Continued From Page 2

OHIO SEAT MAKER CHECKS IN–Just a quick note to show ya a seat and points cover I just finished.The seat is for a 1975 FLH, and I made the points cover out of Brass and Stainless Steel.
–Tom Sawyer
Sawyer’s Motorcycle Shop
10995 Oakridge Dr. Harrison ,Ohio 45030

BIKERNET HORSEPOWER FREIGHT LINER DEAL OF THE WEEK–1993 Freightliner 400,000 miles one owner and driver since new, 425 hp Detroit 13 spd. Super clean roving satellite TV in the double bunk cab. 45 foot Kentucky Trailer with 44 X 14 foot tent with side walls.
Custom throughout with loads of lights and plugs. Great rubber with 2 extra spare tires.

Ready to go with loads of vending extras like, stairs, racks and decks. Truck runs perfect. Ramps to load full size car in rear or haul up to 10 bikes. $75,000.00 will deliver, must sell, lost my storage.

BIKERNET STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS–?My present and future financial and personal well-being are totally in the hands ofBarack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emmanuel, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank!?
–Bruce Snyder
Bikernet Copy editor

Zodiac International to exhibit and sponsor World Champs Affiliate Freestyle class at Ace Cafe ‘Ally Pally’ London Custom Show–No sooner had news about the planned first annual Ace Cafe London Motorcycle & Custom Show been made public, than the first of Europe’s aftermarket majors, Zodiac International, stepped up to announce its backing for the new show project.
Zodiac will be exhibiting with their Show Truck, and has announced cash prize fund sponsorship of some 1.500,00 euro for the World Championship Affiliate Custom Bike Show Freestyle Class that will see the Best Of Show scoop the AMD Affiliate Grand Prize, of ?5,000.00 (approx US 8,000/5.000,00 euro) to represent the show at next year’s 7th annual Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building.The event is being staged at an iconic landmark venue in London, the famed Alexandra Palace, a Victorian era hill-top facility overlooking London which was originally built in 1873.
Set in 196 acres of parkland, ‘Ally Pally’ (as the facility is affectionately and almost universally known) has many claims to fame, not least that it was the home of the BBC back in the 1930’s and was where the world’s first-ever televisions broadcasts were made.
More recently ‘Ally Pally’ is no stranger to hosting motorcycle shows. The formula for this new event is being specified from the ground-up to move the so far ‘stop-go’ history of attempts to establish a custom expo for the UK market into a new era.
As a follow-up to the initial promise (but ultimate disappointment) surrounding the London International Custom Show (L.I.C.S.) when it burst onto the European custom show scene for one year only in 2008, the market reaction has been enthusiastic.
The event will run for three days, from Friday February 26th to Sunday February 28th. It will feature live-action, stage entertainment, three halls of exhibitors in total, representing all sectors of the UK’s motorcycle industry, with one entire hall given over to the Ace Cafe Custom Show and v-twin industry vendors.
Judging of the custom bike show will be independently conducted and supervised by World Championship personnel to the program’s internationally recognised standards, and in addition to the well known World Championship formula Freestyle competition for the top prizes, additional classes are slated to include Modified Harley-Davidson, ‘Old Style’ bikes, Street Fighter style customs, Custom Scooters, and, in keeping with the Ace Cafe’s heritage, ‘Brit Bikes’.
Exhibitors & Trade: Chris Gothard +44
(0)1732 362 845 or email
Show Competitors: Neil Blaber +44 (0)1892
511 516 or email

