Happy New Year,

Another New Year unfolds. It’s packed full of new opportunities, new directions, new choices, new projects, and new relationships.

Make the absolute most out of every day.

Again, I want to thank my Bikernet Weekly News sponsors for their unrelenting support. The news is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, Las Vegas Bike Fest, Iron Trader News, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Born to Ride and Zack and Scott from Choppertown.

May all my sponsors and readers have a very special year full of terrific opportunities, adventures and success. Oh, and safe rides.

NEWS FROM BROKEN HOME BOOTS— Custom made boots to your specifications. On Sale through the holidays.

Here’s just one of many styles:



LAST #760


Resoling and Refinishing:
Our complete rejuvenation package includes: resole, new laces, damaged eyelet replacement, and leather refinishing for $80.
Please contact for information on this program.

–Jeremiah Soto
cub reporter

These three Paughco Mustang tanks are fabricated with a low tunnel for a distinctive Old School Chopper look that’s perfect for contemporary customs with stretched top tubes.

Available in three capacities, the tanks feature a stock style screw in filler and vent. Petcock fittings on the left side are 22mm externally threaded and accept OEM and aftermarket petcocks.

Each tank comes with threaded hose line fitting for the vent line. All 3 models, the 850A 4.2 gallon, 850B 4 gallon and 850 4.5 gallon sell for $311.95. As fitments vary widely make sure you check out the detailed dimension chart at or call direct to 775-246-5738.

This picture was posted on a website with this
accompanying question;

“If you were in a public place, would you feel comfortable
with him sitting ten (10) feet away from your children?”


This is the thoughtful response from one of the readers;

“I would gently explain to my children that while it is his
absolute right to do it, I do not approve. Then I will let
them know, in no uncertain terms, that if I ever catch
THEM wearing brown slacks, blue socks and black
shoes, IN PUBLIC, I will slap the crap out of them.

A Texas Mom

–from Rik Savenko


Unforgiven? You don’t know the half of it …read on:

Was so fond of that film that when I saw a little 5×7 photo in Cowboys & Indians magazine some years ago, I searched high and low to find it in poster format, but no cigar. Crap, crap, craaap!

So what does a desperado do? He takes that little pic down to Kinko’s, does the whole blow-up deal and then on to custom framing it all at another place …a small fortune, if ya haven’t hit the powerball lately – and if I told ya how much, you’d think I’m nuts for hanging something like that in the garage.

Example, even the thin helper (as it’s called in the framing biz) that’s just inboard of the main frame, is a gunmetal hue that matches the metal on the Winchester on the wall…

I call the piece “Gunslingers in the storm of life.” It’s just the perfect picture to me, capturing so much and saying so much in just one shot. I even herded up vintage license plates from the states the boys rode through in the film. Do I qualify for digging ‘Unforgiven’ ?? I sure as hell hope so.

Ride Forever my friend,

Midnight Express Motorcycle Company

San Clemente, California – USA


I Expand My Vision

The lessons of Life are repeated until they are learned.

I think it is time to Pause and reflect over the last 12 months, as 2016 comes to an end. I am sure all of us have some stuff that we would like to let go of and move on. As Einstein, so brilliantly, but simply, explained the definition of insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” or even similar keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting.

I am sure we have all beat ourselves up over repeating the insanity in our days. Today is the day to change, to go from where we are to where we want to be. It is time to Let Go of the stinkin’ thinkin’ and have a checkup from the neck up.

I Know I don’t need to drag any negativity, doubt, fear or stress into 2017, how about you my friends? Over the next few days let’s make a list of what we want to let go of.

Also, let’s make a list of the changes that we will do to move towards living the life we want to live. One thing I want to do more of is take time throughout my day to Pause and make sure that I am not on automatic pilot and that I am making conscious choices. I find it is so easy to get off track by not taking time to stay on track.

Today we so many people getting into car accidents (texting) because they are not focused on the road, we need to stay focused on our path.

As we learn to Let Go of that the does serve our highest good, we must in turn open up to the gifts of Spirit, of Love, Peace, Joy, Health, Abundance and Good to fill our Lives.

