Every week the crew here at Bikernet experiences another shotgun-quick web capability. Our bitchin’ benefit to you is the non-stop info and entertainment, delivery speed and unlimited report size. If we want to run something, anything, there’s nothing stopping us. The Digital Gangster, Bikernet web master, shot that process in the ass this week. He made is possible for us meager writers and editors to publish/launch tech articles, Events, Fiction and Special reports without waiting for his sorry ass to sober up.
Let’s get to the news. This afternoon we’ve planned a report on the new Victory model, the Kingpin, and a quick Amazing Shrunken FXR tech will see the light of day on Bikernet. What’s next? Frank Kaisler reports on the 100th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee, another bike build is hanging in the wings and Crazy Horse reports on her first run to Sturgis. Next week we hope to kick off the Custom Chrome Goliath Bike Build with multiple reports and enough shots to demonstrate every aspect of the build process from the inner-tubes up. Hang on:

H-D POWERED MUDBOATS–Now check this out! Harley EVO powered mudboats. Mudboats are built for the purpose of getting into very low water areas for the purpose of fishing or hunting. The engines are mounted in the boat and the driveshaft extends over the transom so the prop is just under the water. This allows the boat to run in just inches of water. If it floats, it goes.
This Minnesota manufacturer claims to “Dominate the Swamp”. WWW.FISHERBEAVERTAIL.COMWhat a combination, beavers and Harleys, not like it hasn’t been thought of before.

Illustration from Chris Kallas. Check his new Panhead limited edition print for sale in the Gulch under art prints.
MOTORCYCLE FICTION WRITERS–We’ve proudly published several new heartwarming stories recently. We look forward to submissions, although it sometimes take me a couple of weeks to read new material. I respond to every writer, so if you don’t hear from me feel free to resubmit your story. We receive a ton of spam and ocassionally trash a legitimate e-mail in the process. Don’t give up.

HORSE SUBSCRIPTION COMPLAINTS–Once every five minutes we receive complaint from hungry Horse readers who were sucker enough to annie up for a subscription. Aren’t you aware of the caliber of the HORSE staff. Hell, they just started a cager mag.
I’m kidding, but if you’ve ordered a sub here’s the deal from Geno himself, “Takes 6 weeks, I’m sure he was in the middle between 2 issues.Call the number (877) 286-0127 that’s printedin the mag. Those folks get the dough for handling sub probsnot us. We are too busy fighting for justice and the ‘merican way,”Geno.
BIKERNET HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS–Two high school sweethearts went out for four years. They enjoyed losing their virginity to each other in 10th grade. They wanted both to go to the same college but, the girl was accepted to a college on the East Coast, and the guy went to a college on the West Coast. They agreed to be faithful to each other and to spend anytime they could together.
As time went on, the guy would call the girl and she would never be in, and she took weeks to reply to his letters. She took days to return his emails.
Finally, she confessed that she wanted to date around. He didn’t take this very well and increased his calls, letters, and e-mails trying to win back her love. She became annoyed with his persistence. She had a new boyfriend. She wanted to get the high school sweetheart off her back. So, she took a Polaroid of her sucking her new boyfriend’s unmentionables and e-mailed it the old boyfriend with a message: “I found a new boyfriend, leave me alone.”
Of course, the guy was devastated, but he was also pissed. So, he typed a note to enclose with the photo before forwarding it: “Dear Mom and Dad, having a great time at college, please send more money! I’m getting pretty desperate!” He then mailed the picture to her parents.
–from A. Friedman

If you drink cappuccino instead of beer.
If you can?t figure out why the battery on your new bike won’t stay charged.
If your trailer has more miles on it than your bike.
If your leathers still have creases.
If you don’t ride your bike to work because it scuffs your penny loafers.
If you move your bike and the grass is brown under the wheels.
If your tattoos wash off.
If you have doubled the weight of your bike with bolt on chrome.
If you have never kick started a bike before.
If you buy bikes as investments.
If you refer to your bike as your “toy”.
If you wear a full face helmet.
If you wear a helmet.
If you wear earplugs.
If you really believe that there are bikes that come customized. from the factory.
If the last time you went to the Harley dealer you came home. with golf balls and a toilet seat.
If your Harley shirt has a collar.
If it’s not fun to ride unless someone sees you.
If you don’t ride in the rain.
If you can’t find your oil filter.
If you think any motorcycle is too loud.
If your pony tail comes off with your cap.
If you leave your garage door open just so people can see your bike.
If you need a biker lingo book.
If your a HOG member and think your an outlaw.
If you think a wrench is a bitchy woman.
If when you buy your bike you start calling everyone “bro”.
If you stop 30 miles from Sturgis to unload your bike so you can ride in.
If you think the models in the catalogs are what bikers are suppose to look like.
If you worry about what bikers are suppose to look like.
If you read V-Twin.
If other people you consider bikers scare you.
–from Rogue

THE JANKLOW PAPERS CONTINUE– The Monday prior to this article Janklow held a press conference and stated how sorry he was about the accident and didn?t want to talk about it because he would cry. YEA SURE! He couldn?t even remember the name of the man he killed!
It is obvious that he is calling in favors and releasing info that he thinks will help him. Now he is calling on the Good People of South Dakota. This is NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST. It is about a man with no respect for the law Killing Another Man.
He was Speeding, He did Run The Stop Sign, and He Did Kill Randy Scott. AND HE HAS PLED NOT GUILTY. Give Me A Break.
We all know about his driving record and another example him smoking cigarettes in the Capitol while others were banned from doing so. Just another item to show he feels the law does not apply to him while he want to be harsh on other and put them in Boot Camps and Prisons.
PLEASE Everyone stay after this and do Not Let Janklow Get Away With Killing Randy Scott

SAD SEPTEMBER–Saying goodbye is always tough and no exception even if to a bird. I lost my parrot, Billy, a few days ago, just adding to crap that made September the worst month of the year for me. I raised Billy from a baby and enjoyed her for twelve years. Two weeks earlier, my little cockatiel, Gordy, died from being egg-bound. Poor little thing didn’t know she was too old to keep laying eggs.
One of my sons was hit from behind on the freeway two days ago. He walked away from a totaled car with just a scratch. This is the same son that had a party the last day of vacancy in an apartment I rented for him. Things got out of hand, a window was busted, doors kicked in and holes punched in the walls, causing me money loss and stress. These things plus a couple more mishaps made September pretty fucked up. But today as I write this, I am so grateful that my son is fine, that I had my birds to enjoy at least for a while, and if these are the worst of my troubles, I’m damn lucky.
Our good friend Chris Hill went down on his bike last Sunday. He’s in critical, but stable condition. From all accounts, he should recover, but will have a difficult time for a while. Life is so fragile and sometimes so taken for granted. We each have control over our own happiness. Don?t sweat the little things people, and please don?t wait till tomorrow to let the ones you love, know you love them. You may not get the chance.
Incase you haven’t noticed, there was no Caribbean Report last week, nor will there be one this week. Jose is having his own personal battles in Puerto Rico and will be out of touch till he gets things sorted out. I wish him luck and high hopes that everything works out peacefully.

BRAND NEW CUSTOM CHROME CATALOG RELEASED– Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ? have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, our 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard.
ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**
Continued On Page 2