Here a quick intro to the news cause the faster I get it posted, the faster I can get back to work on the building. As you probably already know, Bandit has taken a real job with Primedia as Editorial Director of three titles, Hot Bike, Hot Rod Bike and Street Chopper. This has him leaving the headquarters at the crack of dawn and coming home after dark. Not to say that Bikernet wasn’t a real job, cause it was, but from home. However, Primedia came calling with a challenge that peaked that man’s interest like only a woman or motorcycles could, the challenge being – run a bunch of magazines (Bandit run a magazine?). He rose to the challenge and out of retirement, out of the headquarters he went. Hence, real job = commute.
Hang in there with us as it will be an adjustment for us personally and professionally. Primedia wants to take over Bikernet, but we’re working out the terms. If it happens we hope to deliver more info and stories than ever before. In the meantime we promise to keep the good stuff coming and remain as interactive as possible.
Here’s a few shots of what’s been going on around the headquarters and all at a snails pace I might add. The carpet & floor guy is waiting on the carpenter, the carpenter is waiting on the electrician, the electrician is waiting on who knows what. And so it goes… And you’re waiting on the news. Take a look at the progress, and then enjoy the news.

Walls come down.

Walls go up and new doorways are made.

I discovered beautiful hardwood under 77-years of old tile and linoleum. Bandit had a cow the night I peeled it all up cause it was the only good bathroom upstairs. But after four days of my son and I sanding and varnishing, he?s happy now. I know, hardwood in the bathroom. I just couldn?t cover it back up.
Navy SEALS Rules For Gun fighting
1. Look very cool in sunglasses.
2. Kill every living thing within view.
3. Return quickly to looking cool in latest beach wear.
4. Check hair in mirror.
US Army Rangers Rules For Gun fighting
1. Walk in 50 miles wearing 75 pounds, while starving.
2. Locate individuals requiring killing.
3. Request permission via radio from “Higher” to perform killing.
4. Curse bitterly when mission is aborted.
5. Walk out 50 miles wearing a 75 pound while starving.
Army Rules For Gun fighting
1. Select a new beret to wear
2. Sew combat patch on right shoulder
3. Change the color of beret you decide to wear
US Air Force Rules For Gun fighting
1. Have a cocktail
2. Adjust temperature on air-conditioner
3. See what’s on HBO
4. Determine “what is a gunfight”
5. Request more funding from Congress with a “killer” PowerPoint presentation
6. Wine & dine ‘key’ Congressmen, invite DD & defense industry executives
7. Receive funding, set up new command and assemble assets
8. Declare the assets “strategic” and never deploy them operationally
9. Tell the Navy to send the Marines
US Navy Rules For Gun fighting
1. Go to Sea
2. Drink Coffee
3. Watch porn
4. Send the Marines

Factory-Built High Performance from the New Era Engine Program
The Harley-Davidson New Era Engine Program now offers the same ground-shaking power introduced in the 2005 FLSTFSE Screamin? Eagle Fat Boy with its Twin Cam 103B Softail Engine (P/N 19293-05 [black and chrome] or P/N 19296-05 [silver and chrome]; $6,895). The New Era program offers new, factory-built engines manufactured and tested to the latest model year specifications. The balanced Twin Cam 103B engine displaces 1690cc and features all of the components used on the Screamin? Eagle Fat Boy engine, including a stroker flywheel assembly, big-bore cylinders and pistons, and Screamin? Eagle cams and cylinder heads.
The Twin Cam 103B Softail Engine is offered in silver and chrome (to match the Screamin? Eagle Fat Boy), as well as black and chrome, and it fits the 2005 FLSTFSE models. It does not include the intake system, stator, rotor or compensating sprocket assembly. This engine is legal for use on public roads only when installed in the specified model.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at http:// www.harley-davidson.com . To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

One of the Most Popular Travel Guides in theWhitehorse Press Motorcycle Journeys Series
Whitehorse Press has just released a new edition of Dale Coyner?s popular two-wheel travel guide, Motorcycle Journeys through the Appalachians. Travelers wanting to explore the scenic mountain vistas and bucolic valleys of this idyllic touring region now have this completely up-to-date guidebook from an author who can trace his Appalachian roots back several generations.
The book lays out 36 day-long routes through Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the Carolinas, all the while offering local lore, useful advice, and easy-to-follow directions. Coyner? s affection for his native region is obvious in every chapter; his lyrical descriptions of the best roads lead to detailed depictions of ancient caverns, covered bridges, rolling farm country, Civil War battlefields, and presidents? homes. Amish farmers, bluegrass music, Elvis memorabilia, remnants of the War Between the States?Coyner has found them all. He?ll help you get to and through, everything that?s worth seeing, including the Harley-Davidson Motor Company at its factory in York, Pennsylvania.
Along the way, he points out the region?s most rider-friendly restaurants, hotels, and campgrounds, ranging from bare-bones accommodations to spoil-yourself luxury. A new section in the book entitled ?Through Routes and Favorites? contains a list of memorable trans-regional routes for those just ?passin? thru,? as well as a long list of places the author finds most enjoyable about the region (and a few that are decidedly not). Watch for the friendly but alert officers in Fayetteville, West Virginia, and Loretta?s thick, chocolaty milkshakes at the Fox Diner in Front Royal, Virginia.
Enhanced with full color photographs, the new second edition has more routes, more maps and still more colorful Coyner humor that will have you laughing out loud. No one describes the South?s good ol? boys and offbeat historical lore quite like Coyner. To find adventure and fun with a great riding companion, take this book along when you head out to explore the tangled back roads and unique places of this ever fascinating part of the country.
Softbound, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 inches, 304 pages, color illustrations and maps, detailed route instructions, $24.95.Copies are available at your local bookstore, motorcycle dealer, or directly from the publisher, Whitehorse Press.

