Hey, I wish I knew what was up. Yesterday, I was minding my own business scrambling through another colorful day on the coast when Nuttboy showed up for lunch. Sin Wu was at the pad and we were taking care of some business. Nuttboy and I usually go to lunch once a week to discuss book ideas, creative projects for the site and story lines for the Cantina drama, our Bikernet soap opera. Sin Wu knows our schedule, but I could tell by the glint in her college co-ed eyes that something was amiss.
You know the feeling when a woman gives you that look, or doesn’t look at all, and her words become short and quiet. So I asked her if she wanted us to pick something up for her. No answer. Here’s a shot of her two years ago in Japan, before her boob job.

So Nuttboy and I stomped out of the headquarters. I only got a block away before my cell phone rang. I didn’t want to answer it and have my day ruined by another psycho broad, but I pressed the button.
“You ruined my day,” was how she initiated the conversation. “I want sex and there’s no food in the house. You’re leaving for months and I won’t have you. I mad. Don’t say anything to Nuttboy.”
Hell, I didn’t know what to say and thought better than to add to the conversation.
“I hanging up now,” she said, and the phone went dead.
I ground my teeth and we continued down the road to the Lighthouse Cafe, where Nuttboy and I debated the direction of the Cantina drama. I tried to hold down a discussion while thinking that I should be back at the Bikernet headquarters strapping the help to the bed. Women. Let’s get to the news, but later I’ll throw some ideas out that Nuttboy and I discussed for the “Chance Goes to sea” book.
BIKER ELECTED MAYOR– The Bikernet Digital Gangster is fighting off a group trying to put a casino in his back yard. Got a biker mayor named Fuzzy in Snoqualmie. He’s trying save the bears. Way to go Digital! – Helen
NCOM COAST-TO-COAST BIKER NEWS–Compiled and Edited by BILL BISH,NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS. Here are some briefs from the NCOM Biker news. For the full stories go to Bikers’ Rights on Bikernet:
OHIO CONSIDERS BIKER ANTI-DISCRIMINATION BILL. As fall comes into full swing, the legislative staff of the Ohio Motorcyclists Coalition has been hard at work through the summer advancing the cause of equal access for all motorcyclists. House Bill 238, which seeks to outlaw discrimination against motorcyclists, now has the support of at least 24 Ohio representatives, and it has passed its first sponsors hearing.
U.S. SUPREME COURT APPROVES ROADBLOCKS The U.S. Supreme Court concluded that it is constitutional for law enforcement officers to set up roadblocks to randomly check motorists and other road users for proper driver’s licenses.
S.C. SUPREME COURT HEARS TATTOO CASE South Carolina’s highest court heard a challenge to the state’s tattooing ban, focusing on whether the practice is an issue of free speech or public health, reports the Associated Press.

HORSE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ON BIKERNET–Yep, that’s right, and if you like homebuilt bikes, Triumphs and choppers, this is the mag for you.

“Here’s a shirt we are coming out with next week (kozik design),” said Geno, the art director, during a drunken party in the Keys.
Below is a teaser of an upcoming cover of the HORSE. Don’t miss it.

Two twin lovelies are two issues away. (Jesse is on the next cover, then the Biktoberfest cover.) Here’s the cover chick for the next issue that was printed yesterday and goes on sale Dec. 24.
Q: What do you get when you put 50 lesbians and 50 politicians in a roomtogether?
A: 100 people who don’t do dick.
–from Hamster Terry

DONNIE SMITH FRONT END?–Donnie Smith, notoriously famous bike builder from Minneapolis, has developed the first girder front end in two decades. Two years ago in Sturgis he unveiled the prototypes. We’re not sure that this is one of his units, but we’re checking.
The above shot came from Rogue. “Check out the front suspension (along with the RevTech calipers and wheels) on this 2500cc V-Twin.” Rogue’

SLOW BUT SURE DRAGS COVERAGE– The Woodburn?ladders are posted in the “Down the Track” section. I’ll be working on the Las Vegas race over the next month or two. The digital camera worked real well for its first time out at Vegas and it worked great at the Guggenheim’s “Art of the Motorcycle”. As for the points, you’ll have to go to the AHDRA website for the final results of the 2001 race season at Top 10 Excuses Not To Exhibit At Intermot: The Largest Motorcycle ShowIn The World– 10. I am allergic to pretzels. We can’t overcome reasons 2 through 10, but we can help you live up to yourfull marketing potential in a worldwide forum. As the Global ProjectDirector for Munich Trade Fairs North America, I am constantly hearingcreative excuses why companies do not want to go abroad to exhibit at atrade show. The fact of the matter is that most people who have neverbeen to Europe for business are afraid of the unknown. That is wherewe come in. Intermot Facts: Our USA pavilion is the perfect way for companies to gain internationalexposure without exhausting all of their resources. We provide thebooth, furnishings, carpeting, electrical services, access totranslators and the use of the USA exhibitor lounge starting at justunder $5,000. Melanie Pelouze Here’s how rumors get started. POLICE STATE THREAT– By Kelly Patricia O’Meara If the United States is at war against terrorism to preserve freedom,a new coalition of conservatives and liberals is asking, why is it doing soby wholesale abrogation of civil liberties? They cite the Halloween-weekpassage of the antiterrorism bill – a new law that carries the almostpreposterously gimmicky title: “Uniting and Strengthening America byProviding Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct TerrorismAct” (USA PATRIOT Act). Critics both left and right are saying it not onlystrips Americans of fundamental rights but does little or nothing to securethe nation from terrorist attacks. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, one of only three Republican lawmakers tobuckthe House leadership and the Bush administration to vote against thislegislation, is outraged not only by what is contained in the antiterrorismbill but also by the effort to stigmatize opponents. Paul tells Insight,”The insult is to call this a ‘patriot bill’ and suggest I’m not patrioticbecause I insisted upon finding out what is in it and voting no. I thoughtit was undermining the Constitution, so I didn’t vote for it – and thereforeI’m somehow not a patriot. That’s insulting.” Paul confirms rumors circulating in Washington that this sweeping newlaw, with serious implications for each and every American, was not madeavailable to members of Congress for review before the vote. “It’s myunderstanding the bill wasn’t printed before the vote – at least I couldn’tget it. They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night,and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actuallyread it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before thevote.” GETTING THE MONEY– We’ve all heard the phrase “you learn something new everyday.” Well,here’s today’s lesson: Think before you speak! This actually happened at Harvard University in October last year. In a biology class, the professor was discussing the high glucose levels found in semen. A female freshmanraised her hand and asked, “If I understand, you’re saying there is a lot of glucose, as in sugar, in semen?” “That’s correct,” responded the professor, going on to add statistical info. Raising her hand again, the girl asked, “Then why doesn’t it taste sweet?” After a stunned silence, the whole class burst out laughing, the poor girl’s face turned bright red and, as she realized exactly what she had inadvertently said (or rather implied), she picked up her books without a word and walked out of class, never to return. However, as she was going out the door, the professor’s reply was classic. Totally straight-faced he answered her question. “It doesn’t taste sweet because the taste buds for sweetness are on the tip of your tongue and not the back of your throat. Have a good day.” Continued On Page 2
9. Germans do not believe in “lite beer.”
8. I look foolish in lederhosen.
7. Cuckoo clocks give me a headache
6. I have trouble pronouncing “Aufwiedersehen.”
5. I yodel off key.
4. I cannot spell October with a “k”.
3. The animal rights group I support will not permit me to eat wienerschnitzel.
2. I’m scared to ride my bike on the Autobahn and I can’t admit it.
1. It’s too expensive, I don’t have distributors and I don’t know how.
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