New Years 2014 Thursday News for January 2, 2014




Happy New Beginnings and Business As Usual

WOW, LIFE IS NUTS—But we need to be Zen like in our struggles throughout the new year. I know everyone, especially everyone who is involved in business, has lots on their plates. In 2014 those plates could be overflowing, so learn to step back once in a while. Take a breath and let the stress out. Let it flow like old burnt oil down the drain of life, so you can relax and re-focus once more. How’s that? Yale would be proud of me.

Government Tax Game, The Easyriders 2014 Bike Show Tour is rolling into Sacramento, CA on January 11 & 12, 14 GOVERNORS: Prepare State Militia Defenses, To Be Ready Against Obama’s Rogue Federal Forces, MAVTV Live Racing Events Signs New Host, Bad Joke Library, Uncle Monkey on Shop Tools, CAN-AM Set to Run Custom Car Wheels, Metzler/Dirico Black Hawk Down, Girls, Girls and more Girls, and much more.


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