Continued From Page 1

BIKETOBERFEST ’06 UP-DATE– The places that were the busiest the weekend before Biketoberfest were those outside of the city and there were plenty of them. I did some further south on US1, A1A, Gills in Port Canaveral, Beach Shack in Cocco Beach, Earl’s in Sebastian, Malabar Moe’s in Malabar ( South of Melbourne Just off US1) just to name a few.
Florida is a tourist state 365 days a year and you can find entertainment and good food just about anywhere. Bars and restaurants that cater to Bikers are everywhere.
The trend seems to be continuing with people staying out of the Daytona Beach area and day tripping in to see what they want. For those wanting to stay there rooms are readably available though still a little pricy. Hey that may be why they are so many available. Haha Some Hot Spots during Biketoberfest will be:
During Biketoberfest?, Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona will be in full blast! The enormous Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson dealership offers everything H-D you could possibly imagine. While you’re there, check out the live music and Hard Rock Girls at the Saints & Sinners Pub. Tour renowned bike builder displays including FBI, The Trike Shop, Carolina Customs and Jim Nasi Customs & Chopper Inc.. And visit the all new Arlen Ness Motorcycle dealership with bikes for sale from Ness Motorcycles, Hellbound Steel, American Iron Horse, Triumph, Ducati and Rucker Performance. Roam acres and acres of the top motorcycle industry vendors who will be displaying everything from clothing, jewelry, part and accessories including Drag Specialties, Kuryakyn, J & P Cycles, Corbin, Hawg Halters & Dakota Jewelry. The brand-new Daytona Pig Stand will welcome Biketoberfest? visitors. Or try the variety at the Florida Family Food Court. There’s plenty of parking to enjoy it all – all day, every day during Biketoberfest?!
The world-famous Daytona International Speedway welcomes bikers at its Fall Cycle Scene and Kickstand City. Kickstand City is the world’s largest entertainment venue with a variety of activities and entertainment. Also visit the Daytona Motorcycle Marketplace, where bikers can find aftermarket parts, accessories and apparel companies in one location. Free manufacturer demo rides, motorcycle displays and on-track motorcycle action.
Note- There will also be camping in the infield with paid admission to the races and this may turn out to be a new party spot like during the Nascar races. US 1 Ormond Beach- Take in the sites at the Hang Dawg Saloon at Biker Haven, featuring the Hog Wild Honeys. Live music, drink specials, bike wash, fire show and fire dancing daily. Or drop by nearby at Smiley’s Tap Room where they’ll be serving up cold drinks, good music, fun contests and free give-aways.
In Port Orange, visit the Last Resort in Port Orange for Horse Magazine’s “Ol Skool” Chopper Show. Or try the Port Orange Flea & Farmers Market/Black Hills Saloon for vendors selling all kinds of clothing and motorcycle items.
There is so much more going on that it can not be listed here But check out the area around Daytona as there is a lot happening in some of the small towns.

How about going on an airboat ride after eating some Gator Tail or other good food at the Lone Cabbage fish camp. They have a full bar also. Take exit 75 off I-95 and head West. Enjoy Some Florida!!
Oh Me. I will start my weekend off at the Bikers For First Amendment Rights bar at 144 Ridgewood Ave. (US1) Holly Hill at 3:00 PM on Friday. Stop by and say Hello, have your photo taken, ya never know you might see yourself on Bikernet.
I will hit some of the other places around town looking to have a good time, just like you. See some of the results here next week.

ANOTHER WILD HARLEY TELEVISION AD, I HOPE–You Got To See This One, Haha. The Harley Rider is Not Her Husband. Watch the sales go up now!

SPEAKING OF H-D, UNION WORKERS VOTE DOWN THE HARLEY PROPOSAL–POSTED: 8:42 pm CDT October 16, 2006MILWAUKEE — Union workers rejected a proposed compromise Monday morning that would have meant more jobs at Milwaukee-area plants.
Now, Harley-Davidson threatens to move the work out of state.The company’s plan for production expansion would go to build more engines and transmissions for larger Harleys.The point is to attract more riders, but union workers said the company’s plan to get it done would only ostracize its employees.
Mary Ann Brylow has worked for Harley-Davidson for 17 years. Now, she feels like she’s been hit with an ultimatum.”I don’t like a gun to my head. I don’t like threats. And that’s what they do. ‘You do this or we’re going to do that.’ That’s just not right in my book,” Brylow said.Brylow and an overwhelming majority of her union co-workers voted down a proposed wage and benefit concession.
Under the plan, the company would expand production at its Pilgrim Road and Capitol Drive plants if workers agreed to pay a portion of their insurance costs and a wage cut for new hires.Union president Jim Wheiland said the wage cut proposal, plus the company’s recent glowing earnings report were the deal-breakers.
“I believe the earnings report was like $312 million net for the quarter with a projected billion dollar profit by the end of the year, so I think that had a lot to do with it,” Wheiland said.
Harley-Davidson officials said, “We’re disappointed with the vote, but we need to address capacity, cost, and flexibility in tandem,” and said they essentially have no choice but to “… move forward with plans to build an additional U.S. manufacturing and assembly plant outside of Wisconsin.”
Some union workers told 12 News their fear of possibly losing work lost out to their pride.Brylow for one is prepared for whatever’s necessary.”Then move it out of state. That’s how I feel. I’ll find another job. I’m an intelligent person. I’m not afraid of them,” Brylow said.
Harley-Davidson officials said the wage and benefit compromises they put on the table are comparable to what they could get at a unionized plant in some other part of the country.
They have not said where they will build the new plant.A statement released Monday said the company will be working with union representatives to find the best location possible.
–from Rogue

