco or drinkcocktails, beer or wine?” “Oh no,” I replied. “I’m not doingany of that.”
Then he asked, “Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?” I said, “No, my other Doctor said that red meat is very unhealthy!”
“Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?” No, I don’t,”I said, “I’m too fair-skinned.”
He asked, “Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?” “No,” I said. “I don’t do any of those things.”
He looked at me and said, “Then why do you give a shit if you live to be 90?”

RIDE AGAINST MC BRIDE – OCTOBER 25, 2005GATHER AT 5PM / RIDE AT 6PM SHARP–[Myrtle Beach Mayor Mark] McBride said last week that he wanted to ban explicit T-shirts from sale and from being worn in public because his children shouldn’t be exposed to a T-shirt he saw recently being worn on the street. “It was very tempting to kind of nudge the guy on the bike [with my car],” McBride said last week….
Myrtle Beach Mayor Mark McBride responded Tuesday to criticism of his comment last week that he wanted to hit motorcyclists with his car. “I thought about bumping the guy,” McBride said during a City Council meeting. “I admit, the thought ran through my mind.”We don’t support wearing obscene shirts where kids can see them, but we foundthe Mayor’s comments far more offensive than anything we’ve ever seen on a t-shirt.

Our own t-shirts bearing the image above on the back and McBride’s quote on the front will be available for a donation of $15 or more, while supplies last. Profits will be donated to the campaign funds of McBride’s opponents in the upcoming November 1st election. Profits from donations after the election will be donated to a fallen biker’s would like to encourage all bikers and the friends and family members of of those who ride to join us on Tuesday, October 25, 2005.We will gather between 5 and 6pm at the Island Bar and Grill in Surfside Beach (located in the Surfside Center shopping center at the corner of Glenns Bay Road and Highway 17 Bypass-where Eggs Up Grill and Anthony’s Pizza are.)
At 6:00pm sharp we will ride to the Law Enforcement Center in Myrtle Beach to be seen at the Myrtle Beach City Council meeting that starts at 7:00pm, where Mayor McBride first made his comments. Local media is expected at the council meeting so a good showing is very important. Please tell or bring as many people as you can.
An after-party will take place at the Island Bar & Grill. Free food will be provided and a full, cash bar is available. (Drink responsibly.)
DISCLAIMER AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY: and the Island Bar & Grill encourage the use of all proper riding gear and implementation of safe group riding techniques as recommended by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Participation in this “unofficial event” is voluntary. Motorcycle riding involves inherent risks. and the Island Bar & Grill accept no responsibility or liability for any injury or damages that may occur during the course of this event.
This event announcement was sent to you based on your subscriptionto the’s email newsletter and event alerts. – PO Box 14943 – Myrtle Beach, SC 29587

Cody cycle shop prevails in trademark case–
Gazette Wyoming Bureau
CODY, Wyo. – The owners of Cody Custom Cycle are in hog heaven after a lawsuit filed by Harley-Davidson alleging trademark infringement was dismissed last week on the eve of pre-trial hearings.Harley-Davidson Motor Company Group, Inc. filed suit in U.S. District Court in Casper against Cody Custom Cycle, also known as 10-94 Enterprises LC, and owners Ray Burns and Kathy Redish.
Filed in July, the company claimed that Cody Custom Cycle used the Harley-Davidson trademarked name and images without permission, a charge the owners and their attorney denied then and now.”We always said we’d done nothing wrong, and they never proved otherwise,” said Burns. “We were right then, and we’re right now, and we’re not changing the way we do business.”Attorney Laurence Stinson represented Cody Custom Cycle and said the case was “dismissed by the court after the parties agreed to a certain resolution.”He said, “One of the things they were sued for was selling Harley parts and using the name to say they service Harley motorcycles, and they continue to have that right.”Redish said she’s glad to have the issue behind her, particularly since she and Burns, who are married, were named personally in the case.”It was my ultimate fear that they would end up with everything I owned, including my horse,” she said. “But we’ve received tremendous community support.”She said local people and bikers passing through donated money to a legal defense fund for the shop, which has been in Cody since 1994.And though she regrets being forced to bear the cost of mounting a legal defense, she credits Stinson with “championing our cause and going beyond what other attorneys would have done.”Redish said publicity about the lawsuit, which was filed shortly before thousands of bikers passed through Cody on their way to an annual gathering in Sturgis, S.D., may have helped pressure
Harley-Davidson to drop the matter.”People would come in and ask if we were the shop Harley was suing,” she said. “And when we said ‘Yes’ they’d want to buy something. It’s our belief it backfired on Harley.”Burns said he was happy to avoid a protracted trial with costly delays.”Anyone can file a lawsuit and bleed you dry,” he said. “Harley has an army of lawyers and our resources are very finite. We always knew we’d win, but we were afraid we’d be having our victory party in a cardboard box.”Harley-Davidson, a century-old brand with a devoted following, has a policy of aggressively defending its trademarks. It saw revenues last year of more than $5 billion, with $224 million in sales of clothes and general merchandise, according to the company’s 2004 annual report.In 1994, the company applied for a trademark on what it claimed was the distinctive sound of its motorcycles. Competitors contested the filing and after six years of debate, Harley-Davidson dropped the claim.
Representatives from Harley-Davidson did not return messages left over the weekend.