And So It Is


Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible. –Shiv Khera

Congress: Obama Admin Fired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans

Investigation claims Obama admin retaliated against scientists, politicized DoE

A new congressional investigation has determined that the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in order to further its climate change agenda, according to a new report that alleges the administration ordered top officials to obstruct Congress in order to forward this agenda.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, released a wide-ranging report on Tuesday that shows how senior Obama administration officials retaliated against a leading scientist and plotted ways to block a congressional inquiry surrounding key research into the impact of radiation.

A top DoE scientist who liaised with Congress on the matter was fired by the Obama administration for being too forthright with lawmakers, according to the report, which provides an in-depth look at the White House’s efforts to ensure senior staffers toe the administration’s line.

The report also provides evidence that the Obama administration worked to kill legislation in order to ensure that it could receive full funding for its own hotly contested climate change agenda.

The report additionally discovered efforts by the Obama administration to censor the information given to Congress, interfering with the body’s ability to perform critical oversight work.

“Instead of providing the type of scientific information needed by Congress to legislate effectively, senior departmental officials sought to hide information, lobbied against legislation, and retaliated against a scientist for being forthcoming,” Smith said in a statement. “In this staff report based on lengthy record before the committee, much has been revealed about how senior level agency officials under the Obama administration retaliated against a scientist who did not follow the party line.”

“Moving forward, the department needs to overhaul its management practices to ensure that Congress is provided the information it requires to legislate and that federal employees and scientists who provide that information do so without fear of retribution,” Smith said.

The report goes into Congress’ efforts to regulate the Low Dose Radiation Research Program, or LDRRP, which sought to test the impact of radiation on human beings. The program, started in the 1990s, was meant to support research into waste cleanup and the impact of nuclear weapons.

In mid-2014, lawmakers introduced legislation, the Low Dose Radiation Act of 2014, to help regulate the program and minimize harmful side effects.

During an October 2014 briefing with senior DoE staff on the matter, lawmakers heard testimony from Dr. Noelle Metting, the radiation research program’s manager.
Less than a month later, lawmakers discovered that Obama administration officials had “removed Dr. Metting from federal service for allegedly providing too much information in response to questions posed by” Congress during the briefing, the report states.

Congressional investigators later determined that the administration’s “actions to remove Dr. Metting were, in part, retaliation against Dr. Metting because she refused to conform to the predetermined remarks and talking points designed by Management to undermine the advancement of” the 2014 radiation act.

Emails unearthed during the investigation “show a sequence of events leading to a premeditated scheme by senior DoE employees ‘to squash the prospects of Senate support’” for the radiation act, a move that lawmakers claim was meant to help advance President Obama’s own climate change goals.

“The committee has learned that one of DoE’s stated purposes for Dr. Metting’s removal from federal service was her failure to confine the discussion at the briefing to pre-approved talking points,” according to the report. “The committee has also established that DoE management … failed to exercise even a minimal standard of care to avoid chilling other agency scientists as a result of the retaliation against Dr. Metting for her refusal to censor information from Congress.”

The investigation concluded that “DoE placed its own priorities to further the president’s Climate Action Plan before its constitutional obligations to be candid with Congress,” the report states. “The DoE’s actions constitute a reckless and calculated attack on the legislative process itself, which undermines the power of Congress to legislate.

The committee further concludes that DoE’s disregard for separation of powers is not limited to a small group of employees, but rather is an institutional problem that must be corrected by overhauling its management practices with respect to its relationship with the Congress.”

These moves by the administration were part of an effort to secure full funding for the president’s climate change agenda, the report claims.

“Instead of working to understand the value of the LDRRP for emergency situations, DoE Management engaged in a campaign to terminate research programs that could divert funds from the president’s Climate Action Plan,” the report states.

Congress is recommending a full overhaul of the DoE’s management structure in order to ensure this type of situation does not occur again.

BY: Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon


Life is sexually transmitted.

No Nativity scene in Washington DC this year …….The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the nation’s Capital this Christmas season. This isn’t for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in Washington DC. The search for a Virgin continues…. However, there was no problem finding enough donkeys to fill the stable.

I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters. Do they just give you a bra and say, “Here, fill this out?”

I can’t understand why women are okay that JC Penny has an older women’s clothing line named, “Sag Harbor.”

Denny’s has a slogan, “If it’s your birthday, the meal is on us.” If you’re in Denny’s and it’s your birthday, your life sucks!

