Continued From Page 2

ARLEN AND CORY NESS WITNESS BUILDING FIRST VICTORY NESS SIGNATURE SERIES MODEL– Flash bulbs, autographs and rousing rounds of applause punctuated the assembly of the first Victory Arlen Ness Signature Series motorcycle on October 23 at the Victory final assembly facility in Spirit Lake, Iowa.
Arlen and Cory Ness, renowned custom bike builders and Victory’s styling and design partners, were on hand as the first Ness model reached the end of the Victory assembly line. Both Arlen and Cory were on hand to autograph the first bike as it rolled off the line and posed for a myriad of photos with plant employees involved in the Victory assembly process.
Arlen Ness even took a ride on a Signature Series bike, without leaving the factory.

BIKERNET SOCIAL REDEEMING VALUE ADDED–A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down atthe bar and orders a drink.Looking around, he sees 3 men sitting at a cornertable.
He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looksat the biggest, meanest one in the face and says, “Iwent by your grandma’s house today and I saw her inthe hallway buck naked. Man, she is a fine lookingwoman!”
The biker looks at him and doesn’t say a word.His buddies are confused, because he is one badbiker, and would fight at the drop of a hat.
The drunk leans on the table again and says, “I gotit on with your grandma and she is good, the best Iever had!”
The biker’s buddies are starting to get really mad,but the biker still says nothing.
The drunk leans on the table one more time and says,”I’ll tell you something else, boy, your grandmaliked it!”
At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunkby the shoulders and says,
“Grandpa, you’re drunk……. Go home
–Jay Hodge

Panheads & Virgins
Virgins Are Like Panheads
Everyone Wants One
Very Few Can Find ‘Em
And Lots Claim To
Know Of Where One Is At
But No One Can Get To HerI Own A Panhead
But She’s No Virgin
She’s Been Rode Hard
And Put Away Wet
Molested In Every Way
But She Ain’t Gave Up Yet
Her Cherries So Far Back
Its Now A Bright Red Tail LightShe’s No Virgin
But She’s The
Only One I Love
Wouldn’t Trade Her
For A Girl Pure
As White Driven SnowMy Panhead Never
Talks Back
My Panhead Never
Runs Away
My Panhead
Loves Me
This Much
I KnowNow I Must Go
Ride My Panhead
Long And Hard
Maybe You Will See Us
At The Local Bar
Pick Me Up Some
Big Breasted Blonde
Make Her Leave Her Car
Ride Her Hard
Under The Bright
Moon And Twinkling Stars
Written by Panhead Josh of Outlaws World

