Continued From Page 2

Here’s Kent’s installation of the Glenn Priddle seat.
BIKERNET IRAQI VETERAN SPS PROJECT TO BE GIVEN TO SOLDIER IN DAYTONA–After working 10 hours yesterday at my regular job, I was elated to find the parts you sent me sitting on my front patio. I immediately grabbed them up and carted everything to Lucky Devil’s Metal Works in Houston, where we worked until 4:30 this morning.
I would have kept going, but I had to come back to my regular job and do 8 hours today. At this time, the H-D drivetrain is in, SPS oilbag set, coil and ignition wired in, and the front end is assembled and hanging from the neck.
Thanks again, and watch for updates on I will also have an in depth tech piece on the build in several issues of Hot Bike in the coming months followed by a full bike feature. I can’t wait to see my brother’s face on October 20, at the Hard Rock Roadhouse at Biketoberfest, he will be amazed. The bike is flying together.

JUDGE AGREES TO HEAR MOTION IN BILLY LANE CASE– VIERA – A Brevard County circuit judge Wednesday agreed to hear a defense motion to retest blood samples taken from motorcycle builder Billy Lane, but she did not schedule a date for the hearing, attorneys said.
Officials said Judge Meryl Allawas also will schedule a hearing on the state’s motion to access Lane’s medical records in its quest to convict Lane on one count of DUI manslaughter.
Police say Lane, 37, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 – more than twice the legal limit – when while driving his Dodge Ram pickup he crossed a double yellow line on State Road A1A to pass several vehicles and struck 56-year-old Sebastian Inlet park ranger Gerald Morelock’s Yamaha mini-motorcycle head-on.
Lane faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted in connection with the Sept. 4, 2006, incident. His trial is expected to begin in early 2008.
Lane attorney Gregory Eisenmenger recently filed a motion asking Allawas to throw out Lane’s blood alcohol results on the basis that a failure by police to refrigerate the samples may have led to contamination that created a false high alcohol level.
Eisenmenger also asked that his own toxicologist be allowed to retest the samples. Prosecutors objected Wednesday to the blood being sent to a Colorado lab rather than a local one.
Lane’s next court date is a Nov. 6 docket sounding.

RENEGADE FROM BIKERNET OFFERS GAMBLING LESSONS–It was little Johnny’s first day in a new school, so his father looked up the teacher. He told her that little Johnny was a good kid but that he was an avid gambler. He warned her that little Johnny might win lunch money from the other kids if he was not watched closely.
The teacher did not seem disturbed, assured the father that she had handled many such problems and was very capable of taking care of little Johnny’s urge to gamble.
Shortly after lunch, the father called the teacher and asked her how things were going.
“Oh, everything is going very well.” She said. “I think I may have cured little Johnny of his gambling habit.”
The father asked her what had happened.
“The little tyke absolutely insisted on betting me ten dollars that I had a mole on my rear.” She said. “I finally agreed to the bet and took him to the teacher’s lounge to show him that I had no mole.”
“Damn!” The father said. “He bet me fifty dollars this morning that he would see the teacher’s ass before the day was over.”
–from Rik Savenko

NEW SHOP OPENING IN HAWAII–Bandit and Layla going to investigate.Deacon has been in business since 1996 in Hawaii, been fixing and building bikes for 35 years. There will be live music , food, burn out contest, ride in contest, hand made trophy’s from case iron UL flatheads, prizes and more…
“I may be riding a bike from Cycle City and testing Island roads on the weekend of the 20th,” said Bandit.

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT OPENS–Gimme three steps gimme three steps mister~ Lynyrd Skynyrd
Live it up,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

SAN FRANCISCO TO HOUSTON OR BUST RUN–Here’s the pic of my buddy when he started his journey in San Francisco. He called me last night and said he has had to fix the throttle, rear axle, and he lost his shifter. Also, he said it leaks a lot of oil.
Will get more to you later.
This will be an amazing story. While Johnny is working on the Sucker Punch Sally for his veteran brother, a friend bought this bike through e-bay in Houston, jumped on a plane to Asphalt Death Customs in San Francisco and straddled this bike for the ride home. We’ll bring you a full run report next week, if he survives.