In times of danger,not before.
The danger past and all conflict righted,God is forgotten,
the soldier slighted.
— Honor Among Soldiers -By Joseph L. Galloway
If you have fed from a steady diet of Hollywood movies about Vietnam you probably believe that everyone who wore a uniform in America?s long, sad involvement in war in Vietnam is some sort of a clone of Lt. William Calley—that all three million of them were drug-crazed killers and rapists who rampaged across the pastoral landscape.
Those movies got it wrong, until now. There is one more Hollywood film now playing called We Were Soldiers and it gets it right. Ask any Vietnam veteran who has gone to see the movie. In fact, ask any American who has gone to see it. It is based on a book I wrote with my lifelong friend Lt. Gen. (ret) Hal Moore; a book written precisely because we believed that a false impression of those soldiers had taken root in the country which sent them to war and, in the end, turned its back on both the war and the warriors.
I did four tours in Vietnam as a war correspondent for United Press International- –1965-66, 1971, 1973 and 1975. In the first three of those tours at war I spent most of my time in the field with the troops and I came to know and respect them and even love them, though most folks might find the words ?war? and ?love? in the same sentence unsettling if not odd.
In fact, I am far more comfortable in the company of those once-young soldiers today than with any other group except my own family. They are my comrades-in- arms, the best friends of my life and if ever I were to shout ?help!? they would stampede to my aid in a heartbeat. They come from all walks of life; they are black, white, Hispanic, native American, Asian; they are fiercely loyal, dead honest, entirely generous of their time and money. They are my brothers and they did none of the things Oliver Stone or Francis Ford Coppola would have you believe all of them did.
On the worst day of my life, in the middle of the worst battle of the Vietnam War, in a place called Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley of Vietnam, I was walking around snapping some photographs when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a tall, lanky GI who jumped out of a mortar pit and ran, zig-zagging under fire, toward me. He dove under the little bush I was crouched behind.
?Joe! Joe Galloway! Don?t you know me, man? It?s Vince Cantu from Refugio, Texas!? Vince Cantu and I had graduated together from Refugio High School, Class of ?59, 55 boys and girls.
We embraced warmly. Then he shouted over the din of gunfire:
?Joe, you got to get down and stay down. It?s dangerous out here. Men are dying all around.?
Vince told me that he had only ten days left on his tour of duty as a draftee soldier in the 1st Battalion 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). ?If I live through this I will be home in Refugio for Christmas.?
I asked Vince to please visit my mom and dad, but not tell them too much about where we had met and under what circumstances. I still have an old photograph from that Christmas visit—Vince wearing one of those black satin Vietnam jackets, with his daughter on his knee, sitting with my mom and dad in their living room.
Vince Cantu and I are still best friends.
When I walked out and got on a Huey helicopter leaving Landing Zone X-Ray I left knowing that 80 young Americans had laid down their lives so that I and others might survive. Another 124 had been terribly wounded and were on their way to hospitals in Japan or the United States. I left with both a sense of my place, among them, and an obligation to tell their stories to any who would listen. I knew that I had been among men of honor and decency and courage, and anyone who believes otherwise needs to look in his own heart and weigh himself.
Hal Moore and I began our research for the book-to-be, We Were Soldiers Once?and Young, in 1982. It was a ten-year journey to find and ultimately to bring back together as many of those who fought in LZ Xray and LZ Albany, a separate battle one day after ours only three miles away in which another 155 young Americans died and another 130 were wounded. We had good addresses for perhaps no more than a dozen veterans, but we mailed out a questionnaire to them to begin the process.
Late one night a week later my phone rang at home in Los Angeles. On the other end was Sgt. George Nye, retired and living very quietly by choice in his home state of Maine. George began talking and it was almost stream of consciousness. He had held it inside him for so long and now someone wanted to know about it. He described taking his small team of engineer demolitions men into XRay to blow down some trees and clear a safer landing zone for the helicopters. Then he was talking about PFC Jimmy D. Nakayama, one of those engineer soldiers, and how a misplaced napalm strike engulfed Nakayama in the roaring flames. How he ran out into the fire and screamed at another man to grab Jimmy?s feet and help carry him to the aid station. My blood ran cold and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I had been that man on the other end of Nakayama. I had grabbed his ankles and felt the boots crumble, the skin peel, and thoseslick bones in my hands.
Again I heard Nakayama?s screams. By then we were both weeping. I knew Nakayama had died a day or two later in an Army hospital. Nye told me that Jimmy?s wife had given birth to a baby girl the day he died—and that when Nye returned to base camp at An Khe he found a letter on his desk. He had encouraged Nakayama to apply for a slot at Officer Candidate School. The letter approved that application and contained orders for Nakayama to return immediately to Ft. Benning, Ga., to enter that course.
George Nye is gone now. But I want you to know what he did with the last months of his life. He lived in Bangor, Maine, The year was 1991 and in the fall plane after plane loaded with American soldiers headed home from the Persian Gulf War stopped there to refuel. It was their first sight of home. George and some other local volunteers organized a welcome at that desolate airport. They provided coffee, snacks and the warm ?Welcome home, soldier? that no one ever offered George and the millions of other Vietnam veterans. George had gone out to the airport to decorate a Christmas tree for those soldiers on the day he died.
When we think of ourselves we think Shakespeare, Henry IV, Act IV, Scene 3: ?We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;For he today that sheds his blood with meShall be my brother.?
Honor and decency and uncommon courage were common among these soldiers and all the soldiers who served in Vietnam. I think of how they were, on patrol, moving through jungle or rice paddies. Nervous, on edge, trying to watch right, left, ahead, behind, all at once. A friend once described it as something like looking at a tree full of owls. They were alert for sign, sound or smell of the enemy. But they also watched each other closely. At the first sign of the oppressive heat and exhaustion getting to someone the two or three guys around would relieve him of some or all of the heavy burden that the Infantryman bears: 60 or 70 pounds of stuff. Rifle and magazines. A claymore mine or two. A couple of radio batteries. Cans of C-Rations. Spare socks. Maybe a book. All that rides in the soldier?s pack. They would make it easier for him to keep going. They took care of each other, because in this situation each other was allthey had.
When I would pitch up to spend a day or two or three with such an outfit I was, at first, an object of some curiosity. Sooner or later a break would be called and everyone would flop down in the shade, drink some water, break out a C-Ration or a cigarette. The GI next to me would ask: What you doing out here? I would explain that I was a reporter. ?You mean you are a civilian? You don?t HAVE to be here?? Yes. ?Man, they must pay you loads of money to do this.? And I would explain that, no, unfortunately I worked for UPI, the cheapest news agency in the world. ?Then you are just plain crazy, man.? Once I was pigeonholed, all was all right. The grunts understood ?crazy? like no one else I ever met. The welcome was warm, friendly and open. I was probably the only civilian they would ever see in the field; I was a sign that someone, anyone, outside the Big Green Machine cared how they lived and how they died.
It didn?t take very long before I truly did come to care. They were, in my view, the best of their entire generation. When their number came up in the draft they didn?t run and hide in Canada. They didn?t turn up for their physical wearing pantyhose or full of this chemical or that drug which they hoped would fail them. Like their fathers before them they raised their right hand and took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is not their fault that the war they were sent to fight was not one that the political leadership in Washington had any intention of winning. It is not their fault that 58,200 of them died, their lives squandered because Lyndon Johnson and, later, Richard Nixon could not figure out some decent way to cut our losses and leave the Vietnamese to sort the matter out among themselves.
As I have grown older, and so have they, and first the book and now the movie have come to pass I am often asked: Doesn?t this close the loop for you? Doesn?t this mean you can rest easier? The answer is no, I can?t. To my dying day I WILL remember and honor those who died, some in my arms. I WILL remember and honor those who lived and came home carrying memories and scars that only their brothers can share and understand.