–from Sidehack Jerry and Rogue


A limited run of 25 sets of Meat Hook foot have been made for beta test and are available on our site for purchase.

If they’re a hit, we’ll keep making them. If not, this will be the only 25 sets we ever make. Don’t miss your chance to get yours.

Brass Balls

Order direct from our site or from our dealers.

Several new parts are in development & production. Stay tuned as new parts are being launched on a regular basis. Thank you for supporting our American small business.


Did you hear about the Harley owner who put Odor Eaters in his new riding boots?
Two days later, he disappeared.

–Harley Davidson Bar Jokes



Metalsport Inc. is Celebrating the Holiday Season
By offering the 30 & 32-inch 2-D wheels in stock or new orders at the super low prices:

Monster 30-inch billet wheels—-$2395.00

Super Monster 32-inch Wheels for just—-$5195.00

In all finishes

So don’t delay get your orders in now!!!!
Matching rotors and pulleys available

Tires to Match

Wheels can be ordered with tires mounted and balanced.

Dealers call for special price

Free shipping on any wheel and tire combo so don’t delay this sale ends 12/30/2016

P# 562-7769594
F# 562-7769594


Yesterday I had an appointment to see the urologist for a prostate exam. Of course I was a bit on edge because all my friends have either gone under the knife or had those pellets implanted.

The waiting room was filled with patients.

As I approached the receptionist’s desk, I noticed that she was a large unfriendly woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler.

I gave her my name, and in a very loud voice, she said,

All the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads around to look at me, a now very embarrassed man. But as usual, I recovered quickly, and in an equally loud voice replied,


The room erupted in applause!

–Sam Burns

A LITTLE ABOUT US– A Silent Revolution
“Stand and Fight Club” is a project to alert and engage the American public about the need to fight the destruction of various vital industries through onerous regulations and Executive Orders executed by our federal government.

Through a multimedia storytelling platform of creative videos, social media, and written works, we will not only tell the story, but also create a dialogue with the American people as we put real faces to the effects of over-regulation and government’s heavy-handed intervention in our free enterprise system.

Through video stories of battles won, continuing, and yet to come, we will help the average citizen to understand how destructive public policies negatively affect their daily lives and futures.

Mark Block

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Hazardous Cycles Comes to Bikernet

I had hoped the reader built rides would be from individuals rather than commercial shops.

— Sam

Most bike shop owners start in their garages. –Bandit

New bike manufacturer gaining fast popularity in India with practical and utility driven design.

See details.

Small breakthrough. Competes against fellow cruisers in India, namely Enfield and Bajaj Avenger.

Triumph launched 800cc Tiger to compete with Enfield. Triumph is giving bikes for Zero Down payment with 100% financing. Harley- Davidson India can’t compete in price or practical use in India.

Harley and Indian brands are just luxury brands in India meant for ego trip of those rich brats who already have a Porsche and Mercedes in their garage.

I see no realistic future for Harley and Indian motorcycles in India. Compete in price and practical use on roads and climate here. Or be an outsider forever.

Hoping Ural will come to India someday.

Best wishes,
Ujjwal Dey
Magnificent Bikernet Trike Editor

[page break]

Classic style combined with modern comfort is one of the traits that define the Cherokee from LePera.

Cherokee has been a part of the LePera lineup since the company’s inception in 1972.

The Cherokee is a classic chopper King/Queen seat, and its bobbed and chopped style offers plenty of lower back support for the driver.

Fits a broad spectrum of Harley-Davidsons, including the XL,FXST, 1964-1984 FX/FLH, 2008 and up touring bikes, and 2006 and up Dyna models. Contact your local dealer or visit

Holiday Hours: Our office will be closed December 24th returning on January 3rd.

LePera Enterprises
Phone: 1-818-767-5110

The RPM Act: A Message From SEMA President and CEO Chris Kersting

Over the past year, the racing community undertook an unprecedented effort to protect Americans’ right to modify street vehicles into dedicated racecars and our industry’s right to sell the parts that support the sport.

In February, more than 100,000 racers, industry members and enthusiasts rallied to sign a White House petition in a single day. Since March, you have flooded Congress with nearly 200,000 letters in support of the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports (RPM) Act—a bill that makes clear that the Clean Air Act allows motor vehicles to be converted into dedicated race vehicles.

The bill also protects our ability to sell the parts and equipment that enable racers to compete.

