I’m lost and I must apologize, goddamnit. I returned from Mexico ready to hit the keyboard like a mad dog and catch up. No fuckin’ way. I was struck down by the Mexican Mung. Sweats still rolling off my brow as I attempt to pack and leave for the Lone Star Rally with Sin Wu.
Ah, but the show must roll on, so while I down Kaopectate and have the shakes, here’s the friggin’ news:

BIG MIKE COMES TO HAWAII AND BIKERNET– Big Mike BMC Choppers is supporting local builders in Hawaii. And we’re looking forward to an interview with Mike for Bikernet in the near future.

NEW SPADE VERTICLE SIDEMOUNT–A cool new light from Cyril to complete your bike with the chopper/bobber attitude.This stylish taglight incorporates a very bright L.E.D. with 2 brightness levels for run & brake lights.
Kit includes frame, backing plate and all necessary hardware. Wire track is hidden for a very clean look. Superb machining out of 6061-T6 billet aluminum and beautifully chrome plated. 12 different brackets are available. Pick the one corresponding to the installation you prefer.
Order Here: http://store.cyrilhuze.com
Cyril Huze Custom Inc.
Tel: 561-392-5557

First, we hope everyone has fared the storm well, without any major personal or material damage.
As you all know, South Florida was hit pretty hard by hurricane Wilma, affecting everyone?s personal and business lives, most specially in Broward and Miami-Dade county.
Upon evaluation of the situation after hurricane Wilma and considering that for the next three weeks, the majority of the population in South Florida will be deeply concerned about getting their lives back to normal (over 1.5 million without power, shortage of gas, banks closed and 90% of retail business still closed), we have decided for postponing our 2005 show.
After checking the show calendar for conflicting bike shows, other local or regional events and available dates at the convention center, we have decided for
APRIL 01 & 02, 2006.
No one was more anxious and interested in keeping the original date for the show than ourselves. However, just like us, you are making an investment in the show and we want you to get the results you expect from it. We don?t want to perform the show just for the purpose of fulfilling a commitment and not have a successful event for you and for our company.
Here is some info we consider important to you:
New Dates: Show Dates: April 01 & 02, 2006
Move in: March 31
Move out: April 02
Location : Remains the same ? Broward County Convention Center.Floor plan layout: Remains the same.Celebrities: We are confirming with the contracted celebrities to make sure their schedule is open for the new date. In case they are not available we will contract other celebrities of the same caliber or higher.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 754-246-5133. In case you reach the voice mail, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
We appreciate your understanding.
–Ron Freire

AUSTRALIAN COFFEE CONNECTION–An Australian man was having coffee and croissants with butter and jam in a cafe, when an American tourist, chewing gum, sat down next to him.The Australian politely ignored the American, who, nevertheless started up a conversation.
The American snapped his gum and said, “You Australian folk eat the whole bread?”
The Australian frowned, annoyed with being bothered during his breakfast, and replied, “Of course”.
The American blew a huge bubble. ” We don’t. In the states we only eat whats inside. The crusts we collect in a container, recycle them, transform then into croissants, and sell them to Australia.”
The American had a smirk on his face. The Australian listened in silence.
The American persisted. “D’ya eat jam with the bread?”
Sighing, the Australian replied, “Of course”.
Cracking his gum between his teeth, the American said, “We don’t. In the states we eat fresh fruit for breakfast, then we put all the peels, seeds, and leftovers in containers, recycle them, transform them into jam and sell it to Australia.”
The Australian then asked, “Do you have sex in the States?”
The American smiled and said, “Why, of course we do.” The Australian leaned closer to him and asked, “and what do you do with the condoms once you’ve used them?”
“We throw them away, of course”
Now it was the Australian’s turn to smile. “We don’t. In Australia, we put them in a container, recycle them, melt them down into chewing gum and sell them to the United States.
Why do you think its called Wrigley’s?”
–from John Reed

BANDIT SURVIVES MEXICO-BARELY–You only go around once in life. Sometimes you need to take the bull by the horns and go for it. I don’t watch NASCAR, stock car racing or cars with 10-foot diameter tires run over compacts. I’m a biker. But when a brother invited me to help with his effort to enter the most dangerous road race on earth, from one end of Mexico to the other, I couldn’t turn him down. We rode to Sturgis several times and hung out for almost 20 years. Besides he’s Dr. Hamster. So I said sure.