RESEARCH REPORT FROM BIKERNET ANIMAL CLINIC–A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park.
As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway.
The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the beast out and headed home.
Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat!
He kept taking the cat further and further and the cat would always beat him home. At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right until he reached what he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there.
Hours later the man calls home to his wife: “Jen, is the cat there?”
“Yes,” the wife answers, “why do you ask?”
Frustrated, the man answered, “Put that son of a ***** on the phone, I’m lost! and need directions!”
–from Ken Miller

SEAT OF THE WEEK FROM AUSTRALIA– Here’s the seat I finished it last night. It’s for one of Shawne’s shop bikes at Phat Choppers a local shop that is going places you can check his unbelievable bikes on:>

aka GP Custom Leather Design

BMC CHOPPERS BIKE SHOW GIVEAWAY BOBBER–The BMC Choppers Grand National Bike Show, Horse Power Promotions season finale in San Francisco, CA was all that and more. Top bike builders like Kirk Taylor, Scott Long, Big Mike, Trevelen, Todd Silicato and Cole Foster fresh off his build off win in Arizona all were on hand over the weekend. The October 14th and 15th show featured the largest northern California motorcycle marketplace of the year. The crowd of close to 9,000 shopped till they dropped at over 80,000 square feet of vendors.
The Incubus custom bike show was the largest one of the year with 117 bikes entered. Topping the list was Tom Foster’s ultra clean chopper and Joe Lawrence’s radical custom solid mount. Dudley Perkins Harley-Davidson awarded billet trophies to the Bay Areas most beautiful Harleys.
International Trials superstar David Chavez thrilled the crowds with his expertise and balance. Live music and the Road Rage fashion show kept the main stage rocking.The sound of racing filled the parking lot as Nor-Cal’s best pit bike racers battled it out for the Grand National crown.
The weekend was capped of by the BMC Chopper Bobber giveaway and the Johnny Chop tribute bike giveaway.
Mark your calendar for October 13th and 14th for next years Grand National Bike Show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco and be sure to check out for 2007 tour.

VICTORY ARTICLE GETS THUMBS UP–Holy sh*t! What an incredible write-up! This is absolutely great – Iam going to forward it to the rest of the Victory team….
Absolutely awesome and it was so great meeting you finally. Invites togo out for December’s thing shortly.
Thank you again for this – it’s really awesome and I’m glad you likedthe bikes. If you want to get some seat time on a Hammer S in thefuture – just say the word – I’ll have one at the fleet center in CostaMesa with your name on it.
Take it easy – talk soon and thank you again – this is really a greatwrite up. Loved reading the story – and I can’t wait for the others tosee it.
BIKETOBERFEST MOVES TO ORLANDO–Many people are opting to attend Biketoberfest in the Orlando rather that Daytona.Orland is a fun with plenty of BIKER Friendly Businesses.

ORLANDO H-D CELEBRATES THE TROOPS–On Saturday, October 21, join Orlando Harley-Davidson and News 13 in a celebration of homecoming, appreciation, and support for our men and women in uniform. The celebration will take place at the Historic Factory Dealership at 3770 37th Street in Orlando.
Special presentation beginning at 11 a.m. featuring:
o Guest speakers including City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
o Lake Highland Preparatory School Patriotic Presentation
o Honor Guard featuring all branches of the service& Fly Over by The Marchetti Maverick Formation Team
o Florida Fallen Heroes Quilt Project on Display
o Performance by the VFW Post 2093 Band
o Take part in the
o Collection of items for Troops Care Packages
The Bikefest Block Party kicks off at noon!
o Themed bars & food, Live music with Hindu Cowboys, RED, Legendary JC’s, The Kronic and The Thrusters
o Merchandise vendors on site throughout the event
o Orlando Harley-Davidson Drill Team exhibition and much more
Show your Support and Come for the Celebration and the Parade Starting at 11 a.m.

BIKER BEAUTIES SECOND ISSUE SOON TO BE PRINTED–The second issue of Biker Beauties Magazine will be delivered from the printers on Wednesday October 25. Copies will start showing up in store locations across Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia the weekend of the 28th. Mail order subscriptions will be mailed as soon as the magazines arrive here.
The new issue has several new beauties appearing for the first time in a magazine.
Nina graces the cover this month along side a Detroit Bros. Motorcycle. The 10 page Outlanders layout was shot in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia this month during their Biker Renaissance Party featuring the Detroit Bros. and Livia Crisan’s Bikini Dream Team.
Stephanie and Allie are college students from West Virginia. Both girls can be seen in the 10-page Savage Cycles Pictorial. Stephanie will be in the Savage Cycles booth at the Chantilly Motorcycle Show held by on Dec. 30-31 at the Dulles Expo Center. Her GOB feature coming Oct. 31 will leave you weak in the knees.
Gangster Choppers has an 8-page layout that includes John Dodson’s latest creation…. “Cocky”. Biker Beauties is the first to publish this motorcycle. We had to find a cute blonde to shoot with the bike since our first issue was lacking the fair share of blondes. April is a local model from the Richmond area who didn’t seem to mind being in the middle of downtown Richmond in a bikini with close to 100 people watching the shoot.