You have been heard! Your persistence and enthusiasm resulted in 148 Congressional lawmakers signing on to co-sponsor the RPM Act.

But, there’s still more work to do. Our industry and community will continue this effort into 2017 as we work with the new Congress and the incoming Trump Administration to reintroduce the RPM Act and get it passed into law. Your ongoing support is critical to achieving our goal and to protecting this great American tradition now and into the future.

Thank you again. We look forward to working with you to get the bill enacted in the coming year.


HOLIDAY NEWS FROM THE TALENTED ATOMIC BOB– The master of joy and quirky art, Atomic Bob thought about Christmas this year and immediately came up with a plan.
He would paint Christmas tree ornaments for his pals near and far. So, he went to work with pinstripping brushes and fine enamel pinstripping paints.  
He painted night and day creating some masterful, one-off delicate ornaments anyone would cherish.
He painstakingly satin-blacked each ball then let his unrelenting creative spirit roll with each one.
Excitedly, he called Sara Belle, his lovely wife into his basement studio where he was chained to his iron art table. He gleefully pointed at his masterful handy-work and said, “What do you think my lovely?”
“Oh bitchin’,” she returned. “How the hell are you going to deliver them to the North Pole and goddammit, those are my grandmothers ornaments you painted?”
We’re still waiting for the outcome of that conversation. The delicate masterpieces may never leave home. Maybe that’s what the Queen of Atomicland had in mind…
 Reach out to Atomic Bob at: Atomic Bob <>


RPM Act would stop EPA from regulating race bikes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Five members of Congress have introduced a bill that would prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from regulating the conversion of street bikes and other motor vehicles into competition-only racers.

The bi-partisan Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016 (H.R. 4715, RPM Act) would create and clarify an exemption from a proposed EPA regulation for motor vehicles use solely for competition. The AMA wants language that specifically exempts competition motorcycles from EPA regulation.

U.S. Reps. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), Bill Posey (R-Fla.) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) introduced the bill on March 8.

A hearing on EPA overreach is scheduled for March 15 before the House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology Oversight Subcommittee. The RPM Act is expected to be a part of that discussion.

“The RPM Act would make it clear that it has always been legal to modify motor vehicles – including motorcycles – for competition-only use,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president of government relations. “This practice continued unquestioned until last July, when the EPA proposed a new regulation that would make these conversions illegal. The EPA has never claimed the conversion of street vehicles into competition vehicles was prohibited before this regulation was proposed.”

The RPM Act states that it was the clear intent of Congress in passing and amending the Clean Air Act that vehicles manufactured for, modified for or used in organized motorized racing events would not be included in the Clean Air Act’s definition of a “motor vehicle.”

The AMA is coordinating its efforts with the Specialty Equipment Market Association and other racing sanctioning bodies to block the EPA’s proposed regulation of competition-only vehicles, including motorcycles. SEMA represents vehicle aftermarket manufacturers, marketers and distributors.

In the past, SEMA has worked closely with the EPA to make sure products designed explicitly for this kind of modification were acceptable.

“The EPA’s new interpretation of the Clean Air Act would essentially rewrite the law and 46 years of policy and practice,” said SEMA President and CEO Chris Kersting. “Without congressional intervention, the racing community and racing parts manufacturers would be operating outside of that new law and could be targeted for enforcement.”

Motorsports competition involves tens of thousands of participants and vehicle owners each year, both amateur and professional. The AMA sanctions more than 1,700 competition events each year. According to SEMA, retail sales of racing products total $1.4 billion annually. The National Speedway Directory shows there are more than 1,300 racetracks operating across the United States.

The EPA recently re-opened the proposed regulation for more public comment. Watch for AMA Action Alerts when targeted reaction from individuals can make a difference. The regulation is scheduled for final approval this summer.


Out now in American Iron– Scott Jacobs’ 1915 H.D. Model F11 Box delivery.

— Markus Cuff
Officially Certified Professional Bikernet Feature Photographer
Also shoots magnificent features for American Iron
Cycle Source
And mo’

They are looking for a few good dealers for their classic line-up of single cylinder 500 cc motorcycles.

I’ve been after them to build a twin and it maybe just around the bend. Hell, you want riders to start with your bike and have options for the future.