MARILYN MONROE AUCTION, Faces and Figures on artnet–From November 10-19 artnet Auctions is featuring Faces & Figures, a special sale of 375 photographs by 185 renowned modern & contemporary artists. The works offered in the sale celebrate the human form as seen through the lens of some of the greatest photographers of our time. But careful: These things don’t come cheap!
The auction includes portraits of some of the most unforgettable faces of the 20th-21st century by legendary photographers including Bert Stern, who is perhaps best known for his luminous portraits of Marilyn Monroe. The auction features ten photographs of a flirtatious Monroe taken just weeks before the actress? death in what is now known as the “Last Sitting”.
The sale also celebrates the body in motion from actors to athletes, including a classic 1955 photograph of James Dean walking in Times Square and a fearsome 1970 photograph of Muhammad Ali. More recent works include David LaChapelle?s Pamela Anderson in Terrarium, Los Angeles.
Rounding out the sale ? we know you have been waiting for this ? is an extraordinary collection of nudes, including, in addition to numerous historic pieces, contemporary works such as the provocative Nude, Setagay-ku, Tokyo, 1986, by Daido Moriyama and two C-prints from Thomas Ruff’s 2002 series Nudes, estimated at a bargain price of $6,500-$8,500 each.
So, if you happen to have a couple of grand laying around you desperately wanna get rid off, head on over to Otherwise just keep it here on BIKERNET for the hottest babes around.
– – C.S. Berg

