Continued From Page 3

LUCKY DEVIL METAL WORKS–We had a called for Softail techs the other day and Lucky came across with the goods. We will launch a tech on stretching this Softail frame in the next couple of days. I would call it, “The big guys Softail.”
“We stretched the backbone 2 inches and the down tubes 5 inches, and we only increased the rake 2 degrees,” said Lucky this is after we installed the 6″ over tubes stretched the cowbells and stretched the gas tank. this was a fun project, it’s not often you get to chop out a bagger. there is a lot of cool stuff we never go in the old web site.

The owner goes by either Lucky or Devil, depending on his mood. Phone # 281-477-3590

Satan’s Nightmare
I Am Satan’s Nightmare
I May Of Bent
I’m The One She
Could Not Break
I’m The Real Deal
Old School Biker
Respected Beyond
My Years
It Took These
Clouded Eyes
Time To Focus on
Lies And Deceit
And To Think
I Thought You
Really Loved Me
Now Everything’s
So Clear The
Love Remains
But The Lust
Has Wore Off
To The Curb
You’ve Been Tossed
No Longer Will I Be
Double Crossed
Yes I Am Satans Nightmare
The One She Could Not Taint
I Saw You For What You Are
A Big Titted Worthless Fake
These Words May Sting
These Words May Bring
Tears To Your Eyes
I’m Done Crying
Don’t Act So Surprised
As I Ink Satan’s Nightmare
In Old English
At The Base Of My Neck
Blood Dripping
I Can’t Help But Display
And Evil Grin
Making Satan Herself
I Am The Evil
The Evil With In
Written With Every Ounce Of Evil I Have, By Panhead Josh Of OutlawsWorld
Do Not Dare Reproduce Without Owners Concent. Satans Nightmare IsWatching You!!

JAY’S REPORT FROM CFL–Here’s Jay from Hawaii, building a bike at West Coast Choppers during Love Ride Weekend. He rode to the Pomona drag strip on Sunday (no not the Love Ride)with Jesse, Bill, and the West Coast gang on Glades smooth-ass El Diablo.

–Jay Hodge

AN AMERICAN LEGEND HONORS AMERICAN HEROES–Harley-Davidson Recognizes Three Veterans With ItsInaugural Genuine Hero AwardMilwaukee, Wis. (Nov. 11, 2003) ? Greg Robillard, Phillip Frasher and RogerKasper have never met each other, but do have a couple things in common.They each have distinguished themselves honorably by serving their countryin the military, and they share a passion and enthusiasm for Harley-Davidsonmotorcycles.
These admirable traits earned the trio distinction in Harley-Davidson?sinaugural 2003 Genuine Hero Award for dedication and military service to theUnited States. Veterans, or their family and friends were asked to write ashort description of how someone they know has made a positive impact on ourcountry or their community through such characteristics as patriotism,citizenship, wartime heroism or community service.
Harley-Davidson selected Greg Robillard, 52, from Chico, Calif., as itsGenuine Hero Award winner. Robillard will receive a $1,000 prize package inHarley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories. PhillipFrasher, 54, from Welch, W.V., was selected as the second place winner andrecipient of a $500 Harley-Davidson Genuine P&A prize package. Roger Kasper,52, from Sobieski, Wis., was chosen as the third place winner and recipientof a $250 Harley-Davidson Genuine P&A prize this to honor the GI?s,” he said. “It?s a really nice thing to do.”For additional information on the Genuine Hero Award and otherHarley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories see yourlocal Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site To find a dealer near you, call toll free1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.
We will publish the long, complete version of this important report in Special Reports in the next couple of days.
FIRST BIKERNET HOLIDAY HUMOR– The teacher was curious about how each of her students celebratedChristmas. She called on young Patrick Murphy. “Tell me Patrick what do you do at Christmas time?” she asked.
Patrick addressed the class, “Me and my twelve brothers and sisters goto midnight Mass and we sing hymns, then we come home, and we put mincepiesby the back door and hang up our stockings. Then we go to bed and wait for Father Christmas to come with toys.”
“Very nice, Patrick,” she said. “Now Jimmy Brown what do you do at Christmas?”
“Me and my sister also go to Church with Mom and Dad and we singcarols,and after we get home we put cookies and milk by the chimney and we hang upour stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our toys,” Jimmy replied.
“That’s also very nice Jimmy,” she said. Realizing there was a Jewishboy in the class and not wanting to leave him out of the discussion, sheasked Isaac Cohen the same question. “Now Isaac, what do you do atChristmas?”
Isaac said, “Well, we go for a ride and we sing a Christmas carol.”
Surprised, the teacher questioned further. “Tell us what you sing.”
“Well, it’s the same thing every year. Dad comes home from the office.We all get into the Rolls Royce, and we drive to his toy factory. When weget inside we look at all the empty shelves and we sing, ‘What a friend wehave in Jesus.’ Then we fly to the Bahamas.”
–from Joan C.

Here’s samples from an article on pinstriping that’s comin’ from Chris T. in Hawaii. These shots arrived today.
IT’S BREAK TIME–Let’s grab a brew or Jack, that girl in the corner who is bubbling out of her bra and hide out for a couple of hours. You deserve the break.
Check out the Shrunken FXR tech. I fired myself from the garage. I couldn’t do anything right when I had a garage full of professional builders. Ah fuck it. There’s another day. I just filled my MIG welding bottle and Acetylene bottle so I’m good to go for another month. I know it’s beginning to cool off over most of the country, so we’ll pack this puppy with techs and dynamite tales of the road to keep the night’s warm and fulla action.