If you would like to carry Royal Enfields or know of a shop, drop me a line to


Why is everyone lamenting about 2016 ??? Apart from everyone dying and all of our countries being run by buffoons …… Let’s celebrate and give thanks to all the good things we have in our life and make 2017 a fucking good year …….

I try and make the most of every possible opportunity and get out and enjoy what I love every single minute I can ……. Be kind always, love one another without judgement and give when you can …… that’s the secret to life right there in my opinion!!!


ONE OF THE BUCKET LIST ITEMS– Adventure Motorcycle Tour to Spiti Valley

In this trip you will explore destinations like Shimla, Sarahan Valley, Sangla Valley, Kalpa, Tabo, Kaza, Kibber and Manali. Riders will definitely experience serenity while travelling through the serene passes of the valley.

Spiti Valley is renowned for its deadliest road that can be viewed when travelling through Shimla route.

If you have a love for adventure, a heart that beats faster in the face of awe-inspiring natural beauty and the nerve needed to challenge yourself as you soar around high altitude passes, then this is the adventure for you.


11 Nights Hotel/ Camp accommodations on Twin / Double Sharing basis.

Breakfast & Dinner throughout the Tour.

All Ground Transfers from your arrival at Airport in India to till departure from India, sightseeing & overland journey by Air Conditioned Vehicle on non-riding days.

Royal Enfield 500 CC Motorcycle on all riding days.

Fuel (Gasoline) for Motorcycle.

Experienced English speaking Motorcycle Road Captain for whole trip on his own Royal Enfield Motorcycle including his accommodation & food.

Experienced Royal Enfield mechanic with all necessary spare parts for bikes including his accommodation & food.

Spares parts change in Motorcycle during tour. –Front tube/ Rear tube/Spark plug/Clutch and Brake Wire/Clutch and Disc brake pads/ Engine oil/Clutch Plate.

First-Aid Medical kit.

Refreshment during rides like Packed Juice, Fresh Fruits, Biscuits, Tea, Coffee Etc.

Back-up Vehicle (Support Car/Van) for your Luggage & Pillion Rider.

One Time Monument / Monastery / Temple Entrances.

The services of an English speaking guide on sightseeing days.

Inner Line Permits.

All required Video / Camera fees.

Farewell Dinner with Unlimited Beer.

Manali-Delhi Volvo Tickets.

Assistance by friendly, knowledgeable English speaking ground representatives from the moment you arrive in India until the time you leave.

All Currently Applicable Taxes.


International Flights, Lunch, personal medical insurance (compulsory), Bike damage, extra drinks, visa fees and items of personal nature such as tips, laundry, liquor, extra drinks etc & anything which is not mentioned in included section.

Thanks & regards,

Bharat Singh….

D-207, Vikas Chamber,
Central Market, Sector-14,
Rohini, New Delhi-110085.
Skype: legendarymotorides

UNCLE MONKEY REFLECTS ON THE YEAR– The end of another year, the beginning of another. 2016 seems like it was a year for the history books. We’ll have to wait and see if it is a flattering recount as it is the victors who write history.

One of the things that plagued the year was the passing of some more icons of industry particularly entertainment. It is something that we are going to have to get use to. Many of them are baby boomers and time is just simply running out. As our population has aged it will be fairly common for loved family and friends to pass away in the next several years. It is a fact of life that we cannot get away from.

The American election has brought about the opportunity for radical change in the world’s super power. But as cliché as it is with great power comes great responsibility. The President of the United States has a responsibility to the people of the world – not just the American people. That is because American doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

The earth has existed for billions of years before we came along and will exist billions of years after we are gone. The thing is that for huge chunks of that time the planet simply was not inhabitable for us to exist. A few points left or right from where we are now in temperature, in oxygen content in the air and water and the planet becomes toxic to us.

Whether you believe in global warming or not we should do our best to be as less intrusive as possible and that starts at the top with industry. While I support things like the Keystone Pipeline that does not mean we should jeopardize the water supply for millions and millions of people. It means that someone dropped the ball when planning.

While a direct route might be the cheapest and easiest we owe it to the environment to minimize the impact. The same can be said about erecting 2000 miles of impenetrable fence. While it looks good on paper we have to consider the migration of animals, insects and birds, the flowing rivers, even the wind currents if the wall is suppose to be as large as some hope.