MCQUEEN HAD ONE – A FLYING SQUIRREL–Motorcycle Classics editor Richard Backus takes a ride on Mark Scott’s 1927 Scott Flying Squirrel at the 2009 Barber Vintage Festival at Barber Motorsports Park outside of Birmingham, Alabama.
See more and read about more cool old stuff at

YANKEE ENGINEUITY OFFERS HUNDREDS OF GAUGE MOUNT, BASE CLAMP AND GAUGE CUP COMBINATIONS– Paughco?s line of Yankee Engineuity Base Clamps and associated Gauge Top mounting brackets include precision machined, direct replacement assemblies for virtually any stock or custom application. Additionally they offer a very cool, do-it-yourself, Universal Base Plate that can be modified to meet your requirements.
For your convenience the Universal Plates are sold in raw aluminum for 1? and 1 ?? bars and retail for just $66.07. Chrome gauge mounts come in sizes and styles for stock, VDO, Digital Dakota, Auto Meter and other gauges with diameters from 1.9? up to 3 3/8?.
Base Clamps and Gauge Tops can be purchased individually and are universal so you can mix styles and shapes. While YE custom base clamps cover most H-D models, the brackets can be adapted to a wide variety of Cruiser and custom machines.
Base plates retail starting at $87.70, Top Brackets from $112.78 and Cups start at $100.81. For complete details contact Paughco direct at 775-246-5738, email info@paughco or catch them on the Web at

TECH OF THE WEEK–What do you do with old Bumper Cars?

–from Rev CarlR

DOMAIN NAME FOR SALE–I’m Magiel Greeff, a software developer from Montreal, Canada. I seethat you are associated with and that your websiteappears for the search term “bikers direct”. I thought that you mightlike to know that I am seeking a buyer for my domain name is a defining name for this industry and owning such aname will attract targeted customers. In addition, you will find thatGoogle will boost your ranking for “bikers direct” once you start addingcontent to the website.
Because I am looking to clear out my domain names, I would be willingto offer you at a good price. If you would like toconsider acquiring this domain name, or would like more information,please reply to this message.
Tel: +1 (518) 213-3660

NEW WEB SITE AND SERVICES BY TP ENGINEERING–TP Engineering has opened a new website;
It?s still in progress but customers can now order parts on line. They can also get some technical info directly from the site.

Viper Motorcycle Company Reveals 2010 Diamondback–Viper Motorcycle Company Launches Branding Campaign With Motorcycle Displays and Prepares for Formal Launch
Viper Motorcycle Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viper Powersports Inc., is pleased to announce the release of the 2010 Viper Diamondback 152. 2010 models are a continued result of ongoing development and a joint venture effort with Ilmor Engineering. Product availability will be limited as we move into 2010 and prepare for a formal industry wide launch.
Terry Nesbitt, President of Viper, stated, “The first 2010 models are ready for release and will be shipped immediately to key dealers such as Rick Fairless’s Stroker’s Dallas, Eddie Trotta’s Thunder Cycle, Low Country Customs, Ronnie’s Harley Davidson, Creagers Cycle Center, Extreme Customs, Victory of Grand Rapids and more.”

