Team Old and Oily is:
Keith Bennett, #797
Jack Houman, #796
Charlie Young, #798
Alec Harper the Wrench / pit crew
David Brock, our corner worker / safety rep.
It's been a great season! Can't think of a better way to spend several weekends throughout the year. Here are some team stats:
•2nd place in the nation, WERA 500GP class
•Southeastern Regional Champ, WERA 500GP class
•Only 1 non-podium finish out of a dozen races
•2 Blown Honda 350 motors
•1 Blown 750 Norton motor.
•4 crashes
oBent fork tubes, footpegs, dented exhaust (repair by Josh Mills, Mills and Co), Scuffed leathers, banged up helmets, and a nap on the track for my buddy Jack….twice!!
•2 Ambulance rides
•1 hospital visit
I can say for my teammates Jack Houman, Keith Bennett, and our honary crewmember Alec, that it was a successful year. Our three Hondas sometimes made up half the field, normally with about 10 bikes total in our region. The Honda 350s appear to be more popular up north.
Alec came to the first Barber Motorsports Park race as a spectator, saw Keith’s English flag flying, and struck up a conversation. He eventually showed up for almost every other race and wrenched on every bike we had! Great to have along, ‘preciate his time.
We made a lot of friends, including Doug Bowie, #150 and National Champ 350GP and V5 classes. Russel Baggett, National Champ V1 class on a Honda 350, Stan Keyes Norton 750 racer, And Mike Ewer, Runner up to Russel. I cant forget our Norton Club brothers, who provided moral support all year! Then of course our wives and familys….who are probably glad to get rid of us for awhile, as long as we come back in one piece!!
Here’s some details from the last 3 races, Nashville Superspeedway, Road Atlanta WERA Grand National finals, and the AHRMA race at Barber Motorsports Park Vintage Vestival.
Nashville, 9/16/2006: This one started off rough for me a couple days before. Fuel issues (rusty tank, chunks in carbs) had caused problems the previous race. I decided to fix them once and for all. My friend David Brock coated the tank, new petcock configuration, and rebuilt carbs. I got it all done, road test went great…but thought I was a little lean, went up a lot on jets, still lean.
Typically with my FXR, this would lead me to the intake gasket, so I went there with this honda…….and snapped a bolt off in the head!!!! SNAP! In reflection I was lucky to get three out of four out. They were in bad shape.
So day before the race, drill the bolt…motor still in place…get an easy-out in and SNAP!….broken easy out!…long story short, also wound up cracking the head at the pad, BUT got a tap and Heli-coil in it. Inserted a stud and some JB Weld, and crossed my fingers!! Got the manifolds on, carbs on, bike ran. Drove 4 hrs, Alec and I got to the hotel near the track after midnight….up at 5:00, headed to the track.
Jack was at the hotel when we arrived. He had his Honda #796. Keith nor his bike made this race…still fixing his blown up motor!
Practice and Jack is flying!….I’m running like crap….just junk, terrible! Jack has an extra set of carbs, and they work better, but still not right. My first race, we changed needles on the first set of carbs and ran them…..still terrible.
Long story short….Jack wasn’t racing the second race, so I ran the carbs off his bike and did great.
Jack's carbs let me clinch the Regional Championship….Thanx Teammate!!
Nashville was a BIG BULLET…and I dodged it! Had a good time. My niece and her hubby came over and took these pics.

WERA Grand National Final, Road Atlanta, Oct 11-15, 2006:
We had three Hondas on track, it felt good! I ran the optional practice day on wed. Pulled into the pits and saw a friend's rig, Stan Keyes, owner of Cyco Cycles in Jacksonville Fl. He had his Norton there, and extra pit space, so I pitted with him and saved room for my teamates arriving tommorow. Stan and his wife Dee were all set up and ready to run.
Their son Derick Keyes, just landed a Kawasaki Factory test rider job, and would be riding the AMA 8 hr endurance race in Daytona during Biketoberfest, on the brand new EX650 “vertical twin” Ninja. He finished 2nd in class.
I had someone to beat for the National Championship…..Steven Barber, #106 bike, from Roanoke, Va. I had to finish first….If he finished 2nd, we tied, 3rd, I win. I had to go for it.
My friend and fellow racer Doug Bowie, who has been racing for over 30 years, ex-AMA Pro, was feeding me pointers….”Charlie, I’ve followed him before, he’s “Digital” / squared off, not smooth, and he brakes early….you can do it….Go out there in practice and follow him….Look for his weakness and your strength….don't make your move till late in the race…”
Doug is good….watching him ride that F1 “big” Ducati is like magic. Multiple WERA class champ, including one of my classes on a Duc 250. The guy is a great rider.