So what about going forward? Well I can go on about being a better person, being a friend to others, to the environment but a huge chunk of America just wants to bunker down with their guns and God, fingers on the trigger just waiting for them to come.

All I can say is take a few moments in nature. Appreciate the swaying grass, the tree growing out of a rocky edge, a babbling creek. Take a deep breath and close your eyes and drink everything in. Listen for the cricket under that fallen branch; listen for the distant screech of a hawk overhead. Smell the wild flowers, smell the flowing water (if you can’t you’re not there yet), smell the sweet grass. Feel the breathe of a breeze against your skin, a lady bug crawling across your arm.

Forget all the hate, forget about work, the old lady, all the health problems that have been kicking your ass and just live in that one singular moment as just another blade of grass in nature.

-bad Uncle Monkey

Sockeroo: sok-uh-ROO


1. Slang. a notable success: Her performance was a sockeroo.

He was more than a success: he was a smash hit, humdinger, whamo and sockeroo.
— Edmund Cooper, “The Life and Death of Plunky Goo,” Jupiter Laughs, 1979

Origin of sockeroo

Many informal and slang terms have difficult etymologies. Sockeroo, for instance, is probably a combination of the noun sock, “a hit, blow” and the humorous suffix -eroo. Other authorities say that sockeroo is a combination of socker “one that socks, hits hard,” which is plausible, but it leaves -oo unexplained. The word entered English in the early 1940s.

REVIVAL RINGS YOUR BELL– Celebrate the End of 2016 with a Bell Helmet.

happy holidays

Bell is currently offering 20% OFF select helmets until January 15th. Choose from a range of great offerings in the Custom 500 and Bullitt styles. No discount code needed to take advantage and get your noggin covered.


Ride ’em don’t hide ‘em, fellow Motonerds™

Revival Cycles
1603 South Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78704

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRAY IS STILL WIDE OPEN– “Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming “WOO HOO what a ride!”

A six year old goes to the hospital with his grandma to visit his grandpa.
When they get to the hospital, he runs ahead of his grandma and bursts into his grandpa’s room. “Grandpa, Grandpa,” he says excitedly, “as soon as grandma comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!”

“What?” said his grandpa.

“Make a noise like a frog because grandma said that as soon as you croak, we’re going to Disneyland!!!”

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

As you start to think about New Year’s resolutions, consider adding this one to your list: Make 2017 a happier, healthier year for veterans.

But there isn’t much time left to make your tax-deductible donation … which will help every veteran lead a high-quality life with respect and dignity in the year ahead. Remember, the deadline to give is just TWO DAYS away!

Provide transportation to medical appointments so healing heroes can continue on the path to health
Build on our 2016 success of partnering to host 73 career fairs either on location or virtually, with nearly 76,000 veterans in attendance. With your help, we will expand to 127 events in 2017.

Ensure every veteran receives the benefits they were promised when they took the oath to serve and protect our great nation

… and so much more!

Your support will empower veterans to have a happy New Year and live the life they deserve. Make your most generous tax-deductible donation of $35…$60…$110…or more now.

Remember, the tax deadline is MIDNIGHT on New Year’s Eve. We must receive your gift before the ball drops.

I’ll have the team keep an eye out for your contribution.

Rush Your Gift
With gratitude,

J Marc Burgess

Marc Burgess
DAV National Adjutant/CEO

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MAKE IT A GOOD ONE— I plan to in severals ways. First Bikernet will sing like never before. We have new staff and new directions.

We have a three creative endeavors on our plate. We want to see the Salt Torpedo roll down the track—perhaps the first Streamlined Trike built around a classic belly tank. It is currently at the Paughco factory where our frame is coming together.

I’m hoping to build my first bronze sculpture to support the annual Hamster silent auction each year in Sturgis. And Bikernet is hoping to help the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum expand.

I started a screenplay a few years ago and hope to wrap it up this year. Of course we hope to finish the Richard Kranzler tribute bagger.

Of course, we’re always looking for the perfect Bonneville Racing Transport Vehicle.

Watch for the Victory touring review on Bikernet Baggers.

I’m working on the Yelvington Reverse tech. Here’s a shot of Bennett’s Performance tech, Gabe, backing up. I’m looking forward to next year, to changes, corrections and the return of freedom.
Ride Free Forever,

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