One of my favorite shoots was the 10-page Girls of Wytheville Harley-Davidson shoot where I met Allison. She works at the dealership and modeled on several 2007 models in Harley Davidson apparel along with several other girls from the dealership. I hope that she will be doing a future feature and cover in the new year.
Bikini Dream Team Member and Girl of Bikernet Model Beki visited the Renegade Classics store of Baltimore and caused quite a commotion as she modeled several fashions from the store in our 2 page Renegade Classics article.
Several more articles are in this month’s issue along with over 12 new advertisers….. You’ll have to get the issue though to see the Flying Pig Eyewear ad….. it’s so hot Bandit wouldn’t post it outside the Cantina. But we’ll say the photo has sunglasses, a naked model and nothing else.
Remember the Bikernet ad that was banned from the Kids and Chrome Magazine at Sturgis?? Just wait til you see the new 1/2 page vertical ad Bikernet has this month…… and we’ve got the balls to print it! Most of our ads are just as fun to look at as the articles.
Subscriptions are available at and Autographed Bikini Dream Team Motorcycle posters can be purchased on the Biker Beauties website as well.
You’re copy will be in the mail soon Bandit… just make sure you send the girls in the office out for margaritas when it arrives so you have some quiet time with the beauties.
–Sam Dixon
Biker Beauties Magazine

BIKERNET NEWS FROM THE A TINY ISLAND IN THE CARIBBEAN–Well, here we go again, who knows.. I might get the hang of it again….We are working on our event here in Puerto Rico, in the western town of Rincon, Surfing capital of the Atlantic.I guess if that was the only thing I did, it would be a piece of cake, but it’s not the only thing I do. I am not bitching about it, this is the yearly chance to enjoy a ride with friends, spend the weekend, surf, hang out and listen to good music (speaking of music, shameless plug for my girlfriends bands new website It’s in Spanish, but music is universal and photos too.)
So we put Puerto Rico and Rincon on the map, cool, there’s still time to join us the first week end in December, it’s not a normal bike event, it’s just a good, relaxing time.
Speaking of islands, I want to talk about Hawaii and the recent earthquake, As you all know we have many friends there, as soon as I found out I tried to call but cell phones were not working, seeing the over eager news channel I expected the worst…
Well… you know news, right…
Everyone is fine, heard the cows got a good shake on the Big island, other than that and having no power for a day, the rest seems fine, sure there’s some structural damage here and there.. but no, it’s not like an atomic bomb hit the islands…
That’s why I don’t watch news…. They SUCk !
Speaking of screwed up things, our very inept politicians want to amend the motorcycle laws, they say that the increment in fatalities is due to (and can be fixed by) many factors (too many to write up here) and guess what, they all happen to be wrong. Puerto Rico has doubled the amount of bikes since 2003, now I believe the figure is around 140,000, the grand majority being scooters, driven by kids…. Anyway, they are very alarmed of our fatalities number (89) So they came up with this bright solution.
1) All riders must wear ankle covering footwear
2) all riders must wear a reflective vest from 6pm to 6 am
3) all riders must wear long pants
4) all riders must wear a ASA approved and DOT approved helmet (ASA became ANSI a long time ago) and they have to provide the famous approved helmet list
5) all riders must take a course and new licensing
6) all riders must wear palm protecting gloves
7) no riders under 18 years old
8) no riders under 10 and 12 years old (figure that one out)
9) no nitrogen on the bikes (figure that one, I guess they meant Nitrous Oxide, but fuck ’em)
10) maximum of 2 white lights up front (you have spot lights your screwed)
11) Two brakes per bike (you have dual calipers up front, you suck)
There’s more moronic items, but to make it short….So of course we are trying to fight this… I do have the complete law proposal and I use it when I need a good laugh…. Too bad it’s in Spanish, or I would copy it here so you guys could laugh too.
There’s been 130 pedestrians killed; I guess they should start wearing shit to look like a traffic cone as well.
Anyway guys… see you later.. got a book to write, bikes to build, and event to figure out and I see some waves out the window….
Maybe next week…. maybe not.

HOT BIKE/BIKE WORKS MAGAZINE SHAKE-UP– That company is constantly on the move. Rumor has it Bike Works is being shut down and the editor, Frank Kaisler, was asked to leave. Steve Bohn the Editor of HOT BIKE was also replaced by the Senior Editor, Eric Ellis. Eric was the man I recommended when I left HOT BIKE. He is a young, talented writer, with knowledge and understanding on how to edit a world class magazine. We wish him all the best in those whacky Primedia Halls.
Continued On Page 3