Nesbitt added, “In an ongoing effort to increase our exposure and add overall value to the Viper brand, we are announcing an innovative merchandising campaign designed to give Viper motorcycles their own space, enabling our brand identity to grow. We are providing to our dealers a branded motorcycle showroom display stand. The high performance 2010 Diamondback Super Cruiser has no equal and will be appropriately displayed. As we move forward preparing for a formal launch, including additional models and large scale production, we will continue to make available to our dealers the best and most effective merchandising tools available in order to increase value in the Viper brand.”
Viper Powersports designs, manufactures and markets a line of premium American V-Twin Super Cruiser motorcycles, V-Twin aftermarket engines and other related aftermarket products through an independent dealer network. Joint venture partner Ilmor Engineering ( provides technical developmental support for the proprietary 152 cubic inch Viper V-Twin engine, utilizing their 25 years of engine design expertise, ensuring Viper’s long term success as America’s newest domestic OEM of motorcycles. Viper Powersports and Viper Motorcycle Company’s websites are and

Twilight’s Christian Serratos Poses Naked Against Fur–Christian Serratos, star of the movie Twilight, just turned 19 and now takes it all off for an advertising campaign with Peta (People For Ethical Treatment of Animals). After doing a campaign earlier to save the seals fully clothed, it is said Christian was looking forward to becoming the youngest person to bare it all for her “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign ad. We really appreciate it, Christian!
– – C.S. Berg

Polk man arrested for crashing while on cell phone– Stephen Wade Horne was taken into custody today on a Warrant filed by the State Attorney’s Office (10th Judicial Circuit, Jerry Hill,
Investigators documented a 54’8″ long skid mark that Horne created from breaking before slamming into the stopped, well lighted truck.
Horne also struck 19-year-old Emmanuel “Manny” Mejia of Winter Haven (He has since turned 20-years-old). Mejia was severely injured in the crash and was transported by helicopter to Lakeland Regional Medical Center. Mejia lost both of his legs as a result of Horne’s failure to stop. He is still at LRMC, as of November 9, 2009, recovering from his serious injuries and receiving physical
Investigators have concluded from their investigation that Horne was distracted by using his cell phone at the time of the crash.
Emergency personnel from the scene told an investigator from the Florida Highway Patrol that Horne had said he was texting on his phone. Investigators have also documented that at the time of the collision there were no environmental or visual conditions that would have contributed to the crash.
PCSO investigators served a search warrant in late September at Horne’s residence and have collected his cell phone for analysis.
Horne works for a temporary employment agency as a surveyor working for the Polk County Board of County Commissioners.Polk County Sheriff
by Theresa Collington
–from Rogue

ILLUSION UNVEILS EXCLUSIVE WCC STYLE CAPT. AMERICA COMMEMORATIVE CHOPPER– As Godfather to the production chopper industry, Illusion Cycles is responsible for some of the most stylish yet brutally hard core production choppers ever. In keeping with their flare for running on the edge, Rusty Coones and Rod Requejo, co-owners of Illusion, just announced the availability of a limited number of Capt. America Commemorative choppers.
Working closely with West Coast Choppers, the bikes will have an unmistakable WCC look and feature many of that company?s exclusive components. Each Illusion Capt. America will be hand fabricated at the Illusion factory in Westminister, California to meet personal the requirements of each customer. As with Illusion?s much sought after line of in-your-face HELLRAZOR bikes, Capt. America Commemoratives will feature driveline components that are CARB certified to California specifications and 49 state EPA compliant.
Additionally, each machine is covered by a full one year factory warranty and qualify for extended warrantee coverage from aftermarket companies.If you?re looking for a truly unique scooter that is as dependable as it is visually striking, look no further. In this economy, where you spend your money is as important as what you spend it on.
At Illusion you get exactly what you pay for; quality, performance, longevity and image. It should be noted that a testament to Illusions continued high regard among professional manufacturers, is the fact that Illusion motorcycles continue to be listed in both the Kelly Blue Book and NADA directory.
For complete detail call Illusion Cycles at 714-894-1942. Be sure to visit them on the Web at
*Engine: Fully polished CARB and EPA certified S&S 114?
*Transmission: Prowler RSD 6-speed (patented steady bar w/bearing support)
*Exhaust: WCC EPA compliant header with Supertrapp muffler
*Intake: 42 mm Mikuni with CARB approved air box
*Ignition: Spyke optical multi-spark/80 thousand volt coil
*Starter and charging: Spyke Stealth
*Charging system: Compufire 40 amp 3 phase
*Drive: Primary 3? open belt. Final 530 O-ring chain.
*Frame: WCC 250 CFL rigid w/ spider web neck gusset and 35? rake
*Front end: 41 mm wide-glide telescopic w/ 3? raked trees
*Wheels: Colorado Custom forged Spider Web 18 x 8.5 front, 21 x 3.25 rear
*Gas tank: WCC 3.6 gal modified King Sport
*Bars: Illusion Mini Ape 9?
*Hand controls: Brembo with OEM switch housings
*Tires: Metzler 240 rear, 21 frontBrakes: Brembo 4-piston full floating front and rear
*Fenders WCC 10.5 with Spider Web struts rear, 5.5 front
*Seat: Illusion 10 gauge pan with hand tooled leather and adjustable billet shocks