We hauled ass over 6000 miles in the last two weeks. Some 2000 of it was from the bottom of Mexico to the Laredo border, the most dangerous car race on earth. Sixty cars entered the La Carrera Panamericana race and 36 survived to finish. We came in 2nd in our class, Original PanAm. Get this. We were the only 2-man team to drive to the race, endure the race and drive home. You know, run what ya brung. We raced through the hills of Mexico passed throngs of people and screamin’ kids (second largest spectator sport in Mexico) with our bags in the back, packin’ our own tools, while all the other teams had race crews and back-up trucks and trailers.

For something great to do on the Saturday before the Love Ride, ride out to Old Pasadena to the Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery for a motorcycle Kulture photography exhibition, celebrity bikes from the likes of Chica, Matt Hotch, Russell Mitchell, Roland Sands and Paul Yaffe in the gallery and a ride-in bike show outside.
For the occasion, photographer Michael Lichter will be displaying limited edition black and white and color photographs from his 25+ years of shooting the biker lifestyle all across America. His work chronicles the largest bike events dating back to the 1970’s as well as smaller gatherings right to the present.
While Michael has exhibited in many museums, this will be his inaugural show with the Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery, which represents his limited edition photographic prints. A portion of the proceeds from sales will go to the Love Ride for their charities.
The show will be open November 2 through November 13 with an artist reception Saturday November 12 (Love-Ride weekend,) from 5pm – 7:30 pm. Also on November 12, there will be a ride-in bike show in the alleyways around the gallery from Noon – 4pm with celebrity trophy’s and cash prizes awarded at 4pm. www.loveride.org (only include the love ride link if we are joining forces in some way with them.)
The Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery is located at 40 Mills Place, Pasadena. For more information on the exhibit, ride-in show and directions, you can call the Gallery at (626) 535-9757 or visit their web site at www.mendenhallsobieskigallery.com. Information is also available at www.lichterphoto.com.

It’s that time of year again for the 5th Annual LifeStyle Cycles Ride to the Love Ride! Join LifeStyle Cycles Sunday morning November 13th at 6:30 AM at LifeStyle Cycles shop in Anaheim for a huge pancake breakfast and tons of entertainment. The kickstands go up at 8:29AM and we’ll hit the road for Love Ride 22! All registered riders get a limited edition T-shirt, ride wristband, breakfast and entertainment, entry for the raffles and a very cool LifeStyle Cycles sticker. You don’t want to miss out!
Once again, Big’s will be serving up breakfast, we’ll have a ton of surprises, killer entertainment, giveaways and a great time before heading out to Castaic Lake for a great day at Love Ride 22. Make sure you pre-register at LifeStyle Cycles in Anaheim before the event and save $2.50.

Pre-registration is $7.50 before Nov. 13th, $10 the day of the ride!
So come on down to:LifeStyle Cycles at 1534 N. State College Blvd.,
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 490-0155
Registration fee is for the Ride to the Love Ride only, and does not include admission to the Love Ride at Castaic Lake.

ONLY TWO WEEKS TO GO-VEGAS IS COMING– Suddenly it’s November and we have just two more weeks to go before Advanstar’s Big Twin West and our own second annual Official World Championship Of Custom Bike Building open for business at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
The World Championship has now passed the 100 competitor mark (105 as this is written), and competitors will be traveling to Las Vegas from more than twenty states and ten countries internationally. They will be showing nearly 170 bikes in total, and while everyone of them will be hoping they can carry off the prestigious title of World Champion for 2005, from the contacts we are having with them it is also perfectly clear that above all they are looking forward to what should be an unprecedented opportunity to meet industry colleagues and vendors. And maybe have a little fun along the way too!
On average the World Championship competitors will be spending some $5,000 of their own hard earned cash on getting to the event with their bike(s), and this marks an unprecedented investment into a Dealer Show and bike competition. We here at AMD are very grateful for the backing the ‘Builder Community’ is demonstrating for our endeavors, and are pulling out all possible stops to help ensure that they get maximum long-term benefit from their involvement.
As are the exhibitors who will be taking part in Big Twin West and the Custom Chrome Dealer Show. Everybody knows that the market has slowed down in the second half of this year, so not only does their involvement in the show reflect well on their determination to nonetheless invest in finding customers at a time when the cash cycle of the market is always at its slowest anyway, but also in their belief that the old suspicions surrounding West Coast/South West dealer events in general, and shows staged in the Fall in particular, are no longer relevant in the changed buying environment that the custom v-twin industry now enjoys.