PUERTO RICO PASSES STRICT BIKE LAWS–Where can you find the strictest government regulations on motorcyclists in the United States? Not in any of the 50 states, but in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.
A measure recently signed into law by the governor of Puerto Rico will require riders to wear not only a helmet, but also gloves, boots, and long pants. After dark, riders must wear a reflective vest, and the law also tightens age restrictions on riders and imposes new testing requirements.
In some ways, the law is even more restrictive than the requirements on many U.S. military bases.Legislative sponsors said the law was a response to increasing numbers of motorcycle fatalities on the Caribbean island.
Between 2000 and 2005, the number of motorcycles and scooters registered in Puerto Rico more than doubled. Several factors encourage motorcycle use, including the year-round riding weather and the congestion of nearly 4 million residents on a 3,500-square-mile island. In general, gasoline is slightly more expensive than in the 50 states, while average household incomes are lower than in any of the states. In that environment, sales of inexpensive Chinese-built scooters have boomed in recent years as more residents in the crowded San Juan metropolitan area turned to them for affordable and fun transportation, in addition to steady sales of full-size motorcycles.
“This considerable increase in the purchase and use of motorcycles as an alternative means of transportation has brought with it an unprecedented increase in motorcycle accidents, and, at the same time, a dramatic increase in deaths from those accidents,” the legislation states.The new requirements include:
Puerto Rico already required helmet use, but the new law also requires gloves, boots that cover the ankles, and long pants. Between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., riders and passengers must wear a reflective vest.
Riders must be 18 years of age, and passengers must be at least 12.
New riders must pass a test on the first try to obtain a motorcycle endorsement. If they do not pass, they have to take a government-approved training course.
The law adds motorcyclists to the list of school bus drivers, truck drivers, and heavy equipment operators who are subject to a legal blood-alcohol limit of 0.02 percent, instead of the 0.08 percent limit applied to car drivers.
The law specifically prohibits lane-sharing, an accepted practice in Puerto Rico that can easily cut in half the time of a rush-hour commute in the San Juan area.
The law imposes an additional $10 charge for taking the motorcycle endorsement test and an additional $10 charge for renewing an annual motorcycle registration.