KTM Cranks It Up Across The Board At EICMAAustrian manufacturer KTM has evolved into an almost full-line manufacturer over the past couple of years. Form a small manufacture of highly specialized offroad tools, KTM today offers a full range of on- and offroad motorcycles, ATVs and even a car. The only thing missing in the lineup is a cruiser. While this year’s EICMA has destroyed the hope to see one of those from KTM, the Austrians introduced two new concepts along with a new Duke.

By presenting a 350cc pre-series racing bike, KTM again illustrates the typical determination of the Austrian company to go its own way. With the confirmation in Milan of the key data of the 350cc, including injection and linkage, the tradition-rich offroad specialist is forging a new path in Motocross.
While the company’s 250 SX-F and 450 SX-F models have been highly successful and oriented to suit the specific displacement regulations of the competition classes, KTM is now the first manufacturer in the world to present a 350cc displacement bike for the sport of Motocross. The completely new bike, which will be ready to race from 2010 carries the distinct development signature of MX legend Stefan Everts right down to the finest detail. With this project, the KTM MX team-boss deploys meticulousness and all his unique ambition to catapult it to a new MX level. A concrete date for series production of this already very mature prototype has not yet been decided.

KTM 125
The Duke, Super Duke, RC8R and Adventure are living proof of tKTM’s philosophy of consistency. Now this same dynamic also becomes evident in a smaller displacement bike segment with the introduction of a range of 125cc bikes that have been one hundred percent developed at the company headquarters in Mattighofen, Austria.
The four-valve cylinder head, water cooling, fuel injection, two overhead cam shafts and 15hp demonstrate the desire for the highest level of technological development. The latticed tubular steel frame promises perfect riding fun. As always, the very succinct KTM appearance comes from the extremely creative Kiska design team. Components from high quality suppliers like WP Suspension and Brembo add premium quality throughout. Coming with individual design possibilities, the completely newly constructed motorcycles are a breath of fresh air for the segment.

Duke 690R
For KTM, the range of single cylinder LC4s represent tradition, legend and future as well as performance, rideability and the smooth, quiet, harmonious running of the engine. When KTM introduced this motor concept in 2007, it elevated single cylinder enjoyment. With the presentation of the Duke 690 in 2008 KTM caused another sensation among the worldwide community of Duke fans. Yet KTM is still set on constant improvement and innovation.
Now 70 hp packed into a vehicle weight of just 148 kg lend the Duke 690 R unrivaled panache. Highest quality components and the unique optics are also typical KTM. Along with the highly potent motor, the 690R features the orange frame specially reserved for the R models. Carbon mudguards, a sophisticated fork and the new orange rear damper spring are among the outstanding features of the Duke R. Other improvements include an extended maintenance interval
Along with these latest additions, KTM exhibits other models at EICMA that make their model year 2010 broader and more attractive. These include the RC8R Akrapovic Race Replica, an homage to KTM’s first season in Superbike, and the twin Red Bull Replica. In honor of KTM MX factory riders Max Nagl and Marvin Musquin, the company also displays replicas of the MX1 and MX2 racing machines.
– – C.S. Berg, photos KTM

Continued On Page 4