THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at

NOTE: The tragic events of September 11th took place right after I wrote last month’s Gunny’s Sack, so I didn’t have the opportunity to make a comment at that time. ?Nevertheless, be assured that I’m appalled and dismayed at the massive criminal acts that took place in the name of any religion. ?These people will, by whatever means needed, be brought to swift justice, and I fully support our government and all others that are involved in this task.
Here is the Sack for November. ?
NYC, NY: All right folks, the world situation has hit the fan, and it’s hard for this old biker to keep his trap shut about it, even in this column that’s by, for, and about bikers. ?That’s because being a biker is also about brotherhood, sisterhood, and living and doing what’s right. ?I hope by the time this Sack hits your mailbox, we’ll be done with our job overseas, and pray we’re not hit again at home.
Our Oregon A.I.M. Attorney, Sam Hochberg, grew up in the Bronx, in New York City, and he told me a horror story or two. ?His nephew was 4 blocks from the World Trade Center when it was hit, and that boy had to skeedaddle pretty quick. ?This is the time we all need to get behind our President, and support our young men and women in uniform. ?Semper Fi from the Gunny to you all.
NEW YORK, NY: There is SOME news from NYC that isn’t about the WTC: Patch holders there won another battle. ?An agreement says the NYC Police will pay 14 Hells Angels nearly $200,000.00 plus attorney fees and other costs, and in return the Angels will drop their legal action.
All this stemmed from the alleged illegal forced entry into the clubhouse and apartments searching for suspects in another matter without a search warrant by New York police. ?New York already has paid this club $565,000.00 for raiding them once before and ignoring warrant instructions. ?This time I guess they didn’t even bother with a warrant.
Now I just KNOW, based on recent events in NYC, that New York’s finest is made of better stuff than that. ?Maybe they just don’t learn very well when it comes to bikers.
KANSAS CITY, MO: Harley-Davidson is moving their Dyna assembly line on out to Kansas City, Missouri. ?They already are doing some fabrication and painting there. ?Guess this move will make manufacture of the Dyna bikes more cost effective. ?Wonder if they will reflect that in purchase prices? ?They are building the ”Sportster” line there now, and they expect to build the new V-Rod bike there too.
GILROY, CA: Indian Motorcycle Co is on the mend with new top leadership joining ranks to pull the company together with a new influx of dough. ?”The strength of the Indian brand is unquestionable,” said Frank O’Connell, CEO. ?”With [new] financial backing…..and a dedicated, enthusiastic management team, we are well prepared to allow Indian Motorcycle to live up to the public’s high expectations.”
Now lets wait and see what happens. ?I wish Indian all the best. ?Years ago it was a fine scoot, and I was lucky enough to own one.
NIGERIA: ?There’s a place in Nigeria fighting poverty with motorcycles! ?Now, I’ve heard about all sorts of government handouts that I didn’t care for much over the years, but HERE’S one I’ll support: In the state of Imo, in Nigeria, they started this motorcycle loan program — they picked 54 poor but deserving people from around the state to get a motorcycle, just to help stimulate their economy. ?They’ll give out 100 when it’s all done. ?They will have to pay it back eventually. ?Man, what a deal. ?I’m moving there, so I can get my next bike! ?Oops. I’m not broke enough.
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: From the ”Czech A.M.” news folks comes this happy news: Bike sales in the Czech Republic are up 23% through August this year. ?That amounts to about 8,000 new bikes sold there. ?I’ve heard tell Prague is a beautiful city. ?Maybe I’ll get my old butt over there someday. ?Probably not, but I can dream can’t I?
TULSA, OK: Williams Travel Center Co Employees from all over North America will return to Tulsa after riding their motorcycles more than 2,000 miles, approximately 200 miles per day, to raise money and awareness for local United Way agencies. ?Forty-four riders departed Tulsa on Sept. 11 and were scheduled to return to Tulsa in time for a parade. ?I took a peek at their website, and it turns out they went forward with the ride, in spite of what ELSE happened that day!
Jamie McMurray, in the No. 27 Williams Travel Center NASCAR race car, was scheduled to lead the return parade, along with high school bands, Tulsa firefighters, and local dignitaries.
Two Williams employees started this fund-raiser, known as Riding the Line, in 1999 as a way to ride their bicycles to raise money for the United Way. ?Last year, 80 Williams employees raised $16 million. ?Because of that success, a motorcycle ride was added this year and the bicycle tour expanded.

Williams will match all new contributions dollar-for-dollar. ?For additional information about Riding the Line or to make a donation, visit the official ride Internet site, accessible from ?If you click on the ”motorcycle ride” section, turn on your speakers for continuous loud pipes!
BOLOGNA, ITALY: Ducati ?is introducing their Multistrada1000, a ?new generation sport bike with some hot performance, at least as long as there is pavement. ?The Multistrada is a high-spec bike with Superbike goodies, but that still offers some of the conveniences, flexibility, ?and storage of the big enduros.
This thing sounds like the ultimate sport bike that will run the twisties, but still carry saddlebags for old farts like me. ?I like to take junk on trips and still be comfortable after a long day. ?Might have to look this critter over.
PARIS, FRANCE: According to the British news service, PA News, the first organized motorcycle race wasn’t in the USA, and it wasn’t in Germany: It happened in France, in 1896! ?It was just eight riders on a 476-mile course from Paris to Nantes and back. ?I guess the Americans had to play catch-up back then. ?And we Americans think we’re so smart.
MIDDLETOWN, PA: A seventy-three year old Pennsylvania resident won herself a brand new Harley ”1200 Sportster” in a second chance drawing.
Pauline Gutshall recently won her prize through the Lottery’s HARLEY-DAVIDSON instant ticket second-chance promotion. ?Pauline gets her motorcycle during a special presentation at Susquehanna Valley Harley-Davidson/Buell, in Harrisburg.
”I never dreamed I’d ever win a motorcycle she said. ?I don’t expect I’ll ride it but I’ve got some two sons and some grandchildren that probably will.” ?Hey, do you want another grandkid, Pauline?
GUNNY AGAIN: Our Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorneys across the country take very good care of us, even when we don’t. ?If you have an accident please do yourself a favor and call your nearest A.I.M. Attorney. ?They will talk to you free, and if you hire them, they don’t get paid if you don’t. ?That’s real incentive to work extra hard in your behalf. ?Not to mention they network with each other all across the nation so yer gettin’ lots of brain power. ?You can reach them nationwide at 1-800 ON-A-BIKE. ?Sam Hochberg here in Oregon is available at 1-800-347-1106 or if its a local call 503/224-1106.
Next month, I’ll have a report on the NCOM West Coast Regional Meeting, up in Federal Way, Washington. ?Remember that the NCOM (NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS) International Convention is in New Orleans the 9th thru the 11th of May 2002. ?This will be the biggest and the best yet. ?I’ll be there, so don’t miss it. ?I’ll buy you a drink if you mention the SACK to me when we talk. ?Details coming.
Keep the round side on the bottom.
Gunny, Oregon A.I.M. Chief of Staff