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TOY RUN SEASON–There’s Toy Runs popping up all over the country. If you can spare a toy or a donation, contact your local rights association and take care of business for the less privileged. Here’s info from Brevard County Florida. 25th Annual Brevard Chapter ABATE Toy Run.
Kickstands up at 12 Noon from Merritt Square Mall, 777 E Hwy 520, Merritt Island, Florida.
Ends at Wickham Park Pavillion, Melbourne.New, unwrapped toy or $10 donation benefits local charities. Please do Not Wear a Santa Suit.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
DRIVER SENTENCED IN FATAL CRASH–Robert Christin Streets, 23, of Haines City has been sentenced to 15 years in state prison for vehicular homicide, after a jury found him guilty in September of the August 2004 head-on collision that killed a motorcyclist.
At Streets’ trial, jurors were told that on Aug. 28, 2004, Streets was driving a Cadillac when he crossed the double yellow line on Polk City Road and struck a motorcycle driven by Bobby Joe King so hard that the motorcycle was shoved backward 247 feet from the point of impact.
King, 34, of Haines City, was flown by helicopter to Lakeland Regional Medical Center, where he died of his injuries. Streets was found to have a blood-alcohol level of .12, according to FDLE lab results. In Florida, a driver is considered impaired if his blood-alcohol level is .08 or higher.
Streets was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Donald Jacobson on Nov. 16.

LONG BEACH SHOW OFFERS EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY– See the New 2007 Motorcycles and Take Demo RidesAt the Biggest Motorcycle Show of the Season!
Don’t miss this opportunity! The Long Beach Convention Center is the only place you will see the NEW 2007 models at one place at one time from the leading manufacturers.
But that’s not all! This weekend is your chance to take demo rides on 2007 models from Buell, Harley-Davidson, Kawasaki, Piaggio Scooter, Moto Guzzi, Star Motorcycles and Yamaha.
It’s all at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota – the only factory-supported show series in America! December 7-9th.

U.S. CHOPPERS PROJECT COMING ALONG–We’re hauling the original boardtracker to Vegas to the auction, but this is another project coming together. The rollers are gaining momentum projects are popping up around the country. We’re going to feature the Rockem Sockem boardtracker designed by Rick Krost on Bikernet shortly. Watch for more reports.
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

WALMART HORROR STORIES–Mr. and Mrs. Fenton are retired. Mrs. Fenton insists that her husband go withher to Walmart. He gets bored with all the shopping.
He prefers to get in and get out, but Mrs. Fenton loves tobrowse. Here’s a letter sent to her from the store.
Dear Mrs. Fenton,
Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a commotion inour store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may ban both of you from ourstores. We have documented all incidents on our video surveillance equipment.
All complaints against Mr. Fenton are listedbelow.
1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomlyput them in people’s carts when they weren’t looking.
2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewaresto go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floorleading to the restrooms.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in anofficial tone, ‘Code 3’ in housewares… and watchedwhat happened.
5. Aug 4: Went to the Service Desk and asked toput a bag of M&M’s on layaway.
6. Sept 14: Moved a ‘CAUTION – WET FLOOR’ signto a carpeted area.
7. Sept 15: Set up a tent in the camping departmentand told other shoppers he’d invite them in if they’llbring pillows from the bedding department.
8. Sept 23: When a clerk asks if they can help himhim, he begins to cry and asks, ‘Why can’t you peoplejust leave me alone?
9. Oct 4: Looked right into the security camera;used it as a mirror, and picked his nose.
10. Nov 10: While handling guns in the hunting department,asked the clerk if he knows where to find the antidepressants.
11. Dec 3: Darted around the store suspiciouslyloudly humming the “Mission Impossible” theme
12. Dec 6: In the auto department, practiced his”Madonna look” using different size funnels.
13. Dec 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsethrough, yelled “PICK ME!” “PICK ME!”
14. Dec 21: When an announcement came overthe loud speaker, he assumes the fetal position andscreams “NO! NO! It’s those voices again!!!!”
And last, but not least ….
15. Dec 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the doorwaited awhile, then yelled very loudly, “Thereis no toilet paper in here!”
–from Nick Roberts

BIKERNET BONNEVILLE TEAM MEMBER TAKES A CRUISE–Back in town after SEACRUISE. Saw the drawing for chassis. It might be a good idea to make a full size wall drawing of the bike. Wheel diameter, engine size so everything is proportional and no surprises. A cut out of the rider would do as well.
The past rider position was too high and not aerodynamic (free horsepower), ideal would be parallel with ground. A twin spar frame would actually be better (2 top frame tubes are to right and left of valve covers), which would bring the riders head closer to the valve covers. A low mounted fuel tank above the trans (touring) would also lower c.g. but would require a fuel pump.
Wow, 175 MPH PAN