This guy Steven Barber was fast! He would leave me on the long back straight at Rd Atl. One fast bike! I got by him once, but he took it back….I made him earn the championship though!
Old and Oily scrambled in the pits at Road Atlanta. Keith and Jack were up late finishing and installing Keith's motor. He puked a quart of oil in the first practice….they fixed the leak and he ran well. I broke my 2 into 1 exhaust in half at the collector….alum strap splints and hose clamps baby!! I also lost a footpeg bolt and couldn’t shift for half the last lap…still finished good though! Foot hangin off in thin air!!

My 350….awsome little bike…like that tailpipe?

“Grass Roots” enough for ya?…almost looks like the salt….minus bandits “Harem”….lucky bastard!
Jack and I had our best race yet….we were handlebar-to-handlebar at 80mph or so, inches apart, numerous times. We swapped positions at least 5 times in 8 laps. I had him in starightaway speed, he sucked me back in during the corners….it was a blast! Last lap, turn 10B, he went off track trying to get by me, and I took the 2nd place trophy!….I come pulling into the pits, and Stan Keyes says “Hey, charlie ran so hard he knocked a carb off!”….and I did! I tore my tank strap, Keith and I modified it, but the tank set lower, and vibrated a carb loose from its rubber intake manifold! Hanging by the cable!!

Jack and I battling it out.

Jack Houman….A good hard racer!….we’ve battled inches apart, and I’m fine with that!
Oh yeah….another little incident. Fire the bike up to go to the grid for the race where I could win the national title…..I’m nervous…and I’m on the pole. Getting ready to go out for warm-up lap and my bike sputters and dies!!…The pack heads out, and I’m cussin big time!…this guy standin on pit wall asks if I need a push…..I say hell yeah….then he asks the magic question….”IS THE GAS ON?”…..shit!….like I said, I was nervous! I found him at the awards banquet and thanked him for asking the magic question!
The banquet was fun, right after the races. Keith and I went with Doug. I was collecting a 2nd, and Doug 2 – 1st place trophys and National #1 plates.. We drank alittle, good meal…crossing the bridge back to the pits, and Doug stumbles on the last step down, and falls on his ass!…..Keith and I, being the friends we are, rush to his side….keith starts kicking him in the side while I grab those #1 plates!!! Yeah buddy, what are friends for?
I also bought another bike this day. A 1994 Kaw EX500. Vertical twin, OHC, 4 valves per cylinder, water cooled….strong bike!….and I’m used to my 113” FXR!

Next race is an AHRMA event, held at the Barber Motorsports Park, in conjunction with their annual Vintage Festival.
Barber Motorsports Park, Vintage Festival and Races, 10/21/06: This event is bound for a bright future. AHRMA races Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. John Surtees on a bike and in a Ferrari, vintage sidecar demo race, Airshow by some old WWII navy birds, The Museum, Vendors, Swap Meet, Numerous Motorcycle Clubs…..it goes on and on.
I arrived Friday afternoon. Got set up in the pits, bike tech’d in, signed up, etc etc to run Saturday. My first ride on a new bike, I let the Honda 350 rest this time. This Kaw is strong, and handles a lot different than the Honda……imagine that.
Friday nite, chilled out. Beautiful weather, drank a few, BBQ ribs on the grill, and all the fixins…..man!….Maggie and Martha treat us all like kings. They also do the same at Daytona every year…..thanx ya’ll!!
Saturday First practice, and I’m slow…..second practice was better, but the bike is still more than me. All mechanicals are good to go. I’m pitted with my buddy Doug, who is running a Triumph Thruxton out of Atlanta Ducati / Triumph…..he’s got a rear wheel issue, but will, as he says “ride through it!”