Judge threatens to dismiss Hell Angels’ indictments–AZ, AZ – Judge David Campbell called for Friday’s hearing in a sharply worded order suggesting that indictments against members of the biker organization might be dismissed if the U.S. Attorney’s Office fails to abide by due-process rules.Campbell described his order as “an extraordinary step of requiring the chief of the criminal division of the United States Attorney’s Office . . . to appear in court and personally certify that the government has complied with its disclosure obligations . . . advertisement”Statements made to the court by counsel for the government have been inaccurate, inconsistent and sometimes legally incorrect,” the judge wrote. “The court has concluded . . . that a higher level of attention is necessary if this case is to be brought to trial.”Prosecutors apparently responded in a memorandum, but it was filed under seal. A spokeswoman in U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton’s office declined to comment.In July 2003 federal agents and Valley police raided Hells Angels’ homes, businesses and chapter houses, arresting 16 club members and associates under a federal grand jury indictment for murder, gunrunning, drug-dealing, racketeering and other crimes.The undercover probe known as Operation Black Biscuit netted three Hells Angel chapter presidents in the state. Agents seized 600 firearms, plus stolen vehicles, drugs, club records and paraphernalia.As part of the sting, undercover investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives infiltrated the club and were invited to become members.Similar cases are being tried against dozens of Hells Angels in Nevada, California and other states.Defense attorneys have complained about misconduct by undercover operatives in the Arizona case, and about the prosecution’s failure to disclose evidence that must be shared under federal justice rules.
Joe Abodeely, counsel for defendant Craig T. Kelly, filed a motion for dismissal this week based on prosecutors’ conduct during 20 months and 10 hearings.”It is painfully clear that the government has not and does not intend to comply with its legal requirements in keeping with due process, fair play and with this court’s orders,” Abodeely wrote.In another court filing, Patricia Gitre, attorney for defendant Kevin Augustiniak, noted that the government employed three paid informers with backgrounds of violence and drug abuse.One of them failed to tell investigators that he participated in a murder that is integral to the case. A second informer concealed the fact that, while working undercover, he used methamphetamine and beat people up. A third operative was arrested and removed from the probe after state police caught him with methamphetamines.
Gitre claims those “snitches” made the government’s case, yet prosecutors have withheld volumes of information that raises doubt about their credibility. She argues that all three operatives have motive to lie for the government, which has given them money, plea deals and protection in return for cooperation.
Keith Vercauteren, the prosecutor, contends in legal filings that the government has only withheld materials that are irrelevant, unavailable or not yet subject to release under court rules. In some cases, Vercauteren argues, the defense wants information that would jeopardize ongoing investigations or the safety of informers.Judge Campbell stopped short of finding that prosecutors have acted in “bad faith,” but warned that the government must provide an “unequivocal confirmation” that defendants are getting all required information.
Campbell included an exhaustive review of the two-year battle over pre-trial evidence, noting that prosecutors claimed in January 2004 that they had “given all of the discovery” to defense lawyers. Since then, the government has produced thousands of additional documents, wiretap tapes, video recordings and other evidence.The sixteen defendants are scheduled for trial in February. A key issue appears to be whether the Hells Angels is a criminal racketeering enterprise.HAMC members and attorneys claim there is no statewide hierarchy for the biker gang, just independent clubs whose members sometimes break the law.Federal investigators say the Hells Angels organization is a violent criminal gang that operates as a syndicate, dealing in guns, drugs and theft for profit.

Ready For Public Customization–Thanks to the design innovation of the crew at Revolution Manufacturing (RM), the patented RM Carbon Fibre Frame is ready for you and your bike-building plans. Features on this unique frame include: a 32-degree rake, 2-inch stretch, and a negative 2-inch stretch in the downtubes. It accepts 5-degree triple-trees and sports a low seat height. Half-inch lower motor and transmission mounts make for a lower center of gravity in this frame overall. The RM Carbon Fibre Frame also has an integrated top motor mount and a machined neck for press-in races (no fork cups). It accepts all motors with Evo-based cases. Kit form includes: neck bearing, oil tank, battery box, hidden rear axle, integrated gas tank, rear fender, and skid pan. The Revolution Manufacturing Carbon Fibre Frame is also available as a complete bike or rolling chassis. Call for pricing. Stayed tuned for Revolution’s Suspension Frame, a must-see coming attraction. For more information, contact: Revolution Manufacturing, (770) 420-9191,

VTRace Girl?s Weekend Update–Last weekend (Oct. 12-14) Valerie raced two Custom Performance Turbo VRods at the Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts Nationals Presented by Drag Specialties at the Rock, Rockingham Dragway. She attempted qualification in the Super Eliminator (10.9 index) and Super Sport (10.3 index) classes. She broke out in the Super Eliminator class and did not qualify, but posted a promising 10.718 @ 121.94 mph. In the Super Sport class she qualified 16th (10.714 @ 130.13 mph) and gave the Number One S&S qualifier David Hope a run for his money
Valerie also got to spend some quality time with Ray Price; priceless advice from the best in the business.
Valerie had a great photo opportunity with the Screamin? Eagle Destroyer. Her goal is to race one of those bad boys in 2006, all she needs is some sponsorship (we already know she has the guts and determination). What a great marketing tool for any business targeting the huge motorcycle industry?
Sponsorship from great vendors and organizations like Militec-1, Legend Air and Custom Performance along with the help and support from all of the great drag racers (Jamie McNaughton, Tripp Nobbles and Charlie Mitchell to name a few) out there every weekend has allowed the tough as nails VTRace Girl to quickly advance in the sport of her passion.

That?s It– As Bandit always says, Margarita Time! Have a great Friday and Weekend!