NHTSA’S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS–Attention taxpayers: The government employees whose salaries you pay are keeping secrets from you — they’re hiding information about auto safety defects gathered at taxpayer expense. Yes, public employees at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are sitting on more than U.S. automakers, of course, want the safety agency to keep it that way and, failing a wave of outrage by taxpayers, chances are that’s just what will happen. –from Rogue LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST CHANGES RALLY DATES–The Las Vegas BikeFest Partnership announced today that the dates for future Las Vegas BikeFest events have been changed beginning with next year’s 2007 rally. After nearly two years of analysis, surveys and discussions with industry stakeholders, the decision has been made to change the traditional date pattern for Las Vegas BikeFest in order to place the event during a period when temperatures are more conducive to traditional outdoor motorcycle rally activities. Beginning with the 2007 event, the event dates will be two to three weeks later then the historic pattern in the middle of September. The 20 year weather history for Las Vegas shows that average high temperatures during mid-September are 94?F – 96?F, and can often be over 100?F. A change by two to three weeks moves Las Vegas BikeFest to a period when the average high temperature drops to 86?F – 88?F – perfect rally weather. “The 2006 Las Vegas BikeFest had unseasonably moderate weather and both vendors and attendees have told us it was the most enjoyable Las Vegas BikeFest ever”, states Harry Schwartz, Full Throttle Events, one of the Las Vegas BikeFest partners. The Las Vegas BikeFest dates for the next 10 years will be: The 7th annual Las Vegas BikeFest will be held September 27-30 in the most famous 24-hour city, Las Vegas, Nevada. The event will consist of the Vendor Village at Cashman Center with over 300 manufacturers and vendors, and activities such as Poker Runs and competitions, and non-stop entertainment. Artistry in Iron, Master Builders’ Championship will also take place at Cashman Center. 40,000 bikers and enthusiasts are expected to be in attendance. Las Vegas BikeFest is produced by the Las Vegas BikeFest Partnership made up of ConvExx and Full Throttle Events. Las Vegas BikeFest information is available at, or call toll-free 866-BIKEFEST (866-245-3337) or e-mail HOLLYWOOD BOBBER BARS– Check these bad boys out! Paughco’s new HOLLYWOOD BOBBER BARS are definitely the hot ticket for today’s HOT SCOOTERS. Fit with a curved cross bar for added rigidity and that BOBBER effect, the bars are 1″ in diameter and have 4 1?4″ on center mounting holes. Designed for use with Paughco and OEM springers, HOLLYWOOD BOBBER BARS come finished in flawless Paughco chrome or gloss black and are designed for use with external control cables and custom headlight installations. Call 800-729-3332 or visit
2007: September 27 – 30
2008: October 2 – 5
2009: October 1 – 4
2010: September 30 – October 3
2011: September 29 – October 2
2012: October 4 – 7
2013: October 3 – 6
2014: October 2 – 5
2015: October 1 – 4
2016: September 29 – October 2

WE HAVE A THUNDER SADDLE TATTOO CONTEST WINNER– Bikernet?s Capo, Keith Ball, selected Paul Sedley from Sarnia Ontario Canada to receive a custom Thunder Saddle with a his tattoo embroidered in the seat of the saddle.
?I think that this tattoo is not only topical but represents a sincere and passionate expressions of what we all experience when have friends and family go off to war,? explained Keith Ball. ?We had a mass of outstanding tattoos and it was a pleasure to see all these Bikernet readers getting involved.?
Paul Sedley rides a 2002 Yamaha 650 V-Star Classic and is a member of Star Riders of Ontario. Paul will be riding in style with his new Thunder Saddle. His custom saddle represents a prize worth over $650.
For the next 7 months Metric Thunder will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen?s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding.
Enter The Contest
To enter the Thunder Saddle contest by sending an email to: with your:
Telephone number
Picture of you and your tattoo
Year and model of motorcycle
Get Your Thunder Saddle
If you would like to get your own Custom Thunder Saddle then call Bob Osias with Metric Thunder at (866) 744-7900.

BIKERNET.COM STUDIES LIVING WILLS– While I was watching the Cowboys this weekend, my wife and I got into a conversation about life and death, and the need for living wills.
During the course of the conversation I told her that I never wanted to exist in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and taking fluids from a bottle. She got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all the coffee
…..Sometimes it’s tough being married to a smartass.
–from Rev CarlR

PAUGHCO’S NEW BILLET PAN COVER– Of all the custom and reproduction Panhead rocker covers produced over the years, PAUGHCO’s latest is in a class of it’s own. The beautifully designed and meticulously crafted Panhead style covers you see here offer enthusiasts the very finest in quality, function and style. Machined from superior quality billet aluminum each cover features extraordinarily thick wall and lip thickness, extended Paughco socket head cap screws and counter sunk retaining holes.
These features provide exceptional appearance, rigid structure and flush mounting surface. Every radius and flat surface is flawlessly cut and finished to perfection. Standard finish is Paughco’s flawless chrome with high luster polish available on special request. ULTIMATE PAN COVERS fit 1948-1965 Panhead engines and clones with OEM mounting surface and bolt dimensions.
The covers are supplied with Paughco’s dedicated socket head cap screws and retail for $359.95 per pair.
For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit

BEWARE OF DUMB DRIVERS–The test revealed that about one in 11 licensed drivers in the United States would fail a state drivers test, according to GMAC Insurance.
Rhode Island ranked last year, also, with an average score of 77. Last year, Oregon’s average score was 89, which still placed at the top of the rankings that year.
Based on average scores, northwestern states generally ranked highest while the bottom-ranking states were mostly in the northeast. One exception was Vermont, which ranked third. Washington state drivers ranked second. Drivers in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia ranked at the bottom, with D.C. finishing just ahead of Rhode Island.
The 20-question test was based on questions asked in state driver’s license examinations. A score of 70 or higher is required to pass a standard state test.
The failure rate for drivers in northeastern states was about 16 percent, according to GMAC Insurance. The failure rate for drivers in northwestern states was from one to seven percent.
The test and an accompanying survey were completed by 5,288 licensed drivers including at least 100 from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey asked about responses to specific driving situations.
Approximately one in three drivers said they usually do not stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. At least one out of five drivers did not know that pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right of way. At least one in five also did not know that roads are most slippery when it first starts to rain after a dry spell.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET MARRIAGE COUNSELOR COLUMN–A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sitsalone at a nearby table.
The wife asks, “Do you know her?”
“Yes,” sighs the husband, “She’s my ex-girlfriend. I understand she tookto drinking right after we split up seven years ago, and I hear shehasn’t been sober since.”
“My Goodness!” says the wife, “Who wouldthink a person could go on celebrating that long?”
–from Chris T.
JEFF HOLTER LOOKING FOR AN ART DIRECTOR POSITION IN THE CUSTOM BIKE INDUSTRY–My name is Jeff Holter, I’m a designer living in Michigan. I’ve been working in the advertising/marketing industry as a Sr. Art Director/Designer since the early ’90s, and have been employed by large agencies until September. I’m now out on my own and looking for something new to do with my life.
I have grown up on bikes, had my first Harley X90 when I was 8 years old. As an artist, it was only natural that customizing entered into it along the way, and what started out as painting my own rides became doing custom paint for everyone else. When I began actually building my own bikes, I was easily able to adapt my art skills (and some CAD classes in college finally paid for themselves) into the design and build, which led to creating custom parts. I’ve been doing this on the side since the mid 90’s and now have a few parts that are on the market.
I thought if there were some way to combine my art talents and industry experience with my motorcycle background, I would be a happy guy.
I’m not really looking for a job ( I have been freelancing since I was laid off and doing very well ) as much as I am looking for some thoughts and ideas. Of course I would consider any opportunity that may be available.
-I do concepting, design and computer illustration in my advertising and marketing field. My commercial portfolio is at -I design and build websites. This is something I do mainly for myself and motorcycle industry friends, but I do quite a bit of layout design and concept design for my advertising clients as well. -I design motorcycle parts. I like to design entire bikes, that way I get the consistency of the overall look I’m after, but I do end up mainly designing one-off parts for people. I have patented a couple of my own designs and currently market and sell them on my website ( You can also see some of my work on another builder’s site: Dozer and I team up on a lot of bike builds (with me doing mainly component designs), and I do his website work as well. -Photography_I do my own photography (which you can also see samples of on Dozer’s site and my RoadGear site) and retouching. NEBRASKA RIDERS ON HELMETS AND TOURISM– ABATE of Nebraska has put out a position paper on how the mandatorymotorcycle helmet law has affected tourism in Nebraska. This is to bepresented this coming Friday to a statewide “Tourism Organization” thatasked us to attend and present our arguments for getting rid of themandatory motorcycle helmet law. First, everything stated is documented either in my computer or on theInternet. NO ONE can say we made this stuff up. Second, let me state that credit is given for everything in the paper(at least as far as I can trace the original back in time) and it waseither sent to me or found on the Internet. Third, I need to thank those of you who responded to my question at theend of last week. All that info helped. Fourth, I owe a HUGE DEBT of gratitude to Rainmaker, Duck and Celesteand my wonderful brothers in ABATE of West Virginia. Rainmaker plantedthis seed in my head and got the ball rolling with his survey. Duck andCeleste got me the information. Watch out for WV – they are poised tomove the mountains! And I look forward to running Hwy 50 withOUT ahelmet in the near future! As with anything I post to the Biker’s list…”What’s mine is yours”. Icannot take credit for developing all this information, but I did put itinto a verifiable and usable format. If you use it, please give ABATE ofNebraska a shout out…we could use some good hype. –spotman
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