Yours truly, looking alittle “uncomfortable” or SLOW if you ask me!! Gimme a couple track days before Daytona ad I’ll be good to go!!
Jack and Keith, Old and Oily teammates, didn’t make this trip.WERA season is over….I’m representing O & O, with Alec in the pits.
Numerous friends drove their motorhome up from Jacksonville. I pitched my tent, amongst others, near “Norton Club Central”…..Barney and Maggies motorhome.
Being entered in the races, I didn’t have much time to brouse the vendor area / swap meet. I heard it was very good, except for being alittle muddy due to the rain thurs nite…..anyhow, I missed several friends who had booth’s….Bernard, our Norton club treasurer, and Brian Holzigal, from British and American cycles, I hope they did well.
TC Christansen, AMA Hall Of Famer of “Hog Slayer” drag racing fame also came down and camped out. I enjoy BS’ing with TC everytime I see him…..great guy, lots of stories. He brought his TRIPLE ENGINE TOP FUEL NORTON DRAG BIKE down for the show……”TRICLOPS”….all I can say is Jeeeezzzzuuusss! He also brought a cool old Norton Chopper.

TC….AMA Hall Of Famer.

Heres a picture…..The HogSlayer Himself, Sitting on a Hawg!…a moment I had to catch on film! Me being a Harley guy, I’m surprised he isnt flippin me off! Its my friends Charlie and Martha’s bike, with Maggie, Martha, and Alec.

Nice pic of TC’s Norton Chopper……..

There was an airshow during lunch. I build F22 fighter planes for a living, but these old piston engine birds steal my heart. Awsome planes, Awsome Show!
Race time!…..over 60 bikes on the grid…..I’m dead last. I havent run an AHRMA race all season, and grid is by points. 2 classes in this race, Battle of Twins Formula 1 (BOT F1) and BOT F3, that’s me. 26 bikes in my class…..I started 26th and finished 21st. Not the success I’ve been used to on the honda, but first time on this bike, most bikes I’ve ever raced with, didn’t know anyone, I felt OK about it.
This EX500 has a lot of potential, and I’ve got a lot to learn. Heck, BOT F1 are Ducati’s and new Buells….and some F3 bikes were SV650’s……and I held my own. Only got lapped by a few, and didn’t finish last!!
These races are great! CAN YOU SAY PRE-1940 HANDSHIFT CLASS?!?!?….Indians and flathead HD’s slugging it out……good stuff. There must have been 15-20 bikes in this class.
From Flatheads to Supermoto bikes, dirt bikes with race tires…..it was all there!

Killer ants at this track!

Our campsite early thursday….nice spot, huh? Right on the track.

A shot from inside the museum. Photos by Mehmet Dogu

Honda 350 racers Russel Baggett, Buff Harsh and Todd Henning….these boys make em go fast!
Other racers / friends:

David Hurst, We raced clean all year, he sold me the EX500 Kaw.

Russel Bagget, fast Honda.
Everyone who reads this……you can do this! It has been a blast all year. I don’t know what else to say…..I aint in it for a bunch of money (some people are), but I’ve got about $3,500 in BOTH MY BIKES. It costs about $100 to race, $60 to rent a transponder if you don’t own one.
WERA is a great organization. I felt safe with their officials, especially Chuck the starter. All the officials did a great job. The cornerworkers are jonny-on-the-spot.
AHRMA also appears to be a good sanctioning body. I’m looking forward to running at Daytona International Speedway with them in March. Anyone interested, come check it out on Monday and Tuesday of bikeweek…..Look for that green Kaw #798 and come say hello. 2 days of racing vintage bikes.
Thanks to Bandit and the bikernet crew for the exposure. I’ve allways enjoyed the site. You have it goin’ on Holmes!!! Any of your crew gonna be in Daytona, holler.
I’ll be road racing next year, but I’m also gonna start to build up a 1972 Ironhead Sportster I own and try some drag racing…..might run my FXR as well…AHDRA in Atlanta in may….I’d also love to try the salt some day.
Hey…..can you send Val over here to gimme some pointers?….yeah….maybe she wants to try some roadracing also…???…She can ride my machine anytime!! She’s hot AND fast, does it get any better?? Congrats on the records Val!

Allways a good crowd.
Anyhow…..here’s Chuck with the checkers!!!!!….till next year….

Charlie Young, #798
Old and Oily Racing
Atlanta, Ga.
Here's one from the museum for Bandit and the Salt Flats Teams…..Can you say Don Vesco? Bravo on all your runs and records! Awsome job from start to finish!