The law takes effect in October. It calls for the creation of eight training centers around the island to license new riders and budgets $250,000 to start the program. But it’s not likely the centers will be running by the time the law takes effect.
Owners of currently registered motorcycles are allowed to continue riding, but will have to comply with the new licensing requirements when they renew their drivers licenses.The law essentially moves Puerto Rico from having less stringent regulations than most states to having more restrictive requirements than any of the 50 states. Previously, motorcyclists in Puerto Rico were not required to pass a riding test and get a motorcycle endorsement unless they wanted to use the island’s toll highways.
— American Motorcyclist Association
–from Rogue
BE A BIKER IN TAMPA BAY–This is a great weekend to be a biker in the Greater Tampa Bay Area! There are so many events to choose from it will have your head spinning.
At the end of this e-mail there will be a list of all the great events and happenings this weekend.Ride safe, be smart and enjoy. Don’t forget to check out the FLORIDA FULL THROTTLE HOME PAGE OCTOBER 12-14 – BROOKSVILLE – 27TH SPOOKS N SCOOTS – VOTED #1 BIKER EVENT IN FLORIDA – Sponsored by the Hillsborough County Chapter, ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. This event is held at the Sertoma Youth Ranch, 85 Myers Rd. Brooksville, Fl 34602. There will be vendors, games, live bands, 50/50, children’s activities, food, drinks, and of course a beauty contest. There is a memorial run for brothers and sisters lost that leaves the campground at 10am on Sunday morning. Weekend Admission (includes camping) available Friday through Sunday, $25. $20 for ABATE members. All motorcycles welcome. No guns, fireworks, attitudes or pets. For more information contact Richard at 813-626-0589 or e-mail OCT 13 – ST. PETERSBURG – ST. PETE BIKE FEST – 10am-6pm, at the St Petersburg Pier, OCT 12 – NEW PORT RICHEY – PRE-BIKE FEST PARTY AND BIKINI CONTEST – Event: Pre-Bike Fest Party Downtown New Port Richey Time: 6:00 pm till Close Site: The Karl Reef Phone: 727-848-7838 Address: 6307 Grand Blvd, New Port Richey, FL 34652 Sponsored by The Law Office of Nicholas Athanason, Budweiser and Jack Daniels. Join us as we kick-off the Cotee River Bike Fest early. We will have drink specials all four days Oct 11-14. Full Throttle will be on hand Friday as we present the Hottest Bikini Contest every to hit Pasco County!!!! Hours will be Thursday 6pm till close, Friday 6pm till close. Sat 11am till close, Sun 11am till close. Downtown New Port Richey’s party spot. Great Food and Giveaways all four days. See ad in Oct issue of Full Throttle Magazine.OCT. 13 & 14 – 7TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY – Harley-Davidson of Crystal River’s 7th Anniversary Party. Food, vendors, raffles, give aways, 50/50, event t-shirts, live music and Elvis will be in the building! Call 352-563-9900 for complete details. OCT 13 – 14 – 3RD ANNUAL COTEE RIVER BIKE BASH – 3rd Annual Cotee River Bike Fest Sponsored by Harley-Davidson of Tampa, Brandon, New Port Richey Held at 5443 Main Street in New Port Richey beginning at 9:00 am. Events include a Full Throttle Ride in bike shows (Judged by Reverand Jim), a riders skill show, a sheriff escorted ride, vendors and music. All bikes welcome. Come out and see THE MARSHALL TUCKER BAND FOR FREE. For more information call 727-810-0839, OCTOBER 14 – 2ND ANNUAL SHERIFF’S CHARITIES RIDE – This is a 50 mile, sheriff-escorted ride starting at Gulf Coast Harley-Davidson and ending at the Cotee River Bike Fest in Downtown New Port Richey. Food, Music door and raffle prizes. Registration is at Gulf Coast H-D on S.R. 54 at 9am till 12 noon with kickstands up at noon. This is a rain or shine event. The cost of this event is $25 per rider and $15 for passengers, this includes a t-shirt, collectible pin and access to the Cotee River Bike Fest with VIP Parking. For more info check out OCT 12 – 14 – WEST COAST BIKE RALLY – For more information check out –Tony Cianci W8LESS ROTORS ON THE MARKET– “Three W8Less Rotors arrived arrived yesterday (8th), to be delivered to Sonny later this month,” said Ray Wheeler, national sales manager. ” Your three should arrive momentarily?” They did with matching pads. These rotors are light as a feather and will rock the industry, if they keep ’em coming AUSSIE MOTOJOURNALIST SURVIVES MELBOURNE MOTORCYCLE EXPO–I’m just recovering from the Melbourne Motorcycle Expo held last weekend. It’s a tough job but . . . –Doc MORE EVENTS AROUND FLORIDA KICK OFF BIKETOBERFEST–Stephen Miller Biker & Blues Bash at Space Coast H-D in Palm Bay.About the Blues Bash 12 hours of non-stop music Non-Stop Music, all weekend long, is the goal of this years Stephen Miller Memorial Biker & Blues Bash. The festivities will kick off with a VIP Sponsor Cocktail Party, Thursday, October 11th from 7 PM to 11 PM at the Crowne Plaza , on the beach in Indialantic. Hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and a musical evening featuring the regional IBC Competitors of 2006, Ernie Southern and The Mills Brothers Blues Band to delight the crowd. There will be a music memorabilia silent auction, raffles, door prizes and more fun awaiting our music fans. Friday, October 12th will feature “The Best Blues Bars in Brevard”, revelers will have an evening to check out the great live music scene in Brevard County, So far on board are The Beach Shack, Earls Hide a Way, and The Sebastian Beach Inn, they will all feature top notch bands for the evening, drink specials and fun. Saturday, October 13th is the main event, The Stephen Miller Memorial Biker & Blues Bash from 11 AM to 11 PM. The event will feature a $100 Best Hand poker run. Registration for the Poker Run begins at 9:00 am. The run begins at Pineda Harley – Davidson on US 1, just north of the Pineda Causeway. –Rogue NEW FROM NASH MOTORCYCLES–“Thought I would shoot you over a few pics of the bike we just finished!” Said Marlin, the boss. You should see a feature on Bikernet shortly. –Nash Motorcycle Company MISS MISERY LOOKING FOR A HOME–Well I don’t know about that, but the Bayou City Burnout CD is! No really,last week was a test message for this week. OK and another picture of MissMisery sending her stuff to Skindeep in the UK. She was just featured inSavage, I never got a reply from Iron Horse would love to get her inanother/more US magazines as well, don’t suppose you know anybody in thebike/biker/tattoo magazine industry? –RFR BANDIT’S GOT A RACING JONES– What does a guy do when the first time out on the Bonneville Salt Flats he wins a world record? If you’re Bandit you build a bigger, faster bike and go again. Click here for the vidcast interview at Bikernet TV. Bandit studied aerodynamics and built a partial streamliner for his run at the 2007 BUB Meet. His goal was the title of the World’ Fastest Harley-Davidson Panhead. We get the 411 on his pilot, Valerie Thompson, and what it took to get to Bonneville. Produced by Horsepower Marketing JIMS BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK–Compression Release Valve ToolGuide Fixture For Drilling Compression ReleaseUse this tool for machining all Twin Cam heads 1999 & later, for preparingheads to install JIMS 727K compression release valves. Install on the frontor rear head, with or without the valves installed. Simply drill, spot face,tap & install compression release valves No.727K.No.1169 – Use on all Twin Cam A or B models. –JT Lepien Continued On Page 4
Editor – Florida Full Throttle Magazine>
Suggested Retail Price $300.05