Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM EXPANDS–Bikernet is all about Custom Motorcycles, Riding, Romance and Tech. We don’t call our program advertising. It’s a sponsorship effort, because every sponsor including our two newest members, Performance Machine and Surgical Steeds, is afforded more that just an ad space or a banner. We create a department for each sponsor and build an archive of information about their products and projects we use them on. We charge the same fee whether we have two articles and four banners on the site or a dozen articles and 25 banners. Each article is posted in their department and in the tech area, the news here, or in new products. It’s a partnership.
GOING THEEXTRA MILE: INSIDER TIPS FOR LONG-DISTANCE MOTORCYCLING AND ENDURANCERALLIES–We are pleased to announce publication of Ron Ayres’ new book, 144 pages, $19.95. Copies are now in stock and if you’d like toorder one for yourself or a friend, click on
This is the first book to share the proven advice of high-mileage veteranswith all riders who want to extend their range on a motorcycle. A good readthat will inspire many, we think GOING THE EXTRA MILE will be the book ofchoice for the coming holiday season.

Bikernet travel hostess.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This week’s news is brought to you by Bandit’s Bikernet’s travel service, all the way from San Pedro, the semi polluted city. Yes you heard right, I’m in California living the grand life. Bandit had a harem of big breasted blondes waiting for me at LAX, and a couple exotic cars for the entourage back to his ritzy San Pedro hacienda. All I know is that I hear muffled voices from the dungeon, I’m guessing it’s Layla and Sin Wu which have been hidden from my arrival…Have not seen the old man yet, his valet tells me that he’s getting into his Tux for the soiree tonight…
Actually all I want is the Porsche he promised and I’ll steal one of the blondes (or two) and head out for a night (or two) in Lala land….I’m wondering if that Chopper parked at the courtyard next to his Road King will be my ride for the week….(Knowing him he’ll bring a couple dressers) which I will refuse, that’s for sure…..Oh well, the week end is just starting, so let’s see what happens…
So if you are a frequent reader you might know how it goes….Sometimes I bitch and bash, sometimes I might say some positive and uplifting things….or sometimes I’m a bit brutal, but you know what, up to now, no one has seen totally brutal…but I will save that for later. Hell how can I complain tonight when I’m in Bikernet’s palace…no way…or maybe…Hell !!!
Ok here we go…Like I’ve said before about the Chopper stuff, the industry, the “lifestyle” besides building bikes…it’s the friendship, the brotherhood… yessirr… Last week I said I was coming to California and friends called and e-mailed, you know..let’s meet here, let’s meet there, stuff like that. I guess I’m lucky to call most of these people friends, to be able to hang out and shoot the shit, and mostly learn from all this Big names in this industry, and lesser known too..which is as much fun as cool. These contacts mean a great deal to a guy that comes from a tiny island in the Caribbean five thousand and more miles away from this place I’m standing today, which is the Bike Building, Chopper, Hot Rod, Mecca…no doubt about it. I do not consider myself in the same ” league” as many other industry people, nor do I see them as Supermen. I see them as friends , pretty simple, just good friends. I’m not a follower either, unless they are cute, blonde (or brunette, or red headed, or whatever) have a nice ass and heavy duty, built for comfort not speed, rack.
With the words I mentioned a few lines ago, I see that I’m earning my place….and again that famous word, RESPECT of my peers. Like I said in my interview here some time ago, you try to do your best and work hard at it….work really fucking hard… Yes, the kid in South Dakota, the friend in Australia, the new shop owner in Oklahoma, they are all looking up to someone. It’s up to all of us to pass that friendship, that brotherhood, and that Respect to all those guys, who deserve it….. People say what the fuck they want to say…but in reality we know, deep inside, who we really are, what we can do and where we want to go. It’s the feeling of ! being welcome, people offering their homes, of actually wanting to spend time talking, or hanging out….Not even knowing or caring if the courtesy would be returned. It’s like I’ve said before, our house in the Black Hills, is always open to our friends and will always be… It’s a true brotherhood…and in this fucked-up World of whatever…It’s a breath of fresh air.

And now wipe your tears and let’s go to the news….
I want to welcome Truth to the Bikernet suspects….He’s a good guy and a friend. At last I will have company on bashing the billet barges and pushin’ the shirts all over the site…Another Chopper Freak ™ joins forces against the circus that riding has become…..
BikerSpot the new motorcycle magazine from Puerto Rico is already out on the new stands…and the second edition is already in the works, they are working on the web site, so as soon as I know, you will too.
Since it’s already out in the Web, The Biker Build-off two is already in the works. Billy Lane and Dave Perewitz will be the main characters this time. Maybe I’ll join for the ride once more, if weather permits… I’ll keep you posted as this gets going.
Jesse James will host his 7th No Love Party, this Saturday…I will be there, so if any of you attend (and find us amid the sea of people) come say hi…If you feel like punching me or something, I’ll be the tall guy on the Road King.
Also the World’s Biggest single day event will take place Sunday, The Love Ride, all the way to Castaic lake , concerts, vendors and a pretty good time. Besides the parties and events that take place all weekend, it will be a blast….If I fly all the way to California it better be worth it….

What’s this a V-rod in Jose’s report?
My new Chopper for 2003 is already on the works. Bandit promised to save some space for my Scoot-as-you-build-story. If it comes out close to what I have in mind…Watch out friends!!!!I already have the frame and most of the parts. The mock-up will start as soon as I head my ass back to Puerto Rico…stay tuned.
There’s a new Chopper from BMC on the works. It’s still in the “secret” stage so I will not say anything more. Once more, you heard it here first. It’s going to be cool.
Also, keep your eyes peeled, we will be in Daytona Bike Week with a booth…and some of our friends will join…Keep checking The Horse. You’ll see, we will have the coolest Chopper booth on the lot (All of us….).
The V-Twin expo in Cinci will take place the 1,2 and 3rd of February… we are ditching Indy this year will check this one out…
That’s about it (since I keep forgetting stuff) and like Bandit says…we are burning daylight. Pop’s is ready to go, and we have to paint this town red before Billy Lane shows up and takes all the good looking chicks. I guess sometimes is good to be famous….Bandit in a Tux, the Hummer limo waiting, coin in the pocket….Shit, I guess we will get them all….yessirr…
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report, currently living the life of the rich and famous in San Pedro.>

Stillwater, Minnesota (October 18, 2002) Its become easier and easier to build your own motorcycle with a kit from any of the manufacturer s and the new Kit Bike book from Wolfgang Publications. No longer do you have to buy a frame from one manufacturer and the wheels from another. Today you can buy a complete motorcycle or just a rolling chassis from one company.
How to Build a Kit Bike explains how to choose the best kit and then assemblethose parts into a complete running motorcycle. Four start-to-finish assembly sequences cover the construction of a soft-tail from Custom Chrome, a Y2K bike from Arlen and Cory Ness, a right side drive/250 bike from Biker s Choice, a soft-tail chopper fromAmerican Thunder. Additional chapters cover: Kit Selection, Tools, How to Title and Insure the New Bike and Drivetrain Selection.
If you own a kit or plan to buy a kit bike, this is the book you need. It s designed to help you turn that pile of parts into your very own, very cool motorcycle. 144 pages, 50% color.
The price is $24.95 plus $5.50 shipping and handling.
Available from Wolfgang Publications
1310 Sunny Slope Lane
Stillwater, MN 55082.
24-Hour order line 651-275-9411 or order off the web at
Contact: Tim Remus
Wolfgang Publications
Continued On Page 4