Robust Recipes from America?s Most Outrageous Television Chef
Do real bikers eat Quiche? They do when Biker Billy makes it! And here?s more good news on the ?Eat, Sleep, Ride? front: In their latest-offering, motorcycle book publisher Whitehorse.Press delivers the magic recipe for this ?Could Be Quiche? and a whole lot more.in the new paperback edition of Bill Hufnagle?s best selling cookbook, BIKER BILLY COOKS WITH FIRE. It is the perfect gift for the holiday season? and for many occasions to come.
Biker Billy and his spicy motorcycle-themed recipes have come to be known by millions through his popular cable television cooking show, his appearances on national network TV (?The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,? ?Regis and Kelly Live?), his features in the national media (People magazine, Vanity Fair), and his popular syndicated column in many motorcycle magazines. With a flash of flames and a suggestive sizzle, BIKER BILLY COOKS WITH FIRE offers a liberal sprinkling of biker banter, motorcycle tips, ultra hip photos, and instructions for preparing scrumptious dishes for every meal of the day?each complete with a list of ingredients and where to get them.
Even though most of these quick, full-flavored, easy-to-make recipes are loaded with ?fire,? Biker Billy does anything but torture the tongue. He creates snappy, memorable dishes, such as Lucifer?s Angel Pasta, Biker ?Beeritos?, Snap Jack Pie, Howlin? Hush Puppies, Stuffed Shells from Hell and many others that provide the happiest of adventures for your taste buds.
As Biker Billy says, ?Cooking with fire is just like riding a motorcycle?there are some risks involved, but if you prepare properly and use caution, the risks are reduced and the fun is increased.? Enter Biker Billy?s world where cool motorcycles and hot food collide, where fans bring the joy and gusto of the open road right into their kitchens by eating hot, riding safe, and cooking with fire!
Paperback, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches, 257 pages, b/w illustrations, $16.95. Copies are available at your local bookstore, dealer, or directly from the publisher, Whitehorse Press.

Glen Heggstad?s Diary of a South American Motorcycle Odyssey
You may have seen the interview on CBS? 48 Hours with adventure motorcyclist Glen Heggstad or heard parts of his hair-raising story on National Public Radio. But, nothing compares to reading his complete account of riding to the southern tip of South America only weeks after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
On amountainous road between Medellin and Bogota, he was captured by Colombia?s rebel ELN army. For five weeks, he was moved from camp to camp, beaten, fed only small amounts of? rice and water, and continuously threatened with death. Heggstad spares no details of his incredible brush with terrorism in his new book, Two Wheels Through Terror, just published by Whitehorse Press.
A shocking travelogue of an ambitious journey gone wrong, Two Wheels Through Terror, is in the tradition of first-hand accounts like Krakauer? s Into Thin Air and will keep readers riveted from beginning to end. The story begins with a confident man looking to realize a dream and ends with a dazzling display of determination and courage to finish what he started. Yet, it is the gripping account of how Heggstad was ripped from his motorcycle just weeks into his trip, robbed of everything, and forced to march through strange jungles with assault rifles in his back, that fuels interest and amazement.
Having survived and won his release, Heggstad was determined to finish his journey. With a new bike equipped by friends, he continued around the coast of South America, through Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. A year later, still recuperating from his ordeal, Heggstad is able to chronicle his trip with humor and insight.
Glen Heggstad, the self-proclaimed ?Striking Viking,? is an adventure traveler who seeks out and rides the most rugged places on the planet. He has been a Hell?s Angel and a martial arts expert, but no amount of training or experience was able to prepare him for what he became while riding this trip.
Hardcover, 6 x 9 inches, 275 pages, color illustrations, $24.95. Copies are available at your local bookstore, dealer, or directly from the publisher, Whitehorse Press.
All three books are available at the following:
107 East Conway Road, Center
Conway, NH 03813-4012.
Telephone toll free 800-531-1133 or visittheir web site at http:// www.whitehorsepress.com .
BIKERNET AND THE FUTURE–Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largestcountry in the world, Mexifornia formally known as California. Whiteminorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia’s third language.
Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops andlivestock.
Baby conceived naturally . . . scientists stumped.
Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.
Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of theMiddle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon).
Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 moreyears before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
France pleads for global help after being overtaken by Jamaica.
Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally,but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.
Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reducesmail delivery to Wednesdays only.
85-year, $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss.
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed,they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.
Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.
Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.
New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, flyswatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2036.
Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal politicalcontributions to campaign accounts.
Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman.
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
Florida voters still don’t know how to use a voting machine.
–from Art F.
Maney clinches 2004 AHDRA Pro Stock Championship–After sewing up the title in Rockingham, NC, Rick Maney, a Pro Stock rookie finished off his championship season with yet another win in Las Vegas. Some of Maney’s 2004 season highlights include:
-Eight final round appearances out of nine races attended
-Number 1 qualifier seven out of nine races, Number 2 qualifier two out of nine races
-Current AHDRA 1/8 mile mph and ? mile mph record holder, 150.82 & 176.85
-Best E.T. 7.446 (Portland OR)
-Best MPH 181.01 (Bakersfield, CA)
-Best R.T. .002
“We couldn’t have won the 2004 AHDRA Pro Stock Championship without the S&S VFI fuel injection system. The system works so well that it allowed us to focus on chassis and clutch tune-up and not spend all of our time working on fuel management” said Maney.
“Rick’s team is a first class operation. His perseverance, professionalism and attention to detail make us proud to be a sponsor” said Ted Grabowski of the S&S Racing Department.
Continued On Page 2