There is much to look forward to at the event; and if you have not yet made up your mind to come and take a look, we here at AMD hope you will. The event has evolved into a ‘triple whammy’ of industry activity. Advanstar, the organizers of Big Twin West, are generously putting up some $50,000 of cash prizes for the World Championship, in addition to covering the costs of actually staging the competition; Custom Chrome are holding their annual Dealer Show at the same time, with exclusive vendor/dealer hours and show access the day before the event opens to the rest of the industry; and record numbers of exhibitors have bought booth space at Big Twin West.
Above all though it is the dealers who will be attending, and the competitors who are entering the World Championship, that will make this event the success it ‘feels’ like it is headed for. So, in advance of the show taking place, and we ourselves here at AMD having to head off in all sorts of directions as ‘multiple-show-syndrome’ strikes us before we are able to assemble in Las Vegas, it is timely to thank them in advance for planning to make the journey, and to say that everybody involved in the event looks forward to making them welcome.
If you haven’t already done so, you can register on-line to visit Big Twin West at http://www.bigtwinwest.com
Any questions about the World Championship Of Custom Bike Building can be sent to Neil ‘ShowMaster’ Blaber: SPACEY GRAND OPENING COMING–I attended the meet and greet at the new Space Coast Harley Davidson dealership in Palm Bay FloridaI knew many of the people there but also got to meet Jean Davidson, Andrew Hines and artist Scott Jacobs.This was in preparation of the Official Grand Opening to be held November 12th and 13th at 1440 Executive Circle NE. Palm Bay, Florida. Which is Exit 176 off of I-95 (Palm Bay Road) Doors open at 8:30 AM and Saturdays events includes a Ride-In Bike Show with Trophies by my bud Nicky Bootz – Teresi Dyno Drags – Stunts by Bubba Blackwell – Music by Foghat – Hooters Girl Bike Wash and a host of other things. I will be attending the Grand Opening on Saturday and covering it for Bikernet. Hope to see you there. Have me take your photo. — ROGUE ABOUT JEAN DAVIDSON–Jean is the granddaughter of Walter Davidson, one of the four founders and the first president of Harley-Davidson. Her father, Gordon Davidson, was Vice President of Manufacturing. Jean began riding a Harley at the age of 12, was a Harley dealer in Milwaukee and rubbed shoulders with all the Harley and Davidson family members, famous racers, Hell’s Angels and even Evil Knievel. Jean and her former husband, John, took ownership of one of the original Milwaukee Harley-Davidson dealerships. She is the mother of five children and the grandmother of two grandchildren. Jean has spent the last five years gathering personal family stories and old photographs to bring you a rare and exciting look into one of the most famous families in the history of motorcycling. She is currently teaching for a technical college bringing learning opportunities to workforce employees. Jean loves the outdoors and spends her spare time exploring new adventures. DEADWOOD HANGIN’ CASE- – A civil trial in a case involving the ill-fated 2004 Sturgis Music Festival will begin as scheduled, according to court documents released this week. The case of TDG Communications v. Sturgis 2004 will commence with a motions hearing on Thursday, Nov. 3. A jury trial is scheduled for Nov. 7 and 8 in 4th Circuit Court, Lawrence County. Earlier this year TDG Communications sued Sturgis 2004, a Mississippi based company for services TDG provided to promote the Sturgis Music Festival. The company is suing for $48,000 in fees that were unpaid when the venture went sour in the middle of the 2004 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. TDG is also seeking punitive damages in the case, alleging that Rose never intended to pay them.Along with TDG’s claim, the suit also includes a claim by Ericka Hansen and Paul Barrow, of Kickstand Productions, Las Vegas. Hansen and Barrow, former partners with Rose, are alleging that Rose acted without authority when he pulled out of the Sturgis Music Festival taking an estimated $500,000 to $700,000 in revenue with him. –The Black Hills Pioneer –from Rogue MBA HOLDINGS ACQUIRES THUNDER RIDERS MAGAZINE– SCOTTSDALE, AZ — (MARKET WIRE) — 11/01/2005 — MBA Holdings, Inc. (OTC BB: MBAH) is pleased to announce that it has acquired the assets of Arizona’s Thunder Riders Motorcycle Magazine and other related magazines and products. The current publisher and owner Clay Douglas sold the majority of the company in a cash and stock sale. A new Limited Liability Company was formed called MBA Publishing, LLC. Mr. Douglas will retain the title of Publisher and a percentage of ownership and