New Electric Motorcycle Racing Series Springs Up in SoCal

Have you ever wanted to get in on a bit of electric two-wheeled racetrack action but aren't quite ready for a top-level series? Well, this might be for you. Zero Motorcycles dealer Hollywood Electrics has teamed up with M1GP to create a new 10-round series in Southern California.

The races are open to any electric motorcycle – brand-name or homebrew – and, best of all, it's inexpensive. A mere $120 gives you a full season membership and also (for Zero riders only and beginning at the second round) makes you eligible for Hollywood Electric store credits in the amounts of $500, $250 and $100 for placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively. They'll also reimburse that original fee if you compete in four events.

Race lengths are under 10 miles and charging is available onsite. Riders get track time for practice and qualifying as well as the main event. The rubber meets the road course this weekend at Willow Springs International Motorsports Park where, if you make it onto the grid, you'll find yourself lined up against one Brandon Nozaki Miller (pictured).

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