Samson celebrated their 12th birthday during Love Ride Weekend.
SAMSON EXHAUST EXTENDS WARRANTY PERIOD–Effective immediately, SAMSON President Kenny Samson announces a new ONE YEAR WARRANTY for SAMSON and Shogun Branded Products. “As a leader in Aftermarket Exhaust, SAMSON Exhaust now offers the best warranty in the industry,” said Kenny. “Due to our commitment to the highest quality control standards, we put our money where our mouth is and back our pipes for one full year.”
The warranty covers all SAMSON Exhaust products including the popular new EXTREME SERIES and True Dual Crossover Header Systems for Dressers and Road King. For complete details and additional information, visit the Company?s website or click on the banner below.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Winter is officially here, I mean winter in the Caribbean that is. Let?s say there’s not much change, maybe the temps will be a bit lower (by 5 to 10 degrees), cold fronts start rolling from the North and more significantly the air changes. The breeze and the days have a different “sense”. Mostly all this means that those freezing snow days translate into storms in the Atlantic. To us you freezing your asses off is a blessing cause the big ass surf comes rolling into our shores and surfing season is full power on! Sure I have a million and one things to do, we are busy as ever, add the Bike Week-End and the new shop we are moving into, to the stew, but still as humans we need some kind of recreation and to get our minds off things. Most people go ride their bikes, but I deal with bikes all day, so I just take some mornings off and go surfing……
While bobbing in the ocean yesterday, waiting for the next 12 foot face to show up in the horizon, I started thinking (thinking is a dangerous thing..) how similar surfing and choppers are, how similar they have become. I remember when we were the few out in the water, you could count the whole crowd with your hands, seldom you would have to take of your shoes to count the rest. It was all a matter of waiting for the swell to show up, pick the board (or boards) try to find a couple friends and just go to the best spots. One funny thing is that the bigger the waves got the less people you would see at the lineup, sometimes it was good to show up with a friend that would surf big waves so you would not be alone. Yesterday at this same spot we used to surf a lot there were so many cars and people it was amazing, even a dude selling hot dogs and cold drinks. I guess the term mass media comes to mind…. let me tell you this place needs an SUV or truck to get into, maybe a really shitty surf car, since there’s miles of dirt roads and puddles to drive thru.
Our beloved choppers have become the “crowded spot”. There?s no place to look without seeing dozens of them showing up and rolling with many others in their brand spanking new Neo-chops, showing and strutting their stuff to the rest of the world. You have no need to know what you are doing, pay dues or tackle the big surf, experience is not required anymore, just a fat wallet, some platinum colored plastic and hit the pavement, instant bad ass, as simple as snapping the fingers. Stuff is done for show, like boards, the latest hot star is the one that sells the most, the time consuming manual shaping (ask Jay Hodge about it) is a thing of the past, machine spewed boards come out at an amazing rate, you can even get a cheap Chinese job at your local Costco.
I guess choppers have sold their soul to the devil as well, you can go to your nearest dealer and hop on in a couple of minutes, (by the way I have nothing against manufacturers like Big Dog, American iron Horse and such), but choppers are readily available and no need for mechanic understanding is needed. Choose a color and hit Main Street. While all this brings good stuff to both industries, like money and honeys, it also brings a lot of shitty stuff, development, price gouging, accidents, and certain disrespect to the old ways…In modern times the guy that rides the rigid, oil leaking, Panhead is look down upon. He?s the older guy who can’t do aerials, 360’s and such new tricks, who paddles slower but gets the best waves on the set, who has an understanding of the mechanics involved, can jockey shift and mostly works on his own chopper (even putting the whole thing together with his friends). Sure it is cool to be able to hit the lip 20 times, or have that powerful 145-inch motor, but most are objects and actions that lack soul, and as we know soul is everything.
All this is a battle that we are loosing. There?s no use in trying to let people know that those guys with the gray beard, thinning hair and weird clunkers have a lot more stories and adventures on their brain memory compartments than a thousand Rubs on their chrome steeds. Most of those surfers without the latest rippin’ gear have a better understanding of what is going on in the ocean, how to read that wall of water that is coming at them, how to get a good ride and the badest tube ride without much effort. I guess all this can be resumed in just one word, experience.
I don’t know how long our world will resist this weight, the half million people rallies, the overcrowded surfing spots, or how soon this will become a thing of the past, a fad that is not cool anymore, maybe it will never happen, maybe the bikes will be the first ones, maybe surfing….Who the fuck knows? Funny thing is that while all these were total obscure doings and most of us screamed for recognition, now we rather step back in time and have things the way they where, then again, everything evolves and everything changes, without a New School there would be no Old…..
We have been lucky enough to live in an era of constant and amazing changes. I can’t imagine how the following generations will be able to top this one off.Then again, when the next 15 foot swell comes by, or when it’s time to kick start and jockey shift we all know who will be there, and that is the difference between truth and fiction. No less, no more.
And with that, let go to the news– The PR Bike Week end is coming soon, December 5th-7th. As of now, Indian Larry and Paul Cox will be here with their choppers, Hank Young will do the same directly from Georgia, there’s going to be other friends showing up but we are still waiting for their final departure dates. If anyone is interested in coming over and snooping around, let me know so I can get the information for you, just e-mail at
Speaking of Hank Young, he just scored a really cool 73′ Ch-70 for me. I already have a 72′ Shortster so I guess the collection is growing, the next one will be a 90…..Thanks Hank
As a Holidays bonus we are offering the Chopper Freak short sleeve shirts at $20.00, e-mail us at the address above for ordering and information, just let me know that you read it here on Bikernet, this offer is only for Bikernet and The Horse readers.
I’m heading to Miami for the opening of the Von Dutch store in South Beach. There will be a party afterwards, so if you are dying for your Von Dutch wear and really don’t care if that Master must be rolling in his grave, you can get the stuff in Miami now. I heard there’s one coming to New York City soon. There’s also a new Von Dutch motorcycle line coming out, I’ll make sure to get some photos and find out what that is about…
That’s it for this week; I have to hop on a plane heading towards Gasoline Alley.
Jose Bikernet Caribbean report….
Continued On Page 4