stock in the company. The Arizona company, with current offices in Phoenix, Arizona, will move its headquarters to MBA’s offices in the near future. Clay Douglas has been the publisher of Thunder Riders for three years. His background includes publishing three magazines and writing for most major motorcycle Publications like Easyriders, Motorcycle Industry and American Free Press of Washington, D.C. Gaylen Brotherson, CEO of MBA Holdings, stated that, “We are happy to give a voice to National Motorcycle Dealers Association and Thunder Riders gives us a platform to showcase and promote our Blue Sky, Street Eagle, Rent 2 Ride, and WorldWide rental divisions nationwide. The paper will also help meet the needs of our dealers and agents to promote all of our insurance products and new products in the future. It is a good aquision for our company, and our company’s bottom line to help build MBA Holdings.” –from Rogue ONE- OFF EXHAUST FROM DEPARTURE–Here’s a coupla pics of some pipes Andrew made up for our friend Lowry’s 124 S&Spowered bagger…. –Z The 35th Anniversary Edition Zodiac Bikers’ Book– ZODIAC celebrates its 35th Anniversary with the release of the latest edition of the Zodiac Bikers Book as the firm prepares for its annual dealer show in November. This edition is the largest yet, containing more than 24,000 part numbers. The range has been expanded with Zodiac’s own brand products as well as lines from the USA, Europe, Japan and Australia. Just a few highlights from the 35th Anniversary edition include right side drive frames and conversions suitable for the latest generation of wide rear tires, an expanded range of exclusive Cruisespeed fenders in steel and aluminum, the complete range of Wire Plus products, a choice of performance parts for Twin Cam models from several manufacturers, complete Twin Cam-style and Shovelhead-style engines from S&S, Jagg oil coolers, Woessner pistons and CPV billet aluminum parts. Many of the new introductions, including the S&S engines, have T?V approval. The entire Arlen Ness catalog is an integrated part of the Zodiac Bikers Book, which is available in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish editions. Dates for the show are Friday 11th to Sunday 13th November inclusive. Further details are available from your local Zodiac dealer or Ruud Bakker at: ZODIAC INTERNATIONAL NEW BUILDER TO BIKERNET– I appreciate you taking the time to look at my bikes. Iam sending a pic of a bike I recently finished and won judges choicebest of show at the South Texas Motorcycle Show. custombikes@oldguychoppers.comWe look forward to working with new builders and introducing their talents to Bikernet readers.–Bandit BIKERNET BUBBA REPORT–Bubba and Junior were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A blonde lady walked by and asked what they were doing. “We’re supposed to find the height of the flagpole,” said Bubba, “but we don’t have a ladder.” The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a few bolts, and laid the pole down. Then she took a tape measure from her pocket, took a measurement and announced, “Eighteen feet, six inches,” and walked away. Junior shook his head and laughed. “Ain’t that just like a dumb blonde? We ask for the height, and she gives us the length.” –from Buckshot THIS WEEK’S MOTORCYCLE ART– check out this lil’ project I’m working on this is the Motorcycle Femme Fatales, 4 working girls in the industry; Me, Joann, Goth and Sam Morgan Storm. I think I need some help promoting this gig, do you know anyone in the promotions business? We are looking to be at all FOUR bike week events promoting our books, calendars and just working woman in the motorcycle industry. I’m hoping to get some sponsors on board to help launch this idea…(riding apparel, shoes, tools, etc. Not sure if you know Sam Morgan Storm, she rides the Wall of death and is about to attempt a land speed record on Jay Allen’s old Indian. She is an amazing lady and very true to the History of the Motor Dromes. I am nominating her for The Motorcycle Hall Of Fame 2006 along with Sonny Pelaquin (awesome wall rider), if you get a minute check out her website… AWESOME history of old racing, and early wall riding days… VERY neat old stuff. I’m a huge boardtrack racing fan, so she is my idol! Not sure if you ever heard of Lion Dromes…..when they had lions inside the wall as part of the gig!!! I love this stuff!!! ~Sara LONE STAR RALLY THIS WEEKEND–I’ll be there signing books and judging the show. Here’s the trophies.They are all engraved with the classes and everything ( not that you can tell from the photos). WORLD LAND SPEED RECORD RIDER WANTED–Denis Manning of BUB Enterprises in Grass Valley, California hasannounced that he has begun a search for an individual to pilot hisBUB streamliner at Bonneville in an attempt to break the motorcycleland speed record. Manning was the builder of the Harley-Davidson-powered streamliner that Cal Rayborn drove to the world’s record in1970 (as seen in On Any Sunday). Through the years he has built manymore machines and has had a role in numerous other records. In 2006, Denis plans to return to the salt with the goal of breakingthe motorcycle land speed record of 322 miles per hour currently heldby Dave Campos (the Easyriders team including Bandit). Manning’s streamliner is 100% designed and purpose-built for Bonneville-type use including the engine. Individuals from roadracing, drag racing and other forms ofmotorsports are being considered. Individuals wishing to beconsidered can contact Manning at 530-477-7490. –from Rogue Billy Lane’s Blood Sweat & Gears Memorializes Fallen Soldier Brandon Sapp at Biketoberfest– With Brandon’s family present, Billy and his all star crew build a true custom in memory of Brandon Sapp. Billy Lane and the Blood Sweat & Gears crew brought the BSG Tour to a whole new level last week at Biketoberfest. On site at the all new Destination Daytona, Lane led his Blood Sweat & Gears builders through an amazing build with an incredibly emotional outcome. In front of thousands, Lane along with Kendall Johnson, Paul Cox, Aaron Greene and Mondo Lane worked on a bike in memory of fallen soldier Brandon Sapp. Brandon’s family was present throughout the build. John Sapp, Brandon’s dad along with his brothers and sisters watched as the bike came to life. Guest builder Jerry Covington joined Lane on stage to complete the bike too. Legendary painter Jon Kosmoski, founder of House of Kolor, agreed to paint the sheet metal. Jon received the sheet metal at the eleventh hour and began creating the paint that would memorialize Brandon on the bike. “When Billy suggested desert camouflage as part of the paint scheme, I thought, sure, that will be no problem. I soon realized how wrong I was. Camo is tough, it took me over six hours alone to tape the pattern off. When we finished the tank with Brandon’s image on it, I knew we had really done something great.” explained Kosmoski. Brandon’s father John Sapp agreed on stage Friday when Jon Kosmoski presented the finished sheet metal to him and Billy. “John, I want you to know that Brandon was with me the whole time. Each coat of clear I applied, he watched and followed me around the room. I feel like he approves too” Kosmoski told Sapp on stage. The entire Sapp family was speechless when the tank was unveiled. Lane added, “House of Kolor and Kosmoski are the very best, we needed the best for this bike, Brandon earned it”. Brandon Sapp joined the Army to add focus to his life. While serving in Iraq Brandon was killed at twenty one. He was driving a Bradley on a mission. During the mission it was said that he had a feeling about the route they were taking, he suggested they change routes at the last minute. His intuition pushed him to veer right. His quick thinking allowed nine other soldiers to come home alive. Brandon did not. He was killed instantly when a roadside bomb deployed beneath him in the Bradley. While serving, Brandon made a great friend, Timothy McClellan. “Mac” as he is called, is originally from Minnesota. Mac was invited by Billy to attend Biketoberfest and help him honor Brandon. Billy asked Mac to re-present the Red Cross Real Heroes Award to John Sapp in memory of Brandon. Mac agreed and drove to Daytona from Ft. Hood in Texas. With the bike build complete late in the day Saturday, Billy asked the builders to join him and the Sapp family to watch a video Lane had created to honor Brandon. The video played to hushed crowds and many, many tears. Brandon became everyone’s son at this moment. Billy asked attendees to please remember what these guys and gals are doing for us. Dying for our freedom. Billy started the bike and Paul Cox took the newly installed TP Engine through the gears during a crowd pleasing burn out on stage. Following the burn out, Billy presented the bike to Brandon’s dad John and asked him what he was going to do with it? Weeping, John stepped back and asked Mac what he thought of the bike. Mac sat on it with Brandon’s little brother Harry and said, “I love it and so would Brandon. This is all he ever talked about. His dream was to ride to Daytona with you on a custom bike. His dad sent him Easyriders magazines every month. He shared them with all of us.” With that said John stepped back and told Mac to take the bike and ride with Brandon forever. The crowd fell silent then audience members lined up to shake John’s hand and thank him for his sacrifice. The moment was unbelievable and powerful. The bikes built during the Tour are built for one purpose_ to thank military personnel serving to protect our freedom. Billy and the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour fabricate LIVE in your face throughout major rallies across the country. The Blood Sweat & Gears Tour is proudly supported by Dodge, Activision and House of Kolor. More support comes from Paisano Publications, Miller Welding, Chrome Hardware Supply, The Horse and Choppers Inc. For the Biketoberfest build, Billy leaned on TP Engineering for the 114ci engine used in the bike and Custom Chrome for lots of parts to get the bike running in time. In addition to Billy Lane, other great builders make this Tour a reality. They are Kendall Johnson, Aaron Greene, Paul Cox and Mondo each of whom is a regular builder featured on the Tour. “I can’t do this on my own” said Lane. “Without the support of the Blood Sweat & Gears sponsors like Dodge, Activision, House of Kolor, Bikernet.com and Paisano Publications and the guys that make it happen on stage, the Tour wouldn’t happen.” Lane summarized. “It is our greatest desire to keep this positive momentum rolling into 2006 and beyond. We really want to be able to give away more custom bikes. In order to do this, we are lining up sponsors for 2006 right now. We’ve had tremendous support so far, but need more folks interested in showing their support through Blood Sweat & Gears so we can keep delivering the goods.” added Darcy Betlach, Tour Manager. For Blood Sweat & Gears Tour sponsorship information, please contact Chrome Marketing Inc at 952-470-4297. Blood Sweat & Gears Tour is owned and copyrighted by Psycho Billy LLC, affiliated with Choppers Inc and Billy Lane. Saxon Motorcycle Launches The All New Ultra-Wide 300 Tire Griffin Model–CASA GRANDE, ARIZ – Sept. XX, 2005 – Saxon Motorcycle Company today introduced its all new Griffin model, one of the first manufactured motorcycles with the 300 mm rear tire. The model features ultra modern design elements and components. “The Griffin represents a motorcycle design that is truly on the cutting edge as far as technology and styling,” said David Schwam, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “By manufacturing a motorcycle with a 300 mm rear tire we are able to offer a radical semi-custom bike to the general public at an affordable price.” The Griffin has several features you would expect to see on a full custom motorcycle and with a base price of just $25,995, it can’t be beat. The frame is a single down tube right side drive frame and is coupled with a 6 speed transmission. The 45 degrees of overall rake, 6″ stretch in the down tube and 2″ stretch in the backbone make this a bike that will handle superbly. “We want to keep on the cutting edge of the industry and offer new models to keep up with the demand for something different. With the advent of the 300 mm tire, we wanted to find an appropriate platform that could show Saxon as an industry leader in innovation, performance and affordability,” said Schwam. With the launch of the Griffin, Saxon is rounding out its existing model line with a third chopper, which has a unique design and appeal. “The Griffin is a great complement to the Warlord, Firestorm, Sceptre and Black Crown. It allows us to go after the customer who wants the styling of a semi-custom super wide tire motorcycle while offering them the reliability, performance and value that Saxon is known for.” said Schwam. The Griffin will be available in Saxon Dealerships nationwide starting in late October, with its MSRP anticipated to start at $25,995. Highlights of the Griffin include: IT’S OFF TO TEXAS AGAIN–Goddamnit I just came from there and a Texas steakhouse got the best of me. They’re smuggling veggies from across the border. I know it. There must be a conspiracy there somewhere. We’re headed to the Lone Star Rally and Bike Show in Galveston. It’s getting late. I need to splash some whiskey in my face, drink some water, pack and head to the airport.Have a helluva weekend. We’ll be working with Kent Weeks of Lucky Devil Metal Work on our next Bikernet Project Bike, Frisco Classic. You’ll see it all come together here on Bikernet. We shipped the VL front end (with Paughco parts), Kraft Tech sent the frame, it’s a Harley-Davidson driveline and away we go. Catch ya next week. In the meantime, chase beautiful women and ride forever, –Bandit
Departure Bike Works
Richmond, VA
Tel: +31 (0)297 288 621
Fax: +31 (0)297 288 226
http://www.thrillarena.com (sam’s website)
300 mm Avon rear tire
11″ over inverted front-end
Radical right side drive frame with 40 degree rake in the neck as well as 5 degrees in the triple trees
Frame has 6″ stretch in the down tube and 2″ in the backbone
Proprietary Saxon digital speedometer
Soft-tail suspension frame
Black S&S 96 CI engine and 6-speed transmission right side drive standard with an available S&S 111 engine upgrade
9 color choices
3 levels of graphics including an entirely custom option.