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BIKERNET PARTY RESEARCH REPORT–This is the beauty of science, the ability to explain a naturalphenomenon…
I have not seen anyone explain this as well as Cliff Clavin on thesitcom “Cheers.” One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff was explaining theBuffalo Theory to his buddy Norm. And here’s how it went:
“Well ya see Norm, it’s like this… A herd of buffalo can only moveas fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it isthe slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. Thisnatural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because thegeneral speed and health of the whole group keeps improving bythe regular killing of the weakest members.”
“In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fastas the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we allknow, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest andweakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beereliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster andmore efficient machine.”
“That’s why you always feel smarter after a few beers.”
–from Geno, HORSE magazine
HOG WEBSITE SUMMARY–Efforts are under way to create a Web site that lists some of thebest bike runs in several areas of the U.S.
Your input will make this one of the foremost sources for rideideas that can be shared by all who enjoy our enthusiasm for aride on a Big Twin! WE HAVE NO RUNS IN YOUR AREA!
Simply think about your best run of the season and give us a setof directions that will take others through the twists and turnsof the run you recommend. We’ll name it after you or keep itanonymous, whatever you prefer. PASS THIS E-MAIL ALONG TO A FRIEND!
Here is an entry form to send your ideas!
After we have collected a good number of these we will post themall at
It’s a FREE site for all bikers to use. There are some rides posted already if you want to take apeak.
Lovely Lady In The NewsLaurie Sumrall, last year?s Love Ride winner of the 2001 Harley Ford Truck.Check out how a ?queen for a day? spent her Love Ride 2001 weekend.
We all stayed at the Glendale Hilton. Friday we did a private thing at theLA Zoo with the 2002 trucks, then at 3 p.m. the limos picked us up and took us to the Jay Leno show.

From there we went to City Walk to Buca something-Italian food, last thing we did was BB King’s place. Saturday we had anunofficial reunion ride. It was the same run we did in the summer with thetrucks; they wanted to do it backwards on bikes. They had Road Captainscome down from Ventura H-D and help us out.

We started at the hotel, fromthere Malibu Inn for breakfast, we rode the canyons for about an hour,stopped at Neptune’s Net, headed to Ventura H-D, then back to the hotel toget clean, warm and party. woooo hoo.
Sunday was totally cool too. We had to be out front of the hotel by 7, thepolice escort led us to Glendale H-D and parked us. From Glendale the escortled us all the way to the lake and we parked in the VIP section, soakingwet of course, and my bike wanted to die halfway there, but it came back toits senses. We had to ring ourselves out, then headed for food and beer.We kinda all hung out, all day, all over!
You know who else was with us? Frank and Ivonne, the ones who purchased the Jay LenoH-D truck and his bike that all the stars signed. Very nice, down-to-earth people.

Oh! I almost forgot, George took me on stage and introduced me as last year’s winner. Funny, huh?

STOP THE PRESSES–In fact shut the bastards off and go for a ride. Nuttboy and I finally solved all the problems with the Cantina drama, and if he remembers the clues through the weekend, we’ll be blessed. We also stumbled on a notion for the second Chance Hogan book based on the tramp freighter cruise I’m taking. Check this out and let me know what you think.
There are some 12 chapters of the first Chance Hogan book in the Cantina. Keep in mind that it’s still a work-in-progress and may change drastically before it’s published. Generally I feel that it’s coming together and plan to finish it within the first month or so on the high seas, but there’s got to be another Chance saga developed during the world-over tour.
Ya see, Chance is a biker who’s trying to find his way as a lover and a non-stop rider. He hasn’t much ambition but a lot of heart. All he has to his name is his motorcycle and an unstoppable drive to find the right woman. San Pedro and women almost kill him in the first book. Perhaps as the second book opens he finds himself hooked up with a girl much like this.

A woman who can tear his heart strings from his chest and tie them into knots. He follows her to the dark side of the harbor where she’s kidnapped aboard a freighter. He has no choice but to load his scooter on the next ship bound for Europe and try to find her.
Do you think that will fly? Have a helluva weekend and a fantastic Thanksgiving. And for all the brothers and sisters involved in the terrorist war, whether it’s pushing papers and ordering supplies here or fighting on the sands of Afghanistan, many thanks. The free world respects